TUESDAY,. NOVEMBEE 19, 196S Averaf 6 Dafly Net P r « « Ron The Weather rereeo(rt of U. 8. Weather P 4 S H For the Wertc Bnded iianrlf^Bt^r lEn^nittg November 16. 1668 Inoreaelaa oloOdiiieM '.towlghi. was oottduobad OoL 36, a/t which, Low tai the 40ik. ThorMiay moot- IW OaiT la a' ly ctoody and mild wflh, roln io- Hm planniiig oominittee ef Wi (Sardner St., the diort, un­ Sodality Plans time throe commltiteaa were 13,891 tlM Second A nnual Antique paved. and very ateap atriiet' oneaibsd but no membera named. veloptaiK by oventng. Hl*ti 56 to About Town TPC Rejects MAYRON'S Member e< the Audit 66. Show, aponaored by tba Second from Gardner to Highland Sts. Weddings NRC chairman FTancIa Dahs^ OmgregwUnal Church Oouptaa Tha oommiaaion also ap­ Social, Bake Sale B an n a of Obraolnttaa proved applications for faderai Feta of Manchaater has alnoa Mtmcheater^A City of ViUago Charm M t » Cteptar, RAM, will CM), wfil meet tonight at 8:30 Two Changes nm ed membara to each com- BAKE SHOE m a t t a itorrow «t 7:M pjn. at at tlM home of Mr. and Mha. grants for atudiee of the pro­ •' Prey - Davis The SodaUty the Blaased posed Parker Village treatment mtttea By commlitteo, they era: Ifaa M a m ie 1>fnple when the Walter Smith, 16 OenterfleM S t Saiorament of SC John’s Polkh Organiaa'tton: Robert Gorton, (Ulaaolfled Advertioing on Fage M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS n m t miMlenC maeter maeon TTw .Town Plantiing Oommia* plant and relief trunk aewer, National OathoUc Church will LEMON FLUFF VOL. LXXXm, NO. 44 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1963 Sion (TPC) kutt nigM denied agreed to meet with General Bolton; Atty. Richard Wood- dacraa wW be conferred. Re* The Golden Age Club will sponsor two ervsnts this week­ house, Manchester; Atty. fi laiBneiitii and a aooM hour meet Thursday at 2 p.m. at the two none changea pending from Manager Martin to outline re- end in the diurch hall. OINOER MR a Nov. 4 hearing, both because qulrem^ta for a planning engi­ James Throwc, South' Windsor; wM be beM after the ceremony. clubroom on School St. On Saturday at 7 p.m. there Bverstt O. Gardner, RockvUle- they did not conform with the neer. and diacuased bringing will be a penny soclal.-Jaunday Vemon. Fund at $76,645 . H m n a t Miatreas Otut> of St. Francis Xavier Mothers town's maerter plan. the Glendale subdivlaion. off after the 8:30 a.m. Maas, a Poi- Both A A B Truck Leaning Technlcaa: John RorthweJl, 74e m C&nole win meet tomorrow at Bush Hill Rd„ up to current lah bake sale wtU be held with 2 Soviet Envoys Clubbed, A total ot $76,646 has now 41 Daughitera of liberty No. 136 wAl meet ’ItMiraday at 8 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mre. Oyrp.’s requect for extenalon of epecificationf). Mra. Genevieve Wojnsirowlcz in Bolton; Frederick Mahr, South been pledged to the United p.m. at the hotne of Mrs. Frank Thomaa Zemke, 28 WedgewoCd an Industrial zone on Hilliard charge. Windsor; Bkherd Lombardi, 668 Center Si- it* 066I Fund, drive headquarters Guay Guilt Plea Taken Dmoan, 8 little 9t Dr. Oo-hoeteaaee will be Mrs. St., and John Bamlnl’s request After aiU the Maasee on Sun Rookvine-Veimon. said today. Robert McNcunara and Mrs. to rexone to Residence Zone B day, parishioneira may purchase Site selection; HJdmob*! Mor- Division reports are as fol­ about 38 acres off Oakland St., Town Opens Bids Arrested, by Congo Agents H ie Rev. Joseph H. MoOann Frank Vendetta. handcrafted articles shown at enoey, Bolton; Frank Stamler, lows: Initial GItto, $48,557; of S t James’ Church wUl speak were unanimously denied by the the holiday sale for Chiristmaa Manchester; Joseph C ar I no. BuHtnenn-Employes, $15,230; 8o the atudenti toi History 101 The Robertson School PTA board. On Car Supplies South Windsor; Samuel Peart, CASH FUEL Residential, $12,853. The HUaiard St. changej giving. L E O P O L D V IL L E The?>an«l Mlakotnykh refused to al-eslde the embassy building Tues- a t tlM Manchester Oommunity will have potluck tomorrow at Rockvine-Vemon. - - . _ ^ 4r\ aAoe*/*le /lavday tifvVifnight, Faflialnorrefusing allntlf The Fund goal Is $116,000. College tonight at 7:46 In Room 6:30 p.m. in the school audi­ which was being asked by a Bi<ki for euppllee for the SERVICE low the Congolese to search firm associated with the town’s (3ongo (AP) — Congolese their car on their return from callers to enter. To 2nd Degree Murder A7 at'Manctieeter High School. torium. There will be two ape- garbage collection contractor, town’s care and trucks were security agents and gen­ BrassavlUe, capital of the for­ Relations between the Congo­ HU topic will be “OathoU<ism dal guests who will speak on opened at the Municipal Bulld- Area Refuse Unit gave M-00 On 200 GaHens sdiool social work, after which was opposed by neighbors to the darmes dragged two Soviet mer French (3ongo, which la lese government and the Com­ •*> Western ClvMdaatdon.” TTie east of the site, who said they irqc yeaterday, but wlU bake 24-Hoar Bonier Met vies across the Congo River. They munist bloc have been bad, and )nMk) U Invited. a question and answer period Meets Tomorrow diplomats feet first from Events will be held. feared the area might be used some time to decipher. TILLEY claimed diplomatic immunity. some members of Premier Cy- to store refuse trucks. Prlcea were offered in the their car Tuesday, beat Soviet Embassy officials said rllle Adoula’s regime recently m p Police Battle Sentence The Lndlea AuxlUaiy of the But the TPC made it clear form Of discounts (from the The Northeast Refuse Com­ WU K Von W arn McKinney them with clubs and hauled the Congolese also had cut the were agitating for a break with XtatUan-Amerteaii OMb will meet' The Toner Group of the Sec mittee has moved its meeting the Soviet Union, Poland, dnd Congregwticml Church will during their discussion last oommoroial tank wagon price them off to jail. tele^one and electric supply to In State tcanocrew at 7:30 pm . at the night that their denial was not for graaoline), percentage dis­ date this week fo(rward one day. Lumber and Supply Oo. They were still being held the lu;luxury apartment where the Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria, R e d Snipers| oMb hnuae, Slldrtdge St. meet tonight at 8 in the nurs­ dependent upon the type of use The fOur-town oommittee 12 Hours the (Jommunlflt nation.* with ery of the church. Hoeteesee will count* (from ’code’ prioea for c today. l(X)-man' Soviet mission lives To Be Set to which the land m l^ t be put. brtberlee and Urea), and Mn. Gregory Stephen Frey will meet tomorrow instead of For Set. 1947—Bolton Soviet Embassy ofttcialo said and works. which the Congo ha* diplomatic Kerfa) E. Moriarty, son of be Mrs. Kenneilh Arey and Mrs. T ^ master plan shows no In­ Thursday, ait 8 p.m. at the Mu­ Sources close to the Congolese relations. Oarl Swanson. Members ace re­ straight dollar coat per gallon Only the diplomats were embassy Bailey Quits Post In Caracas^ Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mori­ dustrial uses south and east of (for diesel and lubricating oil Miss Cynthia Joy Davis and nicipal Building hearing room, Tel. 643-2141 - Counsellor Boris Noronln and government hinted that "highly An eyewitness to the arrest of arty, 77 Kensington St., is a minded to bring paint and the Junction of Adams and Hil Gregory Steiphien Trey, both of for its first regular meeting. compromising" documents had the two Russians said when they On Nov. 27 brushes. and grease). The Place To Buy It press attache Yuri Mlakotnykh. In Flood Control CARACAS, Venezuela member of the cast of "Brlga- bard Sts., the location of the The onlj^learly apparent tow Manchester, were united in The group la InvesUgating TOe officials said they had no been seised from the two arrest­ refused to allow a search of doon” at St. Michael’s College, marriage Saturday at Si. Plus the poeiSbillty of establishing a their car at the Brazzaville (A P)— Police flushed snip­ proposed rtiange, bidder ainlng the 11 triddera word on their fate. ed diplomats. By A. J . OHEM.ASI Wlnooaki Park, Vt., where he is Michael C. Morrltl, son of Mr. ^ rin i's request that the TPC Church, Providenoe, R.I. joint refuse disposal fadUty for Gendarmes stood guard out ferry landing, the (jongole.se let HARTFORD (AP) — and Mrs. Leeter H. Morrill, 31 vas the American Oil (3o., Larun’t Hardwan Eyewitnesses said Noronln ers fVom buildings in down­ a student. ’The musical will be rezorw a tract east of Oakland which offered the largest dis­ The bride is the daughter of Manchester, RockviUe - Vernon, all the air out of the car’s tires. John M. Bailey, Democrat­ Dennis T. Guay, 24, of resented Thursday, SYiday and GreenhUl St., will serve as a Mir. and Mrs. Joseph V. Green, South Windsor and Bolton. 34 DEPOT SQUARE An argument lasting more town Caracas today a.s of- S St from Rural Residence Zone count on the tank car price of ic state and national chair­ Hcials strove to quell pro- Manchester, in an unex­ atimday at 8:30 p.m.
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