March 5, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 273 INTRODUCTION OF THE OWENS the over 120,000 Japanese-Americans in- ends, so may their contact with the health RIVER VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL terned at 10 sites throughout the United care system. Yet women's health needs do RESTORATION AND MANZANAR States. not end at menopause; in fact, they often in- LAND TRANSFER ACT OF 1996 The National Park Service determined in the crease. 1980's that of the 10 former internment This legislation would enable clinics to pro- HON. JERRY LEWIS camps, Manzanar was best suited to be pre- vide a continuity of service from the reproduc- tive years through the menopausal years. It OF CALIFORNIA served and to thus serve as a reminder to would help clinics offer services and train pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Americans of the glaring violation of civil rights that the internment represented. As a result, fessionals in mid-life issues such as meno- Tuesday, March 5, 1996 the Congress passed legislation in 1992 to es- pause, hormone replacement therapy, Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, today tablish a National Historic Site at Manzanar. hysterectomy, and cancer screening/preven- I join my colleague, BOB MATSUI, in introducing The legislation that Mr. LEWIS and I are in- tion. And it would provide funds to help train the Owens River Valley Environmental Res- troducing will allow us to finish the process of clinic staff about issues affecting older and toration and Manzanar Land Transfer Act of creating the Manzanar National Historic Site. mid-life women. 1996. The bill will make it possible for the Federal The bill also would help improve outreach This legislation releases outdated watershed Government to obtain the Manzanar site services to low-income women in such areas withdrawals on lands managed by the Bureau through a land exchange with the Los Angeles as heart disease, breast cancer, and of Land Management [BLM] in order to ac- Department of Water and Power [LADWP], osteoporosis. Information and education are quire land for the Manzanar Historic Site which currently owns the property. LADWP re- urgently needed for these women. While both which is managed by the National Park Serv- cently reached an agreement with the National breast and cervical cancer increase with age, ice [NPS]. Lifting these outdated withdrawals Park Service, the Bureau of Land Manage- disproportionately fewer low-income women are necessary to facilitate land exchanges be- ment, and Inyo County that identifies a land over age 40 have had a clinical breast exam tween the BLM and the Los Angeles Depart- exchange that can occur rapidly once our leg- and mammogram; the figures for pap smears ment of Water and Power [LADWP] and Inyo islation is passed. I commend these parties, are even more dismal. County, CA. The Manzanar site is currently as well as the Manzanar National Historic Site Menopause is a confusing time for many owned by LADWP. This legislation also makes Advisory Commission and the Japanese- women, especially those who do not have the other lands in the area available for the long- American community, for their work in bringing resources to differentiate between medical term community expansion and other uses as us to this stage in the process. I also deeply facts, harmful stereotypes, and lore. This leg- identified in the BLM's Bishop Resources appreciate the commitment of my colleague, islation would fight misinformation with accu- Management Plan. JERRY LEWIS, to this effort. rate information and services specifically relat- This legislation is necessary to carry out the In 1988, the Congress passed legislation to ed to menopause. intent of Public Law 102±248 which estab- make redress for the suffering that Japanese- I urge my colleagues to support this much- lished the Manzanar National Historic Site to Americans endured as a result of the intern- needed approach to preventative health care provide for the protection and interpretation of ment. In addition to directing an official apol- for women. the historic, cultural, and natural resources as- ogy by the Federal Government and symbolic f sociated with the relocation of Japanese payments to Japanese Americans that were NATIONAL SPORTSMANSHIP DAY Americans during WW II. interned, the bill included efforts to educate Further, this legislation will allow an innova- Americans about the internment. In many HON. JACK REED tive and unique environmental restoration ways, this final aspect of redress is the most OF RHODE ISLAND project to move forward. The intent of this en- important. It is essential that we instill in our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vironmental restoration project is to revive 60 citizens a high level of public awareness about miles of the Owens River Valley in Inyo Coun- the internment, so that our country never Tuesday, March 5, 1996 ty, CA. This project will lead to increased wet- again makes such a terrible mistake. Creation Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of lands, riparian areas and wildlifeÐincluding of a national historic site at Manzanar clearly National Sportsmanship Day, which is being fish and waterfowl. This restoration project is will make an important contribution to this ef- observed today in the United States and another step in the ongoing and positive rela- fort. I urge my colleagues to support this bill, throughout the world. Since its inception in tionship which has developed between Inyo so that we can quickly make the Manzanar 1991, over 7,000 schools in all 50 States and County and LADWP. National Historic Site a reality. 48 countries have joined in the National The development of this legislation was a f Sportsmanship Day festivities. process which involved active participation National Sportsmanship Day was conceived from local citizens in Inyo County, the Inyo THE POSTREPRODUCTIVE HEALTH by the Institute for International Sport, located County Board of Supervisors, officials from the CARE ACT in my congressional district at the University of BLM and the Park Service, LADWP and Japa- Rhode Island. This year's slogan, ``Dare to nese-American community. Mr. MATSUI and I HON. PATRICIA SCHROEDER Play Fair,'' challenges athletes, coaches, ad- look forward to swift consideration of this im- OF COLORADO ministrators, and parents to reflect on the true portant measure by our colleagues on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES meaning of competition and to discuss the im- portance of ethics and fair play in sport, the House Resources Committee and expedited Tuesday, March 5, 1996 consideration by the full House. classroom, and everyday life. f Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, today I The institute has enlisted the help of several and my colleagues, Congresswomen WATERS, Sports Ethics Fellows, including two time Bos- THE OWENS RIVER VALLEY ENVI- NORTON, WOOLSEY, and JACKSON-LEE, are re- ton Marathon winner and Olympic gold medal- RONMENTAL RESTORATION AND introducing the Postreproductive Health Care ist Joan Benoit Samuelson, to promote this MANZANAR LAND TRANSFER Act. This is a bill that former Representative event. These men and women are wonderful ACT OF 1996 Marilyn Lloyd introduced in the previous Con- role models who can be admired for more gress to address the all-too-often ignored than just their athletic prowess. They have HON. ROBERT T. MATSUI health care needs of older women. consistently demonstrated an interest in fur- OF CALIFORNIA This legislation directs the Secretary of thering the principles of honesty and integrity IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Health and Human Services [HHS] to provide in sport and society. grants to health clinics serving women so they Indeed, the Sports Ethics Fellows are help- Tuesday, March 5, 1996 can develop programs to meet the unique ing to teach the important lessons of National Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to needs of mid-life and older women. Sportsmanship Day by writing articles relating join my colleague JERRY LEWIS in introducing Most clinics devote the majority of their re- to sportsmanship and assisting in the develop- legislation that would allow the Federal Gov- sources to serving young women in their re- ment of programs for National Sportsmanship ernment to rapidly obtain the lands designated productive years, providing family planning Day. Through competition, young athletes can as the Manzanar National Historic Site. and prenatal care services. For some women, learn that while winning is a goal worth work- During World War II, 11,000 Japanese- this is their only contact with the health care ing for, honor, discipline, and hard work are Americans were held at the Manzanar Intern- system. As these women age and their need more important. These values will guide them ment Camp. These individuals were some of for reproductive and childbirth-related care in all aspects of everyday life. E 274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 5, 1996 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join the Americans would not be able to enjoy the COMMENDATION FOR JAMES A. President's Council on Physical Fitness and blessings of our country without the tireless HENWOOD ON HIS RETIREMENT Sports and the Rhode Island congressional dedication of those who have the talent and FROM THE PHILADELPHIA PO- delegation in recognizing this day and the willingness to work for the community. It is for LICE DEPARTMENT principles it embodies. this reason we owe a special debt of gratitude f to people like Carolyn, who had done an out- HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI standing job as grants administrator. Whether OF PENNSYLVANIA TRIBUTE TO MORTON GOULD it was her activism in establishing 911 in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES area or her involvement in numerous business Tuesday March 5, 1996 HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN and housing programs, Carolyn Lineback has Mr. BORSKI. Mr.
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