By Elder Quentin L. Cook Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles The Blessing of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives Continuous revelation has been received and is being received through channels the Lord has established. Today I will speak on continuing But we were companions as young revelation to prophets and continuing missionaries in England in the early personal revelation to guide our lives. 1960s, and I had a great love for him. Sometimes we receive revelation I considered the experience a tender even when we do not know the mercy for me. In recent years, I have Lord’s purposes. Shortly before Elder wondered if the Lord was preparing Jeffrey R. Holland was called to be me to be junior in the Twelve to an an Apostle in June of 1994, I had a incredible missionary companion who beautiful revelatory experience that was my junior companion when we he would be called. I was a regional were young missionaries.1 I some- representative and could see no rea- times warn young missionaries to son I would be given that knowledge. be kind to their junior companions San Bernardo, Santiago, Chile 96 SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION because they never know when they Mormon, the might be their senior companion. keystone of our I have a firm testimony that this religion, came forth restored Church is led by our Savior, out of the earth in Jesus Christ. He knows whom to call fulfillment of the as His Apostles and in what order Lord’s pronounce- to call them. He also knows how to ment to Enoch. prepare His senior Apostle to be the The Father and the prophet and President of the Church. Son and angels and We were blessed this morning to prophets appear- hear our beloved prophet, President ing to the Prophet Russell M. Nelson, deliver a profound Joseph Smith were bicentennial proclamation to the “directed by heaven to restore the had experienced. Many said it was world with respect to the Restoration necessary powers to the kingdom.”6 the most powerful revelation they had of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus The Prophet Joseph Smith received received before or after that time.11 Christ.2 This seminal declaration by revelation after revelation. Some have Those of us currently serving in the President Nelson has made it clear been addressed during this con- Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have that the Church of Jesus Christ owes ference. Many revelations received been blessed in our day as significant its origin, existence, and direction for by the Prophet Joseph have been revelations have come through recent the future to the principle of continu- preserved for us in the Doctrine and prophets.12 President Russell M. Nelson ous revelation. The new proclamation Covenants. All the standard works has been a commissioned agent of the represents a loving Father’s communi- of the Church contain the mind and Lord especially with respect to revela- cation to His children. will of the Lord for us in this last tions to help families build sanctuaries In an earlier day, President dispensation.7 of faith in their homes, gather scat- Spencer W. Kimball expressed the In addition to these great foun- tered Israel on both sides of the veil, feelings I have today. He stated: “Of dational scriptures, we are blessed and bless endowed members in sacred all things, that . we should be with continuing revelation to living temple ordinance matters. most grateful [for] is that the heav- prophets. Prophets are “commissioned When important changes to bless ens are indeed open and that the agents of the Lord, authorized to our homes were announced at the restored church of Jesus Christ is speak for Him.”8 October 2018 general conference, I founded upon the rock of revelation. Some revelations are of monumen- testified “that in the deliberations of Continuous revelation is indeed the tal importance, and others enhance the Council of the First Presidency very lifeblood of the gospel of the our understanding of essential divine and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles living Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”3 truths and provide guidance for in the temple, . after our beloved The prophet Enoch foresaw the days our day.9 prophet petitioned the Lord for revela- in which we live. The Lord acknowl- We are incredibly grateful for the tion . , a powerful confirmation was edged to Enoch the great wickedness revelation to President Spencer W. received by all.”13 that would prevail and prophesied Kimball extending priesthood and At that time, other revelations relat- of the “great tribulations” that would temple blessings to all worthy male ing to sacred temple ordinances had occur. Nevertheless, the Lord promised, members of the Church in June 1978.10 been received but not announced or “But my people will I preserve.”4 “And I have served with many of the implemented.14 This guidance com- righteousness will I send down out of Twelve who were present and par- menced with individual prophetic rev- heaven; and truth will I send forth out ticipated when that precious revela- elation to President Russell M. Nelson of the earth, to bear testimony of mine tion was received. Each of them, in and tender and powerful confirmation Only Begotten.”5 personal conversations, confirmed to those participating in the process. President Ezra Taft Benson taught the powerful and uniting spiritual President Nelson specifically involved with great power that the Book of guidance President Kimball and they the sisters who preside over the Relief MAY 2020 97 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Personal revelation is the profound bless- ing received follow- ing baptism when we are “sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost.”19 I can remem- ber a special spiritual revelation when I was 15 years old. My precious brother was seeking guidance from the Lord as to how to respond to Society, Young Women, and Primary We also know that some have had our dear father, who did not want my organizations. The final guidance, in challenges to their faith that may not brother to serve a mission. I prayed the temple, to the First Presidency and be fully appreciated, understood, with sincere intent too and received Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was or resolved. personal revelation of the truthfulness profoundly spiritual and powerful. We Some of our most stalwart and of the gospel. each knew we had received the mind, faithful members have suffered a chal- will, and voice of the Lord.15 lenge to their faith for a season. I love The Role of the Holy Ghost I declare with all solemnity that con- the true account of W. W. Phelps, who Personal revelation is based on tinuous revelation has been received had forsaken the Church and testified spiritual truths received from the and is being received through channels against the Prophet Joseph Smith in Holy Ghost.20 The Holy Ghost is the the Lord has established. I testify the a Missouri court. After repenting, he revealer and testifier of all truth, espe- new proclamation President Nelson wrote to Joseph, “I know my situation, cially that of the Savior. Without the delivered this morning is a revelation you know it, and God knows it, and Holy Ghost, we could not really know to bless all people. I want to be saved if my friends will that Jesus is the Christ. His seminal help me.”17 Joseph did forgive him, role is to bear witness of the Father We Extend an Invitation to All to Feast put him back to work, and lovingly and the Son and Their titles and at the Lord’s Table wrote, “Friends at first are friends Their glory. We also declare our heartfelt again at last.”18 The Holy Ghost can influence desire to be reunited with those who Brothers and sisters, regardless of everyone in a powerful way.21 This have been struggling with their testi- your situation, please know that the influence will not be constant unless monies, been less active, or had their Church and its members will welcome one is baptized and receives the gift names removed from Church records. you back! of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost We desire to feast with you “upon the serves also as a cleansing agent words of Christ” at the Lord’s table, Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives in the process of repentance and to learn the things we all should do.16 Personal revelation is available to forgiveness. We need you! The Church needs you! all those who humbly seek guidance The Spirit communicates in marvel- The Lord needs you! Our heartfelt from the Lord. It is as important as ous ways. The Lord used this beautiful prayer is that you will join with us in prophetic revelation. Personal, spiri- description: worshipping the Savior of the world. tual revelation from the Holy Ghost “I will tell you in your mind and in We know that some of you may have has resulted in millions receiving the your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which received offense, unkindness, or testimony necessary to be baptized shall come upon you and which shall other conduct that is not Christlike. and confirmed members of The dwell in your heart. 98 SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION “Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation.”22 Although its impact can be incred- ibly powerful, it most often comes quietly as a still, small voice.23 The scriptures include many examples of how the Spirit influences our minds, including speaking peace to our minds,24 occupying our minds,25 These principles prepare us to when we are trying to bless others in enlightening our minds,26 and even receive, recognize, and follow the fulfilling our responsibilities.
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