I •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• 84th Year, Issue 39 c 1994 October 14, 1994 Newark, Del. • 35e THis WEEK Wilburfest in In sports hands of STRUGGliNG BLUE HENS city, police By JENNIFER L. RODGERS required to get a permit for the TRAVEL TO party, attended by as many a: 5.000 NEWARK POST STAFF WAITER people, from the hief of Police, RICHMOND. Bill Hogan. This places the event in lB The City of Newark now has the 1h e same category as races and power to control the annual back­ parades. yard bash, Wilburfest, held by The burden now rests on Chief University of Delaware students. Hogan, who reviews perm it appli­ Council members voted unani ­ cations for special traffic and afety mously Monday evening to amend prov isions. it large gathering ordinance to What will Hogan do if tudents NEWARK HIGH include private property fun ctions apply for a permit for Wi lburfest that charge admission to 500 o r 1995 ? more people. " I've never denied a pecial GRIDDERS The new language was drafted at e vent permit in my te nure as Councilman Hal Godwin's request, Chief," Hogan aid. " I don ' t believe who unsuccessfully motioned to the ordinance passed on Monday REMAIN ban the party before it happened night was i ntended to stop May 7. He objected to using tax­ Wilburfe l." payers' money for police and safe­ However, he did say he was UNDEFEATID. lB ty, noise and traffic problems ulti­ "very concerned about the nature of mately shouldered by Wilbur Street acti vi ty going on later in lhe. day," neighbors. Wilburfest organi zers wi ll be See WILBUR FEST, 4A ~ In the news Schooley appointed TWO MORE ELECTION to Christina Board By MARTY VALANIA Andrew W. Zimmerman were the PREVIEWS. other three - who were granted 3A NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER interview by the board. The four came from an original pool of seven Following the graduation of her applicant·. youngest daughter from Ne wark Schooley was appointed by col­ Hi gh last June. Terry Schooley- a lecting four votes compared to two very active parent in the Christina for Crouse - a former school board UD STUDENTS School District fo r years - wasn't me mber, who was defeated by sure what she wa going to do with Mitchell in a 1993 election. the time she used to spend in the "It' s very exciting," Schooley LOOK TO schools. That won' t be a problem said. 'T m humbled by the fa ith that any longer. the board has placed in me by S hooley, 47, was appointed to appointing me. And I m humbled FORGE the Christi na School Di tri ct Board by the s upport from parents and of Education at Tuesday night· teachers - who wrote letter to lhe REIATIONSIDP. 4A school board meeting at Christiana­ board on my behalf. Salem Elementary School. The for­ "My kids went through the mer teacher (presently the director Chri tina School Di trict and we of development and public affairs were very impressed wi th the quali­ In Lifestyle for Planned Parenthood) will fill ty of education. l really just want to NEWARK POST PHOTO BV JEFf $WINGER seat C which was vacated by Susan give something back. ·• Mitchell, who resigned to in August The board wi ll swear Schooley Glasgow High 's Jessica Bordas works her way up the field in the Dragons' 7-0 field hockey victo ry to pursue a reaching career. in at the Nov. 15 c hool board over Delcastle last Friday afternoon at Glasgow High. Senior Laurie Brosnahan scored six goals for Christina's newest board mem­ meeting at Drew-Pyle Elementary UDWOMEN the Dragons during the game and earned Athlete of the Week honors . Glasgow also defeated ber was chosen fro m a group of in Wilmington. Newark High 2-0 in a Wednesday aftern oon at Newark. four people - Dr. Ja net' Cro use, Schooley feels her experience as Christ.opher G. Long and Dr. See SCHOOLEY, 5A ~ CELEBRATE L------------------------------------------------------------------~ ANNIVERSARY. 8A MBNA buys Du Pont's Louviers site and golf course By JENNIFER l. RODGERS S he ll station across the s treet from the c.ounter, convenience store and car wash, in The Davi s' said they look forward to In Business · Louviers parking lot got an answer to their early 1994. meeting their new neighbor and anticipate a NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER prayers. The same day the , tat ion opened its good relations hip. Coin identa lly, their When the Davis fam ily started negotia­ doors for business, DuPont moved it s last daughter works for MB A. Who i th e most pleased to hear that tions in I 992 to bu ild the stati on. Mr. Davis employees out of the building. There i certainly another group happy to MBNA America is planning to buy a major said DuPont supported them I 00 percent. "We were in total shock when DuPont see MBNA move into Louviers- the NEW CHICKEN portion of the DuPont Louviers? Despite DuPont's announcement to clo e made the announcement they were going to Metroform Area Council of Civic Jo b hunte rs, decorato rs and MBNA Louviers in November, lhe parking lot was close th e facility in November," aid Mr. A sociation . ROTISSERIE golfers were de finite ly among th e most sti ll full when the Davis family started to Davis. "We've been praying for someone to pleased. Bill and Betty Davis, who own the build the s tation, which includes a deli buy it s in ~e it closed." See LOUVIERS , 5A ~ RESTAURANT Shue School's Clark named OPENS ON Christina's Teacher of the Year ELKTON Clark 's impressive resume includes 5B By MARTY VALANIA numerous words of upport from former RoAD. NEWARK POST STAFF WAITER students. '" Alan lark was the math teacher that Enthusiasm. communication and changed my whole attitude when it came involvement ar some of the key reasons to numbers," said Kelly Reynolds, now a that Alan lark was named Christina teacher in the Red Clay Con o lidated Index School Di stri t' s 1994 Teache r of the School Di trict. " He made numbers and Year. confusing word problems . peak to me in a NEWS 1·14A Clark . who has taught math at hue­ language that finally made ·ense. His POLICE 2A Medill Middle ~ool for the past 16 magic Ingredient were . ix , imple word ' years, was honored at Tuesday ni ght' s ' I believe in you, Kelly Reynolds."' PEOPLE 5A Chri s tina School Board meeting at The prai,e isn' t confined to student s. OPINION 6A Chri stiana-Salem Elementary. "He constantly encourage tudents to "It ' a very humbling experience," ·aid do their best and they usually perform well LIFESTYLE 8A lark , who ha. been a clas room tea her for him," said hue prin ipal Bob Adams. OBITUARIES 10A for 2 1 years. " It 's also very, very x iting. " Alan lark is an exemplary tea her in BUSINESS 58 lt 's e pcciall y nice to be honored by your every sense of the word. He's an incredi­ Five people - Ronald R. Russo , Diane Fratantonl, Pete Jones, Rosa Marie Curran and peer , ble teacher. who goes far beyond what you ARTS 13A Dennis Swartzfager- were Inducted Into the St. Mark's High School Hall of Honors recently. " It's been a great, great experience. would exp ct in rea hing hi s stude nt , SPORTS 1·4B Russo , the school's current principal , also received the prestigious Anna V. Graham Award I've had a lot of good ·upport. I have to whose well -being and education are con- thank Jeff Pyle, who l 've worked wi th , for CLASSIFIEDS 8·14B tor his dedication to St. Mark 's and Catholic education . Russo Is only the third Individual ever to win the Graham Award. being so supportive." See CLARK, 5A ~ PAGE 2A • NEWARK Posr • rosER 14, 19 4 Police beat 10 1 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 1 1 0 0110 I I I I 0 I I I f I 0 I I I I 0 I I o o 0 o 0 f I I I 0 I 0 I I I o I o I o I I I I I 0 I I I I I 0 I 0 I 0 0 I o 0 I I 0 0 I o o o o o o o o o o o • o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o • o o o o o o o o o o o o o I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 01 0 0 0 0 o t 1 o 1 I 1 o 0 f 1 o 1 f 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 o 1 o t 1 o o o o o 1 o 1 ~ ~ o 1 o o o 1 0 1 o o o o o o o o o o 1 o o o o o 1 o o o o 0 0 0 0 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 o 0 1 1 0 0 0 o 0 o o 1 t 1 o 1 01 1 1 o o o o o, o 1 o o o o o 1 o o 10 I 0 I 0 I 0 I I I 0 I I o I I I 0 I I I I I I I I II • I I I still investigating the complaint.
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