•*•-* 1**«*-™' •—«=«w - V Kettle Valley Orchardist FIFTEENTH YEAR—No, 18 GRAND FORKS, B. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1916 $1.00 PER YEAR with the government of the province, came up before Judge Cochrane on for the establishment of an indus­ Wednesday morning. J. H. Ryley ENTHUSIASTIC trial school for returned crippled POULTRYMEK'S appeared for defendants. Decision L S soldiers. It was proposed to con­ was reserved. duct this school in connection with LIBERAL MEETING the department of labor. This school E Mr., and Mrs: R. T. Cook and BIG MAJORITY would afford returned soldiers, ren- child, of Anyox, are visiting in the dered incapable of following their city at the home of Mr. Cook's par­ former vocations by reason of The annual meeting of the Grand ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. The Liberal meeting in the board By a vote far more decisive thai: wounds would be taught new trades Forks Poulty and Pet Stock asso- Mr. Cook is the Granby company's of trade rooms'on Weduesday even­ that given in the city of Vancouver suited i-to their'-'altered' conditions*- ciation.waaheld in the club rooms druggi&t at Anyox. The visitors ing was the largest and most enthu­ one week earlier, the electors of Vic­ The speaker closed his address by on Friday; March 3, and owing to it will remain in the city for a few siastic ever held in tbe city. J. E. toria on Saturday last placed on complimenting the association on the being the first meeting of the year, weeks. Thompson, Liberal candidate for record their repudiation of the Bow­ personnel of the officers elected. there was a large volume of business this constituency, was present, and LeRoy R. Powers and Miss Pearl ser government and the rejection ot A Liberal association would be or to be transacted. President Law­ delivered an excellent address. Ballew, of Danville, were married his finance minister. ganized at Cascade this week. When rence called the meeting to order at The meeting was called to order at the Presbyterian parsonage in Harlan Carey Brewster, leader of the campaign of the general elec­ 8 p.m. by President McCallum at 8 o'clock. Republic last week. the Liberals of British Columbia, tions opened prominent speakers A. D. Morrison, the delegate at Mr. McCallum delivered an enthu- was elected over A. C. Flumerfelt from the coast, including Dave the annual convention of the British siastic speech.. He contrasted the Seven cars of ore and coke have by a majority of 2,397, and the Whiteside of New Westminster, C. Columbia Poultry association, read crowded room with-the small atten­ arrived at the North port smelter. minister came within an ace of los­ H Brewster 'of Victoria and M. A. a very able report of the business dance at meetings in former years', This is the first shipment, but it is ing his deposit. Macdonald and Mr. Cowper of Van­ transacted at that meeting. The re­ and said that the contrast, augured understood that they are now pre­ The majority was quite unex­ couver, would visit the riding, and port was adopted as read- and Mr. we.'l for a brilliant victory for the pared to receive all shipments,which pected by even those Conservatives he himself would spend a great deal Morrison was thanked for his ser­ party at the next general elections will be largely increased. The who had conceded Mr. Brewster's of time in the city. He thanked tho vices. His reference tothe recent sweeping blowing in of the smelter, scheduled election, but was no surprise to association for the encouragement The officers elected for the ensu victories in the by-elections at the to take place about the first of the those in" touch with the splendid or­ given him in Grand Forks. ing year are as follows: Honorary coast brought out prolonged ap­ present month, was only awaiting a ganization of the Liberal party. So president, Mayor Acres; honorary plause. President McCallum, in one of his car of oil in transit. carefully bad their canvass been usually happy speeches, thanked vice-president, G. A. Evans; presi- A letter from M. A. Macdonald, made that it was believed that if the association for his re-election as dent,E. C. Henniger; vice-president, The regular annual meeting of -M. P.P., thanked the association for the minister did not lose his 8200 president. J. A. Hutton; secretary-treasurer, the British Columbia Entomological its telegram of congratulation on his he would barely save it.- And that Vice-President W. Bonthron was W. Liddicoat; executive, O. G. society will be held in Victoria on big victory in Vancouver. Mr. Mac­ is just what happened. The vote proud of tbe honor bestwed upon Dunne, T. Bowen, C. Haverty; au­ March 11. A number of interesting donald expressed entire confidence was: Brewster, 4,824; Flumerfelt, him, and would do everything he ditor, H. A. LeRoy. papers will be read. R C. Treherne, of the defeat of the Bowser, govern­ 2,427. could to further the interests of the It would be a great help to the field officer of the entomological ment in the general elections. association. association if a larger number of branch of the Dominion department The following officers were elected: Treasurer E. C Henniger was in members could be obtained to assist of agriculture experimental farm, INDEPENDENT COMPANY President, Neil McCallum; vice- a partioularly happy mood, and in carrying on the good work being Agassiz, is the secretary of the so­ OF RIFLES NEWS NOTES president, Wm. Bonthron; treasurer,- spoke several times during the even­ done. Anyone desirous of joining ciety. E C. Henniger; secretary, E. J. ing. He was pleased at Mr. Thomp­ are kindly requested U> hand in Fitzpatrick; executive, P. H. Don­ The company left on Monday for son's presence at the meeting, and their names .to t the secretary. The aldson; A. J. McCallum, N. L. Mc- CUSTOMS RECEIPTS a route march to Cascade. On ar­ was sure of a great Liberal victory membership fee is orily'-Sl.OO per rival at'Billings a surprise was in Innes, H. W. Gregory, Arthur in the general elections. The ma per. The next meeting of the asso­ R. R. Gilpin, customs officer at Webster; delegite to district asso­ store, as the ladies had a dinner cbiue government had depleted the ciation will be held on April 7 th in this port, makes the following, de­ ready for the men in the Billings ciation, R Louis Mytton Sir Wil­ province of its resources. If there the club rooms. tailed report of the customs receipts frid Li urier was elec ed honorary hall. On Monday evening a dance was one man in the province that he at the head office in this city and at was given. president, and H. C. Brewster hon­ wanted to see elected, above all the various sub-customs offices, for orary vice-president On Tuesday the men attended the others, it was John Oliver. If there the month of February, 1916: dance at Cascade given by the Red J. E. Thompson, Liberal candi­ was any man in the province who S OF IHE CITY Grand Forks ...$13,006.44 Cross association. date for Grand Forks riding, being deserved the name of Honest John, Phoenix 1,272.56 Carson ' 126.31 On Wednesday the men were all called on for a speech, prefaced his Mr. Oliver was that man. While Cascade ...- 49.67 injvited out to card parties. a Idress by complimenting the asso­ we felt elated now over the The large vacant resident just be­ The return journey wae made on ciation on the large attendance. He reXSent. victories of our party, it low the cemetery in the West end, Total $14,454 98 Thursday, and the men arrived in also congratulated the Liberal party would not do for us to rest on our known as the Trotter house, was Total February, 1915... 1,164 88 barracks about 2 p.m., without a of British Columbia on the election laurels, but to keep right on. work­ burned to the ground at about 6 single case ol sore feet after their of Leader , H. C. Brewster in Vic­ ing for a great victory iu the com­ o'clock last Sunday morning. It is tramp. toria The present able opposition Maud S and Dan Patch ing elections. not known how the fire started, but The following men have been at­ at Victoria would undoubtedly un­ Names to conjure with among N. L. Molnnes was pleased to be it is supposed to have been set by tested and taken on the strength of cover many transactions that had lovers of horseflesh were Maud S and a member of the executive, and he hoboes who had found shelter there the company: been hidden by the Tory adminis­ the famous Dan. They were the out would do all he could for the party. over night, or by some parties who Private Henry William Grant tration. The Liberal victories at the come of patient training grafted on . H. A. Sheads would work to se had denuded the interior of the Tanner, Rock Creek. coast were won by the aid of many sterling qnalities on form an,d endur­ cure the election of Mr. Thompson. house of its fittings, and by this Private John Joseph Hare, Cas­ prominent Conservatives. He said ance; they were developed in speed J. L. Manly reminded the meet means wished to hide their crime. cade. the election of Hon.
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