PureF=acts rffil Newsletterof the FeingoldoAssociations of the United States FEINGoLD@ June 198? Vol. ll, No. 5 EuropeanVacation E102Tartrazine (Yellow No. 5) ,,youwon'thaveany findinggood E104Quinoline Yellow "Youwon'thaveanytrouble I'i!|?:iil"#!i'"'*] "i!|?:iil"#!i""'*107Yellow 2G food in France. " I E122EI22carmoisineCarmoisine (red)(red) E123Amaranth (Red No. 2) E124Ponceau 4R (red) parbaraparbaraHofrstein. RD . pasr Feingoldmembers wirr find i E127B# Erythrosinei?ffii:tlX ll"io(Red No. ,,3) Feing- many interesling pages in .E for -fDpresidenlDpresidenl ofFAUSof FAUS and a I 128rZgf ZgRedn"d 2GZC ^" oldld mom, describeda family vaca- Additives. In the introdtrction.introduction. the E132Indigo Carmine (blue dye) tionion in Europe. author mentions Dr. Feingold's 8133BrilliantBriliiant Blue FCF When they were in other Euro- work and gives the address for the E151Black PN peanrean countries the Hoffsteins Hyperactive Children's Support 154Brown FK stayedtayed on the diet by selectingcare- Group in England. He lists the fol- 155Brown HT fullyully and looking for foodsimported lowing synthetic additives which E32OE320BHA fromrom France. Feingold members should avoid: E321EJ21BHT The greatest "find," however wasvasa little booklhey Additives'boughl in Eng-bv '^?lfilil"frilfilil"fr | The SeriouslyIll Child ,JXt*"":Xf,J""t*"":XfAXffiJlifi:"; I whenthewrrenthe problem isvervisvery serious, diet management agreedrgreedto use a standardsystem for I iS SeldOm Considefed. listingisting certain food additives. Each additiverdditive is given a number, and | Elkins has studiedab- poor,and his behavior became even manynany are preceededby the letter Lout^harlene illness and medical proce- worse after he left the "ierrible "E."'E." I duresfor nearlv four years.She is twos." Someof the additivesare prohi- | nota medicalstudent. but a mother Charlene describes herself as bitedrited in certain countries, others J whoselittle bov has beenbeset with having beena hyperactive child, so simply;imply are notin commonuse. This an unendingseries of problemsfor Johnny'shigh level of activity was iss especiallytrue in France,where L which theri was no eiplanation. notsurprising, but she hoped the de- food is preferred freshiesh l Johnny ran a constant low grade fiance she saw ln her 3 year old son ffil*mm*ffim-*441411ffiffi | arthritis,jaunaice, allergies. and lherewas an explanation for all the problems had Iffi}' I severalepisodes ol' hallucinating. he - Fj;jin:lffi#Jjil# Wi\-lEL-y ;?"#rl::itTirti"iJi"a}: CV \l/ enoughrositandwatchTVorlislen pediatricians,Johnny was seen by 7 to a story Hisfine motor skills were continuedon page 4 ,1]" O.,ngo,6 supporttheir membersin the implementationofthe FeingoldProgram and to generatepublic awarenessofthe potentialrole of foods and synthetic additives in behavior, learning and health problems.The program is basedon a diei eliminating synthetic colors, synthetic flavors, and the preservativesBHA, BHT, and TBHQ. Dr. Wiley's Legacy June 30 marks the 81st the meatpacking houses. Nowhere FDA. anniversary of the Passageof the is this betterillustrated than in Up- Pure Food& Drug Act and the Meat ton Sinclair'sThe Jungle. TheAmerican food supply today Inspection Act- This led to the The informationuncovered by is muchcleaner than it wasin 1906, formation of what is now the Food Sinclairand othersso revoltedthe but the use of additiveshas in- and Drug Administration. public,that Congress passed the na- creasedspectacularly. There are It's tempting to look back with tion's first pure foodand drug law fewer fooddyes permitted - most nostalgia to the "good old days" overthe well-financed objections of havingbeen discarded or banned when food was natural and whole- somevery powerfullobbies. but they appearin far more foods some.While this may have beenthe Thelaw's authorand chiefadvo- thanDr. Wileywould have dreamed casefor thosewho raised their own cate was Dr. HarveyW. Wiley, possible. food, the city dweller was at the ChiefChemist of the U.S.Depart- In the early part of the century mercy of food processorsand suP- ment of Agriculture.Dr. Wiley foodwas processed, bul today.it is pliers. fought againstthe use of many possiblefor foods to actually be Not only was the adulteration of syntheticchemicals that Feingold "manufactured,"allowing the food a problem.but lllth and dis- members now know to be opportunityto introduceadditives ease was rampant, particularly tn damaging. at many stages. SM]TH FAMILY COPYNIGHT 1986UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATD NDW'AII Reprinted with permission. AI rjehts reserved. I.a)w At\v' yKd6 LA\r8 . The Feingold Traveler Our adviceto travelersis to stay as closeas possibleto the basics: meatswithout gravies, vegetables withoutsauces, pure fruit juicesor The mass production and dis- acceptablesodas. water. or milk. you Editorial Comment tribution of foods has indeed inten- If want to avoidMSG don't order The philosphyFDA followscon- sified this problem. lnsleadof a soupsand be wary ofOriental food. cerningfood additives today might handful ofpeople becomingill from There foods besummarized as "a little bit won't mishandledfood, our mass dis- are some which are more likely free prohi hurt" - a phraseFeingold parents tribution systemhas thepotential to to be of the bited additives.These include white hear all too often. result in sickness among cheese,peanut butter, fresh fruits Chemicalssuch as sulfiting thousands. and vegetables.most breads. plain agents,which are documentedto While our government brushes rice, pasta. causedeath in susceptibleindi- off the growing concern of Amer- and Foods viduals, receive swift action.But icans over the additives in their which contain dyes are often obvious, flavorings the agencyhas no procedureto de- food, the industry does not. In re- but and hiddenpreservatives prob- termineif a foodadditive causes a cent years there has been a clear can be a lem in prepared behavioralreaction. (It is interest- trend toward major corporations foods. ing to notethat the hazardsof sul- producinga line of more natural Pure Facts would love to hear from traveling readers and learn fiteswere discovered by a consum- foods. how you erorganization, not by the agency.) Similarly, many restaurant stayed on the diet far from home. Thedirector of FDA'sCenter for menus now announce they avoid FoodSafety and AppliedNutrition synthetic additives. believes,"Americans worry too The FDA'S efforts at keepingour FeingoldersOverseas much aboutthe chemicalsused in foodsupply sanitary are commend- There are Feingold volunteersin their foodwhen they should be more able. But it is unfortunate they are England, Canada, Australia, New concerned- from a healthstand- unable to make the connectionbe- Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and point- aboutthe growing problem tweenthe proliferation offood addi- Singapore.Write to the FAUS offlce of disease-causingmicrobes in the tives and the role they play in our ifyou would like to receive a listing foodsupply." troubled society. of the contacts in these countries. 2 Pure Facts/June.1987 o Don't rule out the possibilityof Sav'Yes' to the Kids This Summer fast food restaurants.Check last month'sPure Facfsfor acceptable By Lynn Murphy drinks. HowmanytimeshaveyoubeenintgryMq:11.tT-o1 -. - :"#ffJilil-.H;:i:3ffTt?.1: rhe car and a vojce trom the back Summer Drink Strategies ing snacksand drinks to go. You ll seat asks, "Can we have a Slur- Before the thirsty seasonis upon find small cartons of chilled juice, pee?" Please hold off saying "No, you take some time to consider the lemonade, etc. in the refrigerated youcan't. They have artificial color many choicesyou have: section. If necessary,buy some and flavors and besidesthev have o A jug ofice water in the back of paper cups or a box of straws and too much sugar." the car is so obvious, many people then keep them in the car. Instead, stress something else overlookit. The kids might not be o Virtually any restaurant can that is a "can have." Hereare some impressed,but they will drink it provide:ice water, a sliceoflemon, ofthe phrasesl use:"We'll behome readily when they're away from and sugar. In other words, home- soonand can whip up somepineap- home and thirsty. Spills aren't madelemonade. pleslushieswhenwegetthere."Or, much ofofa a problem. Take it to soc- r. IfIfallelsetalls, all else fails, keep some small "Let's stop at the health food store cer practice and it can cool your cans or boxesof acceptabledrinks or deli andget a . (juice,natural athlete on the outsideas well as the in the car. Any place which serves milkshake,etc.)." inside. food should be able to supply a cup While your child is enjoying o. A cooler in the car will keep ofice (evenifyouhavetopaythem somethingwhich is betterfor him, homemade lemonade or boxed forit!). Pourinthedrinkanditwill that is the time to pointout the dif- juicedrinks cool. Then use it to tote chlll quickly. ferencebetween Slurpees and what the ice cream homefrom the super- Before you pile the kids into the they're eating and drinking. market. car, mentallyline up somepossible Stressing the "can haves" in- r Slurpeesmay be outlawed, but watering holes so you can head for steadofthe "can't haves" can help many convenience stores carry onewhile the thirsty howl is still a keepyour child's cooperation. pure juicesand fruit popsicles. whimper. I Dear Pure Facts I Product AtertAlert I Q,il::f:;,"*,,:ff:iill:lO.ll::.gly::^',9:::Xlll::i";l": ProgressoLentil soupSoup now con- HeatherPharmaceutjcals )' ./\ we havebeen on the oiel ior I | I openedthe coloredcap- tainstomatoes. Please move it
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