1990’s Edition THROWBACK!The Duquesne Duke Published by students for the Duquesne community Vol. 97 No. 11 Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA Oct. 26, 2017 Computer No hum‘drum’ type of event Biomed Science prof engineering investigates looks for Lib author’s ID Arts majors GABRIELLA DIPIETRO staff writer MICHAEL MARAFINO staff writer When an author writes a novel, their name is displayed on the The expansion of the involve- cover to receive acknowledge- ment of science aiding those in ment and credit, but sometimes, society highly depends on the col- authors write under pseudonyms laboration between engineers and to mask their true identity from those with an entrepreneurial readers. Recently, however, ex- mindset. Duquesne University’s perts, including Duquesne Com- Biomedical Engineering Program puter Science Professor Patrick is training a new generation of en- Juola, have been able to unmask gineers and giving them real-life these authors and reveal the true scenarios to work in. names behind some of these Duquesne’s Biomedical Engi- pseudonyms. neering program allows students Using a computer program Juola interested in working in fields in- developed called Java Graphical volving medicine, science, tech- Authorship Attribution Program nology, engineering and math- (JGAAP), he examines and com- ematics to be educated on these pares the word usage in various subjects and learn about their texts in order to learn if the authors real-life applications. of those texts were the same person. The program’s mission state- He used this program in 2013 to un- ment says, “Duquesne University cover that the author of “The Cuck- KAILEY LOVE/PHOTO EDITOR Biomedical Engineering Program see BOOK — page 2 A group of performers play drums in the Union atrium as part of Africa Week, an annual DU celebration of African culture. see BIOMED — page 2 Throwback Thursday: The most important stories of the 1990s to allow U.N. weapon inspectors staged a coup in August of 1991. Gor- RAYMOND ARKE into the country. The tensions bachev was kidnapped, and the orga- news editor would again boil over in 2003. nizers announced he could no longer World Wide Web debuts (1991) govern. Popular demonstrations Most of the students at Duquesne Tim Berners-Lee, a British broke out against the coup and the were learning to walk and talk dur- computer scientist, developed Soviet Army rebelled and joined the ing the 1990s, so The Duke News the first web page browser and protests. The coup organizers surren- section takes a look back at the big web server in 1990 when he dered, and Gorbachev was returned events of the decade that still im- worked at the CERN physics lab. to power until his resignation in De- pact the world today. He released the first web page on cember 1991. In January of the next The First Gulf War, aka Opera- the public Internet and in 1991, year, the Soviet Union was no more, tion Desert Storm (1991) the entire world was invited to divided into numerous democratic Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein join. The web soon took off, and states with Russia being the largest. invaded the small, oil-rich coun- home computer sales boomed as Rodney King Riots (1992) try of Kuwait, drawing worldwide Microsoft, Bill Gates and Steve In 1991, King, an African-Ameri- condemnation in 1990. The U.S. Jobs would take advantage of the can, and two passengers were pulled organized a massive group of Eu- accessible Internet. By the end over after a high speed chase with po- ropean and Middle Eastern coun- of the decade, sites like Google, lice outside Los Angeles. A bystander tries to oppose Saddam. In Janu- eBay and Amazon had taken videotaped the police brutally beating ary 1991, the coalition launched shape, and many more were AP PHOTO an unarmed King, hitting him with massive airstrikes followed by a available. The world had been American and coalition troops advance through Kuwait, expelling Iraqi forces in 1991. batons over 50 times. King sustained U.S.-led ground assault which ex- revolutionized. 11 fractures. On April 29, 1992 the four pelled the Iraqis in 42 days. After Fall of the USSR (1991) nomic difficulties, paired with grow- of speech across the country. As the white officers involved in the beating the war, the U.S. continued to en- Beginning in the late 1980s, cracks ing nationalist movements, led Soviet government struggled to con- were acquitted. Protests that day turn force a no-fly zone over Iraq, and began to spring in the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of trol the demands for more freedoms, violent and a state of emergency was Saddam’s government refused the Soviet Union, to expand freedom a group of hardline Communists communist empire. Extreme eco- see DECADE— page 3 opinions features sports a & e Follow us on... Scandal in Ghosts and Duquesne Party over at the Presidency Ghouls MLB vet Palumbo A look at the Spooky Halloween Beimel reminisces The arena used to Lewinsky affair and stories haunt of time spent attract big-name Bill Clinton ... Duquesne ... on the Bluff ... bands to DU ... @theduquesneduke PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 2 THEDUQUESNEDUKE Letter from Biomed project seeks Liberal Arts majors as CEOS the Editor This Oct. 26 issue is the first BIOMED — from page 1 ations where engineers can do of a series of throwback editions their science and technological of The Duke made to explore the provides our students with a rigor- functions, while the people edu- history, culture and events of a ous education in mathematics, sci- cated in humanities may act as few detrimental decades of our ence, engineering and the liberal leadership in the start-up. Via- nation’s past. arts in line with the Spiritan ideals tor said that liberal arts students For certain articles in this is- of service to others. Our students possess certain useful skills, such sue, the 1990’s edition, writers are actively involved with our re- as the abilities to analyze read- and editors have taken on the search goals to improve human ings, fluently write and under- roles of individuals living in the health, building upon their formal stand other people. decade in order to once again education to ultimately serve God Connor Evans, a current bio- bring to light key issues of that by serving others.” medical engineering senior, gave era’s society and culture that still The program is beginning to his opinion on the project and its affect the nation today. gain momentum in its reputation benefits. We at The Duke hope readers among other biomedical engineer- “It’s a way of combining the will find this issue to be a de- ing programs. In fact, the program knowledge that I’ve obtained over lightful reminder of some very is on track to receive its Accredi- the previous three years in the important events that should not tation Board for Engineering and BME program into good use on an OLIVIA HIGGINS/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER be forgotten. Technology (ABET) accreditation. industry-relevant project,” he said. The accreditation commends col- The Biomedical Engineering department is based in Libermann Hall. A new pro- It is important to have a back- gram offers to place Liberal Arts students to work alongside the engineering majors. Leah Devorak, leges and universities for excel- ground in business and entrepre- Editor-in-Chief lence in applied science, computer neurship because many gradu- science and engineering. Viator also is attempting to team educated in the liberal arts,” he ates of the program will go on to BLUFF BRIEFS The program is currently work- up members of other schools of said. “Because of this observa- be clinicians, and some will go ing on a new twist on the devel- study, primarily those in the Lib- tion, I thought it would be inno- into research, according to Viator. Forum to discuss world opment of upcoming engineers; eral Arts school, with biomedical vative to include juniors and se- However, at some point most of issues it allows students in the school of engineering majors in order to take niors in the McAnulty School in them will be creating new medi- The Political Science Deparment Biomedical Engineering to work new approaches to the process of our engineering capstone teams cal devices, and having a basic un- is hosting a presentation titled “For- on a capstone project for their biomedical entrepreneurship. to act as CEOs of these ventures.” derstanding of business will help eign Policy Issues Facing the United senior year. “Having had a few startups Viator added that many CEO’s them market, sell and distribute States” sponsored by the Politics Club “The way I teach this course is to myself, I’ve noticed that while he saw in his research had degrees those products. and Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science have these seven teams treat their the design and testing comes in political science, history, english Viator is seeking anyone who Honor Society. projects as the key technology of a from engineers, the leadership, and many other humanities. is well-educated, motivated, pos- The event addresses American poli- medical device startup company,” including CEOs, are usually not His reasoning behind seeking itive and interested in the proj- cy towards China, North Korea, Syria, said John Viator, the director of the engineers. More often than not, liberal arts students is because ect. If anyone is intrigued, he can Russia and many other nations. The biomedical engineering program. I’ve noted that the CEOs were he wishes to reflect real life situ- be reached at [email protected]. panel of professors will include Clif- ford Bob, Mark Haas, Jennie Schul- tze and Rev.
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