Page Two THE SCOP Published Monthly by Students of Notre Dama CollCQe of Staten Island Dentist - 1' m EDITORIAL STAFF afraid I'll have to IDITOll- lH-CHIIF drill. RUTH RUSHMORE ''I I The oratorical fires of the most bit­ he happens to be either a Democrat or Assistant Editors . Anna Mao Hubsc:h '11, Holen Hennessey '11 Patient-What's ter presidential campaign In recent Anoclete Editor..... - •. --··········-··--···-------·---·--· Muriel Rotunno '12 a Republican. It bases its line of polit­ the matter? Can't years have fl ickered down to glowing ical activity on a platform of slogans you fix my teeth COLUMNISTS I renc O'Leary '11 Rosemary Lcikert '12 Rosemary Altieri '12 embers and ashes. The talents of our and hysteria. The other carefully without rehearsal? Margaret Lyons ' 41 Jayne KIiroy '12 politically minded throughout the na­ weighs the issues at hand and, finding AMARILLO ll1P01lTl1lS tion have been turned into the chan­ cause for disagreement with some GLOMBUS Mary Boyle '11 Carol De Rose '12 Catherine O'Dea '13 nels of conciliation. Radio addresses, faction, states its case and offers sug­ Just Advice: W1n,fred Lennon ''41 Mary Hickey '12 Chorlotle Stout '43 Mary O'Connell '11 Virginia Shea ''42 Patricia Kenny '43 editorials, stump speeches; all bear gestions. If it seeks to destroy some­ A good line is the shortest distance Ruth Anne Schaffer '41 Helen Uieski ' 42 Johanna Shortell '43 the stamp of the dove of peace. The thing it offers a sensible alternative in between dates. Betty Decker ' '42 Marie Nevins ''43 Anne Damrau '13 necessity of unity between the par­ its place. Student- "What stand is Greece ties has become as politically stylish Our democracy will cease to be a taking in the present war?" BUSINESS STAFF a topic of conversation as "our national democracy when there Is no longer Dr. Egan- "Turkey will be carved IUSIHISS MAHAGlll defense". It seems to me that this any opposition party. However it will up and Greece will be 1n existence on KATHLEEN SHERIDAN '4 1 idea deserves something more than also cease to exist when the minority Thanksgiving." Assistants .. -·-·· _ ·-·--··-··· .........•.. Lucilla Upfold '41, Grace Nasc:hcr '4 2 approbation as a conversation piece. ! t group devotes its activity to the ex­ Subscription Manager ..... Catherine Zoller '42 Mistaken Identity: is sorely in need of constructive effort pression of hysterical hate through Photographic Manager...... .•.... ····-····· .. ·······-·· .•.•....... Ethelred• furlong '11 Professor- Didn't you have a bro­ Circulation Managers . .. Joan Minnix '42, Florence Taylor ''41 to enforce its principle. senseless name-calling, instead of off­ ther in this course last year. Scop Artist- Elizabeth Byrne ' 43 It must not be thought that when ering a program of construct ive crit­ Student- No sir, it was I. I'm tak­ Alumnae Correspondent- Irene Widmayer '40 one advocates the burying of the po­ icism. ing It over again. 19JC) Member 1940 litical hatchet he seeks to dispose of A pica for unity between the two Professor - Extraordinary resem­ all opposition. In a country such as political factions in the United States ~ssoc.KJted CoUee,iate Press blance though ... extraordinary. ours, where political thought and ac­ is not plea for a nation of "yes men". Husband-"My wife makes things tivi ty labor under the yoke of the two It is a plea for a nation of thinking worse than they are." party system, there is nothing so vital people who can see the good as well Friend-"Ahhh, a pessimist" for national life as good, healthy hon­ as the bad in an opponent's policies, Husband- "No, just a cook". NON NOBIS, SED OMNIBUS est polit ical opposition. a nation of people working together to COURT PAGE There are two kinds of opposition. preserve the institulions of our democ­ The one, graphically illustrated in the racy which have been founded upon FLASH!!! The Yehudi mystery is ended. He is We who are young would do well in troubled t imes like late campaign, condemns any Idea sug­ the principle of opposition followed gested by an oppol'lent, simply because by compromise. H. H. the guy who makes the rimless glasses these to stop and consider whither we are going. What are we with invisible lenses for the little man trying to do? For what reason all this? W e, who are in college who isn't there to read between the Meet Mr. Mistretta Twelfth Night lines of the unwritten law. hold a peculiar advantage. For four years our minds and wills THE TOMAHAWK are trained along the Christian way of living. We for awhile Twelfth Night Staging Professors Beware! !! step aside from the daily rush of living to consider what partic­ Mr. Alphonso Ill Controversy "A certain professor at Ohio State Mistretta, our new walked into the classroom fifteen min­ ular values are for us. W e are learning how to live. Chemistry profes­ utes late to find the class gone. The sor, was born in the "TWELFTH NIGHT", in the Helen next day the students were repri­ All this, however, would be futile if we conside r only our­ Bronx il'l 1916. He Hayes - Maurice Evans version is manded. The professor said that his selves, for, as members of the church founded by the Son of now lives on Rich­ scheduled to open at the St. James hat had been on the desk and that mond Road, Staten Theater in New York on November 19. had been a sign of his presence. God, we are a special part of the Mystical Body of Christ. This Island. Professor Having enjoyed this play a la Hop­ Next day the professor again found belief imposes a deeper responsibility on each one of us. It Mistretta has ac­ kins, the Shakespeare class at Not re an empty classroom. On each desk remains for us to grow with others deeper in the Christ -life. We complished an un· Dame is anticipating seeing it in was a hat." usual amount of grease paint. THE SCARLET have a social duty to all mankind as we ll as a personal debt to work il'l his short life. He graduated I The controversy among professional Girls- to you: from St. Francis Xavier High School ourselves. and amateur Shakespearian critics con­ Dance and the world dances with you. and attended Fordham University OA cerning the costuming and staging of Lead and you dance alone. FAGOTS a scholarship. Mr. M istretta had his Our years at Our Lady's College should develop that ideaf the production has increased Interest Motorist ( to the man he just ran Master's Degree by the t ime he was in the play. Some critics feel that the over) ;-" Hey, look out there!" in us. We are not alone. We are our brother's keeper. Our ac­ twenty. Last August he temporarily play should be costumed as it was in Defeated soul : " What's the matter? discontinued his studies for his Ph. D. tions affect all society, for the whole is made up of parts. We Shakespeare's day, when, regardless of You're not coming back, are you?" are a 'part' of al l humanity. He attended the W ildermann Insti­ the time and country in which the tute of Music in Manhattan from play was set, the actors appeared in Sophomore-"Whenever I'm in the which he received his diploma to dumps I get myself a new hat. It is true that lost in a maze of text books and courses we the elaborate dress current in Eliza. teach that subject. Mr. Mistretta is bethan England. Freshman- "Hmmmm I was won­ often forget this fundamental truth. College life to most of us now the head of the Staten Island dering where you got them." As to the staging, one group argues means just indivi dual development. Here at Notre Dame we division of the Institute. He also re­ BROWN AND GOLD ceived a number of degrees from the that the be.iutiful lines of the play learn to forget self and live for others. In freshman year we have thM quality which supplies the It can't happen here, or can it? London College of Music. His passion Prof.-"This exam will be on the become Children of Mary and through the Sodality we strive to for music is expressed in his collection necessary stage setting in the imagi­ nation and makes unnecessary dis­ honor system. Please take seats six of approximately five hundred classi­ apart and in aliernate rows." TATLER live for Christ by living for others. cal records. tracting and tedious scene shifting. Student- " What do the men on re- Nevertheless the directors of this The Sodality alone of all our college organizations can Our versatile professor of chemistry lief do about eating meat on Ember is an indispensable aid to Father Fin­ Theater Guild production feel that the days?" teach us the selfless way of living. Through its charities and neran of St. Patrick's, Staten Island. modern methods of stage setting would Father Gebhard-"They don't have cooperative efforts we find that there is joy in service. The He is the organist and acolyte of that be more appreciated by present-day to worry about anything for the next audiences. Hence "Twelfth Night" will church. Once he narrowly escaped re­ four years." truth that the happiness of a full life depends upon unselfish­ be presented with fast moving and citing the rosary at evening devotions Maybe I am being optimist ic, but ness, is brought home to us with greater emphasis. easily changed sets. Costumes in this more laughs next month.
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