THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION® NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS TRADITIONAL FATS LACTO-FERMENTATION BROTH IS BEAUTIFUL Wise Traditions for WiseTraditions Non Profi t Org. IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS U.S. Postage $10 Education Research Activism PAID SOY ALERT! TRUTH IN LABELING NON-TOXIC FARMING PREPARED PARENTING NURT PARENTING PREPARED FARMING NON-TOXIC LABELING IN TRUTH ALERT! SOY #106-380 4200 WISCONSIN AVENUE, NW Suburban, MD WASHINGTON, DC 20016 Permit 4889 URE Wise TTraditionsraditions IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS Volume 10 Number 1 Spring 2009 Spring 2009 10 Number 1 Volume THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION® for WiseTraditions IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS Education Research Activism NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS TRADITIONAL FATS LACTO-FERMENTATION BROTH IS BEAUTIFUL A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK TRUTH IN LABELING PREPARED PARENTING SOY ALERT! LIFE-GIVING WATER The Cod Liver Oil Debate Cod Liver Oil Manufacture Reply to Dr. Joe Mercola on Cod Liver Oil NON-TOXIC FARMING PASTURE-FED LIVESTOCK NURTURING THERAPIES The Good Scot Diet Curds and Whey THERAPIES URING COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE A PUBLICATION OF THE WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION® You teach, you teach, you teach! Education Research Activism Last words of Dr. Weston A. Price, June 23, 1948 COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULT LIFE-GIVING LIVESTOCK WATER FOR REAL MILK PASTURE-FED A CAMPAIGN Printed on Recycled Offset TECHNOLOGY AS SERVANT SCIENCE AS COUNSELOR KNOWLEDGE AS GUIDE Printed with soy ink - an appropriate use of soy WiseTraditions THE WESTON A. PRICE Upcoming Events IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS ® Volume 10 Number 1 FOUNDATION Spring 2009 Education Research Activism 2009 Apr 3-5 Long Beach, CA: Health Freedom Expo at the Long Beach Convention Center. Contact: (888) EDITORS The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, Sally Fallon, MA 658-3976, www.healthfreedom expo.com. Katherine Czapp tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, whose Apr 17-19 Toronto, Canada: Total Health of Canada, featuring Seminar on Traditional Diets by Sally Fallon SCIENCE EDITOR studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established Morell. Contact: (877) 389-0996, www.totalhealthshow.com. Mary G. Enig, PhD the parameters of human health and determined the op- timum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s research May 29 Lansing, MI: Healthy Traditions Network presentation featuring Sally Fallon Morell on Raw ARTISTIC EDITOR Milk, Safety, Health and Economic Issues. Contact: [email protected]. Lynda Smith Cowan demonstrated that men and women achieve perfect physi- cal form and perfect health, generation after generation, May2 Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Food Conference featuring Anna Lappé, Raj Patel, Dan Barber and Sally COVER DESIGN only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and Amy Foreman Fallon Morell. Contact: [email protected]. the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal COPY EDITORS fats. May 30 Metro Detroit, MI: Growing Connections Conference on Women’s Health featuring Sally Fallon Janice Orion The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient- Morell. Contact: [email protected]. Roger Windsor dense foods to the American diet through education, Kaayla Daniel, PhD research and activism and supports a number of move- WiseTraditions is mailed ments that contribute to this objective, including accurate quarterly to members of the nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, Weston A. Price Foundation pasture-feeding of livestock, community supported farms, PMB 106-380 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and Washington, DC 20016 nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment Phone: (202) 363-4394 of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban Fax: (202) 363-4396 on the use of soy-based infant formula. Email: [email protected] Website: www.westonaprice.org The Foundation seeks to establish a laboratory to test nutrient content of foods, particularly butter produced DISCLAIMER under various conditions; to conduct research into the The information published herein “X” Factor, discovered by Dr. Price; and to determine is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate care of a the effects of traditional preparation methods on nutrient qualified health practitioner. content and availability in whole foods. WiseTraditions 2009 The board and membership of the Weston A. Price PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE Foundation stand united in the belief that modern tech- 10th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation We encourage the reproduction and November 12-15, 2009 nology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and dissemination of the information Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center published in nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a WiseTraditions HONORING THE SACRED FOODS with credit to the force destructive to the environment and human health; Weston A. Price Foundation, and that science and knowledge can validate those tradi- as long as it is solely used Featuring Natasha Campbell-McBride, Luisa Williams, Nicholas Gonzalez, David Gumpert, to educate others. tions. Chris Masterjohn, Tom Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell, Kaayla Daniel, Ted Beals, William Shaw, Dan Barber Permission in writing is required The Weston A. Price Foundation is supported by and many other fine speakers on diet and health. if you intend to make money membership dues and private donations and receives no using the material herein. funding from the meat or dairy industries. See Page 53 for details Wise Traditions IN FOOD, FARMING AND THE HEALING ARTS A PUBLICATION OF Volume 10 Number 1 T HE W ESTON A. PR ICE FOUNDATI ON® Spring 2009 CONTENTS FEATURES Food Feature Page 69 The Science of Cod Liver Oil Page 18 Ron Halweil on the alewife, Chris Masterjohn looks at what the a gift of spring science says about Nature’s number one superfood All Thumbs Book Reviews Page 71 Stuffed and Starved Cod Liver Oil Manufacture Page 26 Change of Heart David Wetzel updates us on Breaking the Vicious Cycle cod liver oil production Cereal Killer The Blue Zone Answering the Critics Page 35 Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money Sally Fallon Morell replies to Corrupt to the Core Dr. Mercola’s attack on cod liver oil Tim’s DVD Reviews Page 79 HFCS and Agave Page 44 Rami Nagel and Sally Fallon Morell Growing Wise Kids Page 82 tell us why they are worse than sugar Delicious uses for curds and whey The Good Scots Diet Page 54 Soy Alert Page 87 Katherine Czapp describes the Kaayla Daniel on recovery from toxic diet of the hearty Scots metal poisoning from soy NAIS Update Page 90 DEPARTMENTS Judith McGeary on protecting President’s Message Page 2 your right to farm Hot Topics A Campaign for Real Milk Page 93 Letters Page 3 Pete Kennedy keeps us updated on the latest developments Caustic Commentary Page 14 Healthy Baby Gallery Page 98 Local Chapters Page 99 Homeopathy Journal Page 67 Shop Heard ‘Round the World Page 108 Remedies for sugar cravings Membership Page 128 Upcoming Events Page 129 THE WESTON A. PRICE ® President’s Message FOUNDATION Education Research Activism BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President and Treasurer In this issue we explore the topic of the fat-soluble activators A and Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS, Vice President D, especially as found in old fashioned cod liver oil. Those of you who Geoffrey Morell, ND, JP, Secretary Tom Cowan, MD have been receiving our email informational alerts know that we have Cherie Calvert issued several announcements on this topic over the last few months. Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN Valerie Curry Joyner Cod liver oil has come under attack as a “dangerous” source of vitamin GENERAL COUNSEL A. And while vitamin A has fallen to the bottom of the Vitamin Hit James Turner, Esq. Parade, vitamin D has risen to the top, with many voices calling for HONORARY BOARD extensive supplementation in the nutrient and an increase in the RDA Jen Allbritton, BS, CN for the sunshine vitamin. Christian B. Allen, PhD Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH The establishment view is as follows: the animal form of vitamin Marie A. Bishop, CDC Jerry Brunetti A is toxic and also interferes with vitamin D metabolism, so we should Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD avoid foods rich in this nutrient, like liver, organ meats and cod liver oil; Lee Clifford, MS, CCN Christapher Cogswell, MA we can get all the vitamin A we need from the conversion of carotenes Monica Corrado Janice Curtin in plants; it is impossible to obtain adequate vitamin D from food, so Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN we need to take vitamin D supplements. William Campbell Douglass, MD Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS We hope to put these mistaken notions to rest in this issue by show- James A. Duke, PhD ing the extensive scientific literature on cod liver oil and vitamin A, as Carol Esche, DNP, MA, RN, CNA Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD well as on the synergistic—rather than antagonistic—relationship of Ruth Ann Foster, MA Donna Gates, BS, MEd vitamins A and D. To bolster our premise that vitamin A is not toxic, Zac Goldsmith, Editor, The Ecologist and vitamin D can be obtained from food sources, we have included a Nicholas Gonzalez, MD Trauger Groh delightful article on the traditional Scottish diet, which was rich in fish Joann S. Grohman liver oils, organ meats, shellfish and fats. Here is yet another traditional Barry Anthony Groves Beatrice Trum Hunter, MA diet that corroborates the discoveries of Dr. Weston A. Price. As for the Richard James, MBA, LLD Mark A. Kastal mistaken notion that our bodies can obtain sufficient vitamin A from Larry Klein plant foods, we have covered this subject in earlier articles. (See www. Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon) Frank Melograna, MD westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/vitaminasaga.html.) Carlos Monteiro Another hot topic these days concerns high fructose corn syrup Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM David Morris, BS, DC (HFCS).
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