Winter 2007 NewNew YorkYork MycologicalMycological SSocietyociety NewsletterNewsletter 2 Inside is Issue 2 ThBest is is the fi nalEver newsletter of 2006. Th e year has fl own by, but Important NYMS business!! Page 2 it has also brought one of the best years for fi nding mush- Letter from John Cage Page 2 rooms, excellent mushrooms, that many can remember. Delicious memories from Ursula Page 3 Th e fall newsletter contained stories of fi nds from the summer forays and from Award-winning photos by David Work members’ various bountiful experiences. Th e fall itself brought anecdotes of bumper Page 5 hen-of-the-woods (Grifola frondosa) yields from Elinoar Shavit, Maria Reidelbach, Letters from Elinoar Shavit Page 5 and other members. Inside this issue are some of Elinoar’s accounts and pictures. Th e Mycophagy Pages 6-7 newsletter has often reported from members’ experiences. I am happy to be able to Member Frank Spinelli’s glorious mush- continue to include these reports and would ask for anyone who is keeping notes to rooms Page 9 consider contributing them to the newsletter in the future. We’ve just fi nished a terrifi c array of members’ hors d’oeuvres made from those amaz- ing summer and fall fi nds at the banquet on Deceember 2. A list of the scrumptious homemade fare is included in this newsletter. In addition, Ursula Hoff mann writes a Upcoming Events a memoirs of banquets and cooking events past, remembering some favorite recipes and If you haven’t yet, send in your yearly moments. Ursula will continue to write NYMS mycophagic memories with everyone’s dues! $15/25 to renew. $20/30 new help —she asks anyone who remembers some stories from past and recent banquets membership. Th e membership coupon and cooking events email her with those tales. And, along the lines of memories, a let- for 2007 is on page 11. ter from John Cage to the NYMS is reprinted as well as some of his recipes. Details on these events can be found Besides Society history and memories, we have the fi rst art issue. Inside are David inside the newsletter or on the NYMS Work’s photos and a review of member Frank Spinelli’s new photo book. web site. Important New York Mycological Society business notes are on page 2. Gary Lincoff MEETINGS and LECTURES willwill kickkick off thethe Emil LangLang WinterWinter LectureLecture SeriesSeries on SundaySunday JanuaryJanuary 28. At the American Museum of Natural Enthusiastically,Enthusiastically, History (AMNH): Please note that we PamPam are meeting in three diff erent rooms this year. Sunday, January 28, 2007 in Room 319: Speaker: Gary Lincoff Sunday, February 25, 2007 in Room 319: Business Meeting Sunday, March 18, 2007 in Linder Th e- ater: To be Announced Sunday, April 15, 2007 in Kaufmann Th eater: To be Announced Th ese events are all from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Th e most convenient entrance is the museum’s Security Entrance on 79th St.:, although you can use any entrance. Inform the guard that you are attending the New York Mycological Society meet- ing for free entry. Picture by Elinoar Shavit BREAKING NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Society Notes Other News— The most important news for the Society During the business meeting we will is that we will be electing two new offi- also discuss some potential cooking and cers at the business meeting on February tasting events. They have been extreme- 25 at the Museum of Natural History in ly successful (not to mention delicious) Room 319. Both our President, Maggie gatherings in the past. And the future Vall, and our Treasurer, Alice Barner, are promises even more exciting adventures s NYMS Newsletter s stepping down after several years each in mycophagy. So, come to the business of service in their offices. Alice gave no- meeting, to participate in this discussion Editor–Pam Kray tice as of the last newsletter that she will Graphic design–Maria Reidelbach as well as to elect our officers for the next not be continuing as NYMS Treasurer. year. A quarterly publication of the Paul Sadowski, NYMS Secretary, has de- The winter lecture dates are in, but the New York Mycological Society, scribed the position’s duties: March and April speakers have yet to be distributed to its members. Manage the Society bank account: make determined. For the April meeting, in the President–Maggie Vall deposits (membership, banquet and activ- Kauffman Auditorium, Gary has suggest- Vice President–Dennis Aita ity receipts, etc.), balance checkbook, pay ed that we try to book someone who can Secretary–Paul Sadowski invoices. The treasurer keeps the books, fill the larger space. Anyone who has an Treasurer–Alice Barner prepares annual operating statements interesting speaker in mind should con- Walks Coordinator–Dennis Aita for the business meeting and coordinates Lecture Coordinator–Gary Lincoff tact Gary Lincoff (garylincoff@earthlink. with the secretary in keeping the member- Study Group–Paul Sadowski net or 212-662-2651). Archivist–Ralph Cox ship rolls in good order. Maria is planning some winter res- We thank you again, Alice, for taking taurant outings for a small group, if you Articles should be sent to: on these most important and detailed Pam Kray are interested, please contact Maria via chores for these many years. 633 E. Street, #2 email: [email protected]. New York, NY 0009 [email protected] HOW WOULD YOU LIKE NYMS Wayback Machine Editor’s note: the following is an excerpt Membership inquiries: TO BE PRESIDENT? from a letter from John Cage to the Society Alice Barner It’s not that hard or time consuming— 220 E. 73 St., #0A in 1964, unearthed by Lynn Payer in It’s necessary to have one— New York, NY 002 1993, and submitted for repulication now The pay is non-existent, but the fun can [email protected] by Paul Sadowski. At this time of change be great— Address corrections: of officers, it is interesting to get an idea It’s good practice for a little public of the founding thoughts and framework Paul Sadowski speaking— 205 E. 94 St., #9 for our existence: keeping it simple. As It’s the way to take ideas into action— New York, NY 028-3780 we look into our history, we can see what Our NYMS needs You— [email protected] stays and what changes over time. After seven years as president of our All statements and opinions written in NYMS I’ve decided that that was a good this newsletter belong solely to the in- UNREST IN THE NEW YORK run. I’m out. Our Nominating Committee dividual author and in no way represent MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY (1964) will appreciate any volunteers and sug- or reflect the opinions or policies of the Most of you remember Florence Tarlow, New York Mycological Society. gestions which can be put forth at Annu- who died last year. Florence’s sister Ricki al Business Meeting on February 25 at 1 Submissions for the winter issue of the found this letter (see next page) from pm at the American Museum of Natural NYMS newsletter must reach the editor John Cage among Florence’s belongings, History, Rm 319. So, GO. by March 1, 2007. Various formats are and passed it on to the rest of us. acceptable for manuscripts. Address Until then, respectfully submitted, questions to Pam Kray, editor. See above Maggie Vall, President Stony Point, New York for addresses. All our offices are volunteer positions. If December 11, 1964 anyone is interested in sharing her or his Shortly after returning from my recent talents in one of these posts, by all means six-months tour, I had several conver- make your intention known to the de- sations and read some correspondence parting officer to get a better idea of the which made it clear that there is a cer- job particulars. tain unrest in the New York Mycological 2 Cont. p. 0 It Was a Very Good Year 3 Remember! 4 By Ursula Hoffmann We are blessed this year with good mushroom weather and great mushroom collec- Stay responsibly in touch with us. If your telephone number, mailing or email ad- tions—“what have I found and is it edible?”—so let me delve a bit into our club’s culi- dress changes, please contact Paul Sad- nary past. owski, Secretary with your new informa- In his “An Autobiographical Statement,” Southwest Review, 1991, John Cage says that tion. An additional note for listserv users: he left the city for the country in the fifties, and “there I found Guy Nearing, who guid- please remember to set your spam filter ed me in my study of mushrooms and other wild edible plants.” In 1962, John Cage and to be able to receive listserv emails. three other friends founded the New York Mycological Society. NYMS walks policy: We meet when pub- The society’s predecessor was the New York Mycological Club, founded in 1896(?). lic transportation arrives. Check the It seems, at least from the glimpses provided in the archives of the New York Times, walks schedule for other transportation that the original club members, too, cherished culinary moments from the very be- notes. Walks last 5-6 hours and are of ginning. (I am referring below to material I used in more or less chronological order, moderate difficulty except where noted. interspersed with my own memories—these of more recent times, of course.) Bring lunch, water, knife, and a basket for In May 1897 the NYMC members met with the New York Association of Teachers mushrooms. Leaders have discretion to of Cookery and feasted in Chinatown on mushrooms “in all the various ways which cancel walks in case of rain or very dry Chinese ingenuity could devise.” conditions.
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