Carter slaps Israel, Egypt-leaders •••• ,- •••• * •••• President asks that Israelis compromise even more »y FRANK CORMIER after relaying the decisions to Sadat. the night and informed him of the decisions," the prime minister JERUSALEM (AP) - PrcHdeal Carter told the IineU Speaking to reporters at the first light of day, Begin refused said. t Inlay that leaden of Egypt »nd Israel are not yet ready to reveal the decisions, saying he wanted the Egyptians to learn to rWt I peace treaty, although their people an ready for about them from Vance and not from news reporters. Speaking to reporters at the first light of day, Begin refused peace. "This is a very delicate stage of the negotiations," the prime to reveal the decisions, saying he wanted the Egyptians to learn Prime Minifter Menachem Begin said at dawn, after an all minister said. "We must be very careful not to spoil this." about them from Vance and not from news reporters. Bight cabinet meeting, that the Israeli leadership had made "I am hopeful, always," Begin said. "I expect a positive "This is a very delicate stage of the negotiations," the prime T»—» a Mi" decWona on Egyptian peace terms. He said he reply from Egypt, (tut whether they will give such a reply, how minister said. "We must be very cartful noUo spoil this." anticipated a "positive reply" from Egyptian President Anwar can I know? How can 1 say? "I am hopeful, always," Begin said. "I expect a positive Sadat, who was expected to be briefed by Secretary of Stale "I think we took very reasonable decisions," the prime reply from Egypt But whether they will give such a reply, how Cyras Vance minister said, adding that some were by majority vote, others can I know? How can I say? M Carter, after meeting with the Israeli cabinet over by consensus of the cabinet members. "I think we took very reasonable decisions," the prime breakfast, add la a speech to the full Knesset that "we still faU Begin, sounding weary and conceding he was "quite tired," minister said, adding that some were by majority vote, others start" of a treaty, and urged further compromise. called the long cabinet meeting "important, very interesting by consensus of the cabinet members. "We have not yet fully met our challenge," Carter said and, I suppose, a unique session " The cabinet, he said, debated Begin, sounding weary and conceding he was "quite tired," "The people of the two nations are ready now for peace," Egypt's treaty proposals "issue by issue." called the long cabinet meeting "important, very Interesting Carter said. The meeting lasted from 11 p.m. Sunday until 5 JO a.m. and, I suppose, a unique session." The cabinet, he said, debated "The leaden have not yet proven that we are also ready for today. Egypt's treaty proposals "Issue by Issue." peace, enough to take a chance," he said. Although Vance was available to the cabinet throughout the The meeting lasted from 11 p.m. Sunday until 5:30 a.m. "We must proceed with due cauUon, I understand that, but night for questions about Sadat's views on the Issues, Begin said today. Although Vance was available to the cabinet throughout the we mast proceed," Carter said. "it was not necessary to put questions to him. PmiaVnt Carter gestures to Begin thin morning The president said be had gone through several drafts of his "Our Judicial counselor was In contact with him throughout See Carter, page I speech hi the preceding hours, ranging from despair to celebra- tion He said it is now the responsibility of all parties "to contemplate the tragedy of failure, and the legitimate exulta- tion If we bring peace..Our vision must be as great as our goals Wisdom and courage are required of us all." He add out a promise of Inertased U .S. aid for Israel once a treaty Is signed, pledging "new and stronger and more mean injttul dimensions" to US Israeli relations Begtn's marathon, «^ hour cabinet session started Sunday night aid lasted until dawn. The Daily Register Alter a recess, the csbinet reconvened at 10 a.m. to meet wth Carter over breakfast VOL.101 NO. 221 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1979 15 CENTS When Carter and Begin emerged after about N minutes, they waked by watting microphones without saying anything to reporters. Israeli radio reported that the cabinet approved some U.S. compromise proposals by substantial margins Others reported- ly were left for further consideration The pristdtnt was likely to spend an extra day In Israel, the Fire hits lower Broad Street again U.S. and Israeli officials said. That would mean Carter, his wife and lop aides will stay at leasl until Tuesday. if everything goes smoothly in Cairo and Jerusalem, U.S. By DAVID TIIHNKK officials said Sunday night, It is possible that Carter might remain In the Middle East for the Initialing of a treaty. RED BANK-For the sec- BegaVs public expectations of a positive Egyptian response ond time in less than a year, muted a new peak In Carter's roller-coaster quest for fire struck in the heart of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. Shortly before the nighttime lower Broad Street shopping cabhwt meeting. Begin had told Carter in a dinner toast: "We area yesterday, this time leav- have serious problems." ing the Tobacco Village store in ruins. Vance was kept Informed of the cabinet decisions by phone throughout the night He briefed Carter before today's cabinet Fewer than 10 months ago, meeting began. Begin said he expected Vance to return to Israel on the night of May 18, nine firemen were injured while battling a fin that destroyed buildings housing Lark's Shoes and Davidson's Liquors, Just a See no gas, oil~ few doors away from the scene of yesterday's blate. The tobacco shop, located at 8-10 Broad St., is part of a three- cost relief soon story office and shopping com- plex owned by Bernard H. WASHINGTON (AP) - Eve^if Iranian oil starts flowing to "Bud" Natelson, who also the United States again, supplies or gasoline this summer and owns the Natelson's clothing heating oil next winter will be tight - and consumers can store next door. expect no relief from the upward spiral in fuel prices Thick, acrid smoke That appears to be the consensus of government, con- billowed from the tobacco gressional and oil-Industry energy experts as the Senate em- shop, shrouding firemen w, barks on what Is being billed as "the first real examination" of Broad Street in an opaque the nation's latest energy crunch. gray cloud, and causing smoke How much of the current shortage of gasoline and heating damage to five nearby busi- oil is due to the Iranian cutoff ? nesses. Two volunteer firemen Very little, claim oil industry officials, who say that lack of were injured and three others U.S. refinery capacity — and not the loss of Iranian oil - is the suffered smoke inhalation main reason why Americans will find It more and more difficult while battling the general to obtain gasoline, especially unleaded, and heating oil in the alarm blaze months ahead Quick action by 125 borough "A lot of us are wondering how we're going lo heal the firemen brought the blaze un- Northeast next winter." said Bob Baldwin, president of the Gulf The bailie goet on in hallway (Kingdon.photo) der control within 20 minutes Oil Refining Co after the 10:21 a.m. alarm, and -And Energy Secretary Janwa 8, Schleslngsr ass *ald that kept the flames from spread while the nation can probably ride out the Iranian crisis, the Held in robbery ing to other stores, according turmoil there is Just one more warning signal that "the day of to Fire Chief Arcalo "Herk" reckoning" for US energy policy is drawing near Forgtone. He said that Tobac- Schlesinger was to be the leadoft witness today at hearings co Village was operated by scheduled by the Senate Energy Committee Franz Veling of 5 Concord "Even if Iran resumes production of three to four million Nab armed pair Court. barrels a day, we will still have shortages." said the panel's chairman. Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., in a prepared "We have a bunch of ag- opening statement. gressive firemen here," the Red Bank firemen Marl up ladder of Broad Street fire (Kingdon photo) chief said. "They go right in Jackson called the hearings "the first real examination. after wild ehase and attack fires. If it weren't from A to Z, of the entire situation " for that aggressiveness, the By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN The suspects' car crashed Jackson, In a television interview program Sunday, pre- fire could have gone right up- dicted the snort supplies and skyrocketing oil prices will pro- into a car which was ahead of OCEAN TOWNSHIP - it, also going eastbound, as it stairs and sideways into other duce a deep American recession, with the Inflation rale and buildings." bank interest rales shooting up. Two men who are alleged to attempted to pass the first car Immediately after arriving In a separate televised Interview, Sen. George S McGovem have robbed a Wall Township which was making a left turn store yesterday armed with an Into the Foodtown super- at the scene, a group of :alled on President Carter to fire Schlesinger, whose policies, firemen dashed into the McGovem said, have been "a disaster." Ml semi-automatic carbine market on Sunset Avenue. The have been arrested after a impact of the collision spun the smoke-filled building to help The South Dakota Democrat said Schlesinger's policies had the occupants of a second-floor Increased American dependence on foreign oil, deliberately high speed car chase, which first car around and sent it into ended when the car the two the side wall of the super- apartment to safety The resi- caused higher oil prices and delayed coal development.
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