COVER_158_Layout 1 20/11/14 17:15 Pagina 1 ASIAN ART Genoa 15 December 2014 ASIAN ARTASIAN 15 DECEMBER DECEMBER 15 GENOVA ROMA MILANO Piazza Campetto, 2 Via Giuseppe Avezzana, 8 Via Santa Marta, 25 Tel. +39 010 2530097 Tel. +39 06 69200565 Tel. +39 02 72023790 2014 Fax +39 010 2517767 Fax +39 06 69208044 Fax +39 02 89015908 [email protected] wannenesgroup.com GE158 lotto 34 1 1 ASIAN ART GENOA,15 DECEMBER 2014 ASTA P AUCTION ESPOSIZIONE P VIEWING Genova Genova Palazzo del Melograno Palazzo del Melograno Piazza Campetto, 2 Piazza Campetto, 2 LUNEDÌ 15 DICEMBRE GIOVEDÌ 11 DICEMBRE Monday 15 December ore 10-13 15-19 Thursday 11 December Tornata Unica 10am to 1pm - 3 to 7pm ore 15.00 lotti 1 - 136 Single Session VENERDÌ 12 DICEMBRE at 3pm (local time) lots 1 - 136 ore 10-13 15-19 Friday 13 December 10am to 1pm - 3 to 7pm SABATO 13 DICEMBRE ore 10-13 15-19 Saturday 13 December 10am to 1pm - 3 to 7pm DOMENICA 14 DICEMBRE ore 10-13 15-19 Sunday 14 December 10am to 1pm - 3 to 7pm La partecipazione all’Asta implica l’integrale e incondizionata accettazione delle Condizioni di Vendita riportate in questo catalogo I lotti potranno essere ritirati a partire da Giovedì 18 Dicembre esclusivamente previo appuntamento telefonico +39 010 2530097 lotto 25 in copertina: Taking part in the Auction implies the entire and uncondItional acceptance of the Conditions of Sale outlined in this Catalogue. lotti 87, 93, 34 e 51 The lots may be collected from Thursday 18 December, by telephone appointment calling +39 010 25 300 97. 2 3 Genova Guido Wannenes DIPARTIMENTI INFORMAZIONI RIGUARDANTI Palazzo del Melograno Amministratore Delegato QUESTA VENDITA Piazza Campetto, 2 [email protected] Argenti, Avori, Icone AUCTION ENQUIRIES 16123 Genova e Oggetti d’Arte Russa AND INFORMATION Tel. +39 010 2530097 Stefano Della Croce di Dojola Tommaso Teardo Fax +39 010 2517767 Direttore Generale [email protected] [email protected] ESPERTI Roma Arte Moderna SPECIALISTS IN CHARGE Giulia Checcucci Wannenes Via Avezzana, 8 e Contemporanea Responsabile Personale e Total Quality 00195 Roma Guido Vitali Arte Orientale [email protected] Tel. +39 06 69200565 [email protected] Alessandra Pieroni Fax +39 06 69208044 Luca Melegati [email protected] Direttore Milano Arte Orientale Milano [email protected] Alessandra Pieroni AMMINISTRAZIONE Via Santa Marta, 25 [email protected] VENDITORI - 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WANNENES offers and sell all lots in accordance with the “General condition of sale” (art. 8) printed in the catalogue. 狀況報告 拍卖会 应您的要求,我们为您提供目录中描述对象的“状况报告”。因為沒有修复的专业人士,我们建议每一个可能的买家亲自或由其 信任的人在每次竞拍曝光前检测卖品。WANNENES 的任何聲明是主觀意見。Wannenes按照印在目录的 “条款和条件” 提供和销售 所有拍卖品(见 第8条 条款) 6 7 TORNATA UNICA SINGLE SESSION LUNEDÌ 15 DICEMBRE 2014 ORE 15.00 MONDAY 15 DECEMBER 2014 AT 3PM LOTTI 1 - 136 LOTS 1 - 136 8 9 FROM VARIOUS PROPERTIES 1. GRANDE COPPA IN PORCELLANA “FAMIGLIA ROSA” CANTON, CINA, SECONDA META’ XIX SECOLO A LARGE CANTON “FAMILLE ROSE” BOWL, CHINA, 各種屬性 QING DYNASTY, SECOND HALF 19TH CENTURY all over decorated with alternate medallion of figurative and naturalist scenes on a gilt and green ground of scrolling of flowers, butterflies, bats and cash symbols; some fritting and two chips on the rim Diameter 40,4 cm Estimate € 400 - 600 Property of a Gentleman in Tuscany 大型 “粉彩”瓷酒碗,中國,清朝, 19世紀下半葉 托斯卡納紳士持有 2. VENTAGLIO DIPINTO SU CARTA, CON BACCHETTE IN LEGNO LACCATO E DORATO, CANTON, CINA, TARDO XIX SECOLO A PAINTED PAPER AND WOOD STICK FAN IN A FRAME, CANTON, CHINA, LATE 19TH CENTURY the paper decorated with figures with ivory faces and a fan in their hand in a pavilion nearby a river. Sixteen wood sticks with golden decoration of three figures in a garden and flowers; slightly worn in the paper folds Diameter 50 cm (open) Estimate € 200 - 300 Provenance: from the private property of a Lady in Rome lotto 4 金漆木框紙扇粵,中國,19世紀末 來源:羅馬的夫人私人財產 10 11 3. 4. VASO IN PORCELLANA “FAMIGLIA ROSA”, CINA, PRIMA META’ XX SECOLO, MARCHIO APOCRIFO QIANLONG SGABELLO DA GIARDINO IN PORCELLANA POLICROMA, CANTON, PRIMA META’ XX SECOLO A “FAMILLE ROSE” PORCELAIN VASE, CHINA, FIRST HALF 20TH CENTURY, APOCRYPHAL QIANLONG MARK A “FAMILLE ROSE” CANTON PORCELAIN GARDEN STOOL, CHINA, QING DYNASTY, FIRST HALF 20TH CENTURY brightly enamelled depicts a mobilier decoration; small wears on surface with a convex shape and flat pierced seats and raised half spheres, a refined and colorful Mobilier decoration on a Height 61 cm pink ground with two large lobed reserves decorated with two phoenixes by a peonies in bloom tree with bird on branches, separating the two large reserves two large turquoise pierced “Cash” medallions, the leads with an identical Estimate € 500 - 700 pierced turquoise “Cash” surrounded by four lobed reserves depicting scenes of flowers and birds; in good condition Height 47 cm, width 36 cm Provenance: from the private collection of a Gentleman in Rome Estimate € 900 - 1.200 粉彩”瓷花瓶,中國,20世紀上半葉,乾隆书款 來源:来自羅馬紳士私人收藏 Provenance: from a north italian Gentleman collection “粉彩”廣州瓷園凳,中國,清朝, 20世紀上半葉 出处:从意大利北部绅士收藏 12 13 5.
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