FREE MONTHLY Established 1991 PRINT POST APPROVED: 64383/00006 SUPPORTING SENIORS’ RECREATION COUNCIL OF WA (INC) CLUBHOUSE OPEN DAY EXCLUSIVE 1MFBTFOPUF$PNQVUFSHFOFSBUFEJNBHF5IJTXJMMWBSZGSPNXIBUJTCFJOHDPOTUSVDUFE THE NEXT STAGE OF THE CLUBHOUSE IS NOW OPEN th Activities from Free Entry! Sun 18 May 12pm to 4pm t 7BSJPVTFOUFSUBJONFOUUISPVHIPVU ANOTHER STAGE COMPLETE AT UIFEBZJOUIFOFXDMVCSPPN TUART LAKES LIFESTYLE VILLAGE t .JOJHPMGDIBMMFOHFTPOPVSOFX %FTJHOFECZBXBSEXJOOJOH1FSUIBSDIJUFDUVSBMmSN +BNFT QVUUQVUUDPVSTF $ISJTUPV UIFOFX$MVCIPVTFCVJMEJOHBU5VBSU-BLFT JO t #BLJOHEFNPTCZPVS-JGFTUZMFSTJO 3PDLJOHIBN XJMMCFPOFPGUIFNPTUTPQIJTUJDBUFETUSVDUVSFT UIFOFXDPNNFSDJBMTJ[FELJUDIFO JO/BUJPOBM-JGFTUZMF7JMMBHFTIJTUPSZ,OPXOBTUIFiCJSET OFTUw nPPSUPDFJMJOHXJOEPXTXJMMGSBNFTQFDUBDVMBSFMFWBUFE t 'SFF4BVTBHF4J[[MF WJFXTBDSPTT-BLF$PPMPPOHVQBOECSJOHJOBCVOEBOUOBUVSBM t -BXO#PXMT MJHIU5IFOFXMZDPNQMFUFEDMVCSPPNXJMMIBWFUIFMBSHFTU TUBHFBOEEBODFnPPSPGBMM/BUJPOBM-JGFTUZMF7JMMBHFT TFBUJOH t #VTUPVSTPGUIFWJMMBHFBOEEJTQMBZ VQUPQFPQMFPSDPDLUBJMTUZMF BOEJODMVEFTBTUBUF IPNFT PGUIFBSUFOUFSUBJONFOUTZTUFNGPSTIPXT NPWJFTBOEB t 2"TFTTJPOTXJUI/BUJPOBM SBOHFPGPUIFSTPDJBMFWFOUT UPHFUIFSXJUIBDPNNFSDJBM -JGFTUZMF7JMMBHFT'PVOEFSBOE LJUDIFO'VUVSFTUBHFTPGUIFDMVCIPVTFXJMMJODMVEFB(BNFT .BOBHJOH%JSFDUPS +PIO8PPE 3PPN -JGFTUZMFS-PVOHF 5IFBUSF (ZN 4BVOB*OEPPS1PPM 5VBSU-BLFTDMVCIPVTFPVUEPPSQPPM Delicious Low Fat GOURMET ® SINGLE? & Gluten Free We have your partner FREE MONTHLY Introducing older adults since 1995 NO COMPUTER NEEDED! 9371 0380 50% OFF Only $3.00 p/tray (frozen) Factory Outlet - Buy Direct, SAVE $$$$ 7 Madison Street, Canning Vale www.solutionsmatchmaking.com.au Open Tues to Fri 9am to 4pm Sat 8am to 12pm Established 1991 PRINT POST APPROVED: 64383/00006 SUPPORTING SENIORS’ RECREATION COUNCIL OF WA (INC) WA’S PREMIER MONTHLY PAPER FOR THE OVER 45s45s VOLUME 23 NO. 10 ISSUE NO. 266 MAY 2014 A journey into the rare and • Let’sIn Go Travelling this - Have Issue a Go News’ Travel Editor’s seven hour sojourn in Paris, Winter in West plus much more • Downsizing evocative Noongar language • Celebrating National Volunteer Week Competitions/Giveaways Two nights in Margaret River Canon Foods $100 voucher BOOK - Maddy & Ma TICKETS Belle Ida Young & Beautiful Black Swan State Theatre Co - As You Like It WAAPA - West Side Story The Golden Era of Swing WA's longest running newspaper for the over 45s Visit www.haveagonews.com.au and keep up to date with our new look website Since 1984 Working late? Recovering from illness? or just too tired to cook? Why not consider... HOME CHEF ‘Dinners to Your Door’ Guy Ghouse and Gina Williams © Gareth Andersen by Josephine Allison distinctive voice and Ghouse’s gui- as a duo since July so it’s all hap- “Working as a team, we do work It’s Easy... tar mastery. Kalyakoorl is written, pened really quickly. So far, we’ve well together and in a short time, our IT was very much a family affair recorded and released on Noongar been overwhelmed with the response song writing has improved greatly. All you have to do is CELEBRATING when Perth singer Gina Williams country. to the album which has had amazing We had a day when Guy was on Heat & Eat 30 YEARS took to the stage with Guy Ghouse in “It’s a personal mission not just to reviews. We feel humbled and privi- holiday with his wife and family in - NO CONTRACTS Delivering quality and Fremantle recently for the launch of learn the language but to record and leged that people are so enthusiastic Britain and he sent me these tunes - Over 70 dishes to choose from their debut album, Kalyakoorl, at the release something for my kids to have about what we are doing.” via email. Within a few hours, we had - FREE Home Delivery variety at affordable Fly By Night Musicians Club. and pass on to their kids by way of Williams describes Ghouse as an written ve songs; it was incredible - Vegetarian Meals prices since 1984 - Diabetic Meals FREE Williams describes the launch of legacy,” Williams says. “The four “incredible musician and an excep- and it sums up where we are at with - Microwave & Oven Safe Delivered Kalyakoorl (which means Forever), principles which inform the album are tional person to work with.” what we are doing.” Two ways to order as “beautiful, with a big language and Koort (Heart), Moort (People), Bood- “He hates it when I talk him up Williams’ teenage daughters, Lau- You can speak to our friendly staff on to your door! HAGN#053/266 community focus.” The album is a ja (Land) and Koorlungka (Legacy). but I really do stand on stage with ren and Bella, now aged 17 and 15, 9378 2544 journey into the rare and evocative “Guy and I started working on the him, not quite believing my luck. He sang on the album (Williams also has or online at Noongar language with beautifully songs just over a year ago, but we’ve comes from a long line of musicians a three-year-old son, Thomas). www.homechef.com.au crafted songs featuring Williams’ only been performing them properly so I think it’s part of his DNA. continued on page three Linear Clinical Research Make a difference. Be a part of groundbreaking research Clinical trials are an important part of researching and developing treatments for potential life threatening diseases. Linear are currently inviting males and females 45-80 years old to register their interest for upcoming studies. The clinic is located at the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Nedlands. Register today to get the latest updates. PH: 1300 546 327 (1300 LINEAR) or (08) 6382 5100 | Online: www.perthclinicaltrials.com | Email: [email protected] Current Trials Recruiting for: healthy volunteers, diabetes type 2, bronchiectasis, hepatitis C, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) 2 HAVE-A-GO NEWS No. 266 MAY 2014 Mandurah READ US ONLINE: Orchid Club THE MANDURAH & Districts www.haveagonews.com.au Orchid Club of WA welcomes all visitors and prospective new members to their monthly meet- HAGN#045/266 ings and judged shows that are held on the third Wednesday of each month at the West Mur- ray Community Centre Pinjarra Road Barragup at 7.30pm. For more information, please call Douglas Meadows, Vice President MDOC (inc) on Finding DENTAL CARE 9582 2009. Inner Wheel Club’s offer friendship way too expensive? and service... From the Editor’s desk Are you a senior living on a tight budget or pension? THE INNER Wheel Club of Kalamunda was privileged to have talented musician Archie koora wer yeyi International Inner Wheel members at their last meeting: Brigitte Roach. Noongars are custodians of Think no one cares? Koehler from the Trier club in Germany and Maureen Graham Their album Kalyakoorl, this land, past and present Then think again because we do! from Worthing Steyne club in UK. They both told the group a released recently, is quite Ngalang koorndarm baal nid- little about their respective clubs and how much the International beautiful and following are the ja kalyakoorl DENTURES from • NO Credit Applications friendship meant to them. words, taken from the website, Our dreaming is here forever • NO Finance Also present was District Chairman Jan Duffy, and her Secre- of the title track Kalyakoora, Noongar kaadak nidja boodja, translated from the Noongar koora wer yeyi • NO Interest tary Pam Lyons both from the Wann-Gara club. For information on Inner Wheel please contact Maureen Betts language into English. Noongars are custodians of • NO Catch $100 Deposit on Kalyakoorl: this land, past and present $ Goods Under $1000 9453 6973. Judith Treby The title track of the album, Ngalang koorndarm baal nid- $250 Deposit on Kalyakoorl is about custodial ja kalyakoorl 50PER WEEK Goods Over $1000 HELLO Everyone, responsibility to this place. It’s Our dreaming is here forever While we all know that it is more than some vague notion Yeyi, djinang, nidja baal Letters to the Editor important to ensure, as much that sidelines “ rst nations peo- Look now, it’s here Submissions may be edited for clarity and space. as we can, to eat well and exer- ple and hippies,” it’s about a Nidja boodja baalap korang cise regularly for good health, modern day context where we This earth it turns I AM WRITING in response to your February article, “Few both physically and mentally, all live in this special place and Kedala –kedalak, boodja-k – mental health support services for older adults”. Although another, and often overlooked we all share the responsibility woorl-ak www.denturesperth.com.au element of importance in our there are scarce services targeted speci cally for older people, to be good stewards – to ensure Day -night, earth -sky lives is our participation and Bite Wise are proud to be different from the majority there is an abundance of Self Help and Support Groups that we leave this place in better Koora koora, yeyi, benang of dentists who want payment upfront enjoyment of the arts. shape for our kids. Past, present, future cater for people of all ages suffering with mental health. These While music is often re- Noongar kaadak nidja boodja, Noongar kaadak nidja boodja, groups not only offer support to the person with the condition, ferred to as ‘food for the soul’, koora wer yeyi koora wer yeyi Joondalup 9300 2332 Morley 9275 3334 but also provide information to family and carers to help them all forms of art from dramatic Noongars are custodians of Noongars are custodians of in understanding the illness. As mentioned in the article, it is acting, theatre, ballet, opera, this land, past and present this land, past and present classical music, jazz, pop, mu- important for older adults, family, friends and carers to have Ngalang koorndarm baal nid- Ngalang koorndarm baal nid- sical comedy to CDs, DVDs ja kalyakoorl access to information resources to better understand mental ja kalyakoorl and of course the lm genre, Our dreaming is here forever Our dreaming is here forever Panty Girdle illness symptoms and how they can help. all present art to an audience in Noongar kaadak nidja boodja, Noongar kaadak nidja boodja, ConnectGroups is a peak body for Self Help and Support one form or another.
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