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Call 729- • A letter from the state director of 4560 for more information. elections says there was no Indication of "any illegal action on the part of the staf f or secretary of the board of the A "WELCOME BACK" is Wayne-Westland School District" In the extended by the Cherry Hill School 1982 school election. District to its students in the 1983-84 school year. Students in grades 1-12 The letter, dated Aug. 16,1983, was are to report to their respective sent to Wayne resident Rosemary Mil- schools 1-3 p.m. Monday, Aug. 29, to .ler, who bad filed charges regarding register. Afternoon kindergarteners the use of absentee ballots In the dis­ and students in grades 1-12 will, trict. |t was signed by Christopher M. begin school Tuesday, Aug. ISO. All Thomas, director of elections. students will attend school for the Miller charged in June that absentee full day Aug. 31. For more ballots were filled out by persons in information, call the board of nursing homes who were unaware of education office at 726-0100, Ext. what they were doing because of medi­ 22. cation. "I THINK people in nursing homes LISA EVANS, daughter of have the right to vote, If they're able to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Evans of vote," she said. "But If my parents Westland, has been accepted to the were In a nursing home, I wouldn't Interlochen Arts Academy, where want someone to go in and take advan­ she will study dance. tage of them. It would be my responsi­ The academy is the only boarding bility td take in my baUot" school in the United States that Last year, many municipalities and offers collegepreparatory academics school districts had deputies appointed as well as intensive training in' ; to deliver and pick up absenteeballots mmMiiMiiMMM^^^^^^^^^^^^ music, dance, the theater, creative from tha.'.elderly and' handicapped, '.••-fcV- V.'! writing and all major visual arts. Its Thomas said. The Wayrie-Westland' students, ages 13-17, come from all school district bad 10-12 deputies who Don Wiener, owner of Don's Dive Shop/In Bedford Township/pre- lake where he took his diving class for their final checkout to M over the world. delivered and picked up absentee bal- pare* for a dive near Bowling Own, Ohio. Dan Dean, Observer become certified dlvera. For a story and more pictures on the lots.hesaid. photographer, followed Wisner.'ailvonfa resident, to the Ohio "-. scuba class, so* page 3A. :::^:1 : " '*wai the change in law for 1983, they had none. The school may have TWO WESTLAND students deputies to pick up absentee ballots were among the 69 University of when requested by the voter." Michigan students who recently Miller had said 135 recipients of ab­ completed public service sentee ballots weren't registered. what's inside Callahan jury still out Internships In Washington, D.C., and Wayne and Westland city clerks Lansing. checked the names and found they Robert S. Gerber was employed were all registered at the time of the A U.S. District Court jury was still The government contended that the at the Federal Election Commission ^'election, Thomas said. Since the Calendar. 4A deliberating the case of Westland Dis­ fixed cases involved drunk driving, and Stacey OToole at the National election,;eight persons moved without Crossword . 7C trict Judge Evan Callanan Sr., his son selling Jiquor to minors, third-degree Organization for Women. re-registering and four died. , Classified. Section C and two other defendants Monday criminal sexual conduct, larceny and Entertainment ...•'. 40 morning. No decision had been made at felonious assault. The charges also al­ -THE SECRETARY of the board at Obituaries . .-4A the Westland Observer's press time. ' leged that a "cover up" was attempted. tUat time frequently used a common Opinion. ,-.'•,# - • • . 6A MR. AND MRS. Andrew . spelling of a name when she should Shopping Cart . Section B Callanan Sr., his son attorney Evan Novotny of Westland honored the have checked the spelling of a name as Sports .".;.' . -.--1-30-: Your Observer carrier will be Callanan Jr., UAW Local 1776 pres- In his summation before the jury last Happy Hour Senior Citizen's Club It appeared oh the application," Thorn- Suburban life . ... 5-7B stopping by this week; to dleht Richard Debs and Dearborn week, assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph with a picnic under the trees in their a38aid. Police . , . , 722-9600 collect for the month. Please Heights businessman Sam Qaoud were Papelian said Qaoud was Callanan Sr.'s yard earlier this month. The table "bag man" and would take" the money ; Miller charged that one voter who >. Fire,rescue; . 721-2000 have the money ready and charged with case-fixing conspiracy had sucha variety of food, the City Hall .... 721-6000 be sure to get your receipt. and mail fraud. They were tried" before for the judge when cases were to be members were wishing for larger had died' was given, and presumably U.S. District Judge Horace Gilmore. fixed in his court. '.''-' plates, said club president Georgia. voted^an. absentee- ballot. The ballot Circulation . ... .591-0500 It's worth a $1.75 discount Austin. Retiree guests were Virginia envelope i in question was 'clearly Want ads. ; 591-0900 on the next classified The jury began deliberations Aug. 22. Pender from Howell and Dominica . marked TJeceased' and was not count- Editorial dept.. .591-2300 advertisement;.you place In Prosecution and defense attorneys An FBI agent, who posed as a man Fama from Lansing. _^ed.".Thomas saldj > v your hometown newspaper. gave their final arguments Aug. 18 and named "John Izzy," testified that he 19, almost eight weeks after the trial paid Qaoud ¢5()0 to fix Golob's drunk ' Please turn to Page 2 s&t maivmtr»ttmi*uAStjm»*tiBtit* an... began ! :-,•.."-. .•;• driving case. / The Walter P. Reuther Psychiatric leaders in the health care field, accord­ services, adult education, field trips, Hospital In Westland has received pro­ ing to Babcock. and music, recreational, work and oc­ cupational therapy. : • v v.: fessional apd national recognition. The JCAH granted the accreditation ; The hospital, located at Palmer and for two years, the maximum period for ."Taking into account all things, this Merrlman roads, has been granted ac­ lopg-term care facilities. Reuther Hos­ (accreditation) is a pretty good indica- creditation for long-term care by the pital requested the Chicago-based or­ jion that the hospital is operating well,'* Jotot^(^mmisslon'on Accreditation of ganisation to evaluate the facility. Clarksaid. :•-'• . Hospitals (JCAH), the national stan­ dard-setting and monitoring organiza­ ;^TI^ recognition of the high stand­ Volunteers assist in such activities as. tion for psychiatric hospitals ahdrother ards maintained by'.the. Reuther Psy­ religious services, weekly Bingo healthjcarefacilities. ;_-•;. chiatric Hospital ls\a well-deserved; games, daily activities, special events tribute to the staff," Babcock said, "and miscellaneous programs. Anyone Hospital staff and guests celebrated interested in volunteering may call the the accreditation with a special recep "Accreditation means that the volunteer coordinator at 722-4500, ac­ tion last Thursday afternoon. Among Reuther facility has achieved substan^ cording to a staff representative. those oh hand were C. Patrick Babcock, , tial compliance with nearly 2,000 oper­ director of the Michigan Department of ating standards, covering such diverse Mental Health, and. State Rep. Justine. areas as administrative procedures, Barns.. \ ;..""\;'-i\ •'* W•">•'-•" • housekeeping, treatment techniques,; v food service and: building mainte- ACCREDITATION Is often a factor. nance.*u;:'/:,' :. ; '••••};-.: ..;;•'• v;;.;.•' ' In determining: the reimbursement a - The Reuther Hospital is a state psy? facility may obtain for the services it chiatrlc hospital, certified to treat 25 Ill at provides. During the current fiscal acute care and 33S long-term care psy­ •r>•'.•' v- •"• ' i >-M £.1 '1 year, the Reuther Hospital is expected chiatric patients. It specializes In the ^M$$£Mm to collect approximately |2 million Parents'; Orientation Night at the NUEie/»taff photograph** . treatment of geriatric patients. The av­ from private health insurance provid­ erage age of its patients ls.65. - William D. Ford Vocational/Technical ers and Medicaid: {'•"'•:* •:'. Center will be held fn>m 6:3 0-8:30 p.m. •'. The hospital • provides psychiatric Wednesday, Aug.31, for parents of jun­ "This; would mean that we would •: evaluation. and treatment, specialized iors or seniors attending fall classes at) qualify for more federal programs that nursing care for the mentally ill, infir* the center,: • 8hoppIng was a breeze for Westland resident food he could gat 1 In 8$ seconds. His family of could bring a higher return for some of Jim Rots (left), who picked put $12$ of free food four plans to enjoj , the Nlttle bit of everything- the patients who would be eligible;" mary care, social services to patients .Parents will hava an opportunity to from the Great Scott supermarket, Ann Arbor that he grabbed, fn the meantime, Iff being said Gerald Clark, director of the facil- and families,: activity therapy pro­ tour; the center, on Marquette in West- Trait and Merrlman, Wednesday night.
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