Thursday, October 12, 1950 EAST CLEVELAND LEADER JPaye Eleven AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FQ1 SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE WANTED TO RENT FOR RENT newest WILLYS DEALER 1946 DODGE 4 door sedan? radio, heat- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BY 1949 BUICK Roadmaster Convertible, 1937 FORD coach; heater; good trans­ IDEAL ‘for working girl. 3 rooms and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DY °,ne ™ner c«r; private; no tax. PHONE — 75c MINIMUM, CASH 16,000 actual miles, 11 months old: portation, first $75 takes it. Call bath, unfurnished, 3rd floor, own en­ PHONE — 75c Ml.MMFM, CASH! SALES—SERVICE—PARTS *iiL, 1»3659, * WITH ADVERTISEMENT — 60c light green; red leather upholstery; after 6 p. m. MUM-8796. trance. KE. 1-8742 after 3:30 p. m. WITH ADVERTISEMENT — 60n OPEN EVENING! MINIMUM. MIST BE IN OUR a real steal at $1995. Call after 7 ’41 DODGE 4 door, radio, heater, $150; WILL share lovely home with couple, MINIMUM. MUST BE IN OUR, OFFICE BEFORE NOON WED- _p. m„ UL. 1-4629.__________ _______ *38 Willys 4 door, $60; ’40 Ford re­ all conveniences; gas heat. RE. OFFICE BEFORE NOON WED­ NES DAY.__________________________ PACKARD, 1949, radio, heater, over­ built motor, radio, heater, $360; see 1-1342. NESDAY. HFN^Y AUTO Sales-Service, Inc 1939 STUDEBAKER, four door sedan, drive, electromatic, nylon upholstery, at Miller Garage, 14665 Elderwood. FRONT room, twin beds, large closet, SIX room suite or single, unfurnished,! A-l condition, must see to appreci- low mileage; private. KE.- 1-9127. GL. 1 -6468. PO^ 1-9777. private family, 2 girls or employed urgent._PO. 1-1925^ 15000 Aspinwall At?. POtoaac 1-1670 GENUINE - ate; make offer. IV. 1-8366. 1936 FORD, good transportation, body couple._13412 Forest HilL COUPLE need 3 or more unfurnished 1938 PLYMOUTH coupe, good condf- excellent, bestoffer. RE. 1-4319. EAST Cleveland, Windermere vicinity; rooms, apartment or house. Call LI. , tlon, low mileage, one owner. RE. Your Northeast 1947 HUDSON, 4 door super 6, very bedroom, kitchen privilege, near Eu­ 1-3897. 1-6262, 928 East 222nd st. good condition, $895. IV. J-4056. clid. MU. 1-3012 after 8:30 p. m. East Ohio Gas Co. employee and REDUCTIONS 1938 STUDEBAKER 4-door President, Willys Overland Dealer 1935 PLYMOUTH 4 door, $60. “12812 5 ROOMS completely furnished: work­ wife expecting baby in November, overdrive, 5 good tires, good running _Taft ave. GL. 1-2371. ing couple preferred. MU. 1-5113. need 3 or 4 rooms and bath. Best of We work hard ... to give condition. KE. 1-3901 afternoons. Sales Service Parte STSMUS 194! Buick Streamliner sedanette $495 1931 FORD coupe, good tires, $50. references. Please phone KE. 1-8517 OPEN EVENINGS 12812 Ta ft ave. GL. 1-2371._________ or KE. 1-5867. folks our BEST. We have 1942 Buick Super sedanette S595 Hall Available COUPLE in middle twenties desire 5-6 DE SOTO 1940 Nash club coupe S295 1949 FORD HENRY AUTO unfurnished rooms on first or sec­ FUN, too. And FUN is 1942 Nash '600' sedan __—S495 FOR RENT FOR WEDDINGS, ond floor, Mr. or Mrs. Marklow. LI. PLYMOUTH DE LUXE TUDOR Sales and Service, Inc. _1 -5556. 1939 Dodge De Luxe sedan $195 PARTIES, ETC. mighty contagious. Ebony black; equipped. REDUCED TO 15000 Aspinwall PO. 1-1670 LARGE room, twin beds. 2 buddies. MOTHER and daughter, both employed, 1938 Lincoln sedan$ 75 15506 Parkgrove. IV. 1-1698. need two bedroom house or apart- _nient. Call evenings RA. 1-9727. 1941 Oldsmobile Hydramatic sed. _S395 STUDEBAKF.R Chamnion. 1939, in run­ BASEMENT suite for working couple, LUDWIG'S BARN 1941 Plymouth sedan —.$165 $1195 also pleasant sleeping room. Call IVanhoe 1-9628 4 OR 6 rooms for couple and 3 year ning condition, $75. 17501 Harland evenings. Hillcrest 2-4080. • old child; will decorate and do minor 1934 Plymouth sedan J5 75 _ave, KE._l-4862. _ ________________ repairs, up to $65 per month. LI. 1946 Willys station wagon $795 1941 BUICK 4-door*sedan, super, radio, COMFORTABLE room, private en­ _1 -1482. trance; gentleman. 860 East 150th st. SINGLE house, furnished; for 6 1938 Pontiac De Luxe club coupe, East End Nash heater, seat covers, body and motor months, November 1st to May 1st. EMPLOYED woman and high school all in good condition. $495, Private. CLEAN sleeping room for working Call between 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. daughter desire small furnished or reconditioned throughout $245 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-53C9 MU. 1-8471. gentleman or lady. GL. 1-0150. RE. 1-4336. unfurnished apartment about $50 on 1949 Ford Tudor$1,195 PACKARD. 1941 Clipper 4-door, radio NICE room, gentleman preferred. 1034 FURNISHED room, 14933 Sylvia ave. East 185th bus line. KE. 1-5475 after East 147” st. PO. 1-0543 7 p. m. 1948 Ford Tudor 5895 1937 FORD tudor, radio and heater, and heater; leaving for service, must THREE rooms furnished and full bath, sell; best offer. 882 Rudyard rd., 4:00 3 1946 Hudson sedan $495 reasonable. MU. 1 -3751. __ BEER COIL BOXES third floor, employed couple; refer­ GARAGE space in Euclid for storing to 7:00. ences; near bus line. 1846 Mannering _trucks for the winter. KE.-1-6716. Many other makes and models on dis­ 1936 CHEVROLET two-door sedan, Rented for Picnics, Parties and Weddings rd., side door._______ ___________ good running order, tires and battery $1.50 Delivered COUPLE and 2 well-behaved children. play, all at reduced prices. SLEEPING room for single, young urgently need 2-3 bedroom house or _ good: $50. RE. 1-4777. 781 fast TMth Street REdwood 1-400? 1940 HUDSON, 2-door sedan, heater; 1943 BUICK clean refined gentleman. 15704 School suite, ex-home owner. RE. 1-6838. BUY WHERE INTEGRITY $100^_Call PCX 1-0996.______________ CORNER store, $75 a month. 15800 St. ave. MU. 1-0401. 3 OR 4 rooms for young working Streamliner Sedanette LAKE Shore blvd. off East 146th st., couple. Call 8 to 1 p. m. SW. 1-1309 1951 KAISER. 2,000 miles. Best reason­ Clair ave._KE._l-3131.______________ or TV. 1-1371. COUNTS able offer accepted. PO. 1-4445. Beautiful gunmetal gray, fully equipped. LARGE front sleeping room, twin beds. pleasant warm room in private home. Top condition; reduced to 14605 Aspinwallay e.________________ IV. 1-5062. YOUNG employed couple, college gra­ Service Department SLEEPING room for 1 or 2. 140 East duates. desire 3-4 unfurnished rooms; WE TRADE HIGH TWO sleeping rooms for gentlemen. will redecorate; excellent references. _15012 Sylvia ave.__________________ 208th_st. KE._l-6984.______________ $1495 ROOM and board for gentleman, all _EV ,_1 -2060. ATTRACTIVE room, kitchen privileges, YOUNG couple desire 3, 4 or 5 unfur- television, near bus line; two in fam­ home privileges. 19040 Newton ave. ily; young couple or girl preferred, IV. 1-5934. _nished rojoms. Call CE. 1-0050. tiTl 10 P M MU. 1-4110. WORKING couple desire small home East End Nash OUR BEST East End Nash BUSINESS OWOUTWITTES or apartment wdth garage, unfur- "Cleveland’s Volume 16223 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5309 nished. LL 1-1993 after 5:30 p. m. (Except Saturday) HALL FOR RENT SHOE repair shop, all new equipment, COUPLE with 2 girls desperately need Nash Dealer” Clean — Modern _ sell at cost. PO. 1-2095.___________ 3 or 4 rooms, excellent care. MU. Used Car Buys! 1948 PONTIAC 8, streamliner sedan­ GARAGE w’ith gas station, independent __1 -3223._____________________________ 13829 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5300 ette: this ear has all the extras in­ Accommodates up to 400 operated, modern equipment, going YOUNG couple desire a 2 or 3 room 1949 Ford Custom Fordor, cluding hydromatic drive; the car business on main thoroughfare. GL. apartment in apartment building; is very clean and has had one owner. Dances — Weddings — Dinners 1-9118 or LI. 1-5708. furnished or unfurnished: both work­ "GIANT USED CAR LOT" radio, heater, Call KE. 1-4370 any time. Shop Parties — Union Meetings MAN wants any kind of hauling in­ ing; owners of business in East overdrive 1395 1950 CHEVROLET 2-door. Call KE' cluding rubbish: I buy scrap fur­ Cleveland; no pets or children: pre­ FORD ENGINE 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5309 _1 -6695. ____________ Call IV. 1-S576 Evenings naces and metal. Mike's Trucking. ferably in East Cleveland or farther 1948 Ford Special Deluxe 1937 CHRYSLER Roval coune, with LI. 1-8901. out Euclid. Call MU. 1-5750. Open Every Evening trailer hitch. $65. RE. 1-7615. 5-6 UNFURNISHED rooms, up to $50. Fordor; radio, heater 1145 SHARE four rooms, no families. KE. _SU._ 1-4206. GUS PETRUCCI© 1-0931. EMPLOYED mother. six-year old D-l and D-2 NEWLYWEDS, 3-4 room unfurnished TUNE-UP SPECIAL 1947 Dodge Coupe; a 1948 Pontiac Streamliner 1095 daughter in school, u ill share 9 apartment, not over $50. Call from INCLUDES: good buy Club Coupe (Clean) room house in desirable East Cleve­ Barbecue with Beer end Wine R a. m. • 5 p. m. weekdays. SU. land neighborhood with small family —1-1660. ;_________ __ 1. Clean and adjust Qpark Plugs and adjust 1946 Dodge Club Coupe; This car is in very good condition Nov. to April; rent-free in return for License, Brick Building, A-l Fixtures. ONE working woman wants 2-3 unfur­ and has been well taken care oi by Carburetor radio, heater 995 meals and care of child while mother Route 20, 1 mile East oi Willoughby. nished room apartnfent in East one owner. works. MU. 1-7231._______________ Cleveland. GL. 1-5258. 2. Check Battery Cables and Wiring DORMER'S 1942 Hudson 2-doar Can Be Seen at EAST 123rd, 4 rooms, bath, furnished, Willoughby 2-5750 EMPLOYED widow wishes 3 room un­ 3.
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