WEDNESDAY, ^ R IL 27, 1966 P A G E F O R TY iia n ci;? 0t»r 1Eti»nin01|i^ralik DaHy Net PnssRm i The Weather » Ver Oie Week Ended April le, isflg Windy, cool, oocasionail raia Memben of Campbell Council Izations. She received a BA degree from Middlebury College tonight, low in 40b( eloudy, ' About Town will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Mrs. Gerard warmer, dautoe of ehowen to­ K of C Home and then pro- and an MS from Simmons Coi- 14,620 lege. She holds office in Alpha lively into summer- The Manchester Rod and Gun ceed in a body to the John F. morrow, high in SOa Club will meet tonight at 7 at Tierney Funeral Home, 2l9 W. Heads O u b Delta Dappa, a teachers’ or­ HOUSE Manchenter^A City of Vittage Charm the W. A. Qulsh Funeral Home, Center St., to pay respects to ganization, and is a Sunday li- School teacher at Center Con- 36 Main S t, to pay their re- Leo Pouiin. There wiil be a Mrs. John Gerard, head yOL. LXXXV, N O . 177 XTWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CQNN., THURSDAY, APftiL 28, 1966 (dunlfled Advertleiiig tm Page 19), PRICE SEVEN CENTS, qpecta to Mrs. Mary M. Firato. ledtatlon of the Rosary. brarian at Manchester High gregatiohal Church. with these ^ School Library, Monday night Before Monday night’s meet- Miss Sylvia Hannaford of ’The class of 1941 of Weav- was elected to a two-year term ing. Mrs. Gerard entertained 183 Irving St. will be a teach er High Sshool will hold its as president of the Women’s about 20 board members at a Ing intern at Manchester High 25th reunion at the Tobacco Club of Manchester. The meet- buffet supper in her home, in AND Quick Hesult Sshool for the spring semester. Valley Inn, Windsor, on May ing was held at Concordia Lu- honor of Mrs. Swensson. The smart ideas She is a senior at Central Con- The committee has . been Uieran Church. She succeeds buffet was served in the family IRS to Probe TUCSON, Ariz. (AF) — 'nectlcut State C o llie , major- unable to contact about 40 Mrs. Joseph Swemsson. game room, and Mrs. H. John HALE Bob O’Brien, manager of tha Cloudburst Strikes Dallas; ing in mathematics and minor- members. Those who have not 'Mr.s. ' Gerard. resides at 75 Ol- Malone presided at the punch classified advertising de­ _ t bowl during a social hour. Mrs. Ing in history. Teachers George been conUcted are requested since 1853 in sportswear partment for the Tucson Caouetie Jr. and James Cama- to get in touch with Mrs. Pearl Swensson was presented with | Daily Citizen and Arizona rata will be her supervisors. Siegel at 54 Stephen St. or Mrs. an inscribed Paul Revere silver i Dodd Dinners Dally Star, said today he re­ - Geraldine McNamara at 27 En- bowl. new styles! new fabrics! ceived this letter: Mrs. Betty Nelson of Wor­ WASHINGTON (AP)—The Internal Revenue Serv­ Nancy A. Szarek, a graduate glowood Dr. Dear sir: * cester, Ma.ss., was guest speak­ ice said today it has ordered a tex investigation into cC Manchester Hig^i School, ------ Now I know what they 5 Dead; Hundreds Homeless er after the business meeting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- David Torstenson of 33 Co- more than $100,000 raised for Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D- mean when they talk about at the church. A book reviewer, nard D. Szarek, of 383 Wood- burn Rd. has been named ban- liiiSHB! Conn., at testimonial dinners in Connecticut. the power of the press. Mrs. Nelson’s topic was ' ‘"The bridge S t, has been named to quet chairman of the Spring The disclosure followed by --------------------------------------- —— Thursday I lost a gold watch Lost Art of Reading For Fun.” m isses new the dean’s list at Regis Ooi- Week Committee at Upsala misses' famous one day an accusation by Sen. taX Investigation of Dodd will which I valued highly. lege, Weston, MaiH, College in East Orange, N.J. She reviewed several books, in­ Jdhn J. Williams, R-Del., that " ^ ' V cluding “ Dear Teen-ager,” “The be centered basically in Conn­ Immediately, I inserted an Spring Week is an annual event the Johnson administration had ecticut but could extend into Rain Falls Eileen Boris o f Money,” "The Wizard of Lori- ad in your lost and foimd Miss 271 at the college and Includes the western ombarked on a "backstage Washington. Henry St., has been elected crowning of the Spring Queen. ness,” “M r s. J a c k,” ‘"The "W ra n g le r" column and waited. plan” to relieve Dodd from any A taX claim against the sen­ president o f her dormitory, Al- a fashion show and many otn- Source” and "A Mouse Is Mir­ Yesterday I went home A t Rate o f taX liability for the funds. ator is probable, the source bright House, at Smith College, er activities, and clases with acle Enough.” shirts and found the watch In the Associates of Dodd have con­ added, if the investigation She has served as president of the All-Upsala banquet. Tors- Co-hostesses were Mrs. Dom­ pocket of another suit. sportsw ear tended the money, some of shows the testimonial dinners the class of 1967 at the college tenson is a member cf Alpha inick Roto and Mrs. Steven ® attractive God bless your paper. Inch an Hour which was used to pay personal were not held out of appreciaa- for the past year. Phi Omega fraternity and Sutton. Mrs. Alfred Ponticelli solid colors expenses, represents tax-free ------ served as vice president this introduced four new members: Uon for the senator’o service DALLAS, TeX. (AP) — bermudos, jamaicos gifts. and were campaign fund-rais­ Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma year. He also belongs to the Mrs. Anibal Medeiros, J^rs. But Williams said HIS offi­ Five persons drowned to­ Edward M. Walsh. Mrs. Terrell ing affairs. Phi will meet at 8 tonight at Economits Club. cials have quietly approached GM GuUty day when tremendous rains A. Rice Jr. and Mrs. Charles The burden of proof, the the home of Mrs. George Owens, ------ 2 .9 9 3 .9 9 some senators during the paust flooded hundreds of per­ 17 Gandley Rd., Windsor Locks. Memorial Temple, Pythian Angenette. source said, wUl be on the sen­ Joseph Ja y photo 1.87 two weeks suggesting present ator. sons from their homes in Mrs. Frank Conway, Mrs. El- Of Antitrust Miss Elaine Verbarg is in Sisters, will have a kitchen so­ Mrs. John Gerard law might be fuzzy and some Dallas and a northern sub­ charge of the program. cial tomorrow at 8 p.m. at dridge Hodge and Mrs. Albert reg. 1.99 The investigation, viiW<ai IRS skirts clarifying legislation may be said for practical purposes is urb, Garland. Memorial Lodge, K of P Home, cott Dr. with her husband. They Roy poured during refresh- needed. ments. already under way, will be Violation One of the victims, dro-wned Regina D’ltalia Society will 465 N. Main St. have two children; a son is a Smart man-tailored western IR3 denied the charge. meet at 7:30 tonight at the W, ----- graduate of Cornell University handled principally by the dis­ In his late-model Cadillac was style is the fashion hit of the 3 .9 9 An BUS source said today the WASHINGTON (AP) — The P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 Members of the Alpina So- and a daughter now attends season. Choice of blue or trict office of Hartford, the W. L. Perryman, president of Supreme Court decided today. Main St., to pay respects to a ciety will meet this evening at Tufts. berry color denim fabric— source added. General American Oil Co., an longtime member, Mrs. Mary 7:30 at the W.P. Qul.sh Funeral Elected to serve with her are that’s so soft to the touch, In Hartford, an IRS spcriiea- General Motors CJorp. violated independent oil firm operating the antitrust law by trying ' to Firato. Home, 225 Main St., to pay Mrs. Vernon Muse, first vice yet so long wearing. Checks slacks, jeans State News man declined comment. Ihe in siX states and Canada. their respects to a deceased president; Mrs. Morton Tinker, MILITARY in gold, red, blue In group law, he said, forbids taX offi­ ban sale of Chevrolets through Firemen aXed through ths also. Sizes 12 to 18. discount houses in the Los An­ member, Mrs. Mary Firato. second vice president; Mrs. 3 .9 9 and 5 .9 9 cials “to discuss the affairs of car’s back window to free a -- Richard Reinohl, recorchfng sec- WHIST AND any indivlduail with the public.” geles area. woman from the autc»nobils St. James’ Holy Name So- retary; Mrs. John Horum, cor- Pinney Sees Aides of Dodd said In Wash­ Justice Department counsel which had been swept into a Famous “ Wrangler” quality ciety will meet tonight at 8 at responding secretary; Mrs. El- ington they were aware of the contended such’- sales -would in­ swollen creek, but Perryman Sensational long wear and comfortable fit. Soft drowned. the John F. Tierney Funeral mer Odell, treasurer. SETBACK brushed suede denim or regular weave. D odd C a se investigation. The senator,, they crease competition at the retail sedd, would have no comment level and thus benefit consum­ The body of Dr. Alfred W. Home, 21® W. Center St., to Also, Mrs. Benjamin Rouleau Sponsored by Neatly tailored and top stitlched. Beige, (AP Photofax) ers. Harris, a physician, was found Is The Word pray for the repose of the soul and Mrs.
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