aCTHOU&COUBgR DK3CESEOF ROGHESTCR. N.Y. THURSDAY OCTOBERS. t996 HIGE11 Pope preparing for 'any eventuality' A cover story in the influential French has ushered in die new millennium. Isn't tiiis a sign, after all, of John Paul magazine L'Exfmss (Aug. 29-Sept 4), enti­ Nevertheless, Zizola points out, the ITs deep concern for the church? What is tled "Should the Pope Resign?", has had pope has prepared for die possibility diat finally important for him is not whedier he surprisingly little attention in the United he might become incapacitated in office. remains in office until deatii but whedier States. Written by the Italian journalist Gi- On Feb. 23 he promulgated an apostolic die good of the church is served. ancario Zizola, the best-informed and most essays in constitution containing new rules for pa­ For those wondering, there is precedent astute observer of the Vatican scene, it un­ pal elections. The diird article explicidy for a papal resignation, and it is not limit­ derlines key elements in die still-unfolding theology provides for the possibility that a vacancy ed to die one case always brought forward story of dje twilight of this pontificate. may occur not only dirough death but al­ when the subject is raised; namely, that of First, in early August diere was a middle- so through "valid resignation of die pope" the elderly Celestine V, who in 1294 re­ of-the-night rush to the local Catholic hos­ —a possibility not envisioned in Pope Paul signed after only five months in office. pital in Albano, just four kilometers from VI's own constitution on papal elections. The first papal resignation actually oc­ die papal villa at Castel Gandalfo. Pope and commitments had to be canceled in The resignation option was also antici­ curred more than a thousand years earlier. John Paul II had been suffering from vio­ February and April), the pope decided to pated in the new Code of Canon Law: "If Pope Pontian was arrested by the Roman lent intestinal pains, tar more intense dian go dirough widi his visits to Hungary and it should happen that the Roman Pontiff emperor in March 235, during a renewed at Christmas of last year, when he had to France in early and mid-September. resigns his office, it is required for validi­ campaign of persecution, and was deport­ suspend die reading of his Christmas mes­ Zizola underscores the importance of ty diat he makes die resignation freely and ed to Sardinia, die "island of death." Since sage to die city and to die worid. die approaching new millennium for un­ that it be duly manifested, but not that it deportation was usually for life and few Given die pope's condition in August, derstanding what drives diis pope, in spite be accepted by anyone" (canon 332.2). survived it, die pope resigned on Sept. 28 his physician decided against a helicopter of his dramatically failing health. John Paul In mid-September a report appeared in in order to allow for die election of a suc­ trip back to die Gemelli polyclinic in II firmly believes that, upon his election to two of Rome's major daily newspapers diat cessor, which occurred on Nov. 21. Rome, and had him transported to die lo­ die papacy in 1978, he was destined by di­ die pope had already submitted a letter of However, die new pope, Anterus, died cal hospital in Lancia, widi a chauffeur, a vine providence to lead the church into die resignation to die Secretary of State, Car­ of natural causes less than 1 Vt mondis af­ security person and his private secretary, Third Christian Millennium. Immediately dinal Sodano, widi die stipulation diat it ter his election. Such are the ways of di­ Msgr. Stanislas Dziwisz, on board. Every­ after diat conclave, his fellow countryman take effect when and if the pope becomes vine providence. one was sworn to absolute secrecy by Sec­ and mentor, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, incapable of fulfilling his duties. The Vati­ Father McBrien is a professor of theology at retary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano. made diat same prediction. can denied the report, but many in Rome the University of Notre Dame. He will speak at The next day a communique was issued The pope also firmly believes that divine believed the story to be true. Church of the Transfiguration, 50 W. Bloom- saying only tiiat die pope had a routine ex­ providence and die Blessed Mother saved It is strange that some of this pope's field Road, Pittsford, at 7:30p.m. Oct 17, and amination and that he had a fever related him from death on die occasion of die as­ most partisan supporters are so quick to in Strong Auditorium at Colgate Rochester Di­ to a digestive disorder. Although his gen­ sassination attempt in Saint Peter's Square deny or make light of growing evidence vinity School, 1100S. Goodman St., Rochester, eral audience and some other commit­ 15 years ago, and diat they will protect him that the pope wishes to be prepared for at 10 a.m. Oct. 18, in a talk sponsored by St ments were canceled (just as audiences from ultimate harm at least until after he any eventuality. Bernard's Institute. New welfare system needs our help The basic question of welfare - what is tions, it's more likely they will meet, with backon public school services like kinder­ the responsibility of a civilization to its success. If we believe in the dignity of garten, after-school care, sports and mu­ poor — has not been solved. It has only work, if we want a community where sic. But such social concerns as adequate been transferred from die federal to die everyone shares both die labor and die housing, quality of day care and access to state and local politicians who are unpre­ rewards, then we have to be mentors. transportation are all unresolved - and pared to dsal widi the demands of desti­ ordinary Mentors are especially important for solutions are underfunded. Besides these, tution. women who have been on welfare. They on-thejob issues like unionization, pen­ This crisis is an opportunity for die time will face not-only challenges on die job, but sion benefits, and opportunities for ad­ Catholic community to lead the discus­ also such concerns as getting dieir families vancement need to be faced. sion and planning for how best to meet up and dressed, lunches packed, children Finally, how will we assist the worker on the bus, the youngest child at day care, who fails at her first job? Will she and human needs. First and foremost, the BY MA in poor need living wage jobs. But how and diemselves to work on time. And what her children be put out in the cold? Or much is a living wage? Including health Where will the money for these jobs happens when a child gets sick? Can will an organized and loving community benefits plus enough to afford day care come from? We all will have to tighten Catholic working women find the time to of faith invest even more resources in and pay a share of society's taxes, the cur­ our belts, take a litde less profit and rec­ be mentors to diese new working women? her, to help her overcome her failure and rent figure is about $11 an hour. ognize -that an investment in jobs now If die local church members have tiiis achieve a secure place in the work force? - President Clinton has called for every wul benefit die community for a lifetime. hands-on experience with helping to re­ We often laughingly warn one anoth­ business to create one new job. But what But if small business and the local solve some of diese issues, then we will be er to be careful what we ask for, because sort of support do Catholic company church are going to pay living wages, diey equipped to enter die public policy debate we might get it. We asked for welfare re­ owners need to create new famflyivage need workers capable of doing a good and insist that new jobs pay decent wages form and we got it. Now it is our job as work? They need encouragement from day's work. But what is the measure of and provide a good support system, par­ followers of Jesus, who was a carpenter the pulpit. Even more, they need to sup­ good work? Of excellent performance? ticularly for women getting off welfare. to design a better system that meets the port one anodier in small prayer groups People new to the work force need to As federal resources diminish, the needs of die poor. and in public forums. They need the experience pride in a job well-done. If state and the local community will have Sister McGivern, a Sister ofLoretto at the model of die parish and the diocese hir­ they have a mentor to listen to their ac­ to decide very quickly how much free Foot of the Cross, is director of the SL Louis Eco­ ing a few new workers. counts of small victories and frustra­ health care to offer and whether to cut nomic Conversion Project in SL Louis, M1 Having a Hard Time Meeting Catholic Singles? WE DEAL OF THE CENTURY... i • 1 • No Luck with Dating Services? Michael R. Yackiw Because life ONE MONTH'S FREE KENT! ^^ • No Luck with Personal Ads? Funeral Home y^T J • Busy Schedule? Studio apartments $414', one bedroom I NEW WE CAN HELP! isn't always $399 & 484*; two bedrooms $478 & * ENCOVN7CBS,INC, .Confidential ^kf ' Convenience 555*.
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