E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2003 No. 96 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE North Carolina, as the ‘‘General Charles Ga- briel Post Office’’. Rabbi Milton Balkany, Dean, Bais The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Yaakov of Brooklyn, New York, offered H.R. 1596. An act to designate the facility from Tennessee (Mr. COOPER) come for- of the United States Postal Service located the following prayer: ward and lead the House in the Pledge at 2318 Woodson Road in St. Louis, Missouri, Our Father in Heaven, the majestic of Allegiance. as the ‘‘Timothy Michael Gaffney Post Office sequoias tower over the Alpine ex- Mr. COOPER led the Pledge of Alle- Building’’. panses, and yet they continue to giance as follows: H.R. 1609. An act to redesignate the facility of the United States Postal Service located stretch upward toward the Sun. The I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the mighty Colorado River carved the awe- at 201 West Boston Street in Brookfield, Mis- United States of America, and to the Repub- souri, as the ‘‘Admiral Donald Davis Post Of- some grandeur of the Grand Canyon lic for which it stands, one nation under God, fice Building’’. eons ago, yet it continues to surge ever indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. H.R. 1740. An act to designate the facility onward. The thrashing tide of the At- f of the United States Postal Service located lantic has brought innumerable ships at 1502 East Kiest Boulevard in Dallas, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE to port, and yet the waves ebb and flow Texas, as the ‘‘Dr. Caesar A.W. Clark, Sr. without cease. I stand here today A message from the Senate by Mr. Post Office Building’’. H.R. 2030. An act to designate the facility among the jewels of our Nation, among Monahan, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate has passed without of the United States Postal Service located men and women who are precious, who at 120 Baldwin Avenue in Paia, Maui, Hawaii, radiate dedication, and they have been amendment bills of the House of the as the ‘‘Patsy Takemoto Mink Post Office selected as the leaders of our land. And following titles: Building’’. I pray to You, O Lord, that they too re- H.R. 825. An act to redesignate the facility The message also announced that the main unsatisfied with yesterday. Let of the United States Postal Service located Senate has passed bills of the following them grow with insight and turn the at 7401 West 100th Place in Bridgeview, Illi- titles in which the concurrence of the tide for our land, for we need them, nois, as the ‘‘Michael J. Healy Post Office Building’’. House is requested: their wisdom, devotion and energy, H.R. 917. An act to designate the facility of S. 163. An act to reauthorize the United now more than ever. Amen. the United States Postal Service located at States Institute for Environmental Conflict 1830 South Lake Drive in Lexington, South Resolution, and for other purposes. f Carolina, as the ‘‘Floyd Spence Post Office S. 498. An act to authorize the President to Building’’. posthumously award a gold medal on behalf THE JOURNAL H.R. 925. An act to redesignate the facility of Congress to Joseph A. De Laine, in rec- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- of the United States Postal Service located ognition of his contributions to the Nation. at 1859 South Ashland Avenue in Chicago, Il- S. 867. An act to designate the facility of ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- the United States Postal Service located at ceedings and announces to the House linois, as the ‘‘Cesar Chavez Post Office’’. H.R. 981. An act to designate the facility of 710 Wicks Lane in Billings, Montana, as the his approval thereof. the United States Postal Service located at ‘‘Ronald Reagan Post Office Building’’. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- 141 Erie Street in Linesville, Pennsylvania, S. 1207. An act to redesignate the facility nal stands approved. as the ‘‘James R. Merry Post Office’’. of the United States Postal Service located Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, pursu- H.R. 985. An act to designate the facility of at 120 East Ritchie Avenue in Marceline, ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote the United States Postal Service located at Missouri, as the ‘‘Walt Disney Post Office Building’’. on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval 111 West Washington Street in Bowling of the Journal. Green, Ohio, as the ‘‘Delbert L. Latta Post f Office Building’’. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER. The question is on H.R. 1055. An act to designate the facility the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. of the United States Postal Service located The SPEAKER. The gentlewoman The question was taken; and the at 1901 West Evans Street in Florence, South from New York (Mrs. KELLY) will be Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Carolina, as the ‘‘Dr. Roswell N. Beck Post recognized for 1 minute, followed by 5 peared to have it. Office Building’’. one-minutes on each side. Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, on that H.R. 1368. An act to designate the facility f I demand the yeas and nays. of the United States Postal Service located The yeas and nays were ordered. at 7554 Pacific Avenue in Stockton, Cali- WELCOMING RABBI MILTON fornia, as the ‘‘Norman D. Shumway Post Of- BALKANY The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, fice Building’’. rule XX, further proceedings on this H.R. 1465. An act to designate the facility (Mrs. KELLY asked and was given question are postponed until later of the United States Postal Service located permission to address the House for 1 today. at 4832 East Highway 27 in Iron Station, minute.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5941 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:21 Jun 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26JN7.000 H26PT1 H5942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2003 Mrs. KELLY. Mr. Speaker, Rabbi tions. I firmly belief that no senior neral for a great statesman from Ari- Milton Balkany, Dean of Bais Yaakov should be forced to choose between put- zona, former House Armed Services in Brooklyn, New York, is an acquaint- ting food on the table or buying the Chairman Bob Stump. I was reminded ance of mine. He has been an active medicines they need. The Prescription of another late Arizona statesman, participant and leader in the Jewish Drug and Medicare Modernization Act Senator Barry Goldwater. In fact, next community in New York City for would build on the strengths and suc- week marks the 40th anniversary of his many, many years. Rabbi Balkany has cesses of the current Medicare system significant step in the historic presi- worked hard to bring the community while guaranteeing that all seniors will dential campaign he waged in 1964. On together in order to continue tradi- have access to a prescription drug ben- July 4, 1963, the National Draft Gold- tional religious and cultural values. efit. water Rally was held at the Wash- Not only does he help younger genera- Just the other day the Secretary of ington National Guard Armory. I was tions understand the intrinsic and ex- Health and Human Services released a honored as a young teenager to come traordinary Jewish culture to which study which says that seniors will get on a bus from South Carolina with they belong, but he also welcomes oth- an up-front drug discount of 25 percent. some of the founders of the modern Re- ers of all religions to engage in prayer, That is a significant savings for many publican Party, Drake Edens, Floyd meditation and community. of the seniors in my district. The re- Spence and Rusty DePass. This failed I applaud you, Rabbi, on this special forms in this legislation will put pa- presidential campaign actually was occasion and welcome you as the guest tients before paperwork and ensure spectacularly successful in launching a chaplain of the House of Representa- that doctors will continue to serve sen- political revolution for limited govern- tives. iors through Medicare. The House has ment and expanded freedom. Especially acted in the past and will work with f in the South, Republican conservatism the Senate to provide affordable, vol- has risen from virtual nonexistence to REGARDING AMENDMENT TO untary coverage for every senior imme- majority status on the local, State and INTELLIGENCE BILL diately. Let us pass this important leg- Federal level. (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given islation. Our seniors have waited too I am grateful for the lasting influ- permission to address the House for 1 long for this much-needed relief. ence of Barry Goldwater, who inspired minute and to revise and extend his re- f victory over communism, achieved by marks.) MEDICARE MODERNIZATION Ronald Reagan, and an emphasis on ex- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, yes- panding freedom by reducing taxation, (Mr. DEFAZIO ASKED AND WAS GIVEN terday in debate over H.R. 2417, the in- promoted by George W. Bush. PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE FOR telligence bill, the chairman of the In conclusion, God bless our troops.
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