·GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRAS PACKAGE SCHEME OF INCENTIVES FOR DISPERSAL OF INDUSTRIES OF INDUSTRIES, ,SACHIVALAYA ANN~~( BOMBAY-32 WCATilXG TillS F1\CTORY ATNAGPlTR INCitf~ED ITS NET EAR1~11XGS BY lts.5·50 PERRs.lOC p See what its Chairman has I __ -- ----l~ Whether you're expandmg, diversifying or setting up a new plant, see what the developing regions" of Maharashtra have to offer: I. A P.rd.a!-'t' Scheme ot Sute 4. Re;rd\-m.rtlc f.rctnr1· 1he<.h ;tl 1-'or c-xperlloc:allonal &uidanc~ ... (in\l:rnment IIKcnlr\C\ I for !\;;,!!pur. Aur.ln):.lh:nt .md A~ul.1 .rpptt>ICd mJu~LrtC\ nnl)) 1\hrch ••n e<l\~ hHe·rur~ha,e 1erm, Whutrvtt tlrt' tc•rpt of prur pro}tCI, rnduJc 5. A~ mud1 .... .~ter J\ )••u need [lei SICO.\I'l Locolllolw/{;utdomcr • rdund of ~ale\ ta~ p:~rd on raw matcr1JI and lim,hed prodw;ts 6, A \IC.Id) ~uppl) of h}Jruckctnc Suvtcr to lrdp J'llll. SICO'-fJ '""m and thermJI po.,..er 10 the c\ICnl of K 0 -~ of the II/ lflllllt'</I'II,I:UIC'f'fJ 111/d Ufr<IIIIIIUIIfJ • 7. Skilled l.1bo•ur Jlld fJCiht•c• for r;:aprtJI uf the ~ompan)- for a Mil gnf' ,.u11 11 {umwl t'l'olilullltlll of pcnod of 13 )Car\ ollt'Jtlll/t' fuwtwm- •rillwut oblrgdlil:m. • ll•v.cr ckdtr~rl) taniT 8. FH•I·ratc C<lmmumc.JIIon~ 9. Pic:.";'"' h\ mg cnnJuwn, • Arrh~dhk 1o ~n f'Jrl• uf ~~~hAu,hua • \Ub\tdt~ed mdu,UrJI hOU\101! ~I'Jflh<lm I he ondu•IIIJIIl '~lur~lcd • GoH:rnmt'nl ~u<.~rantce to loan' ... It all adds up to increa!.ed H<ln>b.o) I h"nJ 1\hop..•h .,..,._,nJ "'"'f'ln • 75'' u contnbutr,rn tov.ard\ Ge~ Lhc ~md of ;J\\1\Ianu~ thJt'\ ~carc:J fca,rbrlrty \h.Jr,hcs profitability, quicker returns. 10 ~uur need' Wnh~ t~•J.I) 111 • prdcrcntraltreatmcnt in Ull>'crnmcnt bu> m~ lh<" ( IHcf I n~<nC<I II <l,;JI"JI\.11 (,u.J,,n,·c '>c:!li<:CI 2. S1<'tl~l-~ Lrrhn-nrade lin.~ncrnc THE STATE INDUSTRIAL AND INVESTMENT \Cherne, f"r 'null_ mcdrum .rnd I.IJ):C <.erie rnJu,lrl CORPORATION OF MAHARASHTRA LIMITED \l"ln HhJ,~n. U,n,h.o \.,.hh" Kn,uJ. 1J,, 1,t>," 1 ldcpho>nc ~Jt<~lh ~Jh1~4 J. Chorcc factor} 1rtc• .11 JHICt'\ lrt.lm Rc. l to R, 4 pc:r '"~·metre SIC 0 M -a kPipillg lull'd for dewlopit.g i..durlty C"'IC-1.1H GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA offers THIS PACKAGE SCHEME OF INCENTIVES for e stimulating the spread out of industries e achieving a balanced economic development of the entire State 0 avoiding overcrowding of industries in already developed zones CONTENTS PAOB 1. NATURE OF INCENI'IVES I ll. DEl'AILS OF INCENTIVES 2 III. AREAS WHICH QUALIFY FOR NEW lNcmmvES 4 IV. LlS1' OF INDUSTRIES NORMALLY HELD ELIGmLI! FOR 11fE CoNCESSIONS s V PERIOD DURING WIUCH 11fE lNCENI'IVES wn.L BE OPERATIVE 6 VI. PROCEDURE FOR AVAILING OF CoNCESSIONS 7 VIL Exisl'ING FACD.ll'IES FOR DISPERSAL OF lNDUS1'RIES 9 -.'Ill. APPENDIX A-List of areas whezc concessions aie not available II IX. APPENDIX B-Map or the Bombay-Thana region showing the excluded aiea IS X. APPENDIX C-Map or the Poona·Pimpri-cbinchwad region showing the excluded aiea 17 XI. APPENDIX D-Map or the Khopoli region showing excluded aiea 19 XII. APPENDIX E--ListoflndustrialEstatesin the Second and Thin! Fivo-Year Plans 21 I. NATURE OF INCENTIVES ' * State Government SUPPPrt for obtaining Industrial Licence. * Relief from incidence of certain taxes, duties and rates like electricity tariff, sales tax.. octroi duty, water royalties, non-agricultural assessment. * Guarantee to loans * Contribution towards cost of feasibility study. * Contribution towards cost of industrial housing. * Advance supply of building materials on loan from a Revolving Stock. * l'n!ferential treatment in Government purchase programme• .* Assistanlll'l in techniaJ training of personnel. Y 4050-la ' D. DETAILS OF INCENTIVES 1. State Government support for obtaining industrial licence Applications for industrial licence to the concerned authorities tn the Government of India will be supported by the State Government. 2. Relief from the incidence of certain taxes, duties and rates A. Electricity Tariff-The Maharashtra State Electricity Board will offer a rebate on th.e electricity tariffs for all new industries coming up outside the Bombay-Thana, Khopoli and Poona-Pimpri-Ch.inchwad regions and having ~ load of more than 200 lm. so as to brina tho tariff on pat with Tatas' tariff in Bombay. B. Sales Tax.-Govemment will give a cash refund of the sales-tax paid by the industry on raw materials purchased by it and on finished ptoducts. This, however, will not exceed in a year 8 per cent. of the capital of the industry. C. Octroi Duty.-Raw materials, capital equipment and building materials imported within the limits of local authorities by industries will be exempted from payment of octroi duty to the extent of 1·6 per cent. of· the value of the capital equipment and building materials importee'. by these inciustries. D. Water Royalties.- Govetnment will exempt industries which lift water from tbe public water sources and are required to pay water royalties thereon from the payment of -such royalty. E. Non-agricultural assessment.- Industries will be exempted from payment of non­ agricultural assessment on the land allotted to or taken up by them. i 3. Guarantee to loans Government may consider favourably guaranteeing loan to be raised by new industries, with a view to raiting their borrowing capacitv. on mortgal!,e of the undertakings' l\SSets. 4. Contribution towards cost of feasibility study Government will give 75 per cent. contribution towards the cost of preparation of a feasibility study done through an agency approved by Government. Such a report will remain the property of the Gov~rnment or, if implemented within the prescribed time, the -cost, thereof, will be converted as Government's contribution towards the share capitl' I of the project 5. Contribution towards cost of Industrial Housing In respect of industries which have to pay 25 per cent. of the cost of housing undet the industrial housing scheme, such industries will be subsidised to the extent of 10 per -cent. of their share requited to be paid to the Housing Board. 6. Advance supply of building materials on loan from a Revolving Stock To help the industries in the speedy implementation of their projects and expeditious completion of their construction programme, Government has decided to create a revolving fund of building nt2terials like cement, iron and steel etc. The building materials will be given on loan to industrialists and stock will be replenished by the industries after their procuring the building materials on permits issued to them. 2 7. Preferential treatment in Government purc:base programme With a view to giving a fillip to the new industries in respect of marketing of their products in the initial stages, Government has decided to reserve for new industries 33 per cent. of the purchases of Government through the Central Stores Purchasing Organi~ation at the lowest tendered price tendered in open competitive tender. 8. Assis~e in technical training of personnel For providing services of skilled personnel, Government will assist the industries by working a second shift in local technical high schools and in the shape of free use of equipment and provision for establishment expenses. 3 Y 40SD-2 ill. AREAS WHICH QUALIFY FOR EARNING THE NEW INCENTIVES Industries which may be-- (a) established newly in future in ; or (b) existing industries within the Bombay-Thana region which may be.• shifted to any place in the State of Maharashtra except the alf"'ady developed zones near the Bombay­ Thana, the Khopoli, and the Poona-Pimpri-Chnichwad regions will be eligible for earning these concessions. A description of the areas excluded from the operation of these incentives along with the list of villages in the areas so excluded is given in Appendix • A'. Maps showing excluded areas in the Bcmbay-Thana, the Poona-Pimpri-Chinchwad and the Khopoli regions are at Appendices • B ', • C • and • D '. 4 IV. LIST OF INDUSTRIES WHICH WILL NORMALLY BE HELD ELIGIBLE FOR THE CONCESSIONS 1. Cast Iron Spun Pipes. 31. Calcium carbide. 2. Wire drawing units (6 Units). 32. B. H. C. 3. Iron Castings (6 Units). 33. Paints and Varnishes. 4. Malleable Castings (6 Units). 34. Straw Board. 5. Non-ferrous Castings. 35. Rice bran oil. 6. Steel Forgings/Castings. 36. Refractories. 7. Steel pipe and tubes. 37. Rayon grade pulp. 8. Gears (4 Units). 38. Hard Board/Chip Board. 9. Forging dies (4 Units). 39. Fibre Board. 10. Patterns (6 Units). 40. Solvent extraction. 11. Heavy structurals and Conveyors. 41. Seasoning of timber. 12. Cranes. 42. Frozen and dried vegetabl:s includ­ 13. Cotton textile machinery. ing fruit canning, fish canning and food canning. 14. All varieties of machine tools. 43. Pig Iron. 15. Agricultural tractors and farm 44. Card-board from ground-nut shell vehicles. and/or saw dust. 16. Light Petrol Engines. 45. Paper manufacturing - Special, wri­ 17. Chemical and Pharmaceutical ting, cardboard, presphan, leather­ machinery. oid and newsprint. 18. Printing machinery. 46. Hand Tools. 19. Packing machinery. 47. Refining and beneficiation of mine- 20. Mill Handling transport equipment. n;ls and coal washeries. 21. Sewing machines. 48. Citric acid. 22. Electric fans. 49. Cotton Textile Mills. 23. Precision Instruments. 50. Manufactute of marine gear boxes, foot valves, power take-offs, flexible 24.
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