SoTa rusTavelis erovnuli samecniero fondi Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation aRniSnuli proeqti ganxorcielda SoTa rusTavelis erovnuli samecniero fondis finansuri mxar daWeriT. winam- debare publikaciaSi gamoTqmuli nebismieri mosazreba ekuT- vnis avtors da SesaZloa, ar asaxavdes fondis Sexedulebebs. This project has been made possible by financial support from the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. All ideas expressed herewith are those of the author, and may not represent the opinion of the Foundation itself”. www.rustaveli.org.ge 1 krebulSi dabeWdili statiebis Sinaarssa da stilze pa- suxismgeblebi arian avtorebi. Доклады печатаются в авторской редакции. The authors are responsible for the contents and the style of the articles printed in the collection. 2 iv. javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University SoTa rusTavelis qarTuli literaturis instituti Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature komparativistuli literaturis qarTuli asociacia (GCLA) VII saerTaSoriso simpoziumi literaturaTmcodneobis Tanamedrove problemebi literatura devnilobaSi. emigrantebis mwerloba (me-20 saukunis gamocdileba) VII International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism Literature in Exile. Emigrants’ Fiction (20th century experience) nawili II Volume II masalebi Proceedings Institute of Literature Press 3 UDC(uak) 821.353.1.09+821.353.1(063) l-681 redaqtori irma ratiani saredaqcio kolegia: maka elbaqiZe irine modebaZe miranda tyeSelaSDvili Editor Irma Ratiani Editorial Board Maka Elbakidze Irine Modebadze Miranda Tkeshelashvili mxatvari nodar sumbaZe © Tsu SoTa rusTavelis qarTuli literaturis instituti, 2013 © TSU Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature, 2013 ISBN 978-9941-0-6169-1 (yvela nawilis) ISBN 978-9941-0-6171-4 (meore nawilis) ISSN 1987-5363 4 Sinaarsi emigrantebis mwerloba _ literaturuli Janrebi da mxatvruli modelebi Emigrants’ Fiction - Literary Genres and Artistic Models Jūratė Landsbergytė Lithuania, Vilnius Lithuanian Catastrophe in the Poetry of Emigrants: Apocalyptic Meaning of the Soviet Occupation and the Affected Archetypes (the discource by b. brazdžionis and a. Mackus).........................................15 siarhei Lebedzeu Belarus, Minsk «national» as a Factor of Work’s artistry and national identification of Work...............................................................31 С. Ю. Лебедев Беларусь, Минск «Национальное» как фактор художественности произведения и национальная идентификация произведения....................................................................................................31 irine ManizhashviLi Georgia, Tbilisi the basic Concept of simon berezhiani.........................................................40 irine maniJaSvili saqarTvelo, Tbilisi simon bereJianis sayrdeni koncepti.....................................................40 irine MOdebadze Georgia, Tbilisi The political leader’s imago: a view from aloof (Gr. Robakidze. “Stalin as Ahriman’s power”)..........................................53 И.И. МОДЕБАдЗе Грузия, Тбилиси Имаго политического лидера: взгляд издалека (Гр. Робакидзе. «Сталин как дух Аримана»)..........................................53 5 FLOra naJiyeva Azerbaijan, Baku the Ways and Methods of interpretation of the History in Mark Aldanov’s Creation........................................................65 Ф.C. НАджИевА Азербайджан, Баку Пути и способы осмысления истории в творчестве Марка Алданова......................................................................65 Ada neMsadze Georgia, Tbilisi givi Margvelashvili’s autobiographical novel – “Captain Vacush’s” Several Aspects...............................................................77 ada nemsaZe saqarTvelo, Tbilisi givi margvelaSvilis avtobiografiuli romanis - `kapitani vakuSis~ _ ramdenime aspeqti...........................77 Kadisha nurgaLi Kazakstan, Astana ahmet baitursynov and Problems of scientific Coverage of Issues of the Kazakh Literature.................................................85 К.Р. Нургали Казахстан, Астана, А. байтурсынов и проблемынаучного освещения вопросов казахской словесности.............................................85 zhanna nurManOva Kazakhstan, Astana the trajectory of emergence way of Wandering in the Memoirs of M. shokai «i am writing to you from nogent...........................90 ж.К. НуРМАНОвА Казахстан, Астана Траектория эмигрантского пути-странствия в мемуарах М. Чокай «Я пишу вам из Ножана…»...................................90 nataLia PetrOva Russia, Perm Metonimical Components of russia image – Poetry of the First emigration Wave............................................................100 6 Н.А. ПетровА Россия, Пермь Метонимические составляющие образа России – поэзия первой волны эмиграции...............................................100 sOLOMOn TABUCadze Georgia, Tbilisi The author’s Modality in “the notebook” by agota Kristof.................................................................109 solomon tabucaZe saqarTvelo, Tbilisi avtoris modaloba agota kristofis romanSi `saerTo rveuli~.......................................................................109 Maria FiLina Georgia, Tbilisi Wojciech Potocki – a Poet and Mistificator..................................................116 М.A. ФИЛИНА Грузия, Тбилиси войцех Потоцкий – политический ссыльный, поэт, мистификатор..................................................................116 guLbanu shariPOva Kazakhstan, Astana Poetru of Continuing Time in g. gazdanov’s novel “evening at Clare”.....................................................125 Г.А. ШАРИПОвА Казахстан, Астана Поэтика длящегося времени в романе Гайто Газданова «вечер у Клэр»................................................................125 rOMan dzyK Ukraine, Chernivtsi Phenomen of the “Otherness” in the novel “Murder in byzantium” by Julia Kristeva...................................................136 Р. А. ДзыК Украина, Черновцы Феномен «чужести» в романе Юлии Кристевой «Смерть в византии»...................................................136 7 nateLa KhinChagashviLi Gori,Georgia A.I. Kuprin in Emigration..............................................................................153 НатеЛА ХинчагашвИЛИ Грузия, Гори А.И.Куприн в эмиграции (К постановке вопроса)................................................................................153 MAIA JALIASHVILI Georgia, Tbilisi Restored the Mythic-poetic Model of the broken time and space (according to the novel by Grigol Robakidze «Guards of Grail”)...........................................................160 maia jaliaSvili saqarTvelo, Tbilisi darRveuli dro-sivrcis aRdgenili miTopoeturi modeli (grigol robaqiZis `mcvelni graalisa~ mixedviT)...............................................................160 emigrantebis Semoqmedeba _ integracia da adaptacia Emigrants’ Fiction - Integration and Adaptation david barbaKadze Georgia, Tbilisi Peculiarities of Intersection of Individual experience, specificity of thea vant-garde Art and Historical Context on the Example of Three Key Émigrés Avant-garde Artists (hans arp, Kurt schwitters, rauol hausmann)......................................168 daviT barbaqaZe saqarTvelo, Tbilisi individualuri gamocdilebis, avangarduli xelovnebis specifikisa da istoriuli konteqstis urTierTgadakveTis Taviseburebani sami centraluri avangardisti emigrantis magaliTze (hans arpi, kurt Svittersi, raoul hausmani).................................168 Liana basheLeishviLi Russia, Moscow Vladislav Khodasevich — an Emigrant in the Homeland and a Homeland in Exile.................................................183 8 liana baSeleiSvili ruseTi, moskovi vladislav xodaseviCi — emigranti samSobloSi da samSoblo emigraciaSi....................................183 zeinab KiKvidze Грузия, Кутаиси The Idea of Caucasian Identity in Grigol Robakidze’s Short Stories..................................193 zeinab kikviZe saqarTvelo, quTaisi kavkasiuri identobis idea grigol robaqiZis novelebSi..................................193 LARISA Kislova Russia, Tyumen «Flamenco in russian»: the Problem of Cultural assimilation in the novel dina rubina «the last of the wild boar in the forests Pontevedra’s».......................201 Л.С. КисловА Россия, Тюмень, «Фламенко по-русски»: проблема культурной ассимиляции в романе дины Рубиной «Последний кабан из лесов Понтеведра»....................................201 TATIANA MarKOVA Russia, Chelyabinsk russian Literature on both sides of the border: Materials of the Rround Table..........................................................212 Т.Н. МарковА Россия, Челябинск Русская литература по обе стороны границы: материалы круглого стола....................................212 Loreta MaCansKaite Lithuania, Vilnius Emigration as Protest and Solidarity: Case of Ichokas Meras.........................................................................217 ЛОРета МачянскайТе Литва, Вильнюс Эмиграция как протест и солидарность: случай Ицхокаса Мераса.....................................................................217 9 Maia ninidze Georgia, Tbilisi national identity narrative in zurab Kalandadze’s Works.........................................................232 maia niniZe saqarTvelo, Tbilisi erovnuli identobis narativi zurab kalandaZis SemoqmedebaSi..................................232 rusudan nishnianidze Georgia, Tbilisi george Papashvily – american Writer and Sculptor of Georgian Origin....................................243 rusudan niSnianiZe saqarTvelo, Tbilisi qarTuli
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