Lingua Franca Nova English Dictionary 16 October 2012 http://lfn.wikia.com/ http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/lfn/ http://purl.org/net/lfn/disionario/ 1 Lingua Franca Nova (LFN) is an auxiliary constructed language created by Dr C George Boeree of Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania. This is a printable copy of the master dictionary held online at http://purl.org/net/lfn/disionario/. A printable English–LFN dictionary can be downloaded from the same location. Abbreviations ABBR = abbreviation ADJ = adjective ADV = adverb BR = British English COMP = compound word (verb + noun) CONJ = conjunction DET = determiner INTERJ = interjection N = noun NUM = numeral PL = plural PREF = prefix PRENOM = prenominal (used before a noun) PREP = preposition PREVERB = preverbal (used before a verb) PRON = pronoun SUF = suffix US = American English V = verb VI = intransitive verb VT = transitive verb Indicators such as (o-i) and (e-u) mark words in which two vowels do not form a diphthong in normal pronunciation. 2 termination; aborta natural V miscarry; N miscarriage; A abortada ADJ abortive; ADV abortively; abortiste N abortionist; antiabortiste ADJ N antiabortionist A N A (letter, musical note) abracadabra! INTERJ abracadabra! hocus-pocus! a PREP at, in, on (point in space or time); to (movement); abrasa VT embrace, hug; clamp; N embrace, hug; abrasa toward, towards, in the direction of (direction); to ursin N bear hug; abrasable ADJ embraceable, (recipient) huggable; abrasador N clamp; abrasador fisada N vise a INTERJ ah, aha (surprise, sudden realization, etc) (US), vice (Br); abrasante ADJ hugging; close-fitting, tight-fitting, skintight -a SUF N [added to a noun ending in -o: female relative (tio, tia); fruit or nut (pero, pera)] abri VI open, open up (movement); VT open; undo, unfasten; turn on (tap, power); N opening (act, abaco N abacus (device, architecture) aperture); aperture, orifice; abri la via (de) V pioneer; abade N abaderia N abadesa N abbot; abbey; abbess abribote (comp) N can opener, tin opener; abaia VT N bark (dog); squawk, crow, caw (bird); abaia abribotela (comp) N bottle opener; abrida ADJ open, un comanda V bark a command; abaieta V N yap opened; abrinte vias ADJ pioneering, groundbreaking; abandona VT abandon, strand, maroon, forsake, desert abrioio (comp) N eye-opener, revelation; abrivia (someone); relinquish, give up on, leave behind forever; (abrivía) (comp) N pioneer; de fonte abrida ADJ open- time out (software); N abandonment; N timeout source (software); reabri V reopen (software); abandona la scola V drop out of school; abricoca N apricot (fruit); abricoco N apricot (tree: abandona militar V desert; N desertion; species Prunus armeniaca) abandonada ADJ abandonor N abandoned, deserted; abugida N abugida (script) deserter; drop-out abunda VI abound; N abundance, plenty; abundante ADJ Abcazia N abcaz ADJ Abkhazia; Abkhaz abounding, abundant, plentiful; suprabunda V be abea N bee, honey bee (insect: genus Apis); abeon N overabundant, overflow (metaphorically); N bumblebee (insect: genus Bombus); abeor N beekeeper; overabundance; suprabundante ADJ excessive, aberia N beehive, apiary overabundant abeto N fir (tree: genus Abies) acad ADJ N Akkadian abita VT live in, inhabit, reside in, dwell in; settle (a academia N academy; academial ADJ academic; home); N habitation, residency, dwelling (act); academin ADJ academic, irrelevant in practice; abitable ADJ habitable, inhabitable, livable; abitablia N academiste N academic abitada ADJ habitability, inhabitability, livability; acantisita N New Zealand wren (bird: family inhabited, lived-in; N habitat, residence, abode, dwelling Acanthisittidae) (place), accommodation; abitada de studiantes N hall acanto N acanthus (plant: genus Acanthus) of residence, student residence, dormitory; abital ADJ residential; abitor N inhabitant, resident; abitor de acaro N mite (arachnid: superorder Acariformes, cava N cave-dweller, caveman, cavewoman; abitores N Parasitiformes) population, inhabitants, residents; cuantia de acasia N acacia (tree: genus Acacia) abitores N population (number); dona un abita a V acaso ADJ random, arbitrary, erratic, accidental, house; el abita en la campania she lives in the incidental; ADV randomly, arbitrarily, by chance, by countryside; el abita un caseta she lives in a cottage; accident, accidentally, incidentally; N chance, accident nonabitable ADJ uninhabitable, unlivable; (but not mishap); acasi VI VT randomize; N nonabitada ADJ uninhabited; nonabital ADJ randomization; acasia N randomness, arbitrariness; nonresidential; nonabitante ADJ nonresidential; acasisme N opportunism; acasiste ADJ opportunistic; nonabitor N nonresident ADV opportunistically; N opportunist; bon acaso N abitua VI grow accustomed, get used; get addicted (a = piece of good luck, serendipity; nonacaso ADJ to); VT accustom, habituate; addict; N habit, habituation, nonrandom, deterministic convention; abitua sosial N social habit, social acc ABBR (= ance conoseda como) a.k.a. (also known as) convention; abituada ADJ accustomed, used; abitual ADJ habitual, habitually; abituante ADJ habit- Acea N Achaea; acean ADJ N Achaean forming, addictive; mal abitua N bad habit, vice; acel DET that, those (demonstrative); PRON that, that one; nonabituada ADJ unaccustomed, unused aceles PRON PL those, those ones abjad N abjad (script) acemenan ADJ N Achaemenid ablativa ADJ N ablative (grammar) aclama VT acclaim, cheer, cheer for; N acclamation, cheer, -able SUF ADJ -able, -ible [added to a verb: capable or cheering; aclamor N cheerleader worthy of being -ed (lejable)] acne N acne aboli VT abolish, do away with, get rid of, scrap, axe; N acompania VT accompany, escort; N accompaniment, abolition, abolishment; INTERJ down with, no more; companionship, company (of person), concomitance; abolisme N abolitionism; aboliste N abolitionist acompaniable ADJ companionable; ADV aborta VI VT abort, terminate, cancel; N abortion, companionably; acompaniante ADJ accompanying, concomitant; ADV concomitantly; acompanior N 3 companion, partner, escort; acompaniste N acusticiste N acoustician accompanist; nonacompaniada ADJ unaccompanied acuta ADJ acute (medical; but not accent, sharp) aconito N aconite, monkshood, wolfsbane (plant: genus Adam N Adam Aconitum) adenoide N adenoid, pharyngeal tonsil; adenoidal ADJ acorda VT agree, consent to, concur about, accord about, adenoidal be in agreement about; N agreement, accordance, adere VI stick, adhere, cling; VT stick; N stickiness, consent, deal, concord, entente, covenant; term (of adhesion, adhesiveness, adherence; aderente ADJ contract); chord (music); acorda con se testa V nod adhesive, sticky; N sticker, sticky label; aderor N one's head; acorda de coesiste N modus vivendi, adherent; aderosa ADJ clingy; autoaderente ADJ self- agreement to coexist; acorda de nonrevela N adhesive, self-sticking; nonaderente ADJ nonadhesive, nondisclosure agreement; acorda formal N formal nonstick agreement, contract; acorda unida N unanimity; acordable ADJ compatible (software, hardware); adio INTERJ goodbye, farewell (when parting for a long acordada ADJ agreed, consensual; ADV consensually; time) acordante ADJ agreeing; compatible; desacorda V adirije VT address (parcel); N address (including disagree, conflict, clash (color); N disagreement, software); adirije de ueb N web address, URL discord, discordance, discordancy, dissonance, conflict; adn ABBR (= asida desosiribonucleal) DNA desacordante ADJ disagreeing, discordant, dissonant; adobe N adobe (clay) ADV discordantly, dissonantly; en acorda unida ADJ unanimous; ADV unanimously; formal acordada ADJ adolese VI be a teenager, pass through adolescence; N formally agreed, contractual; ADV contractually adolescence; adolesente ADJ teenage, teen; N teenager, adolescent acordion N accordion (instrument) adomen N abdomen; adomenal ADJ abdominal acre N acre (measure) -ador SUF N -er [added to any root: machine or tool that acrilica ADJ N acrylic performs the action of a verb (computador), produces or acronim ADJ acronymic, acronymous; N acronym uses a noun (faxador), or applies the quality of an acrupi VI crouch (be crouching, crouch down), squat; VT adjective (silentador)] cause to crouch; acrupi se V crouch down, squat; adora VT adore, worship, revere; N adoration, worship, acrupi temosa V cower, cringe, shrink reverence, worshipfulness; adorable ADJ adorable; ADV actinio N actinium (element) adorably; adorablia N adorability; adorante ADJ acua N water; acua de banio N bathwater; acua de adoring, worshipful, reverent; ADV adoringly, calce N whitewash; acua de cloaca N sewage, waste worshipfully, reverently; adoror N adorer, worshiper water; acua de rosa N rose water; acua dulse N fresh (US), worshipper (Br), devotee water; acua mineral N mineral water; acua salosa N adormi VI fall asleep, go to sleep; VT send to sleep, put to salt water; acual ADJ aquatic; acueria N aquarium; sleep acuin ADJ watery, runny, thin, nonviscous; acuor N adota VT adopt, adoption; adotada ADJ adopted; N water carrier, water bearer; acuosa ADJ watery, adoptee; adotante ADJ adopting; adotor N adopter; par aqueous; waterlogged, sodden, soggy; la Acuor N adota ADJ adoptive; ADV by adoption; tempora Aquarius (constellation); pinti con acua de calce V adotada ADJ foster whitewash; su acua ADJ underwater; ADV underwater adron N hadron acuaduto N aqueduct aduador N adductor (muscle) acuamarin ADJ aquamarine (color); N aquamarine (gem, adula VT flatter, fawn over, grovel to, toady to, suck up to, color) adulate, coax, wheedle; N flattery, fawning, adulation,
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