1554 JUNE 28, 1958 MEDICAL NEWS MEDICAJOu to be atypical, includes a reprint of W. J. Little's classical Thorax.-Issued quarterly (£3 annually). The new issue, Vol. account of cerebral palsy, first published in 1861. The 13, No. 2, includes: Bulicrin, with an editorial board headed by Professor A. V. SELECTIVE ANGIOCARDIOGRAPHY OF THE RIGHT HEART. S. Holesh and H. M. T. Coles. NFAL- is obtainable from the National Spastics Society, 28, PERCUTANEOUS LEFT VENTRICULAR PUNCTURE WITH CATHETERIZATION OF THE Fit7rov Square, London, W.1, price 12s. per annum. AORTA. H. A. Fleming, E. W. Hancock, B. B. Milstein, and D. N. Ross. THE PERIPHERAL PATTERN IN THE NORMAL BRONCHOGRAM AND ITS RELATION TO PERIPHERAL PULMONARY ANATOMY. Lynne Reid and G. Simon. THE SECONDARY LOBULE IN THE ADULT HUMAN LUNG, WITH SPECIAL REFER- COMING EVENTS ENCE TO ITS APPEARANCE IN BRONCHOGRAMs. Lynne Reid. CONGENITAL OESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA AND TRACHEO-OESOPHAGEAL FISTULA. Royal Medico-Psychological Association.-Annual meet- K. D. Roberts. EXTRAPERIOSTEAL PLOMBAGE IN THE TREATMENT OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. ing, July 1-4, at Bexley and in London. Details from Dr. F. H. Young. A PATHOLOGICAL STUDY OF EMPHYSEMA OF THE LUNGS WITH CHRONIC A. B. MoNRo, 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, BRONCHITIS. Brian E. Heard. London, W.1. TIHE PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY OF RESECTED TUBERCULOUS LUNG LESIONS AFTER CHEMOTHERAPY. D. J. Cotter, H. M. Foreman, and Bertram Louis Abrahams Lecture.-Sir LINDOR BROWN, R. M. E. Seal. THE GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL JUNCTION IN INFANCY. I. J. Carre and R. Astley. F.R.S., will lecture at the Royal College of Physicians of A METHOD OF TREATING INFUNDIBULAR PULMONARY STENOSIS. A. Temesvnri. London on July 8, at 5 p.m. His subject will be " The Mode ELECTROPHORETIC ANALYSIS OF SEROUS PLEURAL EFFUSIONS. A. J. Taylor. of Action of Sympathetic Nerves." F. E. Williams Lecture.-Professor P. B. MEDAWAR, SOCIETIES AND LECTURES F.R.S., will lecture at the Royal College of Physicians of A fee is charged or a ticket is required for attending lectures marked *. London on July 10 at 5 p.m. His subject will be "The Application should be madc first to the institution concerned. Biology of Ageing." Monday, June 30 LONDON SCHOOL OP HYOIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE.-S p.m., Professor " Ars Medica."-The exhibition (see Journal, June 7, Isidor Greenwald (New York): History of Endemic Goitre: Its Signifi- cance for the Aetiology of the Disease. p. 1363) will be on view from June 27 to July 4 at Guy's POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF LONDON.-4 p.m., Dr. J. F. Goodwin: Hospital; July 10-18 at the B.M.A. Annual Meeting at Combined Valvular Disease. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Gower Street, W.C.-5 p.m., public lecture by Dr. Birmingham; July 21-23 at St. Helier Hospital, Carshalton J. D. Robertson: The Molecular Biology of Cell Membranes. 25-31 at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School. and July Tuesday, July 1 Mackenzie Industrial Health Lecture.-Dr. A. MEIKLEJOHN INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY.-5.30 p.m., Dr. D. O'Neill: Emotional Aspects will deliver the seventh Mackenzie industrial health lecture of Skin Diseases (2). at Nottingham University on July 15, at 3 p.m. His subject Wednesday, July 2 INSTITUTE OF DISEASES Os THE CHEST.-5 p.m., Dr. R. V. Gibson: Atrial will be " Industrial Health Meeting the Challenge." The Septal Defects. lecture is sponsored by the B.M.A. in conjunction with the INSTITUTE OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY.-5.30 p.m., Dr. Enrique Ager Muguerza (Madrid): Carcinoma of the Epiglottis. Association of Industrial Medical Officers. LONDON UNIVERSITY.-At Bearstead Lecture Theatre, London Hospital Medical College, 4.30 p.m., special university lecture in medicine by William Meredith Fletcher Shaw Memorial Lecture.- Professor T. Hale Ham (U.S.A.): Haemolytic Anaemia. Professor JAMES BLACK will lecture at the Royal College of MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL.-At National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, N.W., 5 p.m., Professor Samuel Graff (New York): Experi- Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on July 25 at 5 p.m. His ments with Continuous Metazoan Cell Cultures. subject will be " Reminiseences of Fifty Years' Medical POSTORADUArE MEDICAL SCHOOL o1 LoNDON.-2 p.m., Dr. F. Fulton: Tissue Practice-Forty-Seven of Them in South Africa." Culture for the Diagnosis of Virus Infections. Thursday, July 3 *INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH.-5 p.m., Sir F. Macfarlane Burnet, F.R.S. (Melbourne): Immunological Aspects of Early Life. NEW ISSUES INSTITUTE OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY.-At Royal College of Surgeons of England, 5.30 p.m., Mr. Norman Tanner: Haemorrhage from the SPECIALIST JOURNALS AND ABSTRACTS Oesophagus. INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY.-5.30 p.m., Dr. 4. Melville Jones: Orientation The journals listed below are obtainable from the Publishing in Flight. Manager, House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.I. *MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL.-At Clinical Lecture Theatre, B.M.A. 3.30 p.m., Profcssor Charles Huggins (Chicago): Cancer of the Prostate. WEST LONDON MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY.-At Board Room, West Archives of Disease in Childhood.-Issued six times a year London Hospital, Thursday. July 3, 5.15 for 5.30 p.m., annual general (£4 4s. annually). The new issue, Vol. 33, No. 169, includes: meeting. ABO INCOMPATIBILITY AND HAEMOLYTIC DISEASE OF THE NEWBORN. G. H. Valentine. Friday, July 4 THE DISAPPEARANCE OF FOETAL HAEMOGLOBIN IN CONGENITAL CYANOTIC INSTITUTE OF DISEASES OF THE CHEST.-5 p.m., Dr. J. G. Scadding: clinical demonstration. HEART DISEASE. M. Coghlan and M. C. Joseph. SOCIAL BASOPHILIC LEUCOCYTES IN CHILDREN IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. Ross G. ROYAL MEDICO-PSYCHOLOOICAL ASSOCIATION (PSYCHOTHERAPY AND Mitchell. PSYCHIATRY SECTiON).-At Claybury Hospital, Woodford Bridge, Essex, INTRAPERITONEAL BLOOD TRANSFUSION IN CHILDREN IN ACCRA, WITH SPECIAL 10.30 a.m., Dr. D V. Martin and Dr. J. S. Pippard: Towards a Thera- REFERENCE TO THE TREATMENT OF KWASHIORKOR. Susan B. G. Ofori peutic Community-Problems and Development. Atta. TRAUMATIC SUBPERIOSTEAL HAEMATOMA OF THE FEMUR IN THE NEWBORN. RosS 0. Mitchell and K. Rhaney. SUBGLOTTIC HAEMANGIOMA: Two INFANTS WITH LARYNGEAL STRIDOR. C. A. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS Ho'borow. INTRASPINAL NEUROBLASTOMA IN A NEWBORN BABY. E. Elefant, V. Vojta, BIRTHS and V. Benes. Mott.-On June 13, 1958. to Elizabeth (formerly Carson), wife of John H. SOME UNUSUAL FINDINGS IN A FAMILY WITH FRIEDREICH'S ATAXIA. Peter E. Mott, B.M., B.Ch., of 4, Hilbre Drive, Southport, Lancs, a daughter. Sylvester. Nettleton.-On May 20. 1958, at Middlesbrough Maternity Hospital, to A CASE OF INTRACRANIAL DERMOID CYST ASSOCIATED WITH THE KLIPPEL-FEIL wife of Leon A. Nettleton, a son-Robin Alexander. DEFORMITY AND RECURRIENT MENINGITIS. A. Peter Roberts. Eileen, SIRENOMELIA: SYMPUS DIPUS C' MERMAID "). Hugh Jolly and Edith M. DEATHS Lamont. Alve- GARGOYLISM: AND HAEMATOLOGICAL FEATURES IN Acheson.--On June 3, 1958, at his home, Dunard, Aquicduct Lane, CLINICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, Acbeson, M.B.. B.Ch. Two SIBLINGS. S. B. Griffiths and M. Findlay. church, Worcs, Samuel Abris HYDRANENCEPHALY (HYDRENCEPHALY). L. Crome and Peter E. Sylvester. Barcssul.-On May 31, 1958, at 193, Queen's Gate, London, S.W.. M.D. THE WENCKEBACH PHENOMENON AND AURICULAR-VENTRICULAR DISSOCIATION Barcsal, Ashton Bond, IN CHILDREN. M. H. Shnier. Bond.-On June 6. 1958, at Blackheath, London, S.E., A SALT WASTINO SYNDROME IN INFANCY. Donald B. Cheek and John W. M.D., D.T.M.. formerly of Weybridge, Surrey, aged 84. Perry. Elllott.-On June 4, 1958, Edgar Lionel Elliott, M.B.E., M.B., B.S., of ANOREXIA AND SEVERE INANITION ASSOCIATED WITH A TUMOUR INVOLVING The Old White Hart, Stokenchurch, Bucks. THE HYPOTHALAMUS. Helen Kagan. Isaac.-On June 6, 1958, at her home, 8, Stanley House, 103, Marylebone ACUTE SPINAL EPIDURAL ABSCESS: A CASE IN AN INFANT WITH RECOVERY. High Street, London, W., Marjory Isobel Hay Isaac, M.B., Ch.B., R. 0. Rushworth and P. B. Martin. D.P.H., aged 43. COW'S MILK ALLERGY IN INFANCY. W. Davies. Merrett.-On May 27, 1958, the result of an accident, Ian James Merrett, FRANK BERIBERI IN A 4-MONTH-OLD INFANT. Tadeusz Giza and Jerzy Armata. M.B.. B.S., of Wallington, Surrey. aged 24. 'WILLIAM HEBERDEN'S CASES OF ANAPHYLACTOID PURPURA. Arthur Rook. Robb.-On March 2, 1958, Duncan Campbell Robb, M.D., of 30, Emer- son Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, Yorks, aged 52. Abstracts of World Medicine.-Issued in the first week of Sheeran.-On May 31, 1958, James Henry Callow Sheeran, M.B., B.Ch., of 44, Campbell Road, Bow, London, E. each month, this journal c3ntains abstracts of important papers Slater.-On May 28, 1958, in bospital, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, Peggy selected from the current medical literature in the world. Annual Primrose Slater. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. :subscription £4 4s. Sullivan.-On June 3, 1958, at Perth, John Sullivan, M.B., Ch.B.. D.P.H. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL THIE JOURNAL OF BRITISH MELDICAL ASSOCIATION Editor HUGH CLEGG, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Deputy Editor J. W. P. THOMPSON, M.A., M.B., D.P.H. VOLUME I, 1958 JANUARY TO JUNE -..i . f r, ,If ,, .,. .I, S. LONDON BRMISH MIEDICAL ASSOCIATION TAVISTOCK SQUARE, W.C.1 KEY TO DATES AND PAGES The following table gives a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the first volume for 1958. Date of Journal Supplement Issue Pages Pages Jan. 4 .. .. 1- 56 .. .. 1- 14 ts, 11 . .. 57- 118 . .. 15- 18 ,, 18 .. .. 119-174 .. .. 19-26 ,, 25 .. .. 175- 236 .. .. 27- 38 Feb. 1 .. .. 237- 294 .. .. 39- 50 ,, 8 .. .. 295- 354 .. .. 51- 66 ,, 15 .. .. 355- 414 .. .. 67- 76 22 .. .. 415- 476 .. .. 77- 86 Mar. 1 .. .. 477- 534 .. .. 87- 94 8 .
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