AZLE CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 505 W. Main St. AZLE, TEXAS 76020 Tuesday, March 3, 2020 AGENDA Alan Brundrett Mayor Bill Jones Mayor Pro Tem Corey Wynns Council Members David McClure Christopher Simpson Rouel Rothenberger Brian Conner Pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, the Council may convene into Executive Session(s) from time to time as deemed necessary during the meeting for any posted agenda item, and may receive advice from its attorney as permitted by law. PRE-COUNCIL WORK SESSION 6:00 p.m. REGULAR SESSION 6:15 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION The City of Azle is accepting volunteers from all Religions and Denominations to provide the invocation at the beginning of the City Council meeting. If you are interested in giving the invocation at a future meeting, please call the city secretary’s office at 817-444-7101 or email: [email protected] Ray Ivey - Member of Azle Church of Christ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION This is an opportunity for the public to address the City Council on posted agenda items or non-agenda items. In order to address the Council, please complete a Speaker’s Request Form and submit to the City Secretary prior to the start of the Council meeting. All comments must be directed to the Presiding Officer, rather than an individual Council Member or city staff. All speakers must refrain from personal attacks toward any individual. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes and must pertain to the subject matter listed on the Speaker’s Request Form. Speakers requiring the assistance of a translator shall be provided four (4) minutes. Council may not comment publicly on non-agenda items, but may direct the City Manager to resolve the matter or request the matter to be placed on a future agenda. Public comments regarding non-agenda items shall not include any “deliberation” as defined by Chapter 551 of the Government Code, as now or hereafter amended. If you have a subject that may require City Council action you may obtain a form from the City Secretary and request the item be placed on a future agenda. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider any action on approving the minutes of the February 18, 2020 regular meeting. Yael Forgey, City Secretary 2. Consider any action on awarding the bid for the Process Chemicals used at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Michelle Stevens, Purchasing Agent CC MTG 03-03-2020 3. Consider any action on awarding the bid for the 2020 Street Rehabilitation Project. Michelle Stevens, Purchasing Agent 4. Consider any action on Ordinance No. 2020-03 amending Section 3.08.12 “Political Signs” of the Code of Ordinances specifying areas for political signs on City property. Tom Muir, City Manager ACTION ITEM 5. Consider any action on acceptance of the auditor’s opinion and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2019. Renita Bishop, Finance Director MAYOR/COUNCIL COMMENTS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council will convene into executive session pursuant to the Texas Government Code as authorized by: SECTION 551.074 PERSONNEL MATTERS Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of the City Manager. SECTION 551.087 DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS Deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION 6. Take any action necessary pursuant to Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify the above Agenda was posted at City Hall on February 28, 2020 at the City’s official bulletin board and is readily accessible to the public at all times in accordance with V.T.C.A. Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. Yael Forgey, Date Agenda Removed from Posting City Secretary This facility is wheelchair accessible and handicapped parking spaces are available. Auxiliary aids and services are available to a person when necessary to afford an equal opportunity to participate in city functions and activities. Auxiliary aids and services or accommodations should be requested forty-eight hours prior to the scheduled starting time by calling the City Secretary’s Office at 817-444-7101. Complete Council Agenda packet and background information are available for review at the City Secretary’s Office and on our website www.cityofazle.org. CC MTG 03-03-2020 City Council Communication Item # 1 Submitted By: Yael Forgey – City Secretary Date: March 3, 2020 Subject: Azle City Council Minutes. Agenda Item: Consider any action approving the minutes of the February 18, 2020 regular meeting. Purpose (Outline – Who, What, Where, Why & How) Procedural. Checklist of Attachments Contract Agreement Ordinance Resolution Policy Applications Legal Opinion Minute Order Letter/Memo from: Applicant P&Z Minutes X Council Minutes Other Minutes Staff Checklist Federal Law Plans / Drawings Other State Law Bid Tabulations Maps Attachments Notices Charter MINUTES AZLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE FEBRUARY 18, 2020 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTIES OF § PARKER AND TARRANT § CITY OF AZLE § The City Council of the City of Azle, Texas convened in Regular Session at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 505 W. Main St. Azle, Texas, on the 18 day of February 2020 with the following members present: Alan Brundrett Mayor Bill Jones Mayor Pro-tem Corey Wynns Council Members David McClure Christopher Simpson Rouel Rothenberger Brian Conner Also present were: Tom Muir City Manager Lawrence Bryant Assistant City Manager Yael Forgey City Secretary Cara White City Attorney Renita Bishop Finance Director Chief Pippins Police Chief Felicia King Court Administrator Greg Mitchell Development Services Manager PRE-COUNCIL WORK SESSION Mayor Brundrett called the pre- session to order at 6:03 PM. Council and Staff discussed the consent and regular agenda. Mayor Brundrett closed the pre-session at 6:11 PM. REGULAR SESSION Mayor Brundrett called the regular session to order at 6:19 PM INVOCATION Pastor Lee Sipe from First Baptist Church Azle gave the invocation Pledge of Allegiance Boy Scout Troup 147 led the Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None Page 1 | CC MINUTS 02-18-2020 PRESENTATIONS 1. Department Presentation – Crime Control and Prevention District Board Mayor Brundrett recognized Chief of Police Pippins who gave an in-depth review of the activities of the CCPD Board within the past year 2. Quarterly Investment Report. Mayor Brundrett recognized Finance Director Renita Bishop who gave a brief review of the Quarterly Investment Report ending December 31, 2019, noting the book value of this quarter’s investment at $23,407,242, the average quarterly yield was 1.62% with quarterly interest earnings of $90,086. CONSENT AGENDA 3. Approving the minutes of the February 4, 2020 regular meeting 4. Consider any action on authorizing the City Manager to execute an amended Interlocal Cooperation Contract with the Texas Department of Public Safety for the Failure to Appear Program. 5. Consider any action on proposed Resolution No. 2020-03 committing $22,500 in match contribution to affordable housing for all activities undertaken through the HOME Investment Partnership Program; and providing an effective date. Councilmember McClure moved to approve the consent agenda items 3, 4 and 5 as presented. Councilmember Rothenberger seconded the motion. Mayor Brundrett declared motion passes YES: (7) Wynns; McClure; Jones; Brundrett; Simpson; Rothenberger; Conner DISCUSSION ITEM 6. Discuss Proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulation Mayor Brundrett recognized Development Services Manager Greg Mitchell who stated the P&Z Board approved recommendations for the “accessory Dwelling Unit”. He also gave a review of last year’s legislation (HB2439) that prohibits municipalities from regulating building materials. Mayor Brundrett asked the Council if they were willing to move forward with this item. The majority of the Council were against it, therefore Mayor Brundrett closed the discussion. MAYOR/COUNCIL COMMENTS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Early voting starts today and will continue until 02-28-2020 Page 2 | CC MINUTS 02-18-2020 EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Brundrett recessed to Executive Session at 7:28PM SECTION 551.074 PERSONNEL MATTERS DELIBERATE THE APPOINTMENT, EMPLOYMENT, EVALUATION, REASSIGNMENT, DUTIES, DISCIPLINE, OR DISMISSAL OF THE CITY MANAGER Mayor Brundrett reconvened to open session at 8:31 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION 7. Take any action necessary pursuant to Executive Session. No action ADJOURN Mayor Brundrett adjourned the meeting at 8:36 PM Presented and approved on the 03/03/2020 ___________________________________ Alan Brundrett, Mayor Attest: ___________________________________________ Yael Forgey, TRMC, CMC City Secretary Page 3 | CC MINUTS 02-18-2020 City Council Communication Item # 2 Submitted By: Michelle Stevens, Purchasing Agent Date: March 3, 2020 Subject: Process Chemicals – Annual Bid Action Requested: Consider any action on awarding the bid for the Process Chemicals used at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Purpose (Outline – Who, What, Where, Why & How) On February 6, 2020, sealed bids were opened and read aloud for the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant process chemicals that included eleven (11) different chemicals. These chemicals
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