I'll ill Iliiml, Win < oIIIit, .lr. uml Inn M«*rkrl In "The HnTct WH- ik-hh”, h inyHti-i-y llirlllrr nt tin; Slriinil now. Keene from •'iK'lldiHih", JV»« inimical romance, In-Inca .liuu-t tiaynor combination of humor and pathow leave* nothing to tio deelred. Rich- "ikI < Imrlca l-'nrrcll In I lie nercen loccllicr for the nlnlli time In their which audlenccM have come to ex- ard Cromwell b* thu youngeet son ew-iitfnl career*. Open* Kuniluy nt the Iiyrlc llicalcr. poet of thiN dlHtlriKulHhcd actrfiMH. who rmealn* loyal to hi* •top- Tho nfory place* her (in the hou*e- mother kI ve* u performance which kfiftper In tho home of a millionaire even oiitMhlne* hi* effective work In Inventor whom* wife haa died and "Tol'ahlo David.’’ Jean Her*holt, *■ whoNO children have coma to look tho millionaire, I* a* u*ual aym- Little Theater Items upon Kmrna un a Hoc.ond mother. puthotle and convicting. Excellent Whan, however, the millionaire work I* aIbo done hy tho attractive marrlen her and alio become* their Myrnu Doy, John Mtllun, Purnell Very amateur reporter# urn a# Harden Jardiniere*. Ally pernOti |>OH- mother legally, the children take It. I’rntt. Colin llonnott, Rarbaro Awd * Iklw U. Itolilnuon Hlnrrlmc In ‘lluUiirt Mini" lit tho Ntntn now. MARIE DRESSLER. Jgp.fyj HERSHOLT <* EMMA* rilntnMefui to ca#t# rehear#lng for neHnltiK or knowliiK the whereabout* a different view of the woman who Kent, and Kathryn Crawford. production# iih Prof«N*lonaI dm of two with the Maine pattern, twin* huH worked all her life for them. Clmrllo t'hnao comedy "The To- uro to Mount cartoon At I tin Koi-I'olJ I'uliwe Tlii-nK-r HUrtliifc Kuiuliij. prominent pernon# wlio, III other word*, ran net In toueh For how can they Introduce their llmen Kid," norocn Bong having nothing to May, lira quoted. with either .Ml** Hchoenl at 4-IOOtl Robinson Here Palace Brings former aervant to their frlendH un nml Kox rnovlntone new* will com- Till# one ventured Into Kike' Imll or Mr* Key Wood, chairman of the their atepmother? plete tho program. Hiindya will bo Haines. Jones. All Headline Iho other evening and found that committee. in Great Role Dressier Here TIiIukn reach an oven fore hit- another Jlarguln Matinee until varlouN people are reluctant to ler climax when the father dloa, I p. hi. Don't ml"* It. have their pant# revealed. While on the nubject of prop*. leaving all hla money to Kmmu. New Garden Acts at Strand I'M ward Klrnrhhnum, author of Mr* Wood I* helnif a*«l*ted hy Nome State Presents Dramatic Marie Starred in Tho devoted and harm lean Kmrna CHARACTERISTIC "The to he divid- or all of the followliiK: Mr* I’anl “Emma,” Ih now nee wind of having eontrlh- Junior#", aptiear# rilOToOItAPUKR: Her* an a ing hi# time between John# llop- ./ohiiMon, Mr* Charlotte Homo Perk, uted to the death of the millionaire Star in “The Hatchet Brilliant in Dramatic dozen your non order- Former in Wal- Seven Numbers klhN unlverelty and the Klk# oluli. Mr* Frederick K. I’lerpont, Bertha for the aako of hla wealth and the photograph* Appears Superb Cil, Ml- I If ii k* und told mo to de- In tlie former he I# puraulng a pre- Hate*, Nettle Keyo«, Marnaret Todd roault la a notorlua will content and Man” liver to you. at Vaude- toedleal eonine while In the local and Fannie Thom*. Although thin Sequences the ultimate trial of Kmrna for lingford Role—Cowboy Open To-day certain- liiNlllutlon lie In ua#latlng In the rommltteo doe* not have to pro- murder. It may really he aeen what IIINK.M: Ah, yo*. They h ho Star in Border Twist ville House pru[inration of h 1m llrnt-horn for vide. a* many article* a* did the Freeh from 1m ‘‘FJvo Hlnr Finxl” In "Kmimi," Marin Dreanler th«> itccompllahed Allan DrcHMler ly look like him, too. Did pay one for I0d wn rd (I. Itublnoon clvca to tho acroen another of thoao 1 hern V prenenlatlon to the public, Certain "The Itoyal Family" which triumph, can do with a. alt nation like 1 liIh. for ale required I lift do have came to I ho Htnlo theater today hrllllant dramatic eharae.l.erlza- rlItiTotlllA 1’IlKlt: No, *lr, ho Corning fur one day, Humlny only, An u.vu{unr|ic of atura! A hIuk1'- iiotahlea doliiK their utloOMl lo piece*, they Clever Direction llelpa Cow wall, their Among the ratlin In tho lltlo rolo of "Th« Hatchet tloriH which firm. aurprlaed film- <li<l not. l« "(ini Kleh f ill of apertuculiir entertainment aitMure Muceewt. Ann Perth problem*. The ha.M hern Quick Wallingford” avn* ii Flret National when who donorted to picture brilliantly more like a amualj Hint will a veteran of "tinder the <!iud!|[hl'' to ho collected aro it Tom Man.” picture. KOOIM comedy ItINKH: M-m-m. Htlll with William Maine*. Walling- pltia acrceii Jolt directed hy that niaafer of camera and "Ileniotn Control" It I In her Thumb piano, a thcoulu tree In it Holdrixon rlai'H lo extreme lielichla play Martha. In "Anna Chrlatle," him.—Kami Journal. ford and llJuckle Maw and "Hchno/,- you out of your neat. Tliat'a tlio part, and megaphone, Clarence llrown, to Mlaa pot, a. fun hack chair, yard* and of emotional actinic iim Mr Womc, and which In "Min and Itlll" won /.!«" what n trio of deluxe program bclnic offered liy perfection. Cowperthwnll, Hindi out- riotous macula. of A tho for who recently produced Warner 11 rot here' Him ml for who Incidentally liven, hreathea yard* Ivy vino and a modernl*- t'hlfiooo American, morlcnulzcd in her Academy award the AND THAT’S COCO They flim-flam their way In a to-day atu tiding aercen hlta aa "I'oa- j and dreuma drafriutlcN, la at tle Harden *et with u two Ideua but bound by urn lout i.'hlnemi outatandlriK feminine performance aerie* of that will malm und to-morrow. preaent table, aeaaed” and "A Free Motil.” Itrown A man wa* of tho eacapado* chair* n In wh. 111m of complaining Hcven headline acta Iho at inlying at HI Margaret'# nchool and acttee. portrayal “Tho of tho year. you hclpleaa with laughter. Watch open can ulwaya he depended on for un* lin k of warmth In tho hoarding and I# planning to enter the Amcrl Ifatohot Man” will ko down an ono UliiiNiiitl Situation your watch—hut don't mlaa them allow, .lackaon and Jnirant "The uaiial touchea and the new Dreaa- holme In which ho wa* nlnylng. With four In rehcnrnat of tho Idol ( Ionic fontM Ih an Hnow Hilda" an can Academy of Jtramallc# In New iiliiyn oulNtandlnK MImm DreMlIcr Klven unique with William Ilalnc*. (Great aa preaent umiialnic ler veilhlee la another Inatanco In "In tho daytime It I* hud enough' Vork next year. Mins Hchoenl In dancing tlm light of tho Mirnnti. 11 In tniiuillloim from dramatic, alt nation In "Kniina," Wallingford). .Iluirny JJiirantc. eccentric offeririK followed l»y Koli- which clever direction Indpa In lie miiId, "Dili at night I frequently r" fantastic these day* trying to bo Americanized flhlnaae to tlhlncan and aho handlea It. with all the Idol of U road Ernest oviiii "The .lapaniHD lilnoa Hln«i a far above the wake up to hear my tenth chatter- (Madcap way) ut nil her Mm llen- killer are little abort of ninaz- raining picture a mile land of another famll- appointment*. ton* aklll, tho aympathy and the adroit Torrence and Leila Hyaina. The aonxhlrd from the Anthony ItodKnra, average. ing on tho drcNNlng table.Tlt- In to nott llioiiHon and Dorothy Mc- Inif. Jin lirliiKM to IiIm rolo tho deep aeoond featuro la the lotua hloNNom who known her lur llnurc to loeul playgoer* of cant 111 H. llorder htw with Du urn to- The work the Miippnrtlng I na ughlIii *prndlng lioiirn undnmtandlnK and Intellliconec that which lenvoa terror and madman lluck Joiirh. The rough nhurpa and data und prcaenta u de- appear uitaln thouifh not a god riding, gether Untuning to Delibes' ‘'Null- tutvo eatiibllniieil him an the leadline In 11m wake. Tho there- ahurp-ahootlng romance-loving IlKhlful proa mm. on thin oceaalon. An Jonm* Kvann, picture, in’' In order In create n. dunes for delineator of character on the hna a weird which weatern non In an outdoor film that licit and lu'w ll'll/.klliliona arc Mr Hotter* linn a emlnlii urnount. fore, quality Idly M/i Isne (Mm Kronnon) In acrecn. la lan k on the Warner circuit iikuiii of .intimity In perauiidlntc people holdn the movlo-Koer apellhoiirul, hreath-luklng auapenae. Alao "llolcd Unlvnrne”. One of tlm work- with their act "The OrlKlnal Uuf- Hint liln Intention* are not ntrlrtly lioretla Younic on a NOiiiewhat. thrilled by virtue of Ita eontlnu- on till* Idll la a Choice aided Ion of ■hop "The Three Htrnngern" fydllla" which arowa morn emtialna dlahonornblr. Ilermot Conway and plnyn, fllrlntloiiM t'hllloae ah I leiida zont, lo oualy Intenao mornenta. There are Inlcreatfng abort fentureteta, Audi- nine n mimic. The nrn .lame* Kvunn' aa- contain* hit of olao momenta which relievo ence* at the Now each year. Theae lada alwaya have Nnwton 1‘oat the production and will iindouhted Huhter (lurdon, Monday piny openH ivlth u. guy "reel'' which and aomethink new and different and alatnnlH. The*.* two gentlemen, poa- ly win many follower*. Her make- the aiiHpenac. Tho picture la oa- Tueaday will got an Intimate him been arranged by Mru John H.
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