A12 || WESTCOAST NEWS ✰ ✰ BREAKING NEWS: VANCOUVERSUN.COM | WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2013 YOUR DECISION THE ELECTED 2013 Photo colour key NDP Liberal majority: How the vote breaks down Liberal Conservative Here are the Vancouver Sun’s election results for B.C.’s 2013 election. The results, from Elections B.C. via The Canadian Press, were the Green latest available as of midnight. Bold text indicates elected or leading in each riding with a photo of the top candidate at press time. Ind/no affi l. Abbotsford-Mission Cowichan Valley Nechako Lakes Richmond East Vancouver-Fraserview 117 of 117 polls reporting 144 of 144 polls reporting 85 of 85 polls reporting 144 of 144 polls reporting 125 of 132 polls reporting Simon Gibson LIB 9,565 xBill Routley NDP 9,923 xJohn Rustad LIB 4,859 xLinda Reid LIB 10,725 Suzanne Anton LIB 9,058 Preet Rai NDP 4,939 Steve Housser LIB 8,786 Sussanne Gian Sihota NDP 5,532 Gabriel Yiu NDP 8,507 Don Stahl CON 1,811 Kerry Davis GRN 4,662 Skidmore-Hewlett NDP 2,407 Nathaniel Lim CON 1,685 Stuart Mackinnon GRN 1,047 Aird Flavelle GRN 1,674 Damir Wallener CON 1,132 Dan Brooks CON 1,123 Doug Perry GRN 1,051 Rajiv Pandey CON 575 Wendy Bales IND 386 Heather Alanna Colin Hamm GRN 457 Lloyd Chen IND 236 Roman Bojczuk IND 205 Campbell IND 310 Beverly Bird AID 69 Ping Chan EP 157 Marcus Halliday EP 112 Cli Wei IND 125 Vancouver-Hastings 136 of 136 polls reporting Delta North Nelson-Creston xShane Simpson NDP 11,138 Abbotsford South 113 of 113 polls reporting 103 of 103 polls reporting Richmond-Steveston Fatima Siddiqui LIB 5,374 134 of 134 polls reporting Scott Hamilton LIB 9,060 xMichelle Mungall NDP 7,576 149 of 150 polls reporting Brennan Wauters GRN 2,033 Darryl Plecas LIB 8,811 Sylvia Bishop NDP 8,758 Greg Garbula LIB 4,348 xJohn Yap LIB 11,159 Carrol Woolsey SC 355 xJohn van Dongen IND 5,138 Bill Marshall GRN 1,178 Sjeng Derkx GRN 3,133 Scott Stewart NDP 5,955 Tinku Parmar CON 902 Lakhvinder Jhaj NDP 3,745 Carol Day CON 2,482 Vancouver-Kensington Steve Finlay MP 370 John Shrek Shavluk IND 203 New Westminster Jerome James Dickey GRN 1,718 Patricia Smith EP 219 George Gidora COM 63 Mike Donovan UNP 151 116 of 116 polls reporting 164 of 165 polls reporting xMable Elmore NDP 9,573 Judy Darcy NDP 11,464 Gabby Kalaw LIB 7,325 Abbotsford West Delta South Hector Bremner LIB 8,030 Saanich North & the Islands Chris Fjell GRN 1,393 114 of 114 polls reporting 123 of 123 polls reporting Terry Douglas Teather GRN 1,938 162 of 162 polls reporting Raj Gupta CON 519 xMichael de Jong LIB 8,645 xVicki Huntington IND 10,619 Paul Forseth CON 1,147 Gary Holman NDP 9,681 Sukhi Dhami NDP 4,978 Bruce McDonald LIB 8,114 James Crosty IND 943 Stephen Roberts LIB 9,629 Paul Brian Redekopp CON 1,633 Nic Slater NDP 3,375 Lewis Clarke Dahlby LTN 168 Adam Olsen GRN 9,294 Vancouver-Kingsway Moe Gill IND 973 Scott McEachern IND 567 140 of 140 polls reporting Stephen Carl O’Shea GRN 761 Esquimalt-Royal Roads North Coast xAdrian Dix NDP 9,376 Kerry-Lynn Osbourne EP 42 Gurjit Dhillon LIB 6,090 130 of 130 polls reporting 67 of 67 polls reporting Saanich South Gregory Dale Esau GRN 1,172 xMaurine Karagianis NDP 9,997 Jennifer Rice NDP 4,341 121 of 121 polls reporting Alberni-Pacifi c Rim Chris Ricketts LIB 5,959 Judy Fraser LIB 2,540 xLana Popham NDP 10,824 116 of 116 polls reporting Susan Christina Low GRN 4,486 Hondo Arendt GRN 787 Rishi Sharma LIB 8,473 Vancouver-Langara xScott Kenneth Fraser NDP 9,829 Joshua Ste er IND 318 Branko Mustafovic GRN 3,612 128 of 128 polls reporting Darren Frank DeLuca LIB 5,981 North Island Joshua Galbraith CON 789 xMoira Stilwell LIB 9,365 Enid Mary Peter Kappel IND 131 George Chow NDP 6,727 Sangster-Kelly CON 1,377 Fort Langley-Aldergrove 152 of 153 polls reporting Regan-Heng Zhang GRN 916 158 of 158 polls reporting xClaire Felicity Trevena NDP 10,595 Gurjinder Bains CON 607 xRich Coleman LIB 14,533 Nick Facey LIB 8,862 Shuswap Espavo Sozo PPE 41 Boundary-Similkameen Shane Dyson NDP 6,700 Bob Bray CON 1,506 166 of 166 polls reporting 124 of 124 polls reporting Rick Manuel CON 2,353 Greg Kyllo LIB 11,342 Vancouver-Mount Pleasant Linda Margaret Larson LIB 7,853 Lisa David GRN 1,957 North Vancouver-Lonsdale Steve Gunner NDP 6,972 Sam Hanchero NDP 6,656 Kevin Mitchell IND 619 Tom Birch CON 3,045 173 of 173 polls reporting 131 of 131 polls reporting John Kwasnica GRN 1,481 Chris George GRN 2,186 xJenny Wai Ching Kwan NDP 12,154 Mischa Popo NA 698 xNaomi Yamamoto LIB 9,987 Johanna Zalcik AID 62 Celyna Sia Sherst LIB 3,505 Doug Pederson IND 349 Fraser-Nicola Craig Keating NDP 8,760 Barinder Hans GRN 2,180 99 of 100 polls reporting Ryan Conroy GRN 1,983 William Austin MP 295 Jackie Tegart LIB 5,539 Allan John Molyneaux CON 766 Skeena Jeremy Gustafson IND 230 Burnaby-Deer Lake xHarry Lali NDP 4,785 Laurence Watt LTN 142 82 of 82 polls reporting Peter Marcus COM 114 131 of 131 polls reporting John Kidder GRN 1,174 Carra-Lynn Hodgson BCP 69 xRobin Austin NDP 5,102 xKathy Corrigan NDP 7,320 Michael Beauclair CON 832 Kimball Cariou COM 66 Carol Joan Leclerc LIB 4,739 Shian Gu LIB 6,593 Mike Brousseau CON 735 Vancouver-Point Grey Richard (Rick) McGowan GRN 1,237 Trevor Hendry BCP 254 139 of 147 polls reporting Juan de Fuca North Vancouver-Seymour David Eby NDP 8,347 131 of 131 polls reporting 127 of 127 polls reporting xChristy Clark LIB 7,987 Burnaby-Edmonds xJohn Horgan NDP 11,272 xJane Thornthwaite LIB 11,830 Stikine Francoise Raunet GRN 1,264 127 of 133 polls reporting Kerrie Reay LIB 6,513 Jim Hanson NDP 7,530 67 of 67 polls reporting Duane Nickull CON 274 xRaj Chouhan NDP 7,830 Carlos Serra GRN 3,253 Daniel Scott Smith GRN 1,660 xDoug Donaldson NDP 3,769 William Gibbens IND 60 Je Kuah LIB 6,016 Brian Wilson CON 1,057 Sharon Hartwell LIB 2,995 Marisa Palmer LTN 43 Wyatt Tessari GRN 1,332 Kamloops-North Thompson Jaime Alexandra Webbe IND 939 Jonathan Dieleman CON 500 Hollis Jacob Linschoten WLP 42 Nicholas Edward Rod Taylor CHP 486 Bernard Bedu Yankson PPE 10 D’Amico EP 173 155 of 155 polls reporting Oak Bay-Gordon Head Roger Benham GRN 286 xTerry Lake LIB 11,080 Jesse O’Leary IND 56 Burnaby-Lougheed Kathy Kendall NDP 8,277 132 of 134 polls reporting Vancouver-Quilchena Ed Klop CON 1,535 Andrew Weaver GRN 8,713 132 of 132 polls reporting 129 of 129 polls reporting John Ford NA 420 xIda Chong LIB 6,395 Surrey-Cloverdale Andrew Franklin Jane Shin NDP 7,606 Jessica Van der Veen NDP 6,037 183 of 183 polls reporting Wilkinson LIB 13,032 Ken Kramer LIB 7,083 Kamloops-South Thompson Greg Kazako CON 417 xStephanie Cadieux LIB 16,392 Nicholas Scapillati NDP 5,078 Darwin Augustus Harry Kooner NDP 8,120 Damian Kettlewell GRN 1,426 Ivan Burns GRN 1,496 152 of 152 polls reporting Bill Clarke NA 593 Christine Clarke NA 1,445 Parksville-Qualicum Howard Wu CON 1,922 Todd Graham Stone LIB 13,439 Matt William Begley NA 862 Tom Friedman NDP 8,095 151 of 151 polls reporting Burnaby North Peter Sharp CON 1,442 Michelle Stilwell LIB 13,405 Vancouver-West End Brian Arthur Barry Avis NDP 9,899 161 of 161 polls reporting 137 of 137 polls reporting Surrey-Fleetwood Alexander IND 377 David Bernard Coupland CON 3,451 xSpencer xRichard Lee LIB 9,376 120 of 120 polls reporting Peter Fassbender LIB 8,201 Chandra Herbert NDP 9,776 Janet Routledge NDP 8,543 Scott Harrison LIB 4,818 Carrie McLaren GRN 1,359 Kelowna-Lake Country Peace River North xJagrup Brar NDP 7,936 Tim Binnema GRN 1,032 Jodie Emery GRN 1,897 Wayne Michael 157 of 157 polls reporting 102 of 102 polls reporting John Clarke LTN 398 Marklund NA 522 xNorm Letnick LIB 10,758 Murali Krishnan CON 748 xPat Pimm LIB 6,809 Arvin Kumar (AK) BCV 48 Ronald Guillermo Mike Nuyens NDP 4,569 Arthur Austin Hadland IND 3,021 Herbert NA 122 Cariboo-Chilcotin Graeme James CON 2,080 Judy Ann Fox-McGuire NDP 1,116 Mathew David Kagis WLP 81 Gary Adams GRN 1,356 91 of 91 polls reporting Wyeth Sigurdson CON 870 Surrey-Green Timbers xDonna Barnett LIB 6,952 96 of 96 polls reporting Vernon-Monashee Charlie Wyse NDP 4,253 Kelowna-Mission Peace River South xSue Hammell NDP 8,449 184 of 184 polls reporting Amrik Tung LIB 5,035 Dustin Victor Price GRN 657 185 of 185 polls reporting 69 of 69 polls reporting xEric Bailey Foster LIB 11,282 Gary Young IND 455 Richard Hosein GRN 580 xSteve Thomson LIB 12,127 Mike Bernier LIB 3,904 Mark Steven Olsen NDP 8,148 Tish Lakes NDP 5,409 Lisa Maharaj CON 391 Scott Anderson CON 2,867 Kurt Zane Peats CON 2,301 Harjit Singh Heir BCV 86 Cariboo North Mike McLoughlin CON 2,727 Darwin Wren NDP 1,781 Rebecca Helps GRN 1,620 Dayleen Van Ryswyk NA 1,025 Korry Zepik IND 155 95 of 95 polls reporting Tyrel Andrew Pohl IND 429 Coralee Oakes LIB 5,459 Surrey-Newton xBob Simpson IND 4,933 Kootenay East Penticton 110 of 110 polls reporting Victoria-Beacon Hill xHarry Bains NDP 8,951 Duncan Barnett NDP 2,840 115 of 115 polls reporting 184 of 184 polls reporting 160 of 166 polls reporting xBill Bennett LIB 9,424 Sukhminder Virk LIB 6,053 xCarole James NDP 11,335 Dan Ashton LIB 10,489 Satinder Singh CON 625 Chilliwack Norma Blissett NDP 5,463 Richard James Cannings NDP 9,225 Jane Sterk GRN 7,852 Alan Saldanha HHP 262 Karen Bill LIB 3,981 130 of 130 polls reporting Sean Upshaw CON 2,117 John Shaw COM 117 John Martin LIB 9,376 Kootenay West Doug Maxwell BCF 1,057 Patti MacAhonic NDP 6,018 114 of 114 polls reporting Surrey-Panorama Chad Elton Eros CON 2,327 xKatrine Conroy NDP 10,606 Port Coquitlam 151 of 151 polls reporting Victoria-Swan Lake Marvin Hunt LIB 12,874 Kim Reimer GRN 1,605 Jim Postniko LIB 3,592 148 of 148 polls reporting 159 of 159 polls reporting Michael Raymond Joseph Peter Hughes IND 2,239
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