ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSES PART. L Name of the Candidate Shri Lalubhai babubhai Patel 1-Daman & Diu Parliamentary Constituency 2 Number and name of costituency Lok Sabha 2019 3 Name of State/Union Territory Daman & Diu Nature of election(Please mention 4 Lok Sabha 2019 whether General Election to state Assembly / Lok Sabha / Bye - election) 5 Date of declaration of result 23-05-2019 Name and Address of the Election Tarunaben L Patel,Sabri Kutir, Patel 6 Agent Falia,Kachigo ffi, na ni Da ma n, Daman lf candidate is set up by a political 7 party,Please mention the name of the BJP political party Whether the party is a recognised 8 Yes political party Date -I4/0G12019 Signature of the Candidate P lace-Da ma n Name: Lalubhai babubhai Patel t PART.II: ABSTRCT OF STATEMENT OF ETECTION EXPENDITURE OF CANDIDATE s.NO Particulars Amount Amount Amount Total Election incurred/aut incurre dla incurred/au expenditure horized by uthorized thorized by (31+(41+(sl candidate or by Political Other [in his election Party(in Rs| Rsl agent(in Rsl 1 2 3 4 5 6 Expenses in Public Meeting, Rally,procession etc:-1.a: Expenses in Public meetihB,Rally,procession etc (other than I 8,75,937 35,000 with Star Campaigners of the Political Party)(Enclose as per 88,550 10,00,597 Schedule -1) 1.b :Expenses in Public Meeting, Rally,procession etc with the Star Campaigner (i.e other than those for general L,34,775 party propaganda)(Enclose as per Schedule-2) 1,34,775 Campaign materials other than those used in public meeting ,rally,procession etc mentioned in S.IJo L above II 7,74,889 97,500 8,72,399 (Enclose as per Schedule -3) Campaign through print and electronic media including lil cable network, bulk SMS or internet or internet and Social 3,31,595 3,31,595 media (Enclose as per Schedule -4) Expenditure on campaign vehicle(s) used by candidate( L,36,L62 L9,500 L6,500 L,72,162 IV Enclose as per Schedule-5) Expenditure of cam paign workers/agents(Enclose as 83,968 V 9o,lc 92,989 per Schedule-6) VI Any other Campaign Expenditure Expenses incurred on Publishing of declaration regarding VII criminal cases( Enclose as per Schedule-10) Total 23,37,328 l5* soo I t1t8@ 26,O4,509 ,c Date- Signature of the Candidate Place-Daman Name: Lalubhai bahubhai Patel PART-III: ABSTRCT OF SOURCE OF FUNDS RAISED BY CANDIDATE S.No. Pa rticu lars Amount ( in Rs. ) L 2 3 Amount of own fund used for the election campaign(Enclose as per 1 LL,L7,000 Sched u le-7) Lump sum amount received from the party(ies) in cash or cheque 2 N,A etc.(Enclose as per Schedule-8) Details of Lump sum amount received from any 3 person f company/firm/associations/body of persons etc.as loan, gift I2,77,5L4 or donation etc.(Enclose as per Schedule-9) Total 23,99,5L4 Date Signature of the Candidate PIace- Narne: Lalubhai babubhai Patel Sehedule - 1 Expenses in Public Meeting Rally,pracession etc(i.e other than with Star Campaigners of the Politice I Party) S.No Nature of Expenditure Total Source of Expenditure Arnount in Amount Amount Amount Rs incurred/aut incurred/aut incurred horized by horized by by Others candid ate I Political agent Party with L 2 3 4 5 6 L Vehicle for Transportatiorr *f \risitors Erecting Stages, Pandals & 2 Fu rnitu re, Fixtures, Poles Etc L,52,194 t,37,794 14400 3 Arches & Barricades Etc 4 Flower/garlands 4,650 4,550 Hiring Loud speakers, micrcphone, amplifie!'s, 5 com pa rers etc 2,37,9OO 2,27,4OO 10,500 Posters, hand bills,pamphalets, 5 Ba n n ers, Cutouts, hoa rd ings 2,400 2,400 Beverages like tea,Water,cold drink, juice etc. 7 2,60,1,37 2,42,977 14,L50 3,000 Digital TV-boards display, Projector display, 8 tickers boards,3D display 2I,840 2L,840 Expenses on celebrities, payment of musicians, 9 other artist remuneration etc 10 lllumination item like serial Lights, boards etc Expenses on transport, helicopter / aircraft/ vehicles/boats etc charges(for self,celibrity or TL any other carnpaigner other than star cam patgne!' L2 Power Consu m ption/generator Cha rges 13 Rent for venue L4 Guards & Security charges Boa rd ing & Lodging expenses of i"5 self,cele[:rity,party functlonary or any other campaigner including, Star campaigner 82,500 74,5OO 8,000 i6 Other Expenses 2,38,977 L,86,2L7 52,760 Total 10,00,597 8,75,937 35,000 88,660 Date- Signature of the Candidate PIace-Darnan Name: Lalubhai babubhai Patel I Schedule -2 Expenes in Public Meeting Rally,procession etc with Star as appointed Campaigners to candidate (other than those for general party propoganda) Amount of Expenes in public Meeting Name of Star Rallyrprocession etc with Star S. no Date €arnpalgner & tuame of Remarks Campaigners as appointed to candidate ,if any Party (As other than those for general party L 2 I 3 4 5 Amount by Amount by Amount by Candidat€ Pplitieal Others /Agent Party 2O/4/201e & 1 Kachig?ffi, Nani Ravi Kishan(BJP) 99,975 Mandap Daman,Daman 20/4/20le & Speaker in Ravi 2 Kachigam, Nani Ravi Kis ha n (BJ P) 30,000 Daman, Darnan Kishan programme 2o/4/201s & 3 Kachigam, Nani Ravi Kishan(BJ P) I,400 Flower and bookie- Da nna n, Da ma n 2o/41201e & 4 Kachigam, Nani Ravi Kishan(BJ P) 3,500 Water pouch Daman,Daman -l Total L,34r775 Date- Place-Daman Narne: Lalubhai babubhai pate! Schedule -3 Details of expenditure on campaign materials,like handbills,pamphlets,posters,hoardings,banners,cut- out, gates & arches,video and audio cassettes,CDs/DVDs,Loud speakers,amplifiers,digitatTv/board display,3D display etc for candidates's election campaign( i.e other than those covered in Schedule 1 & 2l Source of Expenditure Remarks ,if any Total Amount S.No Nature of Expenditure Amount by Amount by Arnount in Rs Candidate Political by lAgent PaGy Others I L 2 3 6 I L HAN DbiII 15,750 L5,750 Multicolor Sticker 2 (Gujrati and Hindi) 37,L70 37,L70 3 Khes 25,000 25,000 4 Topi 35,000 35,000 5 Flag 37,500 37,500 5 Handbill for ballot 7,OO9 7,0O9 Cloth Banner with 7 Frame 8,400 8,400 Banner and Pole 8 Quoisie 2,62,395 2,52,395 Photogra phVl 9 Videography 32,400 32,400 Photogra phV/ 10 Videography 32,4A4 32,40A LL Sticker 5,664 5,564 L2 Saree 39,900 39,900 L3 Satin 40x60 7,600 7,600 L4 Satin 30x45 I 9,500 9,500 I i.5 Satin 20x30 23,800 23,800 15 Woolen Patka/Khes 9,500 9,500 L7 Rota Patka/Khes 31,416 3L,4L6 18 Topi 4,76A 4,760 19 Woolen Patka/Khes 15,200 15,200 20 T-Shirt t,47,100 L,O7,100 2L T-Shirt 14,250 L4,250 22 Flag/Cutout 17,800 L7,800 23 Umbrella Big 5,300 6,300 24 Umbrella Srnall 29,920 29,920 75 Rubber Mask 5,400 5,400 25 Paper Mask 2,230 2,230 27 Umbrella Small 3,375 3,375 28 Voting Machine 22,050 22,050 29 GST of above 23,500 23,500 Total 8,72,399 7,74,889 97,500 Date- Signature of the Candidate PIace-Daman Name: Lalubhai babubhai Patel Schedule -4 Details of expenditure on campaign through print and electronic media including cable netrrork,bulk SMS or internet or social media, news itemsTTV/radio channel etc,including tlre paid news so decided by MCMC or voluntarily admitted by the candidate, The details should include the expenditure incurred on all sudr news items appearing in privately owned newspapersflV/radio channels etc Name and Source of Expenditure adress of Amount by Amount agency, Candidate by Nature of reporter,sti Total Political medium /Agent Name and address of the media provider nger,com pa Amount in Party Sno (electro nicl Amount by (print/electronic/SMs/voice/cable TV,social media etc.) ny or any Rs print) and Others person to Col.{3}+(41 d u ration whom charges/co mmission 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shiv printer,Panchatara building G.l.D.C, Char Rasta, Vapi L Pr nt N.A J(JrtJ-tJtr-o A1t\ 58,410 Darnan Ganga,Vikash Publicity,Shivam Plaza, K.K Marg, 2 Print N.A Nani Darnan 40,LW 40,184 Gujrat Samach ar,3A7,Braj Plaza,Opp Sahjanand 3 Print N.A Plaza,Bhatta, Pa ld i,Ah meda bad 34,398 34,398 4 Print Gujrat Mitra,Gujrat Mitra Bhavan,Soni Falia,Surat N.A L4,742 L4,742 Gujrat Chitra,Gujarat Chitra,samrat Nagar,N.H no- 5 Print N.A 48, Bilad 47,L97 47,187 Pal Advertising,Shop no-2, Be-nazir chamber, Khariwad, 6 Electronic N.A Nani Daman 30,000 30,000 vap Valsad Bhaskar,Jai advertising,Shop no-21, Morarji 7 Print N.A Circ e,VAPl 9,975 9,975 8 Electronic Daily news 24x7,Ground Floor,Rameswari Appt N.A 10,000 10,000 N5 News,jyoti publicity, Near Jyoti Talkies, Nani Danran 9 Print N.A 10,000 10,000 Gujrat Mitra,Mahalaxmi Ads,101, Puspak Apt,Azad 10 Print N.A Chowk, Valsad 20,000 20,000 Asli Azadi,Gala no-T,Tirupati lndustrial Estate, Dabhel, tt Print N.A Nani Daman 16,800 16,800 L2 Print Vartaman Pravah, g2,Damanwada, Moti Darnan N.A 21,,OOO 21,000 13 Print UT Daily News N.A 18,900 18,900 Total 3,31,596 3,31,596 Pnte Signatu re olth;e Cand id ate PlaceDaman Name: Lalubhai babubhai Patel Schedule -4A Details of expenditure on campaign through print and electronic media including cable network,bulk SMS or internet or social media , news itemsfl'V/radio channel etc,including the paid news so decided by MCMC or voluntarily admitted by the candidate, The details should include the expenditure incurred on all such news items appearing in newspapers ITV/radio channels ,owned by the candidateor by the political party sponsoring the candidate Sno Nature of Name and Name and Total Source of Expenditure medium address of a d ress of Amount Amount Amount Amount (electrcn ic the rnedia agency, in Hs by by by Others /p rint) provider reporter, s Col.(3)+(4 Candidate Political and (print/elec tinger,co ) /Agent Party L 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 1 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 2 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 3 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 4 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A Date- signature of the candidate Place-Daman Name: Lalubhai babubhai Patel Schedule -5 I Details of expenditure on campaign vehic e(s) and pool expenditure on vehicle (s) for candidate's election campaign Sno Regn.
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