Organized and Edited by Patti Varol and Amy Reynaldo Wi! Puzzles by Tracy Bennett Laura Braunstein C.C. Burnikel Amanda Chung Debbie Ellerin Gail Grabowski Tracy Gray Mary Lou Guizzo Angela Olson Halsted Sarah Keller Pam Amick Klawitter Lynn Lempel Donna S. Levin Ruth Bloomfield Margolin Andrea Carla Michaels Robin Stears Robyn Weintraub TABLE OF CONTENTS PUZZLES 1 • Stronger(Together(((by(C.C.(Burnikel( 2 • Top3Heavy(((by(Lynn(Lempel( 3 • Swipe(Left(((by(Gail(Grabowski( 4 • Paperbacks(((by(Andrea(Carla(Michaels( 5 • Spin(Doctors(((by(Debbie(Ellerin( 6 • Still(We(Rise(((by(Robin(Stears( 7 • Quite(a(Workout(((by(Tracy(Gray( 8 • Animal(Housing(((by(Laura(Braunstein( 9 • No(Sir(((by(Sarah(Keller( 10 • Conversation(Starter(((by(Pam(Amick(Klawitter( 11 • Now(We(Are(Six(((by(Robyn(Weintraub( 12 • Sister(Act(((by(Amanda(Chung( 13 • Women(of(Letters(((by(Mary(Lou(Guizzo( 14 • Alterations(Department(((by(Lynn(Lempel( 15 • Trumped(Up(((by(Ruth(Bloomfield(Margolin( 16 • Have(a(Ball((Or(Two)(((by(Donna(S.(Levin( 17 • Themeless(((by(Angela(Olson(Halsted( 18 • Themeless(((by(Tracy(Bennett( ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ANSWERS NOTE FROM THE EDITORS Thank(you(for(your(donation!(We(hope(you(enjoy(these(puzzles,(but(if(you(received( them(without(making(a(donation,(please(know(that(we(all(gave(our(time(and(creativity( to(raise(money(for(charity,(so,(if(you(can,(donate($10(or(more(to(one(of(these(women3 centric(charities:(Days(for(Girls,(Girls(Inc.,(Girls(Not(Brides,(Girls(Who(Code,(Moms( Demand( Action,( Planned( Parenthood,( Sanctuary( for( Families,( She( Should( Run,( Womankind(Worldwide,(Women(for(Women(International,(YWCA. 1 • Stronger Toge!er C.C. Burnikel ACROSS 3! Actress!Bowlby!of!“Drop!Dead!Diva”! 33! 2016!political!campaign!slogan,!and!a! 1! Filmmaker!Haifaa!Al!Mansour,!for!one! 4! Stop!order?! hint!to!the!words!hidden!in!the! 5! Glasgow!Airport!travelers,!typically! 5! Grabbed!a!chair! answers!to!the!starred!clues! 34! The!___!brothers!(Hollywood! 10! Part!of!a!foot! 6! YouTube!snippets! filmmakers)! 14! Unhurried!gait! 7! Punch! 35! Fries!or!coleslaw! 15! Greeting!in!Maui! 8! “Kids!___!days!…!”! 38! HBO!series!featuring!rivalries!among! 16! Qatari!metropolis! 9! “Grace!and!Frankie”!actor!Waterston! the!Lannisters,!Starks,!and!other! 17! *!She’s!learning!how!to!change!diapers! 10! Ransomware!crime,!sometimes! families,!for!short! 20! O’Connor!successor! 11! Like!a!pitcher’s!perfect!game! 41! Disinfectant!cleaning!product! 21! Second!addendum!to!an!email!(Abbr.)! 12! “Big!Brother”!host!Julie! available!in!a!Sparkling!Wave!scent! 22! Strasbourg’s!river! 13! Loser!to!the!tortoise! 43! Peppery!salad!green! 23! *!Tangy!summer!treat! 18! Caprese!salad!ingredient! 45! 19Ltime!MLB!AllLStar!Ripken! 26! Far!from!stern! 19! Jerry!of!“Law!&!Order”! 47! “Sk8er!___”!(2002!Avril!Lavigne!hit)! 27! Klutz! 24! EndLofLsemester!hurdles! 49! Beach!buckets! 28! Ingredient!in!some!dandruff!shampoos! 25! Comedy!Central!special!event! 51! Comments!section!attentionLseeker! 32! Military!maneuvers! 28! Musician!J.J.!who!wrote!the!Eric! 52! Run!___!(go!crazy)! 53 36! “Who!___!to!judge?”! Clapton!hits!“After!Midnight”!and! ! Roberts!of!romance! 55 37! “Wow!!”! “Cocaine”! ! Dog!who!bit!Miss!Gulch! 29 56! Like!Derby!horses! 39! Miss!Piggy’s!query! ! Leave!out! 30 ! 59! “I!should’ve!known!that!”! 40! Flaccid! ! * “You!can!do!so!much!better!”! 31 60! Duffer’s!dream! 42! Hockey!or!soccer! ! Really!clobber!the!ball! 32 61! “2001”!supercomputer 43! SuperLimpressed! ! Matadors’!opponents! 44! Guiding!principles! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 46! Silver!medalist!Midori!who!lit!the! 14 15 16 Olympic!cauldron!in!Nagano! 47! Salty!solution! 17 18 19 48! IllLsuited! 20 21 22 50! Guinness,!e.g.! 52! German!chancellor!Merkel! 23 24 25 54! Topic!for!protestors! 26 27 57! Scale!that!goes!from!1!(talc)!to 10!(diamond)! 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 58! Snake!River!state! 36 37 38 39 62! “We’re!hosed!”! 63! Nabisco!cookie! 40 41 42 43 64 ! Like!farmers’!market!veggies! 44 45 46 47 65! “Suicide!Squad”!actor!Jared! 48 49 50 51 66! Jazz!legend!Malone! 67! Beach!bum’s!find! 52 53 54 55 56 68! J.Lo’s!love! 57 58 59 60 61 62 DOWN 63 64 65 1! ___!Romeo!(car!brand!involved!in! racing!for!over!a!century)! 66 67 68 2018 Zhouqin Burnikel 2! Churn!up! © 2 • Top-Heavy Lynn Lempel ACROSS 3! Fails!to!get!up!on!time! 31! Decide,!as!an!argument! 1! Gwyneth!Paltrow’s!“modern!lifestyle! 4! Spots!for!strolling! 33! Penny!prez! brand”! 5! Homey!spot!for!a!weekend!getaway! 34! Something!to!chew!on! 5 ! Retirement!spot?! 6! University!URL!ender! 35! Mata!Hari!or!Josephine!Baker,!e.g.! 8 ! Novelist!Murdoch!and!fashion!icon! 7! URL!component! 36! Bottled!water!collector,!for!short! Apfel! 8! Denver’s!Mile!High!Center!architect! 39! Self@storage!rental!division! 14! PBS’s!“___!scienceNOW”! 9! Worker’s!reward! 42! Fred!and!Wilma’s!youngster! 15! “Oklahoma!”!character!___!Annie! 10! Sharp!front!tooth! 46! Novelist!Rita!___!Brown! 16! Yankee!phenom!Mickey! 11! Top@billed!actress! 47! Sexy! 17! Roasted!winter!treat! 12 49! Wanders! 19! Old!photo@sharing!website! ! Otherwise! 50! Other!side! 20! Get!lost!in!a!book! 13! Red!and!Coral,!but!not!pink! 51! 2016!Best!Actress!Oscar!winner!Emma! 21! Hopes!for! 18! Highlands!hat! 52! Indentation@creating!keyboard!key! 22! Close!pals! 21! Pres.!when!Brown!v.!Board!of! 53 26! Trials!and!tribulations! Education!was!decided! ! Bunch!of!buffaloes! 54 27! Alphabet!Series!novelist!Grafton! 22! Two@footed!creatures! ! State!firmly! 28! Bettor’s!concern! 23! Piglet!of!children’s!books! 55! Edna!who!creates!supersuits!in!“The! Incredibles”! 32! In@your@face!slapstick!element! 24! Takes!advantage!of! 58 33! Wimbledon!wallops! 25! Low@flying!planes!that!spray!crops! ! Fitting!garment!for!this!puzzle! 59 35! Try!hard! 29! Revelation!of!information! ! Pitcher’s!goal! 60! Prohibit!officially! 37! “Nurse!Jackie”!actress!Best! 30! “From!the!New!World”!symphony! 38! Major!splits! composer! 61! Apnea@treating!doc! 40! High@minded!type?! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 41! Went!down!a!bit,!as!prices! 43! New!Age!singer!from!County!Donegal! 14 15 16 44! Part!of!old!PC!screen!technology! 17 18 19 45! Postage@paid!enc.! 46! Sports!doc’s!pic! 20 21 47! Middle!East!flier! 22 23 24 25 48! Gold!medal!swimming!event!for!Lilly! King!and!Amanda!Beard! 26 27 28 29 30 31 53! Flavorer!for!split!pea!soup! 32 33 34 35 36 56! Art!city!east!of!Georgia!O’Keeffe’s! Ghost!Ranch! 37 38 39 40 57! Change!with!the!times,!say! 41 42 43 44 58! Couch!potato’s!necessity! 62! Cash!in,!as!a!coupon! 45 46 47 63! Seek!elected!office! 48 49 50 51 52 64! Farsi@speaking!nation!on!the!Caspian! 65! Like!a!black@tie!event! 53 54 55 56 66! Packed!away! 57 58 59 60 61 67! Piggy!bank!addition! DOWN 62 63 64 1! Big!initials!in!nutritional!supplements! 65 66 67 2018 Lynn Lempel 2018 Lynn 2! “Look!at!THAT!”! © 3 • Swipe Left Gail Grabowski ACROSS 5! Big!name!in!big!tractors! 38! Connecticut!Ivy!Leaguer! 1! Wiped!out! 6! Place!where!frequent!changes!are! 39! Bag!for!a!picnic!race! 6! Becomes!safe!to!eat,!in!a!way! expected! 41! “That’s!impossible!”! 11 7 ! “The!Ballad!of!the!___!Café”!(Carson! ! “Be!___!Guest”!(“Beauty!and!the! 42! Like!some!doctorate!seekers’!exams! McCullers!novella)! Beast”!song)! 43! Membership!drive!gift! 14! “Chasing!Pavements”!singer! 8! “___!of!Withered!Cleavage”!(Sharon! 45! Move!among!moguls! 15! Sound!portion!of!a!film! Olds!poem)! 47! Registers,!as!a!complaint! 16! Ambient!music!pioneer!Brian! 9! Singer!Payne!of!One!Direction! 48! Middle!East!country!that!makes 17! Pita! 10! Sprite,!e.g.! 23GDown! 19! Frittata!ingredient! 11! Appeared!to!be! 49! Pilot,!slangily! 20! Pyeongchang’s!peninsula! 12! Silky!sweater!material! 50! Makes!a!lasting!impression?! 21! BushyGtailed!rodent! 13! Rawhide!twist!or!squeaky!ball! 51! Hart’s!“Entertainment!Tonight” 23! Japanese!vegetable! 18! Maryland!athlete,!for!short! coGhost! 25! “Rubber!Duckie”!Muppet! 22! Rubs!the!wrong!way! 55! Ginger,!but!not!Mary!Ann! 28! Inflatable!mattress!prefix!with!Bed! 23! Action!film!weapons! 58! NonGnews!newspaper!page! 29! Component!of!brass! 24! By!___!of!(owing!to)! 59! Backsplash!piece! 31! Observance!one!week!before!Easter! 26! Category! 61! Molecule!part! 34! “To!recap!…!”! 27! Give!off! 64! Christmas!cupful! 36! Stand!in!a!mall! 30! Art!collection!custodian! 65! H&R!Block!worker! 37! Alice!Munro!offerings! 32! Emergency!signal! 66 40! J.!Alfred!Prufrock!creator! 33! TechGsupport!caller! ! Miscalculate!or!misspeak! 67 44! Book!of!maps! 35! One!may!have!a!hand!in!it! ! EVOO!enthusiast!Rachael! 46! Old,!but!new!again! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 47! Mountain!pass?! 14 15 16 52! “Shoo!”! 53! European!capital!west!of!Helsinki! 17 18 19 54! Windy!weather!fliers! 20 21 22 56! Ginger,!but!not!Mary!Ann! 23 24 25 26 27 28 57! Structural!threat!for!a!wooden!house! 60! “Washington!Journal”!airer! 29 30 31 32 33 62 ! Chatterbox’s!“gift”! 34 35 36 63! LateGinning!substitute!at!the!plate! 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 68! FairGhiring!letters! 69! Get!hitched!in!a!hurry! 44 45 46 70! Snake!charmer’s!snake! 47 48 49 50 51 52 71! Devious! 72! “Ballet!Rehearsal”!painter!Edgar! 53 54 55 56 73! Manicurist’s!board! 57 58 59 60 61 DOWN 62 63 64 65 66 67 1! Dance!like!Ann!Miller! 68 69 70 2! Words!before!the!preacher! 3! “I!guess”! 71 72 73 2018 Gail Grabowski 4! Northern!Nevada!county!or!its!seat! © 4 • Paperbacks Andrea Carla Michaels ACROSS 3! Animal!mentioned!in!the!lyrics!of! 33! Soccer!star!and!Equal!Pay! 1! Insanely!cold! Katy!Perry’s!“Roar”! advocate!Hope! 6! Is!a!bad!dog!at!dinner,!say! 4! EXcite,!with!“up”! 34! Place!for!cargo! 10! Le!Carré!spy!Leamas! 5! Fill!up!again,!as!with!inventory! 35!
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