Page 22 -Wednesday. OcFobe* 6. 1943 THE DITWOtT TIMES 'Boys Overseas, Bonham Gets Call to Try for No. 2 Sports y> ¦ w.s - t. tv*-’¦» »*i.>**r. .g v r. - y Favor Cards ‘ "llomor* ‘‘ Series S Spud, Gordon, I’rohlom 'dy Comebacks by ifV - ( Chanoier, Gordon But Cheer Yanks oniroiifs Aifcims Seribes Goats of 1942, * Warming IU 808 rONSiniNE Bv LEW IS H. W \LTER Are Ir>| trnn (tonal New* Venice Writer Detroit'* world champion Red the Wing boss The two Stan- Says 1 >NDON. Oct. 6 HNS* Thou- 1 <•-. Wing.* may have a good home ley C’uppei* are spending a lew ivMi&F f . Th Emerge Heroes s ,nds of American soldier* and days nt furlough LEO MACDONELL to into the here. team throw y LAWTON CARVER By National * trudged through the im- But Adam* still spot some o’Tu'crs could , (' '* this season, INS Sports Editor NFW YORK t 6 7 '»r»« Hockey League but promising rookies, among ip '.-: * By LEO MACDONELL pcn.tr. .hie British blackout ’o them the to something extra warm in* about Jack Adams is looking today for Jack O'Hara a little forward from Frankly Yanks seemed be Red Cross and I SO service clubs even when they NEW YORK. Oct. 6—Ernie a comeback players who can leave home. Philadelph i by way of Saskatoon; the best team :r in-I'anre ‘he comeba ks •o ]i*’cn to a static-filled radio were behind. Keller, the home run (Jumbo) Bonham will be seek- F Most of veteran*, in- Hyniie Fuller and Vic Lynn from • Adams’ runnerup, figures to get more than fa*moned yesterday by Joe ac • < f today s -l to 2 v irtory th< New York Rovers and Lee ing sweet revenge when he taket 1 • cluding Syd Howe, Joe single—his contribution «iP-Cl SjHiT|tcon bj ; ud ! o' th>- Yankees over the t rdmnls Carveth. Kogelin, a curly headed defense one more the mound for the Yankees <.f the Vtn- yesterday ... The Yankees seemed Chandler co-hen** Mud Bruneteau and Car! Lis- husky trom Port Arthur. against the Cardinals at Yankee ... might triumph over t)v By and large, the American enmlv ate father* employed in to be just coasting They kcc Curd.najs. The Wings al*o were cheered by - fan v - j be carried to seven games in this Stadium today in the second Of i‘oui a Cardinal I -vs in the European theater ol war plants and there is a question the surprise apjvearance of '*¦*' Adam £& >• might game of <e« it n a dillert nt light. rations are Cardinal fans. They of how often they ran absent y: , v ¦ series or they even lose the 1943 World Series. may I* Brown forward of la*t year's club, beginning today, as Bonham dropped second goat of the 1942 series. , nave stoically maintained that themselves from work for road four straight the The who wa* army *- believed bound. year . more of to Billy Go*'! 'i - ! off to* rotivp*: Billy Southworth’s team will win trips. L they did last But the 1942 series Bill Jennings, Indianapolis for- it in four Southworth’s inspired boys. start in this years ( r with , ’he series. Both Normie Smith and Jimmy likely they will win w trd who was expected to report, fine the cap- a brilliant or* But the announcement of the Franks, the experienced goalies, straight . That was of two a home run and i went hunting li-tead. by the young .victory of Joe McCarthy s tram who are employed at Ford's, tured sensational tormance afield. doubt “Bill I* I-A and may not think CUDDY—(UP) Arrmtr*rrtj: for rs the •n the senes opener was received whether to go By JACK Johnny Beazley, now in service. one they will be able on he’ll he able to play. He went spoiled which the ,with delight—the typical Ameri- thing The defeat Bonham's quartet of runs the road. hunting today,” said one of his The grand or terrible beaten league champions |can delight that greets the tn- Gordon and series record. He had American LOSES IN E about baseball—as the Dodgers the to down the world lumph of any underdog. TRACTIC friends. found out—ls you can t in 1941 in employed clincher for the title-holders Gordon s home run rhe Yankees, you may be mir* Normie, incidentally, lo*t nine a steering wheel on luck. championship put Manager Southworth’s Cardi- Th The fourth inning was a ter- I prised To learn, are considered the pounds, going down from 170 to Lanier, who had pitched his — ,underdogs in nal pitching selection today was a roaring London. in the Wings work- ‘ holding the 3 anks rific achievement 161 opening heart out In expected to be Mort dn\c carried mote than out la*t night. It was his first ' hits In seven Innings either that JOE GORDON HAILED lz r to seven Cooper Rrazle. 401 foot in the lower deck of since ho left the team in the 1910 and who had driven In one run, or Alpha American hoys crowded around ¦¦¦ dressing room, "All Cooper, a right-hander. Is the left field *’and* season. said In the ace, enough spluttering English radios all the Adams ix 1 ask Is one more chance against the St. Louis club's but That was atonement i realizes he has this sMm .1...... strong batting way from debris-tilled Plymouth The breaks Southworth is still for for the .095 record With homer” problem to solve. He those so-and-so’s. against Yan- ho the tJ. S. Navy's bleak Quonset against me this time.” left-handers the which Gordon staggered out of said *o alter watching his squad were kees, But Joe huts at Londonderry hailed the Gordon performed so mag- the classic last year. of 29 work out for 90 minute* la*t won. to 2. it go at that. -return to form of Joe Gordon nificently that Manager Billy The Yankees 4 didn't lot night. yesterday and outside of Joe up. gentleman, I with grunts of satisfaction. going myself Southworth of the Cards said Pepped the “I’m to protect homer, they not a The performance of the veteran after the game, “Without Gor- Gordon’s were and he’s real gentleman, hy signing the full quota of 20 too against ! Frankie Crosetti also met w ith - , mad* at effective Max La- thereupon turned in one of the players. If possible,” he said. - v 4 ilon, we would have approval. The “I-told-you-so's" dk more hits. That nier. the Cardinals’ veteran finest fielding games in his r “Besides Franks and Smith as least four ha-se thousand? ra f ully like a net there.” southpaw. career. •tilted o$ re goalies, for instance, I could guy was out out niom<, self, slapping I blacked radiq one youngster, or a vet- GAVE 7 HITS He was his old Dumphy's .concise take ADAMS—(INS) what sure base Don conden- draft ami CASWELL down looked like sation of the dramatics of the first eran who Isn’t In the Lanier yielded only seven hits hits otherwise covorting in can travel as he pleases. I’ll When Joe Gordon resembled a and game was greeted with whoops try before being lifted for a pinch brilliant' st>le at second base. to do the same with all posi- sub*titutc sandlotter with the and whistle*, especially his nr- miseries last autumn, the Yankees hitter in the eighth. count of Gordon's 420-foot home tions.” Young Harry Brecheen. who a Record I The W’ing manager is still i fell apart and the Cardinals Ties run. the steady pitching of Spud I Red the like Rrazle is left-handed and a the afternoon's Gor- : sending out calls io available scrambled all over them Gs In play, Chandler and Max Earner's wild '(me game played. re- recruit held the Yankees off in with- j hockey talent. He has a.*Kcd Bill Gordon inning don accepted 12 chances pitch which ricocheted off home sembled the best *econd ha*em.'in the eighth, their last at out a flaw, some exceedingly Hudson, former Pittsburgh center, ; plate. i in the ancient game, which seems hat. tiled l and Boh Stoddard, M. (). League Spurgeon (Spud> Chandler, SORRY FOR BILLY with and Thoto hy International New* Sound Photo* :to he the one big reason the defenseman Chatham be twice beaten in the autumn Windsor, to report. Both are over Cards will scrambled them- At a Midlands American Flying Frank Crosetti of Yankees steals sec- baseman Lou Klein plays jumping jaek in selves this time. classic in other years, and Joe Fortress station. much sympathy 30 and apparently not draft bait. ond in fourth inninp of first World Series going after catcher Walker Cooper’s high Gordon, the goat of 1942, shared Adams handled the squad him- triumph the was extended to ('apt. Billy game at Yankee Stadium. Cardinal second throw’. ARTHUR "BUGS" BAER—(INS) top honors in the of Southworth. pilot son of the St self m the absence of scout ('ar- American Leaguers. In a game that was as sloppy • manager and son Cooper, Manager Herbie Lewis A more than 65.000 Louis Cardinals' ns boarding house hath towel, crowd of Distinguished of Indianapolis and Ebbie Good- a paid customers saw game, holder of the Flying the Yanks grabbed the Tuesday the • fellow, [Crosji. *• former roach. which had its thrills and its Cooper is today, Irish championship from the Cards.
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