O H " 1 “ I a i . A ren«c DaUy N#t Pn w Rub F o r Am WMk bided The %eathep Aagiut 6, IN d Cloudy warm and humid night and tomorrow montUif with occasional ahowen, loaif tonight near 70; gradual clear* 13,871 ing tomorrow, high in the IOa \ Manchetter^A CUy of Village Charm VOL. LXXXV, NO. 274 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1986 (ClBMilied Adverttslnr .on Pa*e 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Rights Marches Held Despite Rain, Jeers [ Dr. King Leads Group idea loahuah V Mo. 1. A In Chicago 1 lova.i ; man) 2 thouah CHICAGO (AP)—White I m ap. spectators jeered and threw rocks, bottles and H> en> firecrackers as open-hous­ ellevea ing marches were held in la ho*. This secion of Varto, Turkey, lies in rubble after tremors today did no more damage but frighten­ Chicago and suburbs yes­ Friday’s earthquakes which leveled the sun-baked ed residents of the stricken area. (AP Photofax) terday despite a driving Jreen** mud houses. The death toll has reached^2,300. New rain. la sot Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 2 whoflo whose Southern Christian Lead­ at. la ership Conference is sparking ta aad Drive Begun to Fight Disease the protests, said, "The demon-, strations will continue.” He said the heavy rain kept » white hecklers away and "the •'6S. hostility was not as glaring as it a Into Idower might have been.” . Dan New Tremors Scare Turks Dennia However, the 600 marchers C) led by King were pelted by " -•5«. BRZURUM, Turkey (AP) — stationed in Erzurum ae an odlal^ Two new earth ehooka today American military adviser with green apples, rocks, bottles, beer cans and firecrackers as atruck nibbled towna of caatem the Turkish 3rd Army, said: "I Ruby was in my fifth-floor hotel they walked In to the East Side Soaking wet in a downpour, Dr. Martin Luther King leads a group of 600 ciiffl [.ovea, Turkey, where the government neighborhood located at the ex­ drive apartment when the earthquake Kowalski Loses Job, rights marchers in Chicago. The marchers also ignored the catcalls of nuuiy and launched a maaalve campaign hit. treme southeast of Chicago. Id way to fight hunger and disease "The hotel is the tallest and A similar reception was given hecklers along the way. Several hundred policemen along the march kept order among thousands of refugees most modem building in this a group of 250 marchers at Ev­ in the all-white neighborhood. (AP Photofax) from last week's killer earth­ city. It's a six-story reinforced Blames John Bailey ergreen Park, a suburb south­ quake. west of Chicago. Another steel frame building. MERIDEN (AP) — Political pointment designed by Bailey to The new temblors caused lit­ "Suddenly everything began march, into Chicago Heights, >lbert. tle damage and no casualties to maverick Frank Kowalski is be­ remove him a safe distance south of the city, drew few spec­ to shake back and forth — chan­ from Connecticut politics. Bell. add to the toll from Friday's deliers, lamps, everything. ing dropped from his $26,000-a- tators and no demonstrations. Twin B52 Raids Staged * <C) In discussing his political dlsaatrous quake — 2,300 bodies "When that happens and year Washington Job, it was dis­ Two of the marchers were counted, with estimates 3,000 ,career today, Kowalski acknow­ injured at Evergreen Park you're up that high in a build­ closed today. ledged that he had from the may have died. But the shocks ing, you Just sit there and gam­ "John Bailey-made me,” Ko­ when they arrived in a car and spread fear and panic among start been Bailey's creation. white youths smashed the wind­ ble it'll hold together. walski said State and National ' 'There wm no reason for me the people, many sleeping in the "We were lucky. The building shield with rocks. On South Viet Red Bases OH Democratic Chairman John M. to be made a U.S. congress­ (qien. did hold together.” Bailey, "and John Bailey's Police said 20 hecklers were SAIGON, South Viet Nam nlst supply and transport facil­ sions, an Indication that aminil* Relief crews ministered to 2,- man,” he said. "I was made at arrested at the two marches, nition or fuel stores had been A strong jolt Sunday after­ dumping me.” the will of the bosses and I'm (AP) — For the second'straight ities In North Viet Nam Sunday, 300 injured and the thousands noon hit the city of Mus, open­ Kowalski had been a member . including two white men who day, giant Air Force B52 bomb­ the U.S. military command re­ hit. left homeless. Othera dug ing dangerous cracks in the post l«mg discharged at the wUl of ^,m,bed to their knees by ers from Guam struck twin ported today. Weekend raids on tiw north A of the Subversive Activities Con­ through the niina of homes in the bosses. police after the pair refused to American pilots flew 102 mis­ coot-'one UJ3, piano. An Air trol Board — a Job Bailey pulled Bailey said today he had heard blows at Communist bases in lame towns and villagea looking for (See Page Five) obey orders to clear tiie side­ South Viet Nam today. sions over North Viet Nam Sun- Force RFIC Ftakatom pbotogea- eland more vicUma. strings to get for him — since a change on__the Subversive walk. pMc reiconnaiissaiKO pldno wBs 1963. It was learned today that Activities Control Board was in One- formation of the B52s day, hitting at four missile sites IC) B Health officials were afraid a Also arrested were two m en' ba^e around Hanoi,. \six .oil storage shottdown aO'^nilM noilhiwost'Of r <C> President Johnson has nominal- the wind but that he had played bombarded a Viet Coiig ». O. cholera epidemic raging aoroaa representing anti-civil rights only 46 miles east of SaigoA. depots ai)d other targets. Bong He(.' erewtmm was the border in Iraq Mght.apread Same Old Moon ed a Republican, John Sutton no personal role in it. groups. Charged with attempt- Fliers reported they damaged nscued by a Havg bettoo|itic Patterson of Chevy Chase, Md., "They change them around Another wave of the elght-en- north to Turkey. glned Jets struck an enemy three o( the four surface-to-air For the peasants, the main Ig Reveaied in to succeed him. Bomeames,” he commented. (See Page Six) missile sites attacked. One site (80S Page Six) In recent months, Kowalski training and resupply camp 120 fear was nqt disease tut a re­ W818 nine miles south of the has repeatedly spoken out miles southwest of Saigon. currence of thc| major quake. Latest Photos A lull continued in th6 ground North Vietnamese capital and U against United States policy in Both small quakM came before fighting. Only small, scattered another was 10 miles southwest dawn this morning and followed PASADENA, CaUf. (AP) Viet Nam. Imprisoned in Wrecked Plane of Hanoi. Bob Kennedy, America's first bright, clear "This war is horrible, sense­ patrol actions were reported after shooka Saturday and Sun­ today. The U.S. fliers also claimed day. close-ups of the moon's mysteri- less, vicious," he said today in they damaged or destroyed 16 Lindsay Oash The peasants slept'W the open "We pretty much Washington in an interview with In the city of Gia Dinh, near Saigon, a terrorist threw a gre­ bridges, 26 siqiply buildings, 64 fields, under oone-atoped tenU what was expected — nothing the Meriden Journal. "It has no trucks, seven antiaircraft gun Over Aid to NY or wrapped In thick blankets. new. purpose and I'm willing to tell Helpless Six Days, nade today at a military Jeep, and four U.S. servicemen were positions, 28 boxcars and 16 Health Minister Eklip Somuno- Two good, sharply focused anyone.” barges. WASHINOTON (AP) — Itagk Kowalski, who recently made wounded, none seriously. A or John V. Ldndsay said today ghi ordered mass incoculations pietures transmitted to earth Navy pilots from the carrier against typhoid and told local Sunday by the Lunar Orbiter an unsuccessful last minute at­ Vietnamese woman passerby New York City la going to need G also was wounded. The terrorist BYsuiklln D. Roosevelt struck a health officials to add chloriAe apacecrah Just show more tempt to win the Democratic State Man Rescued $60 billion in federal money ever escaped. rail yard Just outside the city of ^ 10 year* to beeMne True to drinking water. lumps and craters — a carbon nomination for Congress in Con- MIDWjETOWN (AP) — For pinpointed the spot where Faulk- COUP. familiar necUcut's Sixth District, indicat- Sunday, B62s also hit two ene­ Thanh Hoa in North Viet Nam «t)»n»iifly Hvable," Bodiee uncovered from debris copy, almost, of the six days, Jolin T. Emmanuel sat ner thought he had seen some- and reported the area was en­ were being buried as soon as near side, od that he Will still play a role my target areas — a suspected Sen. Robert F. KennedF* Kewi. pinned in his seat in the wrecked thing. Viet Oong division headquarters gulfed in flames and a thick col­ possible, often even before Iden' Orbiter, an 860-pound Ameri- ^ coming campaign, plane. On Sunday, a State Aeronau- N.Y., toM Mm ttiat to toqimMto near the Chimbodian border 66 umn of black smoke rose to 8,- oaL tification. can shutterbug locked in orbit willing to campaign He must have heard the tics Department helicopter got 000 feet as they departed. Some survivors asked for around the moon, took the two nRxinst w r country’s Viet Nam speeding by on Merstat” low T r^ h ‘to"s^t“^l(rwe‘ck Hie .R^bHoan xnaQrov and a North Vietnamese troop con­ They destroyed 10 railroad the Democratic senator dto- picks and1 shovels to dig out shots late Friday and early Sat- position,” he said.
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