APR, 2020 TRANSPORTE XXI - APR, 2020 1 SPANISH PORTS C o n t e n t s PORTS OF SPAIN Connectivity . .3 SPECIAL EDITIONS Coastline . .4 Key milestones . .10 Founder F. Javier Miranda Ruiz THROUGHPUT IN THE EUROPEAN UNION PORTS IN 2019 General trends . .6 Managing Director Containers . .8 Javier Miranda Descalzo THROUGHPUT IN SPANISH PORTS IN 2019 Director General trends . .16 Alfonso Alday . Historical evolution 18 Liquid bulk . .22 Deputy Director Antonio Martínez Dry bulk . .24 General cargo . .26 Analysis and Editorial Containers . .28 Carlos Sánchez, Perishable goods . .34 Eva Mármol, Ship supply . .48 Iñaki Eguia Bunkering . .50 New marine fuels . .52 Technical Director José Angel Calvo LNG . .54 Vehicles . .56 Marketing Director Short sea shipping . .60 Clara Bouza Ro-ro cargo . .64 Cruises . .68 Graphics and Design Railway . .74 Susana Torre Gema Lauzirika THE CONTAINER BUSINESS Shipping alliances . .36 Research Dpto. de Documentación The rise of freight rates . .40 de Transporte XXI PROJECT CARGO Production Spanish market . .70 Grupo XXI de World view . .72 Comunicación Empresarial FUTURE CHALLENGES Translation Smart ports . .42 Nathalie K. Assayag Eales NKA Translations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development . .44 Automation . .46 Printed by Gráficas Eujoa SA THE MARITIME AND PORT INDUSTRY IN SPAIN Overview . .80 Published by Ship agents . .82 Industria y Comunicación SA (Grupo XXI de Comunicación) Stevedores . .84 Avda. Cervantes, 51. Ed. Cervantes Shipowners . .86 48970 Basauri (Vizcaya) Towage companies . .88 Tel. 944 400 000 - Fax 944 400 300 [email protected] SPANISH FOREIGN TRADE www.TransporteXXI.com Overview . .90 International maritime transport by regions . .92 International maritime transport . .94 2 TRANSPORTE XXI - APR, 2020 SPANISH PORTS S p o n s o r s TRANSPORTE XXI - APR, 2020 3 SPANISH PORTS P o r t s o f S p a i n | C o n n e c t i v i t y CONNECTED TO THE WORLD Spain, which lies in the top ten countries for maritime connectivity, has secured three ports, Valencia, Algeciras and Barcelona, in the Top 30 of the world ranking As the EU country with the LINER SHIPPING CONNECTIVITY INDEX_ longest coastline, stretch- WHAT’S NEW IN ing to 8,000 kilometres, # COUNTRY 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2006 %19/06 Spain has climbed one po- 1 China 152 152 140 142 139 100 51.9% THE INDEX? sition in the Liner Ship- 2 Singapore 108 111 102 102 101 80 35.5% Direct connection. The ping Connectivity Index 3 South Korea 105 102 99 100 98 68 53.5% latest edition of the (LSCI). According to the 4 Malaysia 94 94 91 95 92 65 45.2% Unctad Index includes a latest data (2019) from the 5 U.S.A. 90 91 90 89 89 83 8.7% new component, the United Nations Conference 6 Hong Kong 89 94 89 91 94 84 6.7% number of countries with on Trade and Development 7 Belgium 88 88 88 85 86 76 15.9% direct connection, so the (Unctad) index, Spain now 8 The Netherlands 88 89 83 84 83 73 21.3% calculation was ranks among the top ten 9 United Kingdom 85 89 86 89 87 79 7.1% generated best-connected countries in 10 Spain 84 86 86 88 82 70 19.8% retrospectively from the world. Unctad’s index 2006 (base 100) examines the level of ac- onwards. cess a country has to global transport networks, taking PORT CONNECTIVITY INDEX_ New series. The new into account its maritime time series replaces the # PORT Country 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2006 %19/06 connectivity. previous LCSI, which 1 Shanghai China 134 134 126 128 125 82 +64.5% The world ranking is once had been generated 2 Singapore Singapore 125 128 118 118 117 95 +31.3% again led, for the fifth con- since 2004. 3 Pusan South Korea 114 112 109 110 108 77 +47.9% secutive year, by China 4 Ningbo China 114 116 107 104 101 56 +104.0% Six components. With and Singapore. Despite ob- 5 Hong Kong Hong Kong 103 108 103 104 107 100 +2.8% the new methodology, taining 2.75 fewer points 6 Antwerp Belgium 94 95 93 92 89 82 +15.0% the index is calculated than the previous financial 7 Rotterdam The Netherlands 93 94 88 90 90 77 +20.2% on the basis of six main year, Singapore remains 8 Qingdao China 93 92 89 88 78 48 +93.8% components: number of one of the gateways to the 9 Port Klang Malaysia 86 84 80 91 83 62 +39.2% vessel calls, total Asian continent, and an 10 Kaohsiung Taiwan 83 73 72 72 73 61 +36.3% container transport important transhipment 11 Xiamen China 79 78 71 73 67 43 +82.4% capacity of such vessels, hub. 12 Xingang China 78 78 75 68 64 40 +94.6% number of shipping Next in the World Top 10 13 Hamburg Germany 77 78 75 81 76 73 +5.6% companies, average countries is South Korea, 14 Shekou China 77 80 66 58 60 35 +122.9% maximum ship size, Malaysia, the United 15 Jebel Ali U.E.A. 75 76 71 65 62 38 +96.6% number of services, and States, Hong Kong, Bel- 16 Yantian China 73 79 74 73 72 47 +56.0% number of maritime gium, the Netherlands, the 17 Nansha China 67 58 53 52 48 19 +258.4% connections in the United Kingdom and last 18 Tanjung Pelepas Malaysia 67 64 63 63 65 34 +94.7% country. not but least, Spain, which 19 Colombo Sri Lanka 64 64 63 56 51 36 +77.3% has competed for this posi- 20 Dalian China 63 63 62 63 62 39 +62.3% tion with Germany in re- 21 Piraeus Greece 63 54 47 45 46 32 +97.2% cent years. 22 Bremerhaven Germany 62 66 65 65 63 50 +24.1% Spanish ports 23 Valencia Spain 62 55 54 53 53 42 +45.5% In its latest edition of find- 24 Yokohama Japan 62 60 59 66 64 61 +0.9% ings, Unctad has also pub- 25 Kwangyang South Korea 61 61 59 62 62 35 +75.7% lished the positions of each 26 Le Havre France 61 65 59 61 54 45 +34.4% country’s ports. In Spain, 27 Algeciras Spain 60 63 62 60 54 33 +81.4% which has secured three 28 Barcelona Spain 60 53 52 51 52 41 +45.9% ports in the World Top 30, 29 Port Said Egypt 57 54 46 49 50 39 +44.2% Valencia leads the national 30 Laem Chabang Thailand 55 46 44 46 44 35 +57.9% ranking as the port with Source: UNCTAD. Prepared by TRANSPORTE XXI. the best connectivity. Measures accesibility of each country through regular maritime transport lines. Valencia lies in 23rd place Index: China 2006 equals 100. in the World Top 30 rank- ing. It is sixth in Europe, rd 23 overtaken only by the gi- Spectacular progress has come the container busi- place ants of Northern Europe been made in Valencia re- ness leader in the Mediter- and Piraeus in Greece. cent years; since 2006, ranean. is held by Valencia in With maritime connec- when it had an index of The next Spanish ports on the world rankings tivity of 61.68 points, Va- 42.39, the port has im- the list are Algeciras and for connectivity lencia has climbed five proved by almost 20 points. Barcelona, in 27th and 28th places compared to 2018, in The commitment of big place in the world rank- an index that analyses 900 shipping lines to the port ings, with scores of 60.5 ports. means Valencia has be- and 59.68, respectively. 4 TRANSPORTE XXI - APR, 2020 SPANISH PORTS P o r t s o f S p a i n | C o a s t l i n e SPAIN, AT THE CENTRE OF MARITIME LOGISTICS The divergent evolution of traffic between Spain’s Mediterranean arc ports accounted for 55% of Spain’s total port and Atlantic seaboard ports reflects world trade’s 180-degree turn trade (66.36 million ton- nes), compared to the 45% over the last half century, following the emergence of China share held by Mediterra- nean ports (53.22 million tonnes). Five decades later, On the axis of one of the SPANISH PORTS BY SEABOARD_ the system has taken a most important interna- radical turn. In 2019, San Cibrao tional shipping routes in Ferrol Avilés Gijón Spain’s Mediterranean the world, Spain enjoys a A Coruña Santander Bilbao Pasaia ports held a 68% share of strategic position, not just traffic (373.12 million ton- for handling East-West Vilagarcía nes). Over that period the traffic, but also for moving Vigo Marín y Ría de Pontevedra Atlantic seaboard port’s North-South flows between share has dropped by 23% Europe and Africa, not for- to 32% or 179.03 million getting America. Essen- Barcelona tonnes. Since 1979, Medi- tially, Spain holds almost Tarragona terranean ports have all the cards needed to be- gained almost 320 million come a real hub for four tonnes, while their Atlan- continents. Castellón tic counterparts, having Its privileged location has drifted farther away from Valencia not gone unnoticed by the Palma de Mallorca major international mari- world’s great shipowners, time routes, have only whose commitment to the managed to capture 113 Spanish market has al- Alicante million tonnes. lowed trade flow statistics The widening traffic gap to swell in the last half cen- has continued to grow in Sevilla Cartagena tury.
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