THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: ,/#!, Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 25'"9 Fax 02 6684 1719 $%2"9 [email protected] [email protected] http://www.echo.net.au VOLUME 21 #11 TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2006 22,300 copies every week $1 at newsagents only INSPECTED FOR EXPLOSIVE HAIR GEL see sport page 42 Little joy for mayor in park Plant a tree for Dad takeover meeting with Kelly Michael McDonald highlight inaccuracies in the this may be a government caravan parks and the Clarkes Byron Shire Mayor Jan report that the Minister has trend as they admitted they Beach kiosk. Unfortunately, Barham and general man- relied on as justifi cation for are undertaking similar inves- those complaints have not ager Pamela Westing gained the takeover of management. tigation of other coastal been made available to little from their brief meeting The Minister’s action came Crown areas. Council and he was informed last Friday with NSW Lands as a surprise as the general ‘The Minister claims to there has been a high degree minister Tony Kelly general manager and I had met with have taken action on the of misinformation about manager of Crown Land him in May to discuss con- basis of an audit that the these issues. Division, Graham Harding, cerns about delayed responses Department of Lands had ‘I requested that the com- to discuss the state’s takeover from the Department. commissioned last year. This plaints are made available so of crown reserve caravan ‘I had informed the Local matter was being progressed that they can be checked for parks and the Clarkes Beach Government Association by Council staff in liaison accuracy. I agreed that there Café. president, Mayor Genia with the department and had had been some signifi cant In a press release last Mon- McCaffery, of the govern- not yet been made known to complaints with the manage- day Cr Barham described the ment’s actions and she also the Councillors. ment of the parks when meeting as ‘an opportunity attended the meeting. There ‘The Minister referred to under independent profes- to present information and is reason for concern that complaints in relation to the sional management and advised that this had led to the formation of a Councillor Chopper doorknock needs volunteers working group to respond to problems associated with on- The Westpac Life Saver Res- cue Helicopter (WLSRH) selling of sites, restrictions on needs more volunteers to bookings and unapproved assist with its annual Door- works. knock Day appeal, ‘It was vital that the Min- announced general manager ister was made aware of sig- Perry Wells today at the offi - nificant delays from the cial launch of Helicopter Department in response to Investing in his future, Ewan Kaehler jumps on the Rainforest Res- Awareness Week (August 21- Council requests for approv- cue bandwagon by getting a Leunig ‘Tree Planter’ card from Lyn 27). ‘Helicopter Awareness als and funding to undertake Slack at the Byron Bay branch of the Summerland Credit Union. Week is all about raising works programs in the parks Photo Jeff ‘Tree Mugger’ Dawson awareness of the vital role the and on other Crown Reserve Westpac Life Saver Rescue areas, such as Main Beach. Rainforest Rescue and the one – and honour them by Helicopter plays in the Council had also been frus- Fatherhood Festival are planting a tree. To get Northern region, and how trated by the lack of Ministe- inviting Australians to plant involved, visit www.father- people can support the rial adoption of Plans of a tree for Dad on Fathers hoodfestival.com, www.rain- service in any number of Management that Council Day this year. Inspired by forestrescue.org.au or phone different ways,’ said Mr prepared in 2000. ‘Byron Michael Leunig’s ‘The Tree 1300 763 611. You can also Wells. Council contributes greatly Planter’, the aim of the ini- order a Plant a Tree gift card ‘One of these ways is to the funding of works pro- tiative is to contribute to the to commemorate your con- through volunteering, and grams on the beaches and regeneration of the Big tribution, and visit your tree this Sunday we need as many reserves but cannot proceed Scrub. Each tree planted in in Byron Bay during the people as possible to hit the with works without state ‘The Forest of the Fathers’ Fatherhood Festival. Alterna- streets in support of our approval. Funding from the will be done so in the name tively, you can buy your Plant service. It only takes a couple state is sought to contribute of its sponsor, be it an indi- a Tree card at your local of hours, and yet it will make to the maintenance of these vidual or a business. Southern Cross Credit such a huge difference. public areas and the provi- The Fatherhood Festival is Union Branch. Visit www. People should call us on sion of surf lifesaving serv- encouraging people to con- sccu.com.au for branch loca- 6627 4444 if they want to ices. These delays have sider who their father fi gures tions or ring 1300 360 744. help.’ affected the implementation are – maybe your dad, uncle, The Fatherhood Festival The Westpac Life Saver Robin Duff from Westpac and Phil Gibson of Westpac Rescue Heli- of works programs and ongo- grandfather, or a close adult takes place in Bangalow on Rescue Helicopter Annual copters are ready to receive donations this Sunday August 27. Vol- ing maintenance. male friend fulfi ls that role, September 1, 2 and 3. See Doorknock Day appeal is the unteers and local coordinators would be greatly appreciated – see ‘The meeting clarifi ed that indeed you may be lucky more on front page of continued on page 2 Robin in Westpac Bridglands branch in Mullum. continued on page 2 enough to have more than Seven. BELOW OFF COST -!33)6% WINTER SUNGLASS WETSUITS CLOTHINGANCE MENS LADIES SALE CLEAR BOYS UÊ, // ÊÊ UÊ " Ê UÊ" 9ÊUÊ"/-ÊÊ UÊ+1-6 ,ÊÊ UÊ,"89ÊUÊ /, Ê UÊ,* 1,ÊUÊ" Ê UÊ"/Ê 1// , UÊ* " 9Ê"7 ÊÊÊÊÊÊ- / Ê-/9 -Ê" 9ÊÊÊÊÊ£{Ê" -" Ê-/Ê 9," Ê 9ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ*ÊÈÈnxÊÇn£ 2 August 22, 2006 Byron Shire Echo www.echo.net.au Local News Local students learn the joys of science Chopper Radios go off at lighthouse doorknock From front page service’s biggest fundraising event (raising over $100,000 each year), and relies on the support of over 1,000 volun- teers on the day. ‘Running an aero medical rescue service is an expensive business,’ said Mr Wells. ‘Annual operating costs for the service are $3.5 million, half of which we need to raise from the community, year in, year out. Which is why events like Doorknock Day are so vital.’ ‘We are encouraging peo- ple to please support their rescue helicopter during Science teacher Wendy Hughes demonstrates how to float a pin. Awareness Week,’ said Mr Wells. ‘Donations can be The Cape Byron trio John Evans Head and Yamba, Around 250 Year 3 and 4 last Thursday at Byron Bay told The Echo. ‘All the kids made at any Westpac bank or Alcorn, Rob Gallagher and managed contact with 85 students from Bangalow, High School. had hands on practical expe- agency or people can contact Rodney Wallbridge, mem- lighthouses (mostly in Aus- Byron Bay, Newrybar and ‘It was a great day for rience and had access to us if they wish to support in bers of the Summerland tralia and New Zealand) Coorabell primary schools them,’ Byron High Head Sci- (high school) science equip- other ways – payroll deduc- Radio Club, manning the and an unexpected inter- took part in Science week ence Teacher Peter Giblin ment.’ Melissa Maine from tions, monthly or annual radios at lighthouses along change with Sydney and Questacon also gave demon- contributions, conducting a the east coast as part of Brisbane via satellite. strations. fundraising activity, in- International Lighthouse Unfortunately, although This year’s theme was +INGSCLIFF2EAL%STATE memoriam donations, Weekend. international lighthouses ‘Water and our dry conti- bequests or gifts in lieu of Three hundred and sixty could be heard trying to Unsurpassed Ocean & Dreamtime Beach Views nent,’ and four labs were birthday presents.’ lighthouses around the globe make contact with the South- available for the children to The primary fl ight area for attempted as much contact ern Hemisphere, response gain hands on experience the service is from the as possible with each other was impossible due to the with microscopes and water Queensland border in the over the weekend. low ebb of an 11 year sun- related experiments. north to Nambucca Heads The team at Cape Byron, spot cycle affecting radio For more info visit www. in the south and west to Glen along with radio operators communications on Earth. questacon.edu.au. Innes and Tenterfi eld. at Ballina, Fingal Head, Photo Lou Beaumont Little joy for mayor in park takeover meeting From front page The Department of Lands’s cil of the takeover is likely to be management style that we ongoing communication was need to be an ‘economic unit’ some $300,000 less to spend didn’t maintain control.’ urgent to finalise the out- seems to be the driving force on foreshore maintenance and Cr Richard Staples sug- standing matters… It is dis- behind its takeover of four of lifesaving services. At the meet- gested that Lands minister turbing that some of the com- Byron Shire’s caravan parks ing Mr Lee also pointed out Tony Kelly ‘didn’t understand ments indicated a lack of and the Clarke’s Beach Café that Council ‘had no weight as what he was putting his name s4HISTOPFLOORUNITBOASTSTHEMOST ``ÀiÃÃ\ÊÊ3UTHERLAND knowledge of the complexity rather than money.
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