EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE Pastor- Solveig A.H. Zamzow Emmanuel Lutheran Church 308 4th Ave., PO Box 282 Office 641-748-2736 Grafton, Iowa, 50440 Cell 641-903-9416 Parsonage 641-748-2050 Church Office – 641-748-2736 Email [email protected] Email - [email protected] Church Kitchen - dial office and press 5 Fax – 641-748-2989 June/July 2017 Website - emmanuelgrafton.org FROM THE PASTOR others could not wield and that special standing Assistance from Unlikely Places allowed Fredrick to provide inordinate The Reformation could not have taken off as protection for Luther. it did, had it not been for many people and Fredrick had established the University of circumstances one does not automatically Wittenberg fifteen years before Luther taught associate with God, theology or the church. The and eventually launched his reform from printing press being one --- politicians being there. Since Fredrick was an elector and another. Living in the United States where we Emperor Maximillian I died shortly after Luther treasure the clear distinction between church began his public protest, the Pope showed an and state, that is not necessarily music to our excessive deference to him in order to influence ears. Yet, considering the scope of our entire his vote (Popes always wanted the ‘right’ ruler in Judeo-Christian history, our separation of the place). Frederick had been the favorite candidate two is neither universal nor dominant. The idea to become Emperor but wisely chose to use his of one hand washing the other is much more common than not, and both, church and government, have understood well how to use and misuse this relationship. Martin Luther and his contemporaries were considered “Magisterial Reformers” – they reformed their respective regional churches with the help of local magistrates rather than in defiance of the political powers. While there were many important figures swirling through the age of the Reformation, we cannot imagine Luther without Fredrick the Wise. Fredrick was the Elector of Saxony at the time when Luther began his protest against the teaching and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. To be an “Elector” meant that within the imperial system of the Holy Roman Empire one had the privilege to vote in the election of the emperor. There were only seven such designated Frederick the Wise- Elector of Saxony rulers amidst many semi-autonomous principalities. Electors therefore had influence Emmanuel's Epistle 1 June / July 2017 power and influence as ‘second in command’ by restricting some of the over-reach the new Emperor, Charles V, tried to assert. Frederick’s protected his citizen Martin Luther from the Pope and the Emperor and took him into custody at Wartburg castle after the Diet of Worms (1521), which put Luther under the imperial ban. His repertoire of diplomatic stalling tactics stood their test; the opponents never found a weak point. Frederick saw Luther as unjustly persecuted because he could not be found guilty of any real crime. The Elector also had a sense of honor, understanding that with his position came a call for justice that was his to assure. Frederick, however, had little personal contact with Luther and remained a Catholic; although he gradually inclined toward the doctrines of the Reformation and apparently was John Frederick the Steadfast of Saxony fascinated by the German translation of the Bible. Fredrick, who never married and did not Saxony. In this, he sought to assess the have children, died in 1525. His brothers, John theological and moral health of individual Frederick and John Ernest, shared the positon parishes, as well as develop necessary measures until John Ernest died and John Fredrick became for their internal reform. If you go back to the the sole ruler. last newsletter you will be able to read up on these John Frederick had received his education visitations. In order to promote and manage from George Spalatin. Spalatin was Martin these reforms, John Fredrick also centralized Luther's friend and advisor and thus, through control of the Saxon church under a single Spalatin's schooling, Johann developed a system of ecclesiastical governance. devotion to the teachings of Martin Luther. His When the Smalkaldic War broke out (1546- knowledge of history was comprehensive, and 1547), John Fredrick went to battle at the head his library was one of the largest in Germany. of his troops. He was initially successful against He cultivated a personal relationship with his cousin Maurice who had sided with the Martin Luther, beginning to correspond with him emperor Charles V in a ploy to steal John in the days when Luther’s excommunication was Fredrick’s lands. Nevertheless, John Fredrick first issued. He carefully observed the was finally overpowered by the Emperor’s development of the Reformation and read troops and defeated at the Battle of Mühlberg in Luther's writings. He also urged the printing of 1547. Not only was John Fredrick defeated, he the first complete edition of Luther’s works. At was captured, imprisoned, and sentenced to the Elector castle at Torgau, he constructed a death. This sentence was eventually commuted chapel specifically designed to be a Lutheran to life in prison, but John Fredrick still refused to place of worship and invited Martin Luther to accept the religious compromise proposed by deliver the inaugural sermon. the emperor and held steadfastly to the teachings of the Augsburg Confession. This Yet, foremost he strengthened Saxony’s earned him the name “John Fredrick the support for the Smalkaldic League. The Smalkaldic League was an organization formed Steadfast.” In 1552, John Fredrick was released from prison after his cousin Maurice turned on by a number of Lutheran princes as a means of collective security against the encroachments of the emperor. John Fredrick died two years later the Roman Catholic Emperor Charles V. John at the age of fifty. Fredrick also increased his support for In a sense of ‘coming full circle’, on visitations to local churches throughout February 22, 1546, Martin Luther was buried in Emmanuel's Epistle 2 June / July 2017 the Castle Church at Wittenberg within 50 feet of 200,000 unaccompanied and separated children the tomb of his long-deceased protector, applied for asylum in 2015 and 2016 in about 80 Frederick the Wise. countries, while another 100,000 children were Although neither Fredrick the Wise nor John apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Steadfast (as he is known in Lutheran circles) according to the UNICEF report. The figures rose were professional theologians, without them and from 66,000 in 2010 and 2011, and the report others like them, the Reformation would have said the actual number could be much higher. floundered. The children often leave home in search of work All of the confessional documents that or educational opportunities. In some other underscore our Lutheran heritage are signed cases, they migrate either to join family first and foremost by statesmen rather than members who left ahead of them or to escape churchmen. Their convictions to go against the unwanted gender-based violence, the report stream of power and influence, and at times their said. Due to limited legal avenues, many children willingness to risk their positions, are often as opt for illegal routes: Unaccompanied children exemplary as the determination of those who made up 92 percent of the children who arrived hammered out the principles of our faith. in Italy through the Central Mediterranean Sea route from North Africa. During the long journey, This is not a bad reminder that ‘rank and file’ some of the children end up in overcrowded or believers in the Lord are not superfluous. From makeshift camps or live on the streets, according the time of the Old Testament until today God to the report. Others experience much worse. calls men and women to support, encourage and promulgate the message of His Son so the world … that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin may be saved. Welby, is urging believers from all Pastor Z+ denominations to take part in the “Thy Kingdom Come” prayer initiative which is set to take place later this month? Hundreds of thousands of Christians are already committed to joining in VACTION BIBLE SCHOOL the initiative. …that in mid-May the government in Somalia declared an emergency due to a worsening drought, as over 100 people died in a 48-hour period? International agencies are drawing attention to the crisis. The U.S. Agency for International Development's Famine Early Warning Systems Network believes 360,000 children in Somalia are currently suffering from Vacation Bible School “acute malnutrition.” Thousands of families have flooded the capital city of Mogadishu trying to will take place from June 19-23 in Bolan. find food and life-saving aid. In one week 7,000 people checked into one feeding center there. DID YOU KNOW …that Americans are motivated more by feelings of shame than conscience, according to a new study? They worry more about their …that some 300,000 children around the reputations and avoiding shame, than about world migrated alone in the past two years, a guilt and fear, says LifeWay Research. Scott nearly five-fold increase since 2010? This comes McConnell, of LifeWay, says shame is an from the United Nations child-welfare agency in especially big motivator in the Internet age, a report published May 17. The agency said the where one mistake or embarrassing tweet can increasing trend has left many children ruin a person's life. vulnerable to smugglers and traffickers and called for a global protection system. About STEWARDSHIP MUSINGS Emmanuel's Epistle 3 June / July 2017 Several years ago, I lost a large amount of by innate ability.
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