Greek–Russian–English Alphabets Greek letter Greek name English equivalent Russian letter English equivalent Α a Alpha (a¨) Аа(a¨) Β b Beta (b) Бб(b) Вв(v) GgGamma (g) Гг(g) DdDelta (d) Дд(d) Ε e Epsilon (e) Ее(ye) Ζ z Zeta (z) Жж(zh) Зз(z) Η Z Eta (a¯) Ии(i, e¯) YyTheta (th) Йй(e¯) Ι i Iota (e¯) Кк(k) Лл(l) Κ k Kappa (k) Мм(m) LlLambda (l) Нн(n) Оо(oˆ,o) Μ m Mu (m) Оо(oˆ,o) Пп(p) Ν n Nu (n) Рр(r) XxXi (ks) Сс(s) Тт(t) ΟοOmicron a Ууo¯o¯ PpPi (P) Фф(f) Хх(kh) Ρ r Rho (r) Хх(kh) Цц(ts) SsSigma (s) Чч(ch) Τ t Tau (t) Шш(sh) Υ v Upsilon (u¨,o¯o¯) Щщ(shch) Ъъ8 F ø Phi (f) Ыы(e¨) Χ w Chi (H) Ьь(e¨) CcPsi (ps) Ээ(e) Юю(u¯) OoOmega (o¯) Яя(ya¨) 1088 Greek–Russian–English Alphabets English–Greek–Latin numbers English Greek Latin 1 mono uni 2 bis di 3 tris Tri 4 tetrakis tetra 5 pentakis penta 6 hexakis hexa 7 heptakis hepta 8 octakis octa 9 nonakis nona 10 decakis deca International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry: Rules Concerning Numerical Terms Used in Organic Chemical Nomenclature (specifically as prefixes for hydrocarbons) 1 mono‐ or hen‐ 10 deca‐ 100 hecta‐ 1000 kilia‐ 2di‐ or do‐ 20 icosa‐ 200 Dicta‐ 2000 dilia‐ 3 tri‐ 0 triaconta‐ 300 tricta‐ 3000 trilia‐ 4 tetra‐ 40 tetraconta‐ 400 tetracta 4000 tetralia‐ 5 penta‐ 50 pentaconta‐ 500 pentactra 5000 pentalia‐ 6 hexa‐ 60 hexaconta‐ 600 Hexacta 6000 hexalia‐ 7 hepta‐ 70 hepaconta‐ 700 heptacta‐ 7000 hepalia‐ 8 octa‐ 80 octaconta‐ 800 ocacta‐ 8000 ocatlia‐ 9 nona‐ 90 nonaconta‐ 900 nonactta‐ 9000 nonalia‐ Source: IUPAC, Commission on Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (N. Lorzac’h and published in Pure Appl. Chem. 1986, 58, 1693–1696). Mathematics signs Sign Definition Sign Definition Operations Operations þ Addition ∑ Summation À Subtraction ∏ Product Ð b  Multiplication a Integral ˙ Multiplication ∮ Contour integral Ä Division Logic / Division ∧ And, conjunction ∘ Composition ∨ Or, disjunction [ Union ¬ Negation \ Intersection ) Implies Æ Plus or minus ! Implies Ç Minus or plus , If and only if Convolution ↔ If and only if È Direct sum, variation ∃ Existential quantifier pffi Cube root 8 Universal quantifier p3 ffi n nth root ∈ A member of : Ratio 2= Not a member of ц Amalgamation ├ Assertion ∵ Because ∴ Hence, therefore Relations Radial units ¼ Equal to 0 Minute 6¼ Not equal to 00 Second Nearly equal to Degree ffi Equals approximately, isomorphic < Less than Constants Much less than p pi (3.14159265) > Greater than e Base of natural logarithms Much greater than (2.71828183) Less than or equal to Les than or equal to Geometry ≦ Less than or equal to ⊥ Perpendicular Greater than or equal to k Parallel Greater than or equal to ∦ Not parallel ≧ Greater than or equal to ∠ Angle Equivalent to, congruent to ∨ Spherical angle = ≢ Not equivalent to, not congruent to Equal angles 1090 Mathematics signs j Divides, divisible by 00 Double prime Similar to, asymptotically equal to 000 Triple prime ≔ Assignment √ Square root, radical ∈ A member of ! Factorial Subset of !! Double factorial Subset of or equal to ∅ Empty set, null set Superset of 1 Infinity Superset of or equal to ∂ Partial differential / Varies as, proportional to D Delta ≐ Approaches a limit, definition ∇ Nabla, del ! Tends to, maps to r2, D Laplacian operator ← Maps from 7! Maps to Trigonometry Maps into sin sine Maps into cos cosine d’Alembertian operator tan tangent cot cotangent Miscellaneous sec secant i Square root of –1 csc cosecant 0 Prime Appendices A. Conversion factors . 1093 B. International Standards Organization (ISO) units . 1096 C. Micro‐organisms, biochemistry, and nomenclature 1. Nomenclature of biochemistry and microbiology . .1105 2. Bacteria . .1195 3. Fungi, mildew and yeasts. .1222 Appendix A: Conversion factors To convert Into Multiply by in.3 1 0.01639 m3 ft3 35.31 A m3 in.3 61,023.0 atm cm of mercury 76.0 m3 gal (US liq.) 264.2 atm ft of water (at 4C) 33.90 atm in. of mercury 29.92 D (at 0C) days min 1,440.0 atm kg/cm2 1.0333 days s 86,400.0 atm lb/in.2 14.70 degrees rad 0.01745 atm tons/ft2 1.058 (angle) deg/s rad/s 0.01745 B dyne g 1.020Â103 Btu ft‐lb 778.3 dyne J/cm 10–7 Btu g‐cal 252.0 dyne lb 2.248Â106 Btu J 1,054.8 Btu k‐cal 0.2520 F 4 Btu kW‐h 2.928Â10–4 ft km 3.048Â10 Btu/h g‐cal/s 0.0700 ft m 0.3048 Btu/h W 0.2931 Ft of water atm 0.02950 ft of water in. of mercury 0.8826 C ft of water kg/cm2 0.03048 cm ft 3.281Â10–2 ft of water lb/in.2 0.4335 cm in. 0.3937 ft/min cm/s 0.5080 cm mile 6.214Â10–6 ft/min m/min 0.3048 cm mm 10.0 ft/s cm/s 30.48 cm/s ft/min 1.1969 ft/s m/min 18.29 cm/s ft/s 0.03281 ft‐lb Btu 1.286Â10–3 cm/s k/h 0.036 ft‐lb g‐cal 0.3238 cm/s m/min 0.6 ft‐lb hp‐h 5.050Â10–7 cc ft3 3.531Â10–5 ft‐lb J 1.356 cc in.3 0.06102 ft‐lb k‐h 3.766Â10–7 cc m3 10–6 ft‐lb/min Btu/min 1.286Â10–3 cc gal (US liq.) 2.642Â10–4 ft‐lb/min hp 3.030Â10–5 cc 0.001 ft‐lb/min kg‐cal/min 3.24Â10–4 ft3 in.3 1,728.0 ft‐lb/min kW 2.260Â10–5 ft3 m3 0.02832 ft3 gal (US liq.) 7.48052 G ft3 1 28.32 gal cc 3,785.0 ft3/min cm.3/s 472.0 gal ft3 0.1337 ft3/min gal/s 0.1247 gal in.3 231.0 ft3/min 1/s 0.4720 gal (liq. Br. gal (US liq.) 1.20095 in.3 cc 16.39 Impt) in.3 ft3 5.787Â10–4 gal (US) gal (Imp.) 0.83267 ft3/lb cm3/g 62.43 gal of water lb of water 8.3453 in.3/oz. cc/g 0.577 gal/min ft3/s 2.228Â10–3 in.3 gal 4.329Â10–3 gal/min 1/s 0.06308 1094 Appendix A: Conversion factors To convert Into Multiply by kW hp 1.341 kW kg‐cal/min 14.34 Agal/min 1/min 3.785 kW‐h Btu 3,413 g oz (avdp) 0.03527 kW‐h hp 1.341 –3 g lb 2.205Â10 kW‐hkg‐cal 860.5 g/cm lb/in. 5.600Â10–3 g/cc lb/ft3 62.43 L l in.3 61.02 g/cc lb/ft3 0.03613 l gal (U.S. liq.) 0.2642 g/cc oz/in.3 0.5781 1/min ft2/s 5.886Â10–4 g/cc lb/in.3 0.03613 1/min gal/s 4.403Â10–3 g/cm2 lb/ft2 2.0481 M H m/min cm/s 1.667 hp Btu/min 42.44 m/min mile/h 0.03728 hp ft‐lb/s 550.0 m/s ft/s 2.281 hp W 745.7 m/s k/min 0.06 hp‐h Btu 2,547 m/s mile/h 2.237 hp‐hkg‐cal 641.1 m‐kg cm‐dyne 9.807Â107 hp‐hk‐h 0.7457 m‐kg lb‐ft 7.233 I mile ft 5,280 in. cm 2.540 (statute) in. of atm 0.03342 mile k 1.609 mercury (statute) in. of kg/cm2 0.03453 mile yard 1,760 mercury (statute) in. of lb/in.2 0.4912 mile/h cm/s 44.70 mercury mile/h ft/min 88. in. of Water atm 2.458Â10–3 mile/h m/min 26.82 (at 4C) mile/min cm/s 2,682 in. of Water in. of mercury 0.07355 mile/min natural knots/min 0.8684 (at 4C) mm ft 3.281Â10–3 in. of Water kg/cm2 2.540Â10–3 mm in. 0.03937 (at 4C) mils cm 2.540Â10–3 in. of Water lb/in.2 0.03613 mils in. 0.001 (at 4C) O J oz g 28.3495 J Btu 9.480Â10–4 oz lb 0.0625 J/cm g 1.020Â104 oz (fluid) in.3 1.805 J/cm lb 22.48 oz (fluid) l 0.02957 oz/in.2 lb/in.2 0.0625 K 2 kg/cm2 atm 0.9678 oz/in. g/cc 1.733 2 kg/cm ft of water 32.81 P kg/cm2 in. of mercury 28.96 lb dyne 44.4823 kg/cm2 lb/in.2 14.22 104 kg‐cal Btu 3.968 lb g 453.59 kg‐cal J 4,186 lb of water ft3 0.01602 kg‐cal kW‐h 1.163Â10–3 lb of water in.3 27.68 kg‐m Btu 9.294Â10–3 lb of water gal 0.1198 kg‐mk‐h 2.723Â10–6 lb of ft3/s 2.670Â10–4 kW Btu/min 56.92 water/min Appendix A: Conversion factors 1095 To convert Into Multiply by m2 yard2 1.196 mm2 circular mils 1,973 7 lt‐ft cm‐dyne 1.356Â10 mm2 in.2 1.550Â10–3 lb‐ft m‐kg 0.1383 yard2 cm2 8,361 lb/ft3 g/cc 0.01602 lb/ft3 kg/m3 16.02 T lb/in.3 g.cc 27.68 tons (long) lb 2,240 lb/in.
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