80 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Dec. 1. 1986 z - : KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright i U.S./WORLD FOCUS SPORTS I HOMES HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE Jury convicts Holiday events Nordlques end All real estate odvertlsed BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY In the Manchester Herald East Hartford- Is sublect to the Fair Affordable-$49,900. Spa­ Jonestown .figure makd'flife hectic Whalers’ streak . Housing Act oT 19M> which cious two bedroom unit In i. convenient location. I a J makes It Illegal to adver­ e A e , ... page 5 I ... page 11 ... page 15 tise any preference, lim­ Close to Hartford and itation or discrimination busline. Coll today fbr based on race, color, reli­ detallsl Joyce G. Epstein Odd lobs. Trucking. Home Real Estate. 647-a89S.a BobvtlHlng-Th* Youth Need Carpentry done In Name your own price — gion, sex or national of North Unitod your home? 4gbs small or Pother ond son. Post, repoirs. You name It, we origin, or an Intention to do It. Free estimates, Manchester-Better than a Methodist Church at 300 large. 20 yiors expe­ dependable service, make any such prefer­ Parker strMd will offer rience. Coll Dove at M9- painting. Paperhanging & insured. 6434304. ence, limitation or dis­ bank. $160,000. Wondering where to place your bobvslttlna on Saturday. 3360. ftetnovol. ceil I724337. crimination. The Herald December 6lh, Worn until Your local handyman I will not knowingly accept m oney? Look no fOrther. Classified ads serve the Coll John at 6434353 and Large two family with 5pm, .This Is 0 oreot time onv advertisement which to get your Ctirlstmos people today ..i< lust os please leove message. Is In violation of the low. lovely stone fireplace and they hove since our coun­ natural oak woodwork. sh op p in g done. $1.30 fb r 1 OKimCAL child, $2.00 fo r 2 o r m ore try’s beginning, iteod and Government Homes from Good location. Possible office use. Joyce G. Ep ­ (per fOmlly). Bring your use them re gularly. 643- $1 (U repair). Delinquent own lunch. Coll Ruth 2711. Dumas Electric -> Having aiirliPBlpr llm lJi tax property. Reposses­ stein Real Estate. 647- Electrical Problems? 8895.0 Zorger at M7-9SS5 for. Tune Up Time • Chain Manchester — A City of Village Charm sions. Coll 805-M7-M00 ext reservoflons. Need a large or d small lows, snow blowers. Also GH 9965 fbr current repos­ pAwniw/ Repoir? VUe Speciollze In offering o complete shar­ session list. Manchester-VInyl sided Residentlol work. Joseph Ranch, 8 rooms, 3 bed­ PAFEMm pening service. ChMiity I Dumas. IM Iy Ucensed. Shotting, 164 Hilliard rooms, 1</> baths, lower Free B N b n o te s. 646-52S3. South Wlndsor- m m m Complete Interior renovo- Street 649-2111. Immaculote 7 rootm level family room with TuesdBy, Dec. 2,1986 30 Cents ponnellng, carpeting bar tions. Textured oeillngs. Raised Ranch. Spacious 7 Cieontrs-Monchoittr HEATMe/. family room with deluxe and sink. 100 amp service, Repair domoged' wcHIf. flat, open rear yard. Just area. Monday through E x p e rt In sta lla tio n o f <6lj PLUMBm wood burning stove, 2'/j Soturdov. 7am-10am. $8.00 woliooverinos.' Continent ’ I TOWN OF MANCHR8TBR reduced to, $116,500. Drive baths, 3 bedrooms, car­ per hour to start. Coll toll D B D Landscape- LROAL NOTICR pentry. Cul-de-sac street. by-77 Jensen St. Then call till P ain tin g. 8734018. PogortY'Brothers Ba­ Ellis, Strono Real Estate. 647- free 1-OO O^m Complete landscape se- November 24, $159,900. U & R Realty.□ throom remodeling; In-’ vice, leaf and brush re­ The Zoning Board of Appeals gt o meeting on 7653. 156 E. Center Street. s ;t r e t c h YOUR burger stallatlon water heaters, 19S6 mode the following decltldns: budget By using one part moved. Coll David Prosecutor For your private Bolton-Great 9 room garbage dlsposota; fouedt 689-3436. AFFL. VISIONS UNLIMITRD, INC. - Vorlonce o p iw o ^ home with 3 bedrooms, showing I Id soy extender to four ports repairs. 6494339. VisarM- NO. 11M with the following conditions: (1) Applleont shall of meet. Your taste buds re-establish erosion control measuresJo^^soHsfqc- Seader fireplace, 1st floor, |a- asterCordacceo^. Two new oil burners. won’t be able to tell the Hawkes Tree Service- tlon of Zoning Enforcement Officer. ( » All ^ H c cuzzl, 2 car garage. Sltu- If you don't use It, don’t Bucket Truck & Chipper. improvements and landscaping most be Installed oted over 1 acre, offered xFully Insulated. Duplex No lob too Mg or too difference, but your b ^ p r ll IS, 19S7. (3) As-bullt plans must be s^m lt- with 2 cor, detoched gar- smoll. Complete Interiors budget will I Boost your need it and don’t wont It, Stump removal. Free estl- at $148,900. Jackson & motes. Speclol considera­ ted by Jonoary 15,19S7 ond approved by February Jackson Real Estate. 647- oge. 3 bedrooms eoth side and ncteriors. Quollly and budget by selling Idle why not sell it with o th 1,19S7. - 395 Main Street. charged tion fo r eld erly an d handi­ B400 or 646-8646.D and a den. Shows nicely I reliability. Continental Items In your home with a C la ssifie d A d ? C o ll 643- AFFL. KONOVHR OHVRLOFMRNT COMPANY - Vorl- to probe E $159,900. Strono Real Est­ P ain tm o 872-6018. low-cost od In cloulfled. 2711 to ploce your od. capped. 6D-75S3. NO. 1163 once to Article II, Section 9.074)1 pPPfov^ -Lot Manchester Super spa- ate. 647-7653.0 #3, Ref Roof Inn Subdivison - Bucklond Street. clous! $189,000 . 26,000 AFFL. OITTY FHTROLRUM - Speclol Exceptions de- Bribery alleged sqore foot, 5 bedroom Manchester-Very clean NO. 1144 nied -176 Tolland Turnpike. Victorian Colonial. This and well maintained 3 AFFL. FMO, INC. - Special Exception a p p ro i^ in Enfield case quality home built In 1895 bedroom Cape. Fire- APARTMEHTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS LIO A L NOTICR NO. 1165 following conditions: (1) Applicant must submitto Includes a 13 x 23 fire- placed living room, for­ FOR RENT TOWN OF ANDOVRR the Town Engineer for approval a plan to m vent Iran dSals FOR RENT HR) RENT INLANDS WITLANDS access by vehicles to rear of paved area and to mi­ placed living room, for­ mal dining room and kit­ ID nimize drainage of surface pollutants from poved Bv George Loyng chen with stove and COMMISSION mal dining room and o 1st M an Chester-West Side, 6 area to wetlands In rear. (2) Oosollne soles ll ^ s e Herald Reporter floor fireplaced den. 3 car dishwasher. Fenced In 3 and 4 room apartments, At a meeting of the Inlands to be rescined, and tanks removed. - 54 Tolland LOOKING ^OR o second room duplex, 3 bedrooms, Turnpike (also known as 50 Tolland Turnpike.) By Susonne M. Schafer said: C yard and covered patio. no oppllances,no pets,se- Wetlands Commiulon held garagearc with left and att­ car for Vour family? excellent location, no ENFIELD — Former Manches­ "I recognize fully the interest of ached shed. Home Is In Vinyl siding, 1 oar garage. curlty,call 646-2426. Week­ on November 17, 19M, a All variances and Special Exceptions shall hoyean effective The Associated Press D. vy. Fish Realty. 643-1591 Don't miss the many offer­ days 9-5. pets. Available December unanimous conditlonol ap­ dote In accordance with Connecticut O ^erol StirtytM. N ^ ter Board of Education Chairman Congress in this matter, and the very good condition. D. ings In today's classified 1st. $675 a month plus proval was granted to Frl- W. Fish Realty. 643-1591 or or 871-1400.O tice of these decisions has been filed In the Town Clerk s of­ Leonard Seader and Manchester WASHINGTON - President fact that in performing Its impor­ columns. utilities. Call after 6pm. land Equities, Inc. for a fice. 871-14<X).d Two bedroom apartment plunge pool and related grad­ developer Neil H. Ellis were Reagan today named former CIA tant oversight and legislative role. for rent. Dishwasher, dis­ 643-0110. ing. The condition being that r- ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS a rre st^ this morning in connection deputy director Frank Carlucci as Congress will need to inquire into the site plan be revised to In­ EDWARD COLTMAN, SECRETARY Excellent condition du­ 4 Room Apartmentovalla- posal, pool, tennis courts. with a probe into alleged corruption his national security adviser and what has occurred. We will cooper­ Near 84. Call 282-7908 after 3 room apartment-heat, clude provision for erosion- Dated at Manchester, CT this 1st day of December, 19S6. plex located In E. Hart­ Rgntals ,ble Dec. 1. Stove and control mechanisms appro­ involving town officials and asked for a special, Watergate- ate fully with these inquires." 7 :00 pm. or (617) 864-5770 stove, refrigerator, car­ ford. Each side has 3 refrigerator. $485 per peting, near parkade, priate to the non-growing 0 0 2 -1 2 developers. style congressslonal committee to But in the interest of speeding the bedrooms, skylight, fire­ X4204 days. season. Including the use of month plus utilities. Call older persons preferred. staked lute netting and dor­ 1 Enfield police detective Walter investigage the clandestine opera­ investigation, Reagan said, he was place, full finished base­ 649-8365. No pets. $395 plus secur­ TOWN OF MANCHHSTRR ment. Convenient loca­ ROOMS Manchester - 2nd floor 2 mant seedina. LROAL NOTICR GadomsM said Ellis, president of tions of his Natiqnal Security urging Congress "to consider some FOR RENT ity.
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