DECEMBER 1989 INDEx ro VoLUME 5 647 INDEX TO VOLUME 5 AUTHOR INDEX Afolabi, J. S., 106, 109 Edman,J.D.,487,547 Keim.T..432 Anderson,J. R., 325 Efrrd, P.,606 Khamboonruang,C., 529 Andreadis,T. G.,81, 618 Eldridge,B. F., 307 Kirk, L. J., 161 Annis.B..235 Elshenawy,K.8.,73 Kline, D. L., 77, 9r, 20r, 278,3rI Apperson,C. S., 377 Engber,B., 377 Knapp,F.W.,267 Arredondo-Bernal.H. C.. 25 Erwin, J. D., 98 Knepper,R. G.,596 Atmosoedjono,S., 235 Evans,B. R., 467 Kobayashi,J. F., 422 Ewing, S. A., 106,109 Kondig,J. P., 603 Korte, D. W., Jr., 176 Bailey, C. L., 603 Kreyling, J., 432 Baimai,V., 563 Farmer,F. L., 335 Krisnowardojo,S., 235 Baker.R. D.. 369 Floore,T. G., 522 Kristensen,A. B., 104 Barr, A. R., 125,29L, 47L, 629 Focks,D. A., 60 Kurtz, M. S.,45 Bassi,D. G., 264 Foil, L. D., 100 Becnel,J. J., 610 Fontenille,D., 219 Bennett.S. R.. 541 Foster,B. E., 95 Lampert,K. J., 161 Benton,A. R., Jr., 369 Francy,D. B., 161,534 Lanciani,C. L.,428 Berkelhamer.R. C.. 258 Fritz, G. N., 201,278 Larson,V. L., 1 Beyssat-Arnaouty,V., 196 Fukuda,T., 64,610 Latham. M. D.. 1 Bhuyan,M., 96 Leprince,D. J., 100,383 Bickley,W. E., 120,121,284,304, Garcia, J. J., 64 Letourneau,W. J., 436 305,467,485,626 Gargan,T. P., il, 599 Levine,J.F.,377 Blaustein, L., 29, 254, 324 Geery,P. R., 537 Lew,R,272 Bobian,R. J.,558 Georghiou,G. P., 196 Linhares,A. X., 325 Boike,A. H., Jr.,470,522 Gettman,A. D., 439 Linley, J. R., 359 Bolin, R. A., 161 Grimstad,P.R.,422 Linthicum, K. J.,603 Boobar,L. R., 289,547, 601 Gupta,R. K., 52,73, L7 6, 363,37 4, Logan,T. M., 603 Bradley,T. J., 258 +JO Lunt, S. R.,446 Broski,F. H., 547 Gutierrez,G. A., 176 Brown, R. C.,569 Gwinn, T. A., 593 McElligott,P.8.,6 Bunner,B. L.,547 McGovern,T.P.,247 McHugh, C. P., 440 HalI,D. W.,439 Mclver. S. B.. 6 Callahan,J. L., 10 Hallmon, C.F.,272 McKinnon, C. N.,387 Castleberry,D. T., 104 Happ, C. M., 161 Cech,J. J., Jr., 104 Mclaughlin, R. E., 60, 428 Hardman,K. R., 569 McManus.J. M.. 100 Chaney,J.D.,434 Hare, S. G., 416 Choochote,W.,529 McNelly,J.R.,277 Hart, W. G., 147 Meek,C. L.,86,275 Church,G. E., 100 Hawkins, G. S., 45 Meisch,M. V., 264,335,606 Cilek,J. E., 267 Hazard, E. I.,64 Merritt, R. W., 397,586 Clanton.K.8..36 Henry, M. S.,569 Meyer,R. P., 183 Collett,G. C.,469 Hester,P.G.,272 Cornel,A. J., 70 Milby, M. M., 183 Hetrick, W.,432 Miller, T. W., Jr., 432,569 Coughlin,J.5.,522 Higgins,J. A., 100 Craig,G. 8, Jr., 1L0,422 Misch, D. W., 601 Holbrook,F. R., 558 Mogi,M.,529 Cummins,K. W.,397 Holck, A. R., 275 Curtis. C. F.. 500 Mook, D. H., 1 Holub,R. E.,537 Moorer,G.D.,267 Hooper, R. L., 363,374 Morgan,W. T., 397 Dale,P. E. R.,226 Hulsman,K.,226 Morrill, A. W., Jr., 115,118, 281, Dame,D. A., 60,606 Hunt, G. J.,387 464,622 Damrongphol, P., 563 Morris,C. D., 10,36 Daniels, E., 201 Ingle,S. G., 147 Mouches,C., 196 Darwazeh. H. A. 15 Inman, A., 264,335,606 Mulla, M. S., 15,392,434 Darsie, R. F., Jr., 21, L2O,L24, 552 Issel,C. J., 100 Das,S. C.,96 Davies,F. G., 603 Narang,S. K., 278,317 Davis.M. R.. 147 Jakob,W. L., 161,534 Nasci.R. S.. 416 Davis,T.,534 Johnson,E. S., 612 Nawrocki,S. J., 110 Day, J. F., 180 Jones,J. W., 606 Niebylski,M. L.,86 Delph,L. A., 267 Jupp, P. G., 70 Nielsen,L. T.,469 Dempster,S. J., 261 Nowell,W. R., 122 Dobson,S. E.,547 Kaiser,P. E., 317 Dua, V. K., 614 Kamau, C. W.,599, 603 Okazawa,T., 529 Dukes,J. C., I73,272 Kardatzke,J. T., 608 Olds,E. J., 586 Duzak,D., 359 Kay, B. H.,226 Olson,J. K., I47, 239,251,369 648 JouRHar,oF THEArrapnrclN Mosqurro CoNrnor,AssocrerroN VoL.5,No.4 Olson,M. A.,272 Robert,L. L.,239,251 Taylor,D. S.,444 O'Meara,G. F., 1 Rodhain,F., 219 Thande,P. C., 599,603 Oostburg,B, F. J., 339 Rodriguez,H.M,522 Tietze,N. S., 392 Orr, B. K., 579 Rozendaal,J. A., 339,351, 500 Tsai, T. F., 161 Ruff,J. P,272 Palmer,C. L. P., 569 Rutledge,L. C., 52,73, 176,363, Vande Berg, A. M., 440 Pappas,C. D., 42 374,436 Van Handel,E., 180 Pappas,L. G.,42 Van Hoof,J. P. M.,339 Pasteur, N., 196 Sardelis,M. R., 601 Voorham,J., 339 Petersen,J. J., 106 Sarkar,P. K., 96 Pierce,R. H., 569 Schoof,H.F.,287 Wagateh,J. N., 599,603 Polk,C. P.,606 Schreck,C. 8., 77, 91,247 Walker, E. D., 166,397, 586, 596 Posa,F. G., 547 Schreiber,E. T., 15,434 Wallace,F. L., 593 E.,434 Pradhan,S. P., 21 Schultz,G. W., 508 Walton,W. A., 119, 304, 305, 468, Pumpuni,C. B., 166 Seawright,J. A., 278,317 Ward, R. Shaffer,K. R.,272 485,552 Sharma,R. C.,514 Weathersbee,A. A., III, 264,606 Quinones,M. L., 56 Sharma,S. K., 614 Welch,J. B., 147,369 Sharma,V. P., 514,614 Wichterman,G.,569 Rao,K. M., 96 Shroyer,D. A., 269 Williams, D. C., 593 Rathburn,C. B., Jr., I73,522 Simmons,K. R.,541 Willis,F. S.,416 Rau, M. E., 261 Smith, G. C., 161 Wilzbach,M. A., 397 Reardon,T.P.,446 Strickman,D., 208 Wirtz, R. A., 363,374 Redfern,J. M., 335 Suarez,M. F., 56 Wright, J. C., 109 Reid,J. W., 616 Supardi,P., 235 Wright, R. E., 109 Reifenrath,W. G., 45, 176 Sutton,E., 432 Reisen,W. K., 183 Suwanpanit,P., 529 Yates,M. M., 369 Resh,V. H.,579 Reyes-Villanueva,F., 25 Tabachnick,W. J.,387 Ritchie,S. A., 612 Takken, W., 311 Zhang,M.,422 DECEMBER1989 INorx to VoLUME5 649 SUBJECTINDEX Abbreviations and symbols usedin Journal,304 Anophe Iz s quadrimaculattn Adulticides controlled-releaseDEET, 91 susceptibility of female Aedes albopictus, 25t riceland, ULV ground applications, 606 ULV ground applications, Anophcles quadrimacu- speciesD, 317 latu.s,606 Aquatic macrophyte cover, survival of Anopheleslar- Adulticiding methods, Culer reduction, 98 vae,579 Aed.es aegypti Aquatic vegetation, phytotoxic effects of Arosurf association with Aedes bahamensis, I MSF, 272 biology and distribution, Madagascar, 219 Arbovirus infection, mosquitoes,rnechanical aspirator interspecific mating, Aedes albopictus, 416 for safetransfer, 269 larvae, household water storage containers, 235 Arosurf MSF, phytotoxic effects, aquatic vegetation, Plagiorchis noblei in, 261 272 scale pattern variations, 529 Asellus forbesi, Bacillus thuringi.ensis israelensis and., suitability, support development of DirofiLaria int- 596 mitis,377 Association News Aed.esalbopictus Awards, 462 biology and distribution, Madagascar, 219 Contributors to the AMCA. 620 female, susceptibility to adulticides, 251 Judy Hansen,President, 280 interspecific mating, Aedes aegypti, 416 Minutes of 1989Annual Meeting, 449 Kentucky, 267 Photographsfrom Annual Meeting, 468 larvae, Southern Indiana, 95 Attractants,carbon dioxide. 1-octen-3-ol. 811 ovitrapping program records, 440 potential vector of LaCrosse virus, 422 repellents and other personal protection strategies, 247 Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis suitability, support development of Dirofilaria im- testing mitis,377 Aedes taenio r hy nchus, 593 Aed,es atropalpus, further extension of range, tire Asellusforbesi,596 breeding, 110 Bioenvironrnental control, malaria, India, 514 Aedes bahamensls, invasion of South Florida, 1 Biosystematics,larval movement, 208 Aedes cantator Biting behavior, Anophclcs darlingi, Suriname rain- infection with Amblyospora connecticus, 8! forest,351 infection with polymorphic microsporidium, 616 Black flies Aedes dorsalis blood-engorged,identification of source of blood, DEET effects, 363 54r ethyl hexanediol against, 374 B.t.i. control of, 397 Aedes infirmatui, occurrence in New Jersey,277 Book Reviews Aedes rncintoshi, gynandromorph or, 599 Agricultural Chemicals.Book I, Insecticides,462 Aedes sollicitans, iridescent virus occurrence in,610 Bangalore Mosquito Control Project Master Plan, Aedes taeniorhynchus 467 controlled-release DEET, 91 Centre for Researchin Medical Entomology, Mad- protection against, topical repellents and permeth- urai Annual Report 1987-88,121 rin-treated clothing, 77 Effects of Agricultural Development on Vector- testing Bacillus thuringiensis israel.ensis formula- borneDiseases, 626 tions on, 593 Etude des Circuits de Vection d'Arbovirus, a Mad- Aedes triseriatus agascar,628 adult, scrap tireyard, 166 Guidelinesfor the EcologicalControl of Mosquitoes ovitrapping program records, 440 in Nontidal Wetlands of the San FranciscoBay Aedes uexans, parasitism, 446 Area,627 mermithid, 106 Keys to the Adults, Male Hypopygia, Fourth-instar Aerosol, penetration, sentinel cage configuration and Larvae and Pupae of the British Mosquitoes orientation. 547 (Culicidae),120 Amb$tospora connecti.cus, infection of Aedes cantator Mosquito Control in lllinois: Recommendationsfor with, 81, 616 Preventionand Control, 627 AMCA photographic salon-1989, 448 Mosquito Control Research Annual Report 1g88, Anopheles darlingi 627 behavioral responses, DDT residues on house walls, Mosquito Control to Fit Your Town, 120 339 Natural History of Larval Mosquito Habitats, 284 biting and resting behavior, Suriname rainforest, Pondicherry Project: Demonstration of Control of 351 Bancroftian Filariasis in pondicherrv Urban Anopheles dirus, eggs, scanning electron microscopy, Agglomerationby Controllingthe Vecior Culer DbJ quinquefasciatus,467 AnopheLesfreeborni Supplement to the Anophelinae of Africa South of spatial distributions, experimental rice plots, 254 the Sahara (Afrotropical Region), 468 stripe trait inheritance in, 278 Vector-borne DiseaseControl in Humans through techniquesfor rearing, 201 Rice AgroecosystemManagement, 626 JouRr.rll oF THE AvpRtceN Moseurro CoNrRoL AssocrATroN VoL.
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