SONG INDEX 10,000 HOURS (Beats and Banjos, ASCAP/Shay BEER CAN’T FIX (EMI Blackwood Music Inc., B.S

SONG INDEX 10,000 HOURS (Beats and Banjos, ASCAP/Shay BEER CAN’T FIX (EMI Blackwood Music Inc., B.S

MAR 28 2020 SONG INDEX 10,000 HOURS (Beats And Banjos, ASCAP/Shay BEER CAN’T FIX (EMI Blackwood Music Inc., B.S. (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Efuru DETROIT 3 AM (Cloud 9 Holland Music Publish- -F- GODZILLA (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ Mooney Music, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publish- BMI/Cricket On The Line, BMI/Music Of Big Publishing, BMI/Brian’s Piggy Bank, ASCAP/Lil ing, BUMA/Copyright Control/Warner Chappell Shroom Shady Music, BMI/Que Chevere Music, ing Corp., BMI/Big Ass Pile Of Dimes Music, Family, BMI/Dragon Bunny Music, BMI/Patriot Bastards, BMI/Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/ Denmark, KODA/JackBack Publishing Ltd., FAITH (Bloodshy Production AB, STIM/These ASCAP/David’s Art LLC, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs BMI/Big Music Machine, BMI/Buckeye26, Games Publishing, ASCAP/Write Me A Song My Last Publishing, LLC, ASCAP/I Am H.E.R. SACEM/Mike James Music Co., BMI/Warner- Are Pulse Songs, BMI/Roc Nation Music, Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/NLMB, LLC, BMI/ ASCAP/Jreynmusic, ASCAP/WC Music Corp., Publishing, GMR/Downtown Global Two, GMR), Publishing, ASCAP), HL, H100 57 ; RBH 33 Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Megaton ASCAP/Jonback Productions AB, ASCAP/Cloud Alejandro Villasana Pub Designee, BMI/Warner- ASCAP/Bieber Time Publishing, ASCAP/Univer- AMP/HL, CS 17 ; H100 91 ; RBS 6 Music, SIAE/MusicAllStars Publishing BV, SIAE), 9 Holland Music Publishing, BUMA/Velvet Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/David’s Art, sal Music Corp., ASCAP/Poo BZ Publishing Inc., AMP, DES 47 Apple Music, BMI/Downtown Music Publish- BMI), AMP/HL, H100 23 ; RBH 12 ; RS 8 BEFORE YOU GO (BMG Rights Management BURN THE SHIPS (Method To The Madness, ing, BUMA/IDK Music Publishing, ASCAP/ ASCAP/BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP), AMP/HL, (UK) Ltd., PRS/Sony/ATV Music Publishing UK ASCAP/Shankel Songs, ASCAP/WC Music DIE FROM A BROKEN HEART (Super Big GO EASY (WKMM, ASCAP/Universal Music CS 2 ; H100 22 Aukoustics, ASCAP/Peermusic III, Ltd., BMI/ Ltd, PRS), HL, H100 97 Corp., ASCAP/Kilns Music, BMI/Shaun Shankel Music, ASCAP/Seven Red Brids Publishing, Circles and Triangles Music Group, BMI/Uncle Corp., ASCAP/Benjamin Berger Publishing, 21 YEARS (Achtober Songs, BMI/Capitol CMG THE BEST (AWOLNATION Music, BMI/Toro Publishing Designee, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane ASCAP/Big Music Machine, BMI/Jehovah Nissi George Music, BMI/Universal Music - Careers, ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Ryan McMa- Paragon, BMI/So Essential Tunes, SESAC/REL- Rosso Tracks, BMI) RO 17 Publishing Corp., BMI/CentricSongs, SESAC/ Music, BMI/Jett Music, ASCAP/WC Music BMI), HL, DES 17 hon Publishing, ASCAP), AMP/HL, RO 49 WOF, SESAC/Harper And Hudson, BMI/House Capitol CMG Amplifier, SESAC/Hiltingbury Corp., ASCAP/Thankful For This Music, ASCAP/ BEST FRIENDS (Hillsong MP Songs, APRA/ FALLING (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Taz GOOD AS HELL (Frederic And Ried Music, BMI/ Of Emack Music, BMI), HL, CST 29 Songs, ASCAP/BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP), AMP/ Doc And Maggie Music, SOCAN/Sony/ATV Songs From The Boardwalk, BMI/Sony/ATV Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI), HL, CST 36 HL, CST 6 Cross Keys Publishing, ASCAP), AMP, CS 22 Taylor Beats, BMI/Artist 101 Publishing Group, 25/8 (RSM Publishing, ASCAP/RIMAS Entertain- BMI/Kim Candilora II Publishing Designee, Songs LLC, BMI/Lizzo Music Publishing, BMI/ ment, ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/ BEST ON EARTH (Sony/ATV Ballad, BMI/ -C- DIE TO LIVE (M.P. Publishing APS, KODA/BMG Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI), AMP/ Cutcraft Sounds, BMI/Concord Publishing, BMI/ BMI/Copyright Control), HL, H100 29 ; RBH Risamar Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Rights Management, KODA) RO 44 17 ; RS 13 HL, H100 44 Inc., BMI/Miyabi’s Bakery, BMI/Kaled Elikai Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, ASCAP/1damentional CAN I CALL YOU TONIGHT? (Sloan Struble Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Me And Marq Music, Publishing Designee, BMI) RO 27 THE DIFFERENCE (Future Classic Pty. Ltd., FALLING IN LOVE (Cloud 9 Holland Music GOODNESS OF GOD (LIVE) (Bethel Music Rivera Cordova Publishing Designee, BMI/Ben APRA/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing LLC, Publishing, ASCAP/Fellow Ships Music, SESAC/ Sturdivant Publishing Designee, BMI/Weston ASCAP/BMG Firefly, ASCAP/WC Music Corp., CARDIGAN (Artist Publishing Group West, Publishing, BUMA/Sony/ATV Music Publishing ASCAP/C’Amore Music, BMI/EMI Blackwood ASCAP/Toro y Moi LLC, ASCAP) DES 10 BV Holland, BUMA/Pulse Recording Songs, So Essential Tunes, SESAC/SHOUT! MP Brio, Road publishing, BMI), HL, LT 19 ASCAP/Nyankingmmusic Inc., ASCAP/EMI April BMI/Capitol CMG Paragon, BMI/Alletrop Music, Music Inc., BMI/Reservoir 416, BMI/Swizole Music Canada, SOCAN/Sonny Digital Music DIOR (Andre Loblack Publishing Designee, PRS/ ASCAP), HL, DES 25 <3 (RSM Publishing, ASCAP/RIMAS Entertain- Music, BMI/Money Stacks Publishing, ASCAP/ Bashar Jackson Publishing Designee, BMI) H100 BMI), HL, CST 22 ment, ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/ Group, BMI/Irving Music, Inc., BMI/EMI April FAMILY (Sony/ATV Ballad, BMI/Nice Hair Mr. Funkadelic Publishing, ASCAP/Marcus Cole Music, Inc., ASCAP/EMI Music Publishing Ltd., 50 ; RBH 28 ; RS 23 Publishing, ASCAP/Sony/ATV Allegro, ASCAP/ GOOD THINGS FALL APART (Illenium LLC, Risamar Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Publishing, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publish- ASCAP/BMG Platinum Songs US, BMI/Bad Inc., BMI/EMI Blackwood Music Inc., BMI), PRS/Mohamed Elkhalifa Publishing Designee, DIOSA (White World Music Publishing, ASCAP/ These Are Songs Of Pulse, ASCAP/TMP London, ing Corp., BMI), AMP/HL, H100 46 ; RBH 25 SOCAN) H100 90 White House Records, ASCAP/Melodias de Oro ASCAP/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Robot Music, BMI/Lets Get Brunch Publishing, HL, LT 37 ; RS 21 BMI/Artist 101 Publishing Group, BMI/Songs CARITA DE INOCENTE (Aphotic Prince Hits, Music Publishing, SESAC/Omar Rivera Publish- BMI/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Chris McClenney -A- BETTER TOGETHER (Big Music Machine, BMI/ ing Designee, ASCAP/THETWLGHTZONE, Publishing, ASCAP/APG, NS/Kygo Publishing Of Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ GMR/Kobalt Music Group Ltd., GMR/Dice World WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Italians Do It Better, ADORE YOU (HSA Publishing Limited, GMR/Uni- Egg Music, BMI/Straight Dimes Publishing, Publishing, BMI/The Royalty Network, Inc., BMI/ ASCAP) LT 49 Designee, BMI), AMP/HL, DES 11 BMI/Sony/ATV Countryside, BMI/Warner- ASCAP/Unsub Pub LLC, ASCAP/Songs Of A versal Music Works, GMR/Universal PolyGram Mickey Then Publishing, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane DISFRUTO LO MALO (LNGR Publishing, BMI) FAMOUS FOR (I BELIEVE) (Crucial Music Beautiful Mind, BMI/Art In The Fodder Music, Int. Publishing Inc., ASCAP/Snap Back Publish- Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Sullivan S Publishing Corp., BMI), AMP, LT 44 LT 38 Entertainment, BMI/Be Essential Songs, BMI/ Guns Music, BMI), AMP/HL, CS 27 BMI/BMG Bumblebee, BMI/Songs Of Universal, ing, SESAC/Cloyster Road Songs, SESAC/Artist CATCH (Super Big Music, ASCAP/Caliville Pub- DOES TO ME (Big Music Machine, BMI/50 Egg Integrity’s Alleluia! Music, SESAC/Nordinary Inc., BMI), AMP/HL, DES 8 Publishing Group East, SESAC/Kobalt Group BICHIYAL (RSM Publishing, ASCAP/RIMAS lishing, ASCAP/EMI Blackwood Music Inc., BMI/ Music, BMI/Straight Dimes Publishing, BMI/ Music, SESAC/Capitol CMG Amplifier, SESAC/ Music Publishing, SESAC/These Are Pulse Entertainment, ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., Alexis Slifer Publishing Designee, BMI/Jord A GO STUPID (Polo Ground Music Publishing, Plain Jane Songs, BMI/Rezolant Music, BMI/ Works Of RHA, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publish- ASCAP/Sounds From Eardrummers LLC, ASCAP/ Songs, BMI/One Year Yesterday Publishing, ASCAP/Shigongo Publishing, BMI/La Mente Round Hill Songs II, ASCAP/Combustion Engine ing Corp., BMI/Larkin Hill Publishing, BMI/ Lil Music, BMI/Songs By Jsapp, BMI/Capitol BMI/Creative Pulse Music, BMI), HL, H100 7 Maestra Music Publishing, BMI/Risamar CMG Paragon, BMI), HL, CST 42 Lakeith Legacy Publishing, BMI/Warner-Tamer- Music, ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP), AMP/ Kirbfinder’s Mucho Love Music, BMI), AMP/HL, lane Publishing Corp., BMI), AMP, H100 96 AFTER A FEW (I’m About To Go RED On Ya Publishing, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI), HL, CS 13 ; H100 65 CS 16 ; H100 86 FANTASIA (Ozuna Worldwide, BMI/Songs Of Music, BMI/Travis Denning Music, BMI/ole, HL, LT 11 Kobalt Music Publishing America, Inc., BMI/ GOT THE GUAP (ASCAPUZI, ASCAP/WC Music CAUTION (Universal PolyGram Int. Publishing DONE (ole Red Vinyl Music, BMI/Buckkilla Corp., ASCAP/Working On Dying Music, BMI/ BMI/Crack The Glass Songs, BMI/Stars And BIG (McClure Publishing, ASCAP/Kerry Douglas Inc., ASCAP/Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, ASCAP/Xoco Music, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/ WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Jedy Squat Music, Stripes And Maple Leaf Music, BMI/Downtown Publishing, BMI/Black Smoke Music World ASCAP/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Sony/ATV Songs LLC, BMI/Tobias Dekker Pubishing, BMI/Legally Sound, ASCAP/Kobalt Songsfortatum Publishing, BMI/BMG Platinum Publishing Designee, ASCAP/Young Stoner Life DMP Songs, BMI/Sound Wagon Songs, ASCAP/ Wide, ASCAP) GS 4 Songs Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP), HL, RO 3 Songs US, BMI/Rounding Third Publishing, BMI/Musica de Gaby Publishing, BMI/Editora WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Music Of The Corn, Star Island, ASCAP/La Tinta de Diamante Music, Publishing LLC, BMI/Reservoir 416, BMI), AMP/ BIG, BIG PLANS (Magic Mustang Music, BMI/ CHASIN’ YOU (BMG Gold Songs, ASCAP/ BMI/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Mitchell Marlow HL, H100 87 ; RBH 49 ASCAP), AMP, CS 19 Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Big Music, ASCAP/KJM Music Publishing, ASCAP), BMI), AMP, LT 28 Team Destiny, ASCAP/JMZL Music, ASCAP/Big GRACE (Four Entertainment Music, ASCAP/Wolf AFTER HOURS (Universal Music Corp., ASCAP/ Loud Mountain, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., Loud Mountain, BMI/Round Hill Songs BLS JV, HL, CS 45 FAR AWAY (Ben Burnley Publishsing LLC, Sal And Co. LP, SOCAN/Marsky Music, BMI/ BMI/Tree Vibez Music, LLC, BMI/Ern Dog Music, ASCAP) RO 29 Pack Global Music Publishingl, ASCAP/Quality ASCAP/Big Loud Proud Songs, ASCAP/Red Toe DON’T START NOW (Buckley Tenenbaum Control QC Pro, ASCAP/Universal Music Corp., Janice Combs Publishing, Inc., BMI/EMI Black- BMI), AMP/HL, CS 44 Rocker, ASCAP) CS 11 ; H100 58 Publishing, BMI/Warner-Tamerlane Publishing THE FATHER’S HOUSE (Bethel Music Publish- wood Music Inc., BMI/KMR Music Royalties II ASCAP/Zachary Thomas Publishing Designee, B.I.T.C.H.

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