AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Rainbow, W. J., 1911. A census of Australian Araneidae. Records of the Australian Museum 9(2): 107–320. [2 October 1911]. doi:10.3853/j.0067-1975.9.1911.928 ISSN 0067-1975 Published by the Australian Museum, Sydney nature culture discover Australian Museum science is freely accessible online at http://publications.australianmuseum.net.au 6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia A CENSUS OF AUSTRALIAN ARANEIDlE. By W. J. RAINBOW, F.L.S., F.E.S., Entomologist. This is the first Catalogue of Australian Al'aneidre yet issued. It cont.ains the enumeration of about 1,200 species, spread over 285 genera and 24 families. In addition to the species liilted in the following pages, many new forms, at present in the hands of different collectors, await description. Considering what a vast area of this island continent has not yet been systematically "collected," it is not possible to forecast the number- of species that mnst ultimately be made known, especially when we consider the faunistically rich areas in the Northern Rivers Districts of N. S. Wales, the tropical hinterland of Northern Queensland, and what is known as " J'he Northern Territory." And to these zones must be added those of Gippsland and of Western Australia. The systematic arrangement of this Census is based on Simon's "Histoire ~atnrelle des Araignees," by the assistance of which many generic corrections-especially in the family Salticidre­ have been made. It may, therefore, be assumed that OUl' genera have now been placed on a fair basis. A few changes of specific names have been made owing to the occurrence of preoccupied terms. THE TERRITELARllE. Family A V ICULARIDlE. Subfamily ACTINOPODINlE. Genus Eriodon, Latr. (=ll[issnlena, W alck.; Pachyloscelis, Lncas; Sphodros, Walck. ; C loste1"ochilu,s et l'l~e1'a,g1"etes, ~ Auss.) Obs.-Hogg remarks that "the specimen on which Latreille foundpd this genus was probably the first spider brought from Aust.ralia to Europe."l For Notes on the NeHting Habits of the Territelarire, see my paper. 2 ERIODON CRASSUM, O. P. Ca.mbr. Et'iodon crassnm, O. P. Cambl'., Journ. Linn, Soc., Zool., x., 1868, p. 269. 1 Hogg-Proc. Zoo!. Soc., 1891, p. 219. 2 Rltinbow--Rec. Austr. Mus., iv., 1, 1901, p. 5, et seq. 8 108 RECORDS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Eriodon CmS8Um, L. Koch, Die Arach. des Austr., j" 1873, p.456 Ihiodon crassum, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1901, p. 222. Hab.-Swan River, W. Australia. ERroDON FORMIDABILE, O. P. Carnbr, E1'iodon Jormidabile, O. P. Cambr., J ourn, Linn. Soc" Zool., x., 1868, p. 266. Eriodon formidabile, L. Koch, Die Amch. des Austr., 1873, i., p.454. Eriodon fonnidabile, Hogg, Proe. Zool. Soc., 1901, p. 222; op. Ott., ii., 1902, p. 121 (footnote). Hab.-Swan Hill (River MUl'ray), Victoria. Obs.-There is a mutilated specimen ill the National Museum ,of Victoria, Melboume, wllich Mr. H. R. Hogg attributes to this specieB. ERroDON GRANULOSUM', O. P. Carnbr. Eriodon gl·anu.losum, O. P. Cambt'., Journ, Linn. Soc., Zool., x., 1868, p. 268. Eriodon granulosum, L. Koch., Die Al'ach. des Austr., i., 1873, p.455. Eriodon granulosum, Hogg, Proe. Zool. Soc., 1901, p. 222. Hab.-Swan River, W. Australia. ERroDON INCER'l'UM, O. P. Carnbr'. Eriodon incertnm, O. P. Cambr., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xix., 4, 1877, p. 30. Er'iodon incertum, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1901, p. 224, figs. 22, a, b. Hab.-Swan River, W. Australia. EltroDON INSIGNE, O. P. Cambr. Eriodon insigne, O. P. Cambr., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xix., 4, 1877, p. 29. Er'iodon insigne, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1901, p. 223, figs.21,a,b. Hctb.-Swan River, W. Australia; Dimboola, Victoria. ERIODON NIGRIPES, Lucas, Pachyloscelis niY1'ipes, Lucas, Ann. Soc. Flit. France, iii., 1834, p. 364, pI. vii., figs. 1 and 2. A CENSUS OF AUSTRALIAN ARANElDlE-RAINBOW. 109 .SplwdTos abboti, Walck., Ins. Apt., i., 1837, p. 243. Eriodon nigTipes, Simon, Hist. Nat. des. Araign., i., 1892, p. 81. Et:iodon nigripes, Hogg, Proc. Zoo!. Soc., 1901, p. 227. Hab.-Australia. Obs.--Lucas described this species from Brazil, but Simon, who has examined the type, thinks this a mistake, as he finds it to be a IS Eriodon. The same author has also ascertained that Walck­ enaer used the same specimen as the type of his Splwd1'os abboti. For fUl'ther observatiol1H upon this specieH, see Mr. H. R. Hogg's '.remarks in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of I,ondol1 as quoted above. ERIODoN RUBIWCAPITA'fUM, Auss. Eriodon ntb1'ocapitaturn, Auss., Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien, xxv., 1875, p. 140, p1. v., figs. 1-4. Eriodon sernicoccinenm, Simon in Semon, Zoo!. Forsch. Austr. Malay Archipel., 1896, Lief. 8, p. 343. Actinopus jormosus, Rainbow, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. WalcH, xxi., 1896, p. 328, pI. xx.; loc. ait., xxii., 1897, p. 253. E1'iodon rubrocapitatum, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1901, p. 226, fig. 23a and 1 fig. 23b. E1'iodon semicoccinenm, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., IHOl, p 228. Eriodon rubrocapitatnm, Rainbow,Rec. Austr. Mus., V' J 1, 1903. p. 64, fig. 6. Ilab. -Northern, Eastern, and Western Australia. ErnoDoN OCCA'fORIUM", TValck. 1'dis8ulena occatoria, Walck., Tab. des Aran., 1805, p. 8, pl. 2, figs. 11-14; id., Ins. Apt., 1837, i., p. 252 . .Eriodon occatorium, Lucas, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v., ser. 4, 1865, p. 309, pI. 8. El'iodo1l occatm'ium, L. Koch., Die Arach. des Austr., L, 1873, p.457. Eriodon occatoriunz, Hogg, Proc. Zoo!. Soc., 1901, p. 220. Briodon occatm'iunz, Rainbow, Rec. Austl'. Mus., v., 1, 1903, p. 63, fig. 5 . ..Jfis8ulena (Eriodon) occatoria, Hogg, Proc. Zoo!. Soc., 1908, p.335, figs. a-b. llab.-Eastern, Southern, and Western Australia. Obs.-This species is the type of the genus. 110' RECORDS OF THE AUS'l'RALIAN MUSEUM. S1~bfamily MIGiNlE. Genus Migas, L. Koch. MIGAS PARADOX US, L. Koch. Migas pam,doxus, L. Koch, Die Arach. des Austr., i., 1873, p. 467. tab, 3.6, fig. 1. Migas pamdoxu8, Hogg, Report Horn Expl. Exp., ii., 1896,. Zoology, p. 334; Pl'oc. Zool Soc., 1901, p. 228. Migas pamdoxu,s, Rainbow, Rec. Austr. Mus., iv., 1,1901, p. 6c Hab.-New Zealand; Palm Oreek, Central Australia(1). Obs. -M. paradoxus is the type of the genus. It is:'very doubtful if it occurs in Australia at all. For notes on this side. of the subject, see Rainbow as above quoted, and Hogg in Pro~ ceedings of the Zoological Society of London for 1901. Genus Heteromigas, Hogg. HETEROMIGAS DOVEI; Hogg. HetM'omigas dovei, Hogg, Pl'oc. Zool. Soc., 1902, p. 123, figs. a, b. Hab.-Table Top; North Coast of Tasmania. Obs --This is the type species of the genus. Subfamily CTENIZINlE. Genus Conothele, Tlwr. CONO'l'HELE MALAYANA, Dol. Cteniza malayana, Dol., Tweede Bijdr., 1859, p. 5, tab. vi., figs .. 8, 8a, 8b, 8c. Conothele malayana, Rainbow, Austr. Nat.r i., 6, 1907, p. 76. Hab.-MalaYll.Iia, Papua, Port Darwin, N. Territory. Obs.-This is the type species of the genus. Genus Idiosoma, Auss .. Obs.--1diosoma sigillatum, O. P. Cambr., is the type species ot­ this genus. IDIosoMA SIGILLATUM, O. P. Cambr. Idiops sigiilat~bs, O. P. Cambr., Proc. Zool. Soc., 1870, p. 105 •. pI. viii., fig. 2. A CENSUS OF AUSTRALIAN ARANEIDlE-RAINBOW. 111 Acanthodon sigillatum, O. P. Cambr., Hist. Nat. des Araign., i., 1892, p. 9l. Idiosoma sigillaturn, Pocock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xix. (6), 1897, p. 109. Idiops sigillatus, Rainbow, Rec. Austr. Mus., iv., 1, p. 7. Acanthodon sigillatum, Rainbow, op. cit. Idiosoma sigillaturn, Hogg, Proc. Zool Soc., 1901, p. 230. Hah.-Perth and Swan River, W. Australia. cObs.-This species is the type of the genus. Genus Aganippe, O. P. Cambr. (=Eucyrtop8, Pocock). AGANIPPE SUBTRIS'l'IS, O. P. Cambr. Aganippe 8ubt'l'istis, O. P. Cambr., Ann. Mag. N at. Hist., xix. (4), 1897, p. 28, pI. vi, fig. 3. Aganippe sHbtristis, Pocock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xix. (6), p.112. Aganippe st~btristis, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1901, p. 231; loco cit., ii., 1902, p. 126. l1ab.-Adelaide, S. Anstralia. Ohs. -This is the type species of the genus. AGANIPPE LA'l'IOR, O. P. Cambj' . Aganippe latiM" O. P. Cambr., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xix. (4), 1877, p. 29, pI. vi., fig. 4. EUCY1·tOpS latim', Pocock, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xix. (6), 1897, p. 113. Eu.cyr·top8 latio)", Hogg, Pl:DC. Zoo!. Soc., 1901, p. 232. Hah.-Western Australia. AGANIPPE OCClDEN'l'ALIS, Hogg. Aganippe occidentalis, Hogg, Ann. Mag. N at. Hist., xi.(7), 1903, p. 309, figs. a,b, p. 310, figs. a, b. Hab.-Roeburn, N. W. Australia. AGANIPPI<: PULLEINEI, Hogg. Aganippe pnlleinei, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1902, p. 128, figs. a, b, c . .Nab. - Blakiston Hll i HHlIett'H Oove, S. Australia. 112 RECORDS OF 'l'HE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. AGANIPPE SMEA'l'ONI, Hogg. Aganippe smeatoni, Hogg, Proc. Zool. SOC., iL, 1902, p. 126, figs. et, b, c. Agcmippe smeatoni, Simon, Hist. N at. des Araign., ii., 1897( 1903), p.903. Hab.-Blakiston, S. Australia. Genus Anidiops, Pocock. ANIDIOPS MANS'fRIDGEI, Pocock. Anidiops manst1'idgei, Pocock, Ann. ]\I[ag. Nat. Hist., xix. (6), 1897, p. 114. Anidiops mctnstridgei, Hogg, Pt'oc. Zoo!. Soc., 1901, p. 231. Hab--Lawlers, East MUl'chison Goldfields, W. Australia. Obs.-This is the type species of the genus. Genus Blakistonia, Hogg. BLAKISTONIA AUREA, Hogg. Blakislonia a~wea, Hogg, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1902, p. 132, pI. xiii., fig;;. 1, 2, and text-6gs. 25b-e. Hab.-Adelaide, Blakiston, and Mt. Lofty Ranges, S . .Australia. Obs.-This is the type species of the genus.
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