AVnADB DAILY OIBCVLATION for me Mewtli at Bepfombei , ltS7 e f O. & WeotbMr the committee w ill turn over the also guest of honor at «^owere giv­ building to David Chambers, chair­ GITEN SHOWER PARTY en recently by Miss Leona jriandats 5.967 SPEAKERS NAMED man of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. MUNICIPAL GUSTO Member ef (he AodK of Hartford and Mrs. A . B. Bqtuby rerOx elowfijr fowight mmt Chambers will in turn give the o f Manchester. Mias runtht-iT. sdU] Boreui ef OrealeHoM building and its administration to BY OFFICE ASSOOATES be married to -Adolphe lYoellger on ' Sooth ICothodlat MkM who bAve the library committee. Addresses 10 Day PHILCO Sale MANCHESTER ~ A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM FORUBRARYRnES WEARS DOWNYANE Saturday morning, October 30, at 11^ alroAdj iiMulo noervmUoaa for will be given at that time by Con­ (So pariah supper ore advised to Mifis Marie Gaathier, •Former­ S t Joeeph'a Cathedral, Hartford. gressman KopiSemarm and Director An high an 170 for your old set. Phone B191. No VOL. LVn., NO. 21 Adverthtag ea Bege ISi) ■........ '.'.'J i piKiiire tickets as sooo as possible Farley. ly OLThia'Town To Be Mar­ MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 25,1937 (TWELVE PAGES) <Msi BMmbers at the Aabury group, down payment— 18 montha to pay. __ PRICE THREE CENTBl During eadi o f the inspection ried In Hartford October 80. o r Mephooe Mrs. Tboinaa Vennard CoBgressman Kopplemanh periods the library committee will Badly Battered Indicator at d r o street, 8661 before Monday act as b osf bo the guests and pub* A FREE , Mght. The supper win be served at Mias Marie Gauthier formerly of And W. J. Farley To Be Uc. Topples In Storm Jnst Manchester was guest of honor at Triial Scene from “The Mystery Golfer” •iSO Wednesday evening, and yie Russell Cheney has presented to miscellaneous shower given Oc­ Bnumer’s Radio Dept. gMop meeting at the Wesleyan the library committee two large oil NON-INTERVENTION tober 31it, at the Far East Garden ENLARGFMENT Ootid win follow. Husbands at ,tbe Be Here Next Friday. paintings which have been bung In Missing Employee’s Head. by her office sssociates at the Un­ WITH CVBRV ROLL UP FILM 80 Oakland Street Ipomban wfll be welcome to attend. the two reading rooms. X>ne o f the IWVKLOPBO AND PRINTED LABOR PEACE TALK derwood Typewriter Cbmpaqy. paintings la a scene in **«— Mary Those present were Agnes Zub^ The Amaranth Sewing club's Cheney's garden and the other a lo­ Congressman Herman P. Kopple* The wind this morning was blow­ vich, Mary Vianl, Agnes Mayer, OUTLOOK GLOOMY hisstliif which was to have been cal landscape. mann and W. J. Farley. State DIrec* Bertha Soules, Agnes B. Steven, hold Monday evening, has been poet- The architect of the new library ing from the south, Robert Mc- 4 0 c Claire Zagoraka, Sophie Kraucunaa, to Thursday evening of next tor of the Works Progress Admin* Is Frank Farley of New York and Loughlln o f the Municipal Water Mary Akscln. Miss Gauthier was at the home o< Mrs. Mina istratlon will be guest speakers at the contractor is Gustave Schreiber department can testify. As he ON IN WASHINGTON; stopped a water department truck IN SPANISH WAR 1, 16 Munro street. the ^ Ic a tlo n of the Mary Cheney and Son. Supervision and Inspec­ ELITE STUDIO In the rear o f the Municipal build­ 966 Mala Ifteact OpataUe Library in Center Park next Friday tion of the work was by the W PA. ing, the north side, and disembarked, Men's - Women's - ChUdreo’s Start Sa ving Now T. M. C A. Women’s Division afternoon, the building committee members are reminded of the weather vane atop the building announced today. It Is possible that barely missed his bead and crashed HAIR CUTS — 25c. I Two Mysterions loddeDts monthly meeting on Monday Senator Augustine Lonergan may We Invite you to open a saving account by eubecriblng PROGRESS REPORTE HOSPITAL NOTES S Barbera — No Waltingt '"JUGIBlUir ^flsmoan at 4 o'clock. Plans will be into the side o f the truck. for as many shares in ths Building and Loon, at Sl.OO per also be present at the ceremony al* Day before yesterday the wind ;pBBde for the regular meeting of the though > definite assurance has not zhare, as you see fit and make monthly paymsnte thsrs- fa Mediterraiean Creates Admitted }resterday: Mias Louise bent the weather vane nearly dou­ C U L 0 T T A »S Chrialon Monday evening, Novem- }ret been given the committee. BARBER SHOP - 34 Oak Street after. Tbs paymsnte mads by you, together sdth the dlvl- Butler, Miss Jean Butler, 58 BIssell ble and thia morning it gave up en­ I Agent F or deods ws pay—(ws never have paid lew than 4% I —will DlilVE OF JAPS Leaders Speid Early Setii^ W 1. at 7:30. The library will be open to the street; Paul Campbell, 58 Chestnut tirely In its attempt to show which mature the shares in about thirteea years and each of Aootber Grave Sitoatioii; public for Inspection Thursday eve* way the wind blown street; Norman Amer, 120 Amer your sharsa will bs worth 3300. Labor War^s Highlights » Mrs. Lewis Rose of Hartford, who ning, Oct. 28, from 7 to 9 p. m., and Almost as soon as the Indicator ^as receatlx returned from her an* street; Albert Catalano, 107 Pine OPPERS fa Talking Aboit FraoH from 8 to B p. m. a string quartet forsook Its lofty perch for terra We also Invite you to take Single Iteyment Shares for French Freighter Bombed CONES TO imp Waahington, Oct. 35.— (A P ) —^unions , were suspended. (Later, the pHial trip abroad, erill speak on cur* from the Hartford School of Music street; Mrs. Elizabeth Hurlock, 39 5fina, an informal movement was Cottage street; James Lovett, East which you d e p ^ t 310C per share with no further payment Here are high spots in the develop­ American N ew s^p er Guild and the Xeat events, at the Meeting of the will play. The music for the eve­ started for a more substantial In­ required, and you will receive our regular dividend (which dure To Be Followed Dn^; ■dandiaster Mothers club Monday ning will be through the generosity Middle Turnpike; Domenle Lombar­ ment o f the A. F. of L.-C. L O. fur workers joined the suspended strument, based on the belief that has never been lew than 4 % .) • BtrLUETIN! rivalry: w ening at Center church house. of Paul Cheney. Open house will do, 407 Center street. no ordinary weather vane can be FILMS OKE Chmese Hold Fast After Sx- unions). Periz. Oct. 25— (A P )— A eee- also be held on Friday afternoon Discharged yesterday: Martha expected to carry the double bur­ DEVEMH’EU AND I f Intereated In either of the above plana, either for your­ Oct. 16, 1935—The American R(d- Oct. 9, 1936—Max Zariteky, presi­ fag Today’s ConferoM^ Tedford, 9 Bank street; Avis Dan­ a plaee o f unMcntiOed natlaeeUtj eration of Labor convention turned dent o f the H stten Union and a tX from 3 to 6 o'clock and Friday eve­ den o f recording the vagaries of self or your minor children, call at our office and receive PKINTED todav bombed a Freocli aob- ning from 7 to 9. A group of about iels, 24 Maple street; Mrs. Norman both ordinary and political winds. such Information aa you desire. Day Batd^ British SohEer down John L. Lewis’ proposal that L O. member, proposed a peace con­ marbie rhaaer off the Spanish 60 officials Including toam and li­ Giimaaon and Infant son, 255 school Last summer . the weather vane 24-HOIJR SE R V IC E all workers In each big industry be ference. The C. L O. refjised to meet tms FUND A new seriM opens this month so call in and get further Mead o f Mtnoroe In the Medi­ Washington, O cL 26.-r-(AP)1 brary groups, members of the W PA street. was bent nearly double by its duties organised Into, one big union' with­ the A. P. of L. peace committee. Film Deposit Box At terranean, netting the ve—el Killed, Americans Strafed and contracting firms ydll take part Birth: a son yesterday to Mr. and and had to be straightened. $ 1 2 - 5 0 Infonnatlea at ooca. out regard to traditional A. F. of Nov. 7, 1936—The C. L O. deputis­ — Labor leaders canimsod a t ] Store Entrance. A TON nSre. In a private Inspection of the build­ Mrs. Hiram Lovejoy, 147 School ^ ^ O A S H L. craft union lines. ed Lewis to talk peace with Green, noon today to map strategy fo r J i JUST TOTAL $1,504 street The craft nine wne mneUne t* ing at 4:30 p. m. Thursday. DeUveied. gunned. By Nipponese Ahman. Nov. 9, 1935— Lewis and associ­ who replied be had no authority to resumption later today Admitted today: Andrew Chris­ Rev. Watson Woodruff of the The Manchester Building & Loan Ass'n, The attacking plaae, Alr- ates started the Committee for In­ do so. peace conference between th(i| building committee will be chair­ tensen, 63 Sigourney street Hart­ STORM SASH KEM?'S dustrial Organisation to carry out Nov. 33,1936—The A. F o f L, con­ fraare officlain taM, wae markr American Federation of LaborJ man of the dedication ceremony ford. We make them to fit any win­ Inc.
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