KALAMAZOO COLLEGE BULLETIN e~ I 9 3 7 I 9 3 8 VOLUME XXXIII MARCH, 1938 HUMIIEit 4 KALAMAZOO COLLEGE BULLETIN CATALOGUE NUMBER REGISTER, 1937-1938 ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1938-1939 ENTERED JULY 30, 19111, AT KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN, AS SEa:>ND-CLASS MATTER, UNDER Acr OF CONGRESS, JULY 16, 1894. PUBLISHED IN SEPTEMBER, DECEMBER, FEBRUARY, MARCH, AND JUNE. Calendar Second Semeater---1937-38 Tuesday, February l...... ......................Second Semester begins, 8 :00 A.M. Foreword Friday, March 25 ...................................... Spring Recess begins, 3 :20 P.M. I Monday, April 4 ..................................... h ...........Ciasees resume, 8 :00 A.M. Wednesday, April 6 .......................................... Supplemental Examinations Kalamazoo College is a liberal arts institution Friday, April 2Z .......................................................................... Foundera Day offering courses of study leading to the degree of Monday, May 30, Holiday.................. ....................................Memorial Day Monday, June 6-Friday, June 10 ................................Final Examinations Bachelor of Arts. While it seeks to train young Saturday, Jqne 11 ..........................................................................AJumni Day men and women in intellectual leadership, the Col­ Sunday, June 12 ............................................................Baccalaureate Sunday lege attempts also to orient yotlth in the values of Monday, June 13 .............. 0ne Hundred Second Annual Commencement contemporary culture. To this end sound instruc­ tion is offered in the humanities, the natural sci­ Firat Semeater-1938-39 ences, the social sciences, and the fine arts, and Monday, September 19 ........, ... Freshman Induction Program, 9 :00 A.M. social participation is encouraged in sports, foren­ Tuesday, September 20 ...... Registration and Supplemental Examinations sics, dramatics, and social and civic responsibilities. Wednesday, September 21.. .............................. 0pening Chapel, 9 :00 A.M. This basic kind of college education constitutes Monday, October 10 ......................................................................Honore Day Saturday, October 29.............. ............................. _ ............. - ..... Homecoming the finest preparation for professional courses in Wednesday, November 23........ Thanksgiving Recess begins, 12:20 P.M. medicine, engineering, law, business administra­ Monday, November 28 ...................................... Classea Resume, 8 :00 A.M. tion, teaching, library science, religion, and social Saturday, December 17..... ....................... Winter Recess begins, 12 :00 M. work, and for graduate study in purely academic Tuesday, January 3 ............................................ Clasaee resume, 8:00 A.M. fields. Monday, January 30-February 4 ...................... Mid-year Examinations Kalamazoo College is approved by the Associ­ Second Semeater---1938-39 ation of American Universities, the American Tuesday, February 7.......................... Second Semester begins, 8 :00 A.M. Association of University Women, and the North Saturday, March 2L.................................. Spring Recess begins, 12:00 M. Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Monday, April 3.. ................................................ Ciasees resume, 8 :00 A.M. Schools. Wednesday, April S.. ........................................ Supplemental Examinations Saturday, April 22 .................................................................... Foundera Day Tuesday, May 30, Holiday.. ................. .'........ .......................... Memorial Day Monday, June 12-Friday, June 16 ............................ Final Examinations Saturday, June 17............ ............................................................. .AJumni Day Sunday, June 18 ............................................................Baccalaureate Sunday Monday, June 19 ................0ne Hundred Third Annual Commence!Dent Wednesday, September 20 .......................... Academic Year 1939-40 begins - BOARD OF TRUSTEES Board oF Trustees Term Espirea in 1938 STANDING COMMI1TEES OF THE BOARD M. FoREST AsHBROOK, PH.B., B.D ..................... ~ .................... Yonkers, N.Y. HERBERT H. GARDNER, LL.B ......................................... - .............. Birmingham ExECUTIVE CoMMITTEE: CLAUDE M. HARMON ...............................................................--··- ·•-.Detroit Claude M. Harmon, Chairman, Harry C. Howard, Fred 0. GRANT M. HUDSON, B.A................... ........................................ ---..Lanaing Pinkham, Charles S. Campbell, H. Clair Jackson, R. E. Olds, BLANCHE W. HULL, B.A ................................................................ .Kal•mazoo Floyd R. Olmsted, Edgar R. Young, Bernard L. Johnson. H. CLAIR JACKSON, B.A............ ...................................................... .KaJamazoo BERNARD L. JoHNsoN, B.A........................................................... ChlC!lp. Ill. FINANCE COMMITTEE: MILTON M. McGoRiliLL, M.A., D.D .......................................Grand Rapids Enos A. DeWaters, Chairman, Lewis H. Kirby, Herbert H. L. H. STEWART, PH.M., M.D., Sc.D .............................................Kalatuazoo Gardner, Charles S. Campbell, L. W. Sutherland, Paul B. Moody. L. W. SUTHERLAND... ............................................................... - ... .Kalamazoo MAYNARD 0. WILLIAMS, PH.B., B. LITT., LITT.D ....... Washington, D.C. CoMMITTEE oN BuiLDINGs AND Ga.ouNDs: SMITH G. YOUNG ............................................................................. ~ ....... :ta,..lq Donald S. Gilmore, Chairman, E. L. Yaple, Mrs. Floyd R. Term Espirea in 1939 Olmsted, Setwart G. Cole, Paul H. Todd, Blanche W. Hull, L. DOROTHY UPJOHN DELANO, B.A .............. ,.................................... Kalamazoo W. Sutherland. ENOS 4. DEWATERS, B.A................................................................. ~ ..-Fiint JoHN W. HoAG, B.A., D.D ................................................................... _Detroit COMMITTEE ON FACULTY: HARRY C. HOWARD, B.A.1. ............................................ ~ .................Kalamazoo Stewart G. Cole, Chairman, H. Clair Jackson, Harry C. Howard, LEWIS H. KIRBY, LL.B .....................................................................Kalama zoo L. H. Stewart, Charles L. Dibble, Mrs. Dorothy Upjohn DeLano. JoHN NtJVJIEN .................................................................................. Chkago, Ill. R. E. OLDs, Sc.D...... ...............................................................................Lansing FLOYD R. OLMSTED, B.A. ................................................................ Kalamazoo FRED 0. PINK.HAM, B.A .... - ................................... _ .. __.. ................... Jackson SPECIAL COMMI1TEES OF THE BOARD RAYMOND H. SMITH, B.A...... ................................................................. Detroit PAUL H. TODD, B.S.... .......................................................................Kalanlazoo HoBEN MEMORIAL Ot.GAN FuND CoMMI1TI!E: E. L. YAPLE, B.S., L.L.B ................................................................ .Kalamazoo R. E. Olds, Chairman, Florence E. Grant, Grant M. Hudson, L. W. Sutherland, Donald S. Gilmore, Henry Overley, Charles Term £spirea in 1940 HAROLD B. ALLEN, B.A .. - ............................................................... Kalamazoo T. Goodsell. CHARLES S. CAMPBELL ......................................................................Ka)amazoo AINSWORTH W. CLARK, B.A., LL.B............................................. Chicago, Ill. FACULTY RETIR.EMENT PLAN COMMITTEE: CHARLES l.. DIBBLE, B.A., LL.B., D.C.L ..................................... Kalamazoo John Nuveen, Chairman, Charles S. Campbell, Floyd R. Olmsted. DONALD S. GI,LM~E ...............................................' .. ......................... Kalamazoo FLORENCE E. GRANT ........................................................................ Birmingham ENDOWMENT INQUtRY COMMITTEE: WILLIAM LYON PHELPS, PH.D., Lrn.D., LL.D ......... New Haven, Conn. Enos A. DeWaters, Chairman, Herbert H. Gardner, Fred 0. PAUL B. MOODY, A.B., LL.B................. .......... , ....................................... Detroit Pinkham, Paul H. Todd, L. W. Sutherland, Milton M. McGorrill, OREN G. QmcK, B.S., ...................................................................... Manistique Bernard L. Johnson, Claude M. Harmon, ex-officio. T. THOMAS WYLIE, B.A., B.D ...................................................... .Kalamazoo EDGAR R. YouNG, B,S .............. - .................. ______, ..........................Jackson SCHOLARSHIPS AND STUDENT Am: OFFIQERS OF THE BOARD Milton M. McGorrill, Chairman, L. H. Stewart, Harold B. Allen. CLAUDE M. HAllMON .......................................................................... Chairman HARRY C. HOWARD .................................................................... Vice-Chairman FLOYD R. 0LMSTED ................................................................................ Secretary CHARLES S. CAJIPBELL ........................................................................Treasurer MERRILL W. TAYLOR. ........................................................Assistant Treasurer H. CLAIR. JAcKSON .................................. ~ ...........: .................................. Attorn~y r 6 KALAMAZOO COLLEGE WOMEN'S COUNCIL Term Expirea in 1938 Administrative OrJicers and Assistants
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