writtenuv NEIL SIM0N Directed by JEFFREY B. M0SS UA5 I ln order af appearance SE"i DESiGN Marty Burnett U/]LLLIECLARK...,, ....LennyWoipe* LlGl'lT DFSIGN Matt Novotny BEN SILVERMAN.,.. ..Bryan Banville* * C0STLiiqE DESIGN Etisa Benzoni AL LEVi IS .James Sutorius* S0rll,D DESTGN Aaron Rum[ey PATIENT ....John Tessmer PR0P DESIGN Phittip Korth EDDIF , , .. .. Phittip Korth HAIR & Yi lG DESIGN Peter Herman TV NURSE, .Samantha Roper ST,AGt I.4ANAGER DanieL[e Stephens* REOiSTERED NURSE ...PortiaGregory f Time - Early Seventies Ptace New York City ,t - There will be one 15 minute intermissian Season 38 has been made possible by the generosity of The Step Famity Foundation This production has been made possibte by the generosity of Leonard Hirsch, Sam De Luca, and Marion Dodson. The Sunshine B0ys is presented by speclat arrangemenilvith SAIvIUEL FRENCH, lNC, II'inei.i!.crst-a3m.ndqs..c!.:.sii.o!ohihecc!ri::yciActliE'Eq!liyAss!.i.r:n.iheuirl:i '18r.q-.1,l-. f oru;e:.r";la:ri.sardslaqemaraqer:lniheUxri.JSdte3!ActsrsEqliyAsso.i-irlniAEAl.iou!.j€d ' t::,tJ- L-J 'nlvl:..5resen1:-.relnan4tcl!6.!.rs:i!:r3sem3facersiitieUrlieCSrate:.Elrly:e.ks t0ia!ar;€,Drrm1I:ardTosler:raai!lLiv€1iaairc:s;n:saatir;laanpan!ririclfsoaiei(Eqxit! i,5i^7r^;e x"riV .e!r'!rE, d.q..s rio .....ts .! .6ldii:.i3. pr.r'.r5: y.;je .a.!! ai bEne'!. .i.lJi,iE r:!i:. -rl :--:::.: :']?- zi - lI-- I rrci :!q:-:+ eir iurrq:.:rpri( t; . i: :-: .-. rv :-br.- : .-- .':r::,i.-.= *-,-,.=':...=:- rlL , "..r".-'-. -r =.r -.-e 1.-g '-,, NEIL SIMON IPLaywright] began his writing career in television and established himself as our teading writer of comedy by creating a succession of Broadway hits, beginning with Corne BlowYour Horn. During the 1 ?66-67 season, Barefoot in the Park, The Add Couple, Sweet Charity, and Ihe Star SpangLed 6irl were at[ running simultaneously; in the 1970-71 season, Broadway theatergoers had their choice of Plaza Suite, Last of the Red Hot Lovers, and Promises, Promises. Next came Little Me, The Gingerbread Lady, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, The Sunshine Boys, The Gaod Doctor, & Gad's Favorite, They're Playing 1ur Song, t Aught to be in Pictures, Focis, a revival of Little Me, Brighton Beach Memoirs, BiloxiElues [Tony Award], a new version at The }dd Couple staring Satty Struthers and Rita Moreno as the titte duo, Broadway Bound, Rumors, Lost in Yonkers {Tony Award and Pulitzer Prizel, Jake's Women, and London Suiie. Mr. Simon has also written for the screen: the adaptatiorrs af Barefaot in the Park, The }dd Caupte, Plaza Suite, The Last af the Red Hot Lavers, The Prisoner of Second Avenue, The Sunshine Boys, California Suite, I 1ught to be in Pictures, Chapter Two, Brighton Beach Memoirs, Biloxi Blues the TV motion pictures of Broadway Bound and Lost in Yonkers. 0ther screenptays he has written inctude Xfter the Fox, The 0ut-of-Towners, The Heartbreak Kid, Murder by Death, The Goadbye Girl, The Cheap Detectiye, Seerns Like 0A Times, }nly When I Lauglt, Max Dugan Returns, and Ihe Marrying Man. JEFFREY B. MOSS IDirector] is the award-winning director of the criticalty acctaimed recent New York and London productions of Bock and Harnick's new musical ptay, Rofhschlld & Sons- 0ther shows in New York inctude the hit musical Mayor by CharLes Strouse and Warren Leight, and the Cy Coteman/Neil. Simon musicat little Me, He was the director of the New Yark and Kennedy Center productions o{ Some Enchanted Evening, now part of the Rodgers and Hammerstein Library and has directed over 35 Nationat tours of Broadway musicals and ptays incLuding Guys and Dolls, Saturday Night Feve4 The Sunshine Boys, Norman ls That Yau?, Hetta, Doily! and LegaLty Blonde. He directed the recent China premiere of My Fair Lady as wetl as productions seen on the stages of many regional theatres inciuding The Spitfire Grill here at North Coast Rep. His new USA tour of An American in Paris opens in January 2020. II{'S AQI'STSPOHSOPED BYDEN'I & JO'{N C'{ASE ln Order of Appearance LENNY W9LPE' [Wil.tie CLark] Broadway: Butlets }ver Broadway,Wicked, The Drowsy Chaperone,The Sound of Music, Mayor, tnto The Light, Cgpperfield, }nward Victoria. 0ff-Broadway : Heartbreak House, Midnight Street, Marry Harry, }ld Jews Telting Jokes, Company, Radio City Spring Spectaculan NationaI Tours: Wicked, Little Shop, Forum, Guys & Do!!s, South Pacific. Regional: Paper Mitl, {Baker'sWife, Gypsyl, Gaodspeed lshow Boat, Christmas Caroll, MusicaI Theatre West, La Mirada, McCarter, AsoLo Rep, St Louis Rep, Westport, Pasadena Piayhouse, KC Rep, DTC, Sacramento, Pittsburgh CL0, Cape Ptayhouse, Bucks County, Denver Center, TUTS, Hottywood Bowt. W: Guest star on nearly 100 shows from "ER," 'Atty McBeat" and "L.A. Law" to "The Golden Girts," "Chapelle's Show," "The Good Fight"and currentty on the Emmy winning Amazon series'After Forever." I'{IS APT'STSPONSOPED BY DAVID LAING BRYAN BANYILLE* iBen Silvermani is thriLLed to make his debut at North Coast Rep! Bryan spent his summer rocking to 80s jams in Rock of Ages at Cyqnet Theatre and Mixtape at Lambs Playersl Earlier this year, Bryan joined the Flyboys for their 2nd American Tour performing,'vith the G[enn Miller 0rchestra! Select credits - 0ld GLobe: The Heart of Rock and RoLL, Camp David, & Anna Christie; Cygnet Theatre: iResident Artist) Spamaloi {Craig NoeLAward Wjnner), AnimaL Crackers, 0n the Tv'tentieth Century, and Assasslns. Backyard Renaissance: Tarrytown iCraig NoeL Award Nominee); Diversionary: Significant 0tirer; SDMT: The Praducers and Ragtime; Moonlight Stage Productions: Titanic, The Music Man, Spamatot, and Catch Me lf You Can; Farmer's Attey Theatre: Forever Plald; NVA: Plaid Tidings. Love to Katie, proud of you! r,{,5 API'STSPONSOREDsY WENDY& MARC INYEP JAMES SUTORIUS* [AL Lewis] won the San Diego Theatre Critics Circte Award for his titte-role performance in tast season's North Coast Rep staging of The Father. Broadway: The Farnsworth lnvention, Conversations with My Father, The Changing Room, Hamlet.Off Broadway: Sexuai Perversity in Chicago.Oiher Theatre inctudes, Wha's Afraid of Virginia Woo{f? (Best Actor Awardl , Lincolnesque {Best Featured Actor Award}, Ihe Price, The Savannah Disputation [The 0ld GLobel, Glengarry G{en Ross INominated Best Featured Actor Award, La Jot[a Ptayhouse], Antaeus: AsYou Like it, Hedda Gabler; Henry lV, Part Ane, The Crucible, Macbeth, The Seagull, The Autumn Garden and Classr-cs Fest Proiect, A Delicate Batance and Wrecks- Regiona[[y: The Crucibte, Ather Desert Cities, The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, Uncle Vanya, The Price, A Perfect Wedding, A Man for Atl Seasons, Anthony and Cleopatra, A Christmas Carol. FiLmlfV go to lMDb for more detaits. il,IS API'ST SPOHSOPED BY JEFFPEY & SIJEILA LIP,,NSKY JOI{N TESSMEP IPatient] This is John's 16th North Coast Rep show, inctuding Theatre School and ProfessionaI Theatre for Famities productions: Romea & Juliet, The Tin Soldier A Christmas Carol\2ABT-091, Sherlock Holmes & the Adventure af the Great Nome Gold Rush, The Tempest, and Henry l\ Part Ane; Twelfth Night, Love's Labour's Lost, CharLotte's Web, Diary of Anne Frank, Sleeping Beauty, The Miracle Worken and The Giver. Locally: Diversionary, lntrepid, Lamb's, Mo'olelo, New Fortune, New Village Arts, Ptaywrights Project, San Diego Shakespeare Society, SD lnternational Fringe Festiva[, and more. Regionatty: Coiorado Shakespeare FestivaL [5 seasons], Eugene 0'Neitt Foundation, idaho Rep, Laquna Piayhouse, Monomoy Theatre, Western Stage. B.A Yate; M.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. John has been the Producing Artistic Director of the La Jolta Theatre Ensemble since its founding in 2010. *.rrs spoNrscRED 8v DoN porr{ ^Prlsr pllllllp KORTI{ [EddielProps] is an actor, writer, craftsman, and educator. He earned BAs in Acting and Creative Writing from Western Michigan University and his MFA in Acting from the University of Connecticut. He is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and served two tours of duty in lraq. PhitLip works as the Education Associate at The Theatre School @ North Coast Rep and designs props for mainstage productions at North Coast Rep. I'{'S AFT'STSPONSOPED BY BOBBIE BALL SAMANTHA ROPER (TV Nurse] is thril.ted to be making her North Coast Repertory Theatre debut in The Sunshine Bo,v-sl She has resided in New York City this past year and recentLy compLeted the ProfessionaL Semester at Broadway Dance Center with performances at AiLey Citigroup Theater INYC] Her San Diego regional credits inc[ude The Producers and Victor/Victaria Il'4oonlight Amphitheatre]. Samantha couLd also be seen in the opening cast of Disneyland's 60th Anniversary Parade, Paint the Night, and Mtckey's Soundsational Parade. She has her BacheLor's Degree from San Diego State University and has stuciiecj with the Radio City Rockettes as wefi as under some of New York's most prominent choreographers. Samantha wants to thank her famiLy and friends for their endtess [ove and support. Enjoy the show. IH'S AII TSPONSOPSD CY DATTY #A$ES PORTIA GREGORY IRegistered Nurse] is making her debut with North Coast Rep and is grateful for the oooortunity. She recentLy performed a short read of ln Sickness and ln HeaLth at the New Viltage Arts' FinaL Draft Nerv Play FestivaL. Portia graced the stage at Lamptighters Community Theatre in The Front Porch. She debuted at lon Theatre in Thp BalLad of Emmptt fill Portia contributed to the foLLowing films, "The PLayground" a Motion Picture by Split$lorld Pictures, LLC; "Perspectives" by TME Productions and LV55 Media; Thank God for Je[l.y' by Krown tra.riLy FiL.i"s and the short f iini Little Boxes. Sre is a 'ieie.an of ihe U.S. Army. Poi-i,a is thankfulto her famr!.y and iriends for being part of her amazing iourneyl rH,S ARIISTSPONSORED BY JAMIE CARR I rXs] x fl DANIELLE STEPIIENS' [Stage Managerl This is Danietle's first time stage managing for the North Coast Repertory Theatre.
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