2406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 20 triumph for bureaucracy and centralization and a radical departure SENATE from the accepted and fundamental duty and principles of each WEDNESDAY, January ~0, 19£6 State to care for and direct its own public-school system. To dele­ gate direction and control of this function and privilege to the (Legi-slative day of ~9aturday, Jam'!W'l'V 16, 1926) Federal Government would be a calamity, and one of the far-reaching The Senate, as in open executive session, reassembled at consequences. Too much bas already been surrendered. The cen­ tralization scheme is an invention of faddists who have not shown 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the recess. any such capacity as to warrant their being trusted with such great Mr. REED of Missouri. Mr. President, I suggest the ab­ responsibility. The State of Connecticut and her communities will sence of a quorum. continue to manage their own school and educational system with The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. The legislath·e clerk called the roll, and the following success and progressi>eness. Senators answered to their names: TAX REDUCTION Ashur. t Frazier McKellar Robinson, Ark. Mr. SMOOT. Mr. President, as in legislative session from Bayard George MeLt-an Robinson, Ind. Bingham Gerry 1\lcl\laster Sackett the Finance Committee I report back favorably with ~mend­ Blease · Gillett McXary Schall ments the bill (H. R. 1) to reduce and equalize taxation, to Borah Goff Ma.vfieltl Sheppard provide revenue, and for other purposes. I will state that I Bratton Gooding Means Sbipstead Brookhart Gr~ne Metcalf Shortridge shall . instruct the clerk of the committee to place a copy of Bruce Hale Moi-les Simmons the b1ll upon the desk of every Senator within the next hour. ameron Harris :r\eely Smith I hop~ to be able to call up the bill at a very early day. Capper Harri on Norris Smoot Caraway Heflin Nye Stephens I will also state that to-morrow morning I will have the re­ Cope!and Howell Oduie Swanson port of the majority members of the committee ready to submit Couzens Johnson Overman Trammell !o t~e Senate. I~ may be possible that we can have it 'printed Curtis Jones, Wash. Peppel' Tyson Dalf' Kendrick Pine Wadsworth m time to place It upon the de ks of Senators this afternoon Deneen Keyes Pittman Walsh but that is a little doubtful. However, it will be upon th~ Dill Kin~ Ransdell Warren desks of Senators to-morrow morning. Fernald La I<'ollette Reed, Mo. Weller The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will be placed on the Fe:>s Lenroot Reed, Pa. WUlis calendar. The '\'1CE PRESIDENT. Seventy-six Senators having an­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES swered to their names, a quorum is present. Mr. SHORTRIDGE, from the Committee on Naval Affairs REPORT ON CO. -DITIO:'i OF RAILRO..ill EQUIPMEXT to. which were referred the following bills, reported them each I The VICE PRESIDE~""T. As in legislative session, the Chair mth an amendment and submitted reports thereon : ( lays before the Senate, in accordance with the provisions of A bill (S. 2083) for the relief of Charles Wall (Rept. No. Senate Resolution 438, dated February 26, 1923. a report of the 53) ; and Interstate Commerce Commission for the month of December, A bill (S. 208i:>) to correct the na\al record of John Cronin 1925, showing the condition of railroad equipment and related (Rept. No. 54). information, which will be referred to the Committee on Inter­ Mr. ODDIE, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to which state Commerce. was referred the bill (S. 1828) for the relief of Lieut. (Junior As in legislative session, Grade) Thomas J. Ryan, United States Navy, reported it with­ PETITIO!\S A:.\1> MEMORIALS out amendment and submitted a report (No. 55) thereon. Mr. LA. FOLLETTE presented memorials numerously signed Mr. CAMERON, from the Committee on Irrigation and by citizens of Chippewa, Clark, Kenosha, and Waukesha Coun­ Reclamation, to which was referred the bill (S. 1856) amend­ ing fm·ther an act providillg for the withdrawal from public tie . all in the State of Wisconsin, remonstrating against the entry lands needed for town-site purposes in connection with participation of the "Cnited States in the Permanent Court of irrigation projects, reported it with amendments and submitted International Justice, which were ordered to lie on the table. 1\Ir. FERRIS pre ented memorials numerously signed by citi­ a report (No. 56) thereon. zens of .Allegan, Berrien, Oakland, Wayne, Shiawassee, Macomb, Mr. TRAMMELL, from the Committee on Claims, to which and Kent Counties, and of Detroit, Lansing, Bay City, Kala­ was referred the bill ( S. 612) . for the relief of Elizabeth mazoo, Richland, Tuscola, Dowagiac, Lawrence, and Decatur, Wooten, reported it without amendment and submitted a report all in the State of Michigan, remonstrating against the partici­ (No. 57) thereon. pation of the united States in the Permanent Court of Inter­ Heal o, from the same committee, to which was referred the national Justice, which were ordered to lie on the table. bi~ ( S. 1767) for the relief of Benjamin F. Spates, reported it l\lr. FRAZIER presented the memorials of R. R. Rhodes and with an amendment and submitted a report (No. 58) thereon. 68 other citizen of Minot and vicinity, and of J. S. McKay and l\Ir. BAYARD, from the Committee on Claims, to which was 40 other citizens of Fargo and vicinity, in the State of North referred the bill (S. 1452) to carry into effect the findings of Dakota, remonstrating against the participation of the United the Court of Claims in the case of William W. Danenhower States in the Permanent Court of International Justice, which reported it with an amendment and submitted a report (No. 51J) were ordered to lie on the table. thereon. :Mr. CAPPER pre ented memorials numerously signed by citi­ Mr. BROOKHART, from the Committee on Claims, to which zeus of Ros ville, Newton, McPherson, and Plains, all in the were referred the following bills, reported them each with an State of Kansas, remonstrating against the participation of the amendment and submitted reports thereon: united States in the Permanent Court of International Justice, A bill ( S. '74) for the relief of W. H. Presleigh (Rept. No. which were ordered to lie on the table. 60); and · He al ~o presented a petition of members of Alonzo V. A bill (S. 1520) for the relief of I sabelle R. Damron, post- Ricketts Camp, No. 34, United Spanish War Veterans, of master at Clintwood, Ya. (Rept. No. 61). Paola, Kans., praying for the passage of Senate bill 98, pro­ Mr. STEPIJENS, from the Committee on Claims, to which viding increased pensions to Spanish War veterans and their was referred the bill (S. 1824) for the relief of R. E. Swartz widows, \Thich was referred to the Committee on Pensions. W. J. Collier, and others, reported it without amendment and PROPO ED DEP ART1.IE'XT OF EDUCATIO:'i submitted a report (No. 62) thereon. Mr. CAPPER, from the Committee on Claims, to which was :Mr. BIXGHAM. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent referred the bill (S. 1456) authorizing the Court of Claims of to have printed in the RECORD a very brief article from the the United States to hear and determine the claim of II. C. Bristol Pre s in regard to Senate bill 291. I ask also that Ericsson, reported it without amendment and submitted a re­ the article may be referred to the Committee on Education port (No. 63) thereon. and Labor. He also, from the same committee, to which was referred the There being no olljection, the article was referred to the hifi (S. 2.324) for the relief of the New Jersey Shipbuilding & Committee on Education and Labor, and ordered to be printed Dredging Co., reported it with an amendment and submitted a in the RECORD as follows: report (No. 64) thereon. [From the Bristol (Conn.) Press, January 9, 1926] He also, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, to BRISTOL OBJE;CTS TO SE~ATE BILL 291 which were referred the following bills, reported them ea<'h At the last meeting of the board of education it was unanimously with an amendment and submitted reports thereon: voted to disappro,·e Senate bill 291, which is for the purpose of pro­ A bill (S. 1119) to transfer jurisdiction over United States viding for a department of education with a secretary in the Presi­ reservation No. 248 from the Director of Public Buildings and dent' cabinet. We feel confident this action will meet general ap­ Public Parks of the National Capital to the Commissioners of proval. The bill under discussion it it bt>came a law would be a the District of Columbia (Rept. No. 65) ; and 1926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2407 A bill ( S. 1121) to amend an act of Congress approved the President of the French Republic; to the Committee on March 1, 1920 (Public 153, 66th Cong., H. R. 6863), entitled Military Affai.I·s. "An · act to regulate the height, area, and use of buildings in By Ml·. COPELAND: the Dish·ict of Columbia, and creating a Zoning Commission, A bill ( S. 2648) providing for the erection and completion of and for other purposes (Rept. No. 66). a public building at Binghamton, N. Y. ; to the Committee on Mr. CAPPER, also from the Committee on the District of Public Buildings and Grounds. Columbia, to which was referred the bill ( S. 1115) creating a A bill (S. 2649) to amend section 4 of the immigration act commission to procure a design for a distinctive :flag for the of 1924; to the Committee on Immigration.
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