Clinton Independent Clinton Independent mi (MVWUi ru>u Mr tm moti.) OF ADVCHTItlMG. X IlG Is FahUahsd Ivary Tkiniar, At i la. | < la. ili.j fo c. laoL I Oar »c«k........ $1 ll> $1 V |4 <■» M •* |6 «» §• UU a* ( XMM lw»»f, ; Two ttrrki___ I M «r» J O)1 4 » 7 Wll 00 , Tbrtw Saak# ...I « «» a (*»i 4 Uij ft 'Jt \0 U» 16 OU Four w*-rk» ..! t W • TV* 4 ft f»* I* 0» Id (■» OO Iill IT 4c ESTES, Tkrwo moatns I I In ft ux 7 wot du W O' u <u Hit luoaliM.......... | ft ft* ft UU IS 0» 1ft <K» 10 U* 45 U» r™ Clinton Independent. Mine month* t*' I# A* )« On Vt» nrt 40 (■>«& 00 Twalva moalbr i • u It ti> It (MM QMS SUMO >W T12RM8. laGadln# ao»u*re. |UX la wivaaca, lot nav«*r« Lags! Ad«*rtlNMau at v t*tute rata. •Mil sal uTis# ouaalj. aa4 $1 *> far (hoar It* the Marrlofo tad Death Mottos* fro®. ooaa4y. Baainaoa Card*. flva line* or na4*r, $• per y«s AII natlara far paMtcottea am*t be la hsa4 wida—day Moral a f to tasare pahikaiioa ths VOL. X.—NO. 7. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1875. WHOLE NO. 475. lx»i BhIhto Nutlcr* 10 e«at* a Jla« far Amt, and A cento for each • obsenifoBl UfosrtloL. ........"- length of roe lea ea compared with the preceding TUB rOKM-rOI HTII OOSUKCH*. tixai . * TllK GOOD OLD TIMES for a capable man W> overaoethe quilting or wedding, nor “be much of * 44 Who knows, indeed 1” answered El- rear war A,774 mile* greater, hat the curt of Main 1. John ft Reg*n. 4. •Roger Q. Mills. LATEST NEWS. 4 Da* id H. t nib* rt*<m. V •John llunrork. farm of Isaac Hill. And, to Illustrate the match for any young farmer now,” a# the ksnah; and when, after a half a day's taloing tbaaanlra war ftftJ&M lea#. BAN ATS. Tm f Mowing line* were published la the Bos- neighbors »*LL for she walked with the Journey, he drew up liefore THI OLD WOULD. t. J. W. Themktoorton. • Gu*tsvv hckMcber. advantages of advertising, a somewhat tall a farm-house The laat of tho seven men who mur­ Democrats (»a Romany W; Rente M. nae (In yaxauar. torn /■»•/ twenty ftve Tear* ago: and thick-«et man of fwenty-ftre arrived, crutch Klkanah Reel had fashioned for and calledallr ‘ tor5 a man to lake his borne, At carding to a Loudon diipatch of thr Hall nr*K 41; lahjesdroi* daIn /re/<s/ic), 4; va» I. Cmi;i.x* |f Jorea. 4. stfoorge W. llaadee. O, would I had lived In thr good old times, one ElKanah Heal, with honeat brown her, ojkI would probably never lay it aside. and aaid " Welcome home, Rutli!’* l*eod- dered ihi four Italian* at Dram aotne week# eanry, 1; n<* yet chosen. I. Total, 74. t. I*. JV aiam , r Moraluk of Iba IMh an ew*«t*cn*at M»« b tfcr When every dwelling had elbow-room, Ho the year wore on. The fragrant hay- iug to kiss her mouth, Rutli exclaimed: •lace ha# been arrested ▼inuiuiA. eye* ami a severely outlined mouth which Turk* and Hcnr|uflaliM. near (Itt^hko. had ALtatat. I TVrm >rp. M n tfor When girla so healthy and women so hale a smile broke into tender Mui*aand curves. rtek* hotl loitered up from the meadows, " What, here? Why, I paaaed by here Two rectifiers at Milwaukee, WU,, T*rm tjrp. S0Mt >r. 1MI1. Bu «m<m K Bel t ■ 1. B**cer1y B. Dougl m. 4 John R Tneka-r. Knew not the piano, but toiled at the loom; r«wa!ti*d la the attar defeat of thr Turk*. wboluM tar; g«« troidlhwaUa. < niseoi ni. • John Uood % Jr. 17. *4ohii T llsrvi*. He carried ample recommendations in his drawn hy the rimtemplativc oxen; the six year# ago with Uncle Isaac, coming were fonud guilty of whieky fraud* <>o the lath. 5 GlMu rt C. W*lk«r A. *Kj»p . Iluutoo. I When womeu aud um -u were in homespun hciwrra i*V aad l.AK kM>*S. sad all their IM* Ida. Upl. K KriMiX I47U Lenls V. Bogy decked. |Hirke1, one of which lx ire the name of Guy com had filled out its cur* and unfolded home from Aunt Esther’s funet d, and he £**e, uMMUtttikM and cott»ld«rahle canuoa. Great excitement wan caused on the l*tk #nasssA*. IWl. PrandsM.Corkr>!l. I *NVn II II hrourix •». Wi.iiai■ tsin Terry. said It wa# the Ridge Farm." IK77. Poe ALL l'i A»c*»n. kraamA I. ItMirp C. Cabell. Which wore tar longer than *Uk or merino, | Grosvenor, the master of the fsm«ius Ridge it# banners to the breere, lieen gathered in by the de valopmcsls made ou the trial ai t)t. ixHilt IH7U. Ifrnua W. l>«»a l*Tr. P w C itisiotk. uaar VIUOlHI*. Winn roller and tea had not eliaken all Farm. and ground in the mill, the hluo-noae and “ It is the Ridge Farm," he assured Tin* AlUgi mtitu XntuMff say# Uie Greek of e«-t4apcrvU«*f McDonald. for < oaapimey Christ la a* la Lapp ado* la had h-Crtitly petit foord «r.y. HWI Ai* a H. Pauimm a. I. Ib-iij*min i’soii. A. •r n nk Hertford, nerves, “ And how long have von work<*d at bu( ksfer nnlatoes hod hidden adieu to her, "a»id I am ll# MliBf, Ruth. They to delraud the Government out of Its mhla- caliishix | savAU a . ft. Chss ij Kaulknar. And the elder wax bwtler than our uiara the Rhlge?” asked Undo faaac. sunny fields; the early wheat rrop h id told iik you’d jilt even un angel in dis­ the Porte to evpal the American aialoMrte* oa ia?». A arou A Stauiat, I'd Jons P 4«*uiua. kj revenue. The *\ ld< nee sgaloMt the accused viAmmia. •elilao. been gathered, the yellow pumpkins, like guise, but I can swear that you treat a the nrwoiMt that ibey mahlatf pnaelx tea aud t#l. .V. mV om /u» th. P«| Wu Khauov 1. •a 'has . if. Wiima «« y H«mu' 1 D fturehnrd. 4* From a boy, sir, ou ami was the wa# very rlru'ig aud lauded to implicate pariia« rosuartiiur. at* Ntar-muR au*wer. gold nugget#, had heaped the staggering inan !»ellcr. When I taw you al the fair I netted to rstistliua. a at previoualy sn» period ft. Li'aian II t'A*t*Ma~ '* Allmsou M hiaattx. O, would I had lived in the good old times. 1H7A. Oii'ii* 8. Krnav. tH7r. A amis II t atwiu. ft II KART H MAUINia. |7. 'JillAAMII M Rl SE. When pine-knwU served for warmth aod Iiutli stood w ith one nrre»L««l band on wain*, the winter jiear* had bet*n sforwl, last year I made tadd to tall in love with The clergy of Rnulmx, according to a The fitful and explosive kerosene lamp lMl William W Kslou. |N7V. H Waih .v Iu «. 4. W illism P. Lynde. |«. t#« org. W Cate. i»*i «wam . I new iae*ar. for light, her spinning wheel, listening—a pn tty the damson* preserved, the bunabe* you. Forgive me the part I played,dear; Parte dtepatc* of (he IMh. bad refnaod to pray causes the death of Caroline Klaug. a young When the sir was not a|»olled by a red-hot picture etxmgh, with her sauejr, bright • anneal; the (ptim*e-fiu*hea hod been the end sanctifies the mean* in this ease, for the *«frt) of the KepeHUc. Mr:. Kh Baabbnrv. IITT. P T. Knti iswiit T hwedleh girl, at ladlauapolt*. lad , on the isih. 1KMI '1 hn na* Y Bayard. **« A Glganllc CoBfitlence G^inc, stove, eye*, lltc apple-blossom color flitting across stripjMil of their *phy fruit; and gilly­ nt least. Come, sweetheart, I'anfon Wel­ A panic prevailed on the Ixmdon 8lwk ruiaio*. ifwi. t. P. ttaadolph. Nor costly gas carried d»jr Into night; fare i* waiting for us " tw;w. Biuaos M C onovxi iaw x <>bk. her check, and her lips half pouted with a flower* and Baldwins had gooe tv»market, Kxchanfe aud Pari* Itourae oa the 14th Tit At R1HKKT1. iHSI. tbi*. W. J'>tir*. jiaa fto-rwE iVaxLnts. In spite of thr repeated warnings r*f the When the tinder box stood In lU staoke- stulle. She had hceu loo (»ftcn told of her oft, re|Hiaine in the bin* in the cellar, they And so Guy Elkanah took Ruth Ellen Nkw Y okk, Nor. 15*. — Klour—White umumia . ,l*4i|. Kmnci* K»m n <n. newa|m|ief> against the cunning uitM-hinn- blackencd nu hr, in them, nod per-j dreame<l ot tlie days when they lived aud for hts wedded wife, and it was Thanks­ High tide* in (be Thames on the IMh And sbovel and tongues agAlnst jam l>ooks charnta not to believe Winter Extra. |h.lSOll'W. Wheat-No. t Chicago 1K77. T. M Xirsiail. south i anoi IN a . lion* of the confidence man. in spite of hafM she waa the least hit surprised that 1 thrived in the Kiinlitrht, and the aw-eet, giving morning at the Ridge Farm.— caaiNNl U to sterdow ita baaha aad damage the MR* J.'l.u It ••Oftlu*. is'. 7 M Vi l: i....» , the revelatious which Hood the public reclined, aurroaailiuf property U> the exlaatuf fft,(.4U,GU) Mpriag, $1 trtAl.dH; No.
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