The Definitive Histony of PERE UBU PERE UBU/ Krrus;, Ik.,,,rtrnd LrughDer li!!d: llrt PLuza, 3200 DURATION: Sctien)Ùer'75 li S,,,trrnll r, Thur,J5 r'rlr.'1, d.,,, û'r.r'",1 L,uur',, - PER!;ONNE!: for the Dirrpose oI recordirg a s.lI_l).oduced slr,glc The Totn He.n[n: guilrr, b!ss. vrrious nrusiciâDs àgrctd to wo!k togerher on this prolecL Srôtl Kr rùss: drums. for two lelsons: l. ); Nobody was donrg anything else of Peter I Â!gtù!e!: guita., bass. dny sr(,.rfirJ[ce, !rd, 2. ), lr wrs JËrp.d ut'on Uy rll AlIen Rav€nstine: sYnthesizer. rniulved lhJr rhis t,rrr,.ulJr Éroui,rns ot lrlenr mtBhr resulr David Thonas: vocÀls. in unique husic. There were .o plans to perform "live. Tim Wright: guitar, bass. In more optimistrc nronrênrs Il wâs rnraËineo lhts drnLPint nri(hl conlinue to work loAelhcr rn(urn,rlly for th t JrP.se RECORDINCS: of;ecording, but there was a reluctance to conrmit oneselJ "30 Seconds Over Tokyo'7"Heatl of Drrkness": to ânother band iô Cleveland given the unlavorible Hea.thân HR_101. conditions unde. which one wouid hâve to opelate. NOTES: The record wâs. oriaiûally, planned to be "Final Most Cleveland bands, it se€ms, we.e broken up io Sorution"/"30 Seconds Over Tokyo. " Both had been *.ilten l9?5- ând ro\lârds lhe end of lhe suntmer there was verv end pcrlorm.d by lhe Thomâs-LauËtu,er group !hâr'hrd Lltl; â.rivirv- Cerrrin musicràns lound thcmselves rec;nrlv splrt ('Tokyo'L,.l bePn wrilren by Thoma.. 'betw€en ba;ds": D Thomas and P Lâughner hâd been r,aughnè. ànd Gene O'Conner, another guitarist in the membe.s of â band that hâd disiotegrâted 1n Aûgust; T sroup. "Solution" lnd been written by Thomas and Ctaig Wrir hid worked o.cassioullv as a sound man for th,l -Bell; the bassist in the group, bul was later crediled Io all sro';: s Krauss was rehearsrns in an informal âr!ançemrnt oi ubu). Durins the rehearsals in p.eperatton lo. the irttriûo prrls iron AkIotr: T HirnÉn had becn involvêd studio, howeve., "Heârt of Dârkness" developed and the with a se;ies of janr bandsi A Râvenstine h.d p"rformed recordins of "Solution" was pstponed- âs oI an music duo Ànd was vê.rs êâ.l,er hàll electronic None. Ëulreûlly tandlord of an apa m€nt buildins \thêre he' PÊRFORMANCES: PERE UBU/B DURATION: November '?5 to May '?6. PERSONNEL: Tom Herman: guitar, bass, bâcking vocals. scott K.auss: drums. Peter Laughner: g11it:rr, vocals, backing vocals. Dave Tâylor: synthesizer, orsân. David Thon)as: vocals. Ttnl Wright: gultÂr, bass. RECORDINCS: "Final Solution' /"Cloud 149": Heartb.ln HR 102. PERFORÀIÂNCES: The b3nd prenrrered 3l a bar (alled lhe Vrkrnts S|loon irr dovnto$n Cleïelrnd on 12/3r/'15, "1heft followcd two performânces at a large rock club called The Agora; one oi those starting at 4:30 in the morning on the lâst leg of a "Cleveland Rock Spectacular', " The moSt toncùy remeùrber remembered gig lroû this period was î highly successlu I pre-leen dance âr n plrce calied Ba'n Park cririn in â Cle suburb. Berween April ? and May 5 the bând shâred lour Wednesday night jobs with Tin Huey at a bar câIled The hâd the Mistake and went to NYC to open for S\icide at Max's nraste.ed first 45. An in)mediâte rÂpporl wâs Karsas City, established with the enginee!, Ken Hamann -- a râpprt thât €ontinue.s down to the present. Paul Hamann, his son, NOTES: engineered THE ART OF WALKING and often lours as the A series ot m€€lings lollowed the "Tokyo" studio band's souod Dran. sessions. Over the cou.se oI these meetinqs it was decidedl Follownlg the trip 1o NYC an agre€ûrcnl was reached l. ) The re.ord didn t sound so bad rfrer rlir 2. ) lt n)ighl be vith Rrm Records to leâse them "Final Solution" for good to play out a couple of times just for fun and to inclusion on the MAX'S KANSAS CITY, VOLUME ONE promote lhe record;and, 3. ) It might be ieasible to develop anthology. As prrt oi this agreernent a sum oI nroney wirs e band arrangement, but with the understanding thât any rdvan.cd lo lhF Land ror (hê r", urdl'g ut  n"w rrack continuation of such an arraîgemeni \rouId be dependent schpduled for rn(lusron un llre r"lun'e. Thrç !"rsrur, oI Ubu, however, stopped oper:ttins"e.ond as â unit soon At this point Ravenstine announced thÎt he was not aflerwards înd vas disbrnded in lât€ IIay '7ô. prepared to perlorm live and would have to withdnw. Ilwas l-lughner wcnl on to fornr a b:tnd called FrrctroD known that a clerk at a certain record store played thc summer rnd lâter a group culled Peter And The synth€sizer ând miÈht fit the group. Dave Taylo. join€d lhe He died io Juûe '?r- Dnve Taylor noved to Floridr bând. A sDall bungalow in South Euclid was rented lor the manage a record sto.e. purpose and rehearsals bejan. I1 wrs xt this point tlnl RaveDsttne, aiter atlending sh:lt When il cnnre lrn)e lo record the n.xt 45 lhe baDd turned oul 1o be the last perfo.nrrnce oI this group, decided swilched 1o Clevehnd Rccording Co|rlp.lny, thc studjo thrl thrl he vas rc:rdy to porîorDr livr. 'l"Lq Ç,^ CLE r NOTES: PEBE UBU,/C "-'t-;;r'."a was outùklv re orÈJnized lullowrnB lhe )âte DUMTION: June'?8. ni"*i,ne .erorned rhe b!nd rnd 3 new ;;ii";;;i;L'àiô^,,,"'iiLâ"i'à", ;," rented rn an olfrce burdins on PERSONNELi ;-i:i,:i';'. prsr side. The tùrure direcrron and orrentarion Alan Greenblatt: guit'rr' u"v"r, undecided srudro guitar' bass' ;;;;:';;;;. ;;;;;;;, R'm Tom HÊrman: i*ili -?.-iÂÀr..à ti'."àer"n", rotuuill Ihé con(raci $ith Scott Krâuss: drums. 'i;::'i.i"-"ï;;;";;;: ia beÉan A Greenbrart' ihe surtarist Allen Râvenstine: sYnthesizer' ii;];:;iiinit;;ô;p and; Iriend. âgre€d to do the Dàvid Thomas: vocals. iii.ià^. iiir,"a'u*; rn the hope rhat he courd be Tirn Wright: guita!. to bccome !"sked permanenl memDer' oersuaded the recordins: REc'guÎRlï::fl "" 1ïiii'ï"ào .'r. nam Records rejected - unt' DATAPANIK' "'^i'ii"iiiirui" and creenbrart decrrned the ""'"r"âse.r "*"i""r PERFoRMANCES: None' PERE UBU,/D --1 DURATION: JulJ '?6 to December '?7' PERSONNEL: Tom Herman: guitar. scott Krauss: drums. lonv Maimone: bass. " - svnthesizer, sax' ;àT ir'à-,i,""tt and then iûo the summe' of Âlleî Ravenstine: of a private party' Dàvld Thomas: vocâls, ho!n. 'l? Ubu nishts bec.me"" ""rmed, sometNng n"".uo". tiew evervone else The s-rne Iâce5' ihe sJme RECORDINGS: zoo o?oot" stro*ea u'p everv ThursdÂy night These âre "":ÉiiiÀ-"w1"""';'uv Dark Ases": Hearrhân tm 103' was Ltl'u; outside was the HR r04' iiùi" i'"À".u"."0 iirnes:'inside "il; ;;à;;;b;""À''l "Hea ven": Hearthrn Cove is located on the ground lroor. (rp): 00r & Mercurv sl00 heari o( the Fhts. The riiÈ ùôôÏiirl ÈÀnce Blank oI what was once Rockelelle.'s hrst warehouse A hunoreo 052. il'iiil,i,,r r-t'" èrvatrosa RIver, which wrnds and bends boJr s pull PERFORMANCES: iËiJ,ii i-nË i;làti,'";pÏies inro tâke Erie ore '"'ii.iii'ii'.'i" r"1" o.tober '?6 and ex(endinB throush ro the ;;;;;;;"ti; ih;t""" io unroad barrast into huse srÀv€l band plaved 38-40 week-night .iou'nàs. fne Aeronautical Shot Peening Company àcross ti.st-;i;;;?;t;;'?i; the a i'in":: moitiv Thursdiv niBhts-- at a bar in the the roâd. Dushes air-sounds into the night trom benrno Â-nales !nd pabrel inàustrialize-d Flalr ssctlon ol Clev0lind' i,il,iiiriir'*itùiu,tu';ol fûcrd! of odd colors. Ovcrheâd, hiÉh level bridges con'recl the opposrr,, PERE sides of rhc vallev rhat contrins the Flats"_ UBU,/E l)urtnF llrrs tr'rr{lltt! brrd lravrtk,d drwl to Ak(nr tlr DURATION: Dccenrber '?l lo Janury '78. r wcckend t,liy wittr t),.vo at th(tr h,rtrrc,.1ùtr, l,lxy(.dMrx., PERSONNEL: Kjrnss-Cily i'r NYC twi(e, did rhc prospecl sirc;r frir, perrornred Aùton Iieri d.uns. ano r series of five Wednesdâv nrghrs âl â guitar. suburbM drsco over Tonl II€rnraD: rhe summer. The toû dinr ran,e !r r Tony Mrimone: bass. Spring Prom d,,nce rt Norrh Rrdcevi e Junibr Hilhj â sh.,u thal - Allen Raverstitre; synlhesizer, sax. wpût over lrke thc provorbitt leâd ba oon. David Ahomasr vocâls, ho.n. NOTES: IIECOnDINCS: NoDc. .. Various drsrussions followed rhe "Untrucd'. sessiuns. ro rrlls pornt Drss gu af duties hâd oeen shlrfd anrons - PERFORMANCES: Noùc. rne.up gùnar pllvers, ll was decrded a pernranent u.ss NOTESI player would be beneticial. Tony Maimone rËrccd lo nrcessttnltd lhe unr-t toin Eve ls r slutt tn !h*nLenl, Th( drdruJlrun !s b!ss sùrrarist. Tim ivrrshr decrdàd to lcâ;e lh( to A Fre! un rhe DATAPANIK ûrno, fle trter rnoved Ep is in slrruudc ror hls rote to NYc and rs currenuy plàyin8 wrrh durir'g rhis perrud. He rs currenuy plairng rn NyC with The DNA. Fê€lles- Th€re foltowed discussions on the merits of Two Guitârs vs. One Cuitar. It was decided rhat two g\litars l€nded to overload the sound.
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