17368 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 27, 1993 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CAMPAIGN OF POLITICAL REPRES­ Our concern in this message is with the (a) discussed at a meeting of the Central SION CONTINUES AGAINST CRO­ quality of freedom and the quality of justice Committee of the ruling CDU party, with ATIAN PARLIAMENT OPPOSITION in Croatia. We note that Paraga has suffered President Tudjman presiding. The Central in the jails of the former Communist Yugo­ Committee has declared that it "considers LEADER, DOBROSLAV PARAGA slavia. Today in Serbia, Mr. Vuk Draskovic the attacks by some individuals in opposi­ is being tormented and charged on the iden­ tion circles, not part of the regular partisan HON. JAMFS A. TRAACANT, JR. tical accusation of trying to overthrow the disputes but rather aggressive attacks not OF OHIO Government by violence, when in fact all of only against President Tudjman and the Cro­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the evidence is that Draskovic has proceeded atian Democratic Union but also against the by normal political means and that it is the foundations of the Croatian State." Tuesday, July 27, 1993 Government of Milosevic that has proceeded (Vecernji list, Zagreb, June 3, 1993) Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, I take this by political violence and illegality. We do (b) characterized by the Committee for In­ opportunity to update my colleagues on the not want the same thing to happen in Cro­ ternal Policy and National Security as high­ situation of Dobroslav Paraga, an opposition atia. ly treasonous and an offense against his par­ The burden of the evidence thus far indi­ liamentary oath to uphold the honor and member of the Croatian Parliament, who vis­ cates that the trial of Paraga is primarily a ited Members of Congress recently to share reputation of Croatia and its Parliament. political trial and that its main purpose is to (Vecernji list, Zagreb, June 3, 1993) his concerns regarding the authoritarian ten­ punish Paraga and his colleagues for normal (c) denounced in a Statement of the Cro­ dencies of the Croatian Government. political opposition to the Government of atian Government (printed in Vjesnik, Za­ Unfortunately, since Mr. Paraga's return to President Tudjman. In light of some of the greb, June 3, 1993) as "political sabotage par Croatia, he has been the subject of nonstop charges against Paraga and the tactics used excellence against the Government of Cro­ harassment by the Croatian Government. This by the Government against him, the burden atia, the Croatian President and the Cro­ of proof is now upon that Government to atian State . " has included his removal as vice president of show that the trial is truly concerned with the Commission on Human Rights, charges of Paraga has been indicted for "spreading the alleged conspiracy for illegal and violent false reports," a criminal offense in Croatia. high treason based on his statements while in ·overthrow of the Government. Also, in light (Associated Press, June 5, 1993) the United States and the takeover of his par­ of the past dismissal of the President of the These actions have a threatening character ty's headquarters by the Croatian police. Mr. Supreme Court after the Supreme Court had toward all freedom of speech. Mr. Dubravko Paraga is an elected member of an opposition dismissed past charges against Paraga, the Vidovic of the opposition Social Democratic party and, as such, he should be able to exer­ burden of proof is upon that Government to party stated that "they could be using him cise his right to free speech without harass­ show that its judges are objective and inde­ [Paraga] as an excuse to silence all critics." pendent, and that the verdict will be depend­ The fact that Mr. Vidovic prefaced his com­ ment. ent upon an honest and independent judicial In response, Mr. Paraga has peacefully pro­ ment with a statement of dissociation-that determination of the truth or falsity of the "Paraga was too harsh in his criticism"-is tested in a series of statements, sit-ins, and charge of conspiracy for violent overthrow of itself indicative of the chilling effect of the rallies which reflect his history as a human the Government. Otherwise the whole world Government's measures against that criti­ will feel confirmed in the impression-and it rights activist who was arrested, jailed, and cism. tortured as a student protester. has already gained this impression-that the In regard to the sullying of the statehood judicial system of Croatia can be and is Additionally, Mr. Paraga is undergoing his and reputation of Croatia, we would like to being turned to use for the partisan interests bring the following facts to the attention of third political trial, charged with the same of the Government, and that a fair trial is transgression as in two previous trials that the Government of Croatia. We are com­ not something that people can expect in Cro­ pletely familiar with the statement of were dismissed by the head of the Croatian atia if they disagree with the Government. Paraga at the Washington Press Club, since Supreme Court. The head of the Croatian Su­ In these circumstances, the following facts are particularly disturbing and objection­ it was an open public event. That statement preme Court was later dismissed himself. As­ supported the statehood and independence of sisting Mr. Paraga's noted criminal attorney, able: 1. This case is being put to a military Croatia. It contained no attack whatsoever Svonimir Hodak, is the prominent U.S. attor­ court. against that statehood and independence, ney, Mr. Joseph Morris. 2. Paraga has been stripped of his par­ nor against anything that could legitimately At this point, I wish to include several rel­ liamentary immunity as a Member of the be considered a foundation of Croatian state­ evant materials for consideration by my col­ Croatian Parliament by the vote of the ma­ hood and independence. The event was at­ tended mostly by representatives and sup­ leagues. Please note that the text of the letter jority which belongs to the party of the Gov­ ernment. porters of the Croatian government it was to President Tudjman from the American Mus­ 3. Paraga has been removed from a senior not reported in the Western media. Paraga's lim Council is identical to the text of the letter parliamentary post, that of Vice Chairman making of this statement did very little if sent to Democracy International that follows: of the Committee on Human Rights and Mi­ any political damage in the West to the Gov­ STATEMENT OF DEMOCRACY INTERNATIONAL nority Rights, because of his criticism on ernment of Croatia, and did no damage at all CONCERNING THE TRIAL OF DOBROSLAV May 25, 1993 at the Washington Press Club of to the people of Croatia and their independ­ PARAGA, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT OF CRO­ human rights practices of the Government of ence. However, the subsequent persecution of ATIA Croatia. This removal is a serious violation Paraga, which is being widely reported in the The trial of Dobroslav Paraga is a matter of freedom of speech and gravely damages West, is doing considerable damage to the of concern to us from the standpoint of the credibility henceforth of the Parliamen­ reputation of Croatia in the West. human rights, irrespective of our opinion of tary Committee on Human Rights and Mi­ If the Government of Croatia wishes this the politics of Paraga. We do not say this ei­ nority Rights. This would be the case even if trial to be a fair trial, and for it to be per­ ther to support or to criticize the political Paraga's criticisms had been without founda­ ceived as such in the eyes of the world, then views and affiliations of Paraga, or anyone tion, as the Government claims; but unfortu­ it will have to: else's political views and affiliations. The nately the criticisms did have foundation, 1. Withdraw all charges against Paraga for whole point of human rights is that they are and the punishment of Paraga for making political activities and statements critical of for everyone, those with whom we agree and them only serves to close the circle and the Government and person of Mr. Tudjman. those with whom we disagree, those whose make this evident even to outside laypeople. 2. Restore the parliamentary immunity of friends and affiliations we like and those 4. Charges are being raised against Paraga Paraga and his Vice Chairmanship of the whose friends and affiliations we abhor. This for his political criticisms of the Govern­ Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights is the very cornerstone of freedom of speech ment of Croatia and in particular his criti­ anq Minority Rights. and of association. If human rights do not cisms of its human rights practices. Paraga's 3. Conduct the trial in a non-military exist in this way for everyone, then they do statement at the Washington Press Club has court, in a large enough courtroom, without not exist in reality for anyone. been excluding portions of the public and press e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. July 27, 1993 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 17369 that the Government might rather not have supporter of Muslim-Croatian friendship and son unknown to Dr. Kovacevic, and that present. cooperation, a supporter of the integrity and henceforth only children approved by the 4. Conduct the trial under a judge whose sovereignity of the sovereign Republic of Ministry of Defense could receive assistance.
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