•i \ !?i X ■'. n;'. >•' -.if,.-. /t. <« ,.y‘- ..^.V , •:, .-sy .' ■ ; "'v ' ‘ ^ ' PAGE FORTY WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 8, 1971 l®attrl|f0tw Ittjttittfl Moat Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Cloek The conservation committee A midweek service of Bible About Town of the . Manchester Junior Wom­ study and prayer will be held Rosary Society 19 Begirt Work for TmuM en’s Club will meet tonight' at tonight at 7;30 at Calvary FLETIIHEH BUSS 00. Average DeUy Net Pre« Run 8:15 at the home of Mrs. Roger Church, 647 E. Middle Tpke.‘ Harvest Bazaar Tlie Entered Apprentice de­ ly^ANCHESTER V Per TKe Weak |Bnded gree wlU be conTered at a meet­ Steele, 83F Rachel Rd. Under Federal Job Platt^ Over Sn of ICxporlon*'*' The Weather • Ootober N , lim ing ot ITriendahtp Lodge of ,Ma- - The High School Choir of Sec­ Next Saturday ' y*- : Ciear, FROST TONIOHT; law ond Congregational Church will in icw 80a: Tomorrow aunnyi ■ona tomorrow at 7;S0 p.m. North Manchester AI-Anon A Harvest Bazaar, sponsored N in e t y people have begun, Education) — Raymond Ra:y- Auto Plate - Window Glasa • MIrrore • . rehearse tonight at 7 and the high near 65. Outlook for Satur­ Worebipful Master Ame family group will meet tonight by St. Bridget Rosary Society, work for^tte town under the mond, 29 JPalm St, Senlcr Choir rehearse at Furniture Tops • Picture Framing • * ^ *fR *^ A 15,581 day . increaaing cloudiheaa, Sterud and his officers of Man-» at 8 at the Second Congrega­ will be hold Saturday from 10 federal emoWency employment Parking lot attendant (Board 7 ;4B at the churclT Door Mirrors - Medicine Cabinets - Special Work milder. Chester Lodge of Masons will tional Church parish house. The a.m. to 3 p.m. at " St. Bridget program, ot Education)—Reginald Bauld, Mancheater-^A City of Village Charm fill the chairs for their annual Thursday group will meet to­ School cafe'teria. The event Is The town hc^ received ap­ 77 Hemlock St, The Senior Choir of Commu­ open to the public. ('ollector's Items exchange visit to Friendship morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the proval for »i39,22lM» under the Library aide (Board of Edu­ nity Baptist Church will re­ Danish Plates VOL. LXXXXI, NO. 80 Lodge. Pathfinders Club, 102 Nbrman A coffee shop will servo cof­ emergency omployniant act for cation) —Mrs, Elizabeth Clark, Presidential t w e n t y -t w o p a g e s (Claaalfled Advei hearse tonight at 7:30 at the Manchooter., S49-4S21 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1971 on Page U ) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTB St. Both groups - meet weekly fee and doughnuts from 10 to 22 temporary town Jobs. Under 286 Ooopor'Hlll St, Decanters ---------------. church. Trinity Covenant Church and are open to friends and 11:30 a.m. and luncheon from a different section of the act, ’Two Clerks I — Mrs, Patricia NuUne nocn to 2:30 p.m. Choir wrlli rehearse tonight at relatives living with a drinking anothey 197,426,75 has been ear­ Kranmus, 227 Center St, . EsUmates Gladly Given I Reproductions 7:S0 at the church. problem. - Boy Scout Troop 123 will meet Chairmen cf the various marked for an additional 12 (Public Works); Mrs. Agnes Open Thurs. A FrI. till 9 P.M. booths are Mrs. Clarence Peter­ tonight at 6:45 at Community .town jolw. The funding of the Agnew, 40 Tower Rd. (Collector ■ Sat. Ull S P.M. PlasUcs In Stock / Baptist Church. son, aprons; Mrs. Howard Ban- A midweek service of prayer Manchester Ski Club will 34 jobs will continue until na­ cf Revenue). !4» . 8/16” • W” and Bible study will be held to­ ___9 ■ dcrburgh, hand knit articles; tional unemployment dips below' 54 McKeo St.. Manchostor meet -tonight at 7 :30 at Flanos' Mrs. Raymond Bldwell, Ye ’Two Clerks ‘TT*— Mrs. Jac­ St4ick Sheets or Cut SIse# Alaska Blast night at 7:30 at the Church of The Sunset Club will ha\’e an 4^4 per cfent for three consecu­ (Off Oentfr St.) Impartiality Restaurant. A fashion show will Olde Country Store; Mrs. John queline Kennedy, 206 Home­ the Nasarene. be presented by various area Important meeting Friday at tive months,, , stead St. (Will work in various l:3(L>p.m. at the Senior ^Citi­ Curtin, arts and crafts; Mrs. Those starting work are; ski shops. Associate club mem­ Frank Spileckl, homo baked departments); Mrs. Marillyn C. B&G DANISH BLUE PLATES First Church of Christ, Scien­ berships are still available. zens Center. Asseuthent aides —’ Herve Eiicson, IBB Olcott St. (Building tist, will have its regular mid­ food; Mrs. Wilbrod LaFlamme, Jean, 187 Charter Oak St,; and 1971 MOTHER'S DAY PLATES 7; fresh made candy. Dcpartnlent). ___ _ 1971 XMAS DAY PLATES — $14.50 week testimony meeting tonight The Senior Choir of Center Michael. Nimlrowski, 23 Tower Planning technical assistoitf^ Plan Scored Also, Ml'S. Prlmo Amadeo, at 8 at the church, 447 N, Main Emanuel Lutheran Church Congregational Church will re­ Rd, . Pledged By plants; Mrs. Hai'ry Norton, Old Charles Brunson, 29 Dover Rd. St. Hie meeting is open to'the Choir will rehearse tonight at 8 hearse tonight at 7:30 in the Mechanic (Police Depart^ and new jewelry; Mrs. Jchn public. in Luther Hall of the church. church sanctuary. ment) — Robert Bagge, 99 Fer­ McNamar, holiday candles; guson Rd, Miss Jean Gallo, used toys; Assistant building inspector — Mrs. Edward McKcever, white William Zinsser, 66 Constance By Mansfield elephant; Mrs. John Duffy and Dr, Ptnehursf Famous For Better Meats R ehnquist Mrs. Jo h n Franzosa, special Personnel supervisor — Wll'^ CONN. TAE KWON-DO ASSOCIATION booths and decorations; Miss A t Pinehurst A t Pinehurst By MIKE SHANAHAN , Frances Gallo and the CYC, 11am J, Wilson II, 67 Milford A t Pinehurst By .lOHN CHADWICK Rd, WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democratic Leader (KABATE AT ITS BEST) movie cartoons fcr children. ' CHICKEN OF THE SEA lYl BU. SIZE HEAVY WASHINGTON (AP), — William H. Rehnquist dis- Mrs. Frank Kos will super- Engineering assistant—Lothar SOLID ALBACORE Mike Mansfield today 'denounced as "dangerous and an 484 Keeney St„ Manchester L,enhardt, 23 Candlewood Dr, POTATOES outrage” Saturday’s planned underground nuclear blast agreed today with a description of him as “an extreme vire children’s games and LEAF BAOS conservative” and pledged that he Would try to put prizes. Engineering aide — John 4 TUNA 10 Ib. at Amchitka Island, o ff the Alaskan coast, and said he Salcius,' 35 North St, oz. A Q 0 (7 in aside his personal views if confirmed as a Supreme Mrs. James Slriannl'and Mrs. 121/2 bag 49» . hopes the Supreme Court stops It. Herbert ’ Nixon head the gour­ Carpenter handyman — Wal­ ca n O # •'That’a Uie laat hope,” the -------------------------- ------------------------ Court justice. pkg.) # T ^ Appearing before the Senate met committee and will be as­ ter Baldyga, 463 Birch Mt, Rd,; ly by iFong, who was one o f . ^ntana Demoentt told report- exploeion la likely to set off Judicary Committee the nomi­ sisted by Mrs. Stanley Lucas, Bruce Doughty, 14 Arch St, four senators who voted against ...a ... earOiquakes and Udal waves, nee disputed the opinion of Mrs.' William Gallo and Mrs. (both with the Building Depart­ the 1968 crime control law be­ spring radloacUve waate Into John P. Frank, a leading con­ Prlmo Amadeo. ment) ; Richard Barms, 13 Rus­ cause he had reservations Pinehurst Tender stitutional lawyer In Phoenix about its wlreta)q>ing provi- Mrs. Robert Ryan,*' Mrs. Wil­ sell St, (Board of Education), oppcfienU pot fl- the northern Paclflc Ocean. who had called Rehnquist “on gioM, liam Dalton and Mrs. Alfred Custodian (Board of Educa­ ^ government intellectual .force for reaction” Fcng, after questioniqg Rehn­ Barbero will. act as treasurers. tion) . — Richard Lynne, 88 evidence about en- and said he was "backward” Mrs. Daniel Newcomb is in Wedgewood Dr, • r a ^ for the blast went vlronmental dangera by keep- on civil rights and “ a supporter quist about Frank’s letter, charge of publicity. Painter’s Helper (Board ot of police methods in the ex­ dangerous. ’The Justice Depart­ FRESH PORK '^thholdlng govenuhSit con- treme. ment lawyer replied that he considers "promiscuous wire­ JUST ARRIVED FROM INTERNATIONAL The price of really fresh Pinehurst - State of Iowa Gov't Inspected FrMh Pork ’’This is not a fair character- _______ „ .. .. TAE KWON-DO FEDERATION Hi'fv Appeals, a^d required by law «»i poten- izaUon, e.ven ^ my phUoeophlc- tapping a dangerous practice." SEOUL, KOREA iiSwioiifelRxujItt;.. "W lw tevor The is low enough so that it won’t strain your Budget. With a 89c pkg. of ^ u t n they BtUl hope to prove U»at the uai haaards al views,” ReSnqulst tes^d. conrider any sort of surveillance that In- Mr. Hwang Kwang Sung Occasion— Flowers Boast ^you will find a whole new way to cook a roast pork dinner or Pork Chops ® P "*- **■*■ Among the evidence cited by Frank’s assessment was teirfered with a defendant’s Sth Degree Black Belt Polynesian . just follow directions on box. the environmentalists was a se- made in a letter to a news­ Say It Best!" relationship with his lawyer written by Presl- paper in Phoenix, 'where Rehn- MR. HWANG HAS INSTRUCfTED A T: ' “ very disturbing.” 8HCRFINE FROZEN urged ^ e r Ukely dent Nixon’s chief envlronmen- ' quist pracUced l a w before • 1961-63 Kwang Moo Training Qsnter, Seoul, Korea. ^ d a tM for the Democrat tal adviser In December 1970, Joining the Nbcon adminis­ Rehnquist’s views on wlretcq>- • 1964^ 36th infantry, Republic of Korea, Army In- MR. FORAND HAS JNStRUCTED AT PENTLAND the Florist PO RK R O A ST p re a l^ U a l nwnlnarion to Join ^ c h said tho Amchitka ex- tration as an assistant attorney ping and civU rights have Inter­ tenuktional Tae Kwoil-Do Federation.
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