\iicldletown Teachers Challenge Board SEE STORYPAGE13 Wiijd Warnings , High winds, snow likely THE DAILY early today, clearing and ) Red Bank, Freehold T" FINAL turning colder mis afternoon and, tonight. Sunny and cold \ Long Branch J tomorrow. EDITION Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 20 PAGES V0L9* NO, 169 RED BANK, N.1 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1972 TEN CENTS China's Press Plays Up President's Visit,Talks PElftNG (AP),- President Mao, Nixon with Chou and the President at the banquet and toasts, and kept this up all ous events. • But TV is not a Nixon and .Premier Chou En- banquet which Chou gave last Nixon's in reply. Radio Pek- day. big thing in China yet, and lai held their second summit night for the Nixons and most, ing began broadcasting the So far the presidential visit few antennas are seen about Peking. Thepeople getthe talks today amid a broadside of the Americans who came news,of the President's visit has not been mentioned on the 1 of official Chinese publicity with them. ' and his meetings with the Chi- Chinese television network, word from ttie press and the radio," and Nixon was the big about the American Presi* The People's Daily also ran nese leaders at 7V a.m., in- although Chinese TV men dent's visit. the texts of Chou's toast to the eluding recordings of the two have been covering the vari- story with them today; Nixon returned to the Great HaU of the People on Tien An Men Square for his second session with Chou. But in con- trast to their largely ceremo-, nial meeting yesterday, the session today had all the ear- marks of getting down to the business of sounding out their agreements and dis- agreements. Their meeting room today was small and conducive to an exchange of opinions. In- stead of the line of easy, chairs riCK? TRYOpT - Mrs. t>at Nixon tries hond at usjing chopsticks in which they posed for photo- W'lfl.'SJWfcOfthe Peking Hotel foday while a Chinese woman covers her graphers yesterday, they fqce,ioSid£. amusement, faced each other across a rec- tangular table only a few feet wide and with only* a few aides and interpreters present. Henry A. Kissinger, the Cahill Strongly President's adviser on nation- al security, was at his right and Secretary of State Wil- liam P. Rogers was at his left. The atmosphere at the out- set was jovial, and friendly, and all laughed with relish Supports Nixon during the brief picture taking, before the leaders got down to TRENTON (AP) — Gov. misleading conclusions programs and problems in business. William T. Cahill says he My created by an interview with New Jersey at midterm in his Meanwhile, Mrs. Nixon be- if Wlretfnto supports. President Nixon and him printed in yesterday's administration. gan her sightseeing with a'vis- JOVIAL MOOD AT CONFERENCE TABLE — Both President Nixon, second from left, and Chinese would serve enthusiastically edition of The New York . ,Explainslntervlew it to the kitchens of the famed Premier Chqu En-la?,, second from rfght, have a laugh at start of today's conference in Peking. At left as the President's campaign vpmes^-•• p During theinterview, Cahill Peking Hotel, a citadel of is Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, special asslslty^tSLPresident Nixon. manager in New Jersey vif lw - The ""~Times quoted Cahill as said, he Was. asked to outline MandarW'ewufWK'She dis- is asked. "*';- saying the President Nixon what he considered the Presi- played obvious pleasure at ev-' At the same time, Cahill "doesn't relate to the average dent's strong points and weak erything she' Js|W and every- says he is confiden^the P.resl- gu~-y !i~n "th• e street'"" —'"•-and tha*t —point s a't ""'"that time— . "thifi- J -g -*sh- e -tasted -- - ,- bu •t -•finally dent can carry New- Jersey Cahill would be willing to called a halt to the sampling, this year.as he did in 1968, serve as Nixon's campaign Cahill confirmed that he commenting;, "All I seem to oins when' New Jersey was the manager in New Jersey but said that, at that time, it ap- be doing all day is eating. I only northeastern industrial would ni don!t~want4o-Buy~ ail - new state to give its electoral role. President Nixon's political clothes when I get back." votes to Nixon. problemp s was that he was not The local press and radio Cahill s asserted that the in- getting his message of con- had ignored the arrival of the Cahill issued a statement tferviefei w was hlheldd ttw o -monthths cern across t o tthh e citieiti s andd presidential party yesterday, yesterday which he termed a ago, in mid-December, arid the average man. but today the American vis- ByBENVAN VLIET Dowd of Long' Branch, the strong backing from pertain1 reaffirmation of support for that" it was represented; as, "During the two months itors were the big story. MIDDLETOWN - Alfred man who ran; against in-, party leaders for the nomi-- the President. The governor' forming the basis for an ar- since the interview,". Cahill Chairman Mao Meets. N. Beadleston 3rd yesterday cumbent Democrat James J.' nation, but he'is concerned said his statement was to tide in The Times Sunday said yesterday, "the Presi- President Nixon" said the announced his .candidacy for Howard in 1970. about what his political future clarify what he said might be magazine on the governor's See Governor, Page 2. headline across the top of the the Republican nomination for Mr. Dowd says he's "se- might be should he'become a front page of the Peking Congress. ' • riously considering" seeking "two-time loser." People's Daily, thenewspaper' Mr. Beadleston, sqn of the. the nomination for the second He also is just starting out of the Communist party and majority leader of the New consecutive time. He's been' on his law career (Mr Dowd China's most important jour- Jersey Senate, thus becomes saying <1he same ;thing for a is 28) and.he feels that.per- FRHS Teasers Mull nal. And beneath that head- the second declared candidate month. , • : haps he should take time off line the entire front page was for the GOP nomination; • Mr.; Dowd said yesterday from-politics to concentrate devoted to the meeting be- The first was. Jerome U.. that he -will remain a; "pos-. on establishing himself finan- tween Nixon and Mao Tse- Burke, Little Silver, a former' sible candidate" until the cially. • '••-..• tung and the other events of Essex County.. Assemblyman,' middle of March. •, <. • Mr. Dowd, however, has ap- Job Action in the President's first day. who' had sought the nomi- At, that time, he said, he will ' peal among GOP leaders be- FREEHOLD - Will the bnaipb. actionior any altetna-, have been settled and that There were three pictures'nationtwoyearsago., tell everyone what his deci- cause during the .1970 cam- Education Association repre- tive'would not be made until "several more" have :been oh the front page and four. There's a third-"almost can- sion is. paign he established himself ' senting teachers in the Free- the next bargaining session is dropped. • i • .• more inside of Nixon with didate." He's: William F. Mr. Dowd apparently, has as a hard worker, a very arti- aold Regional High School dis- 1 held Thursday. ;>•>'•• •.'••; The association president, culate speaker, and besides he ,rict Initiate job actions to end : Mr. Applegate said the asso- who teaches at Marlboro High has already spent consid- Four months of negotiations ciation asked the; board Oct.. School, said the board offered erable time and money get- Dver salary and contract de- 30,1971 that teacher contracts, the teachers a - top salary in- ting his name known through- mands? for 1972-73, as well as a list of crease of $600.per year. He City Garbagemen Get out, the Third Congressional This question and other al- 47 • teacher grievances, be said, however, that all-teach- District. ;.. •;••;' Alfred N. Beadleston 3rd lernatives to the situation are negotiated.." ers would not receive this in- Mr, Beadleston said that he; expected to be discussed He said (he first meeting'be- crease. • • intends to earn the;nomU tacts and has set up a cam- tonight when Cluster 9A, of tween the board's negotiator, Mr. Applegate said approxi- Contracts Hiking Pay nation by selling himself to paignorganization. the N ew. Jersey Education As- Robert.Murray^ and the mately 43 of the 400 teachers the various Republican county "I believe I can beat Jim teacher association negotia- would receive the $600 raise. LONG BRANCH - Thir- gaining agent and without the The new salary scale will committeemen and women. Howard," Mr. Beadleston said sociation, representing 13 teen of the-city's 17 sanitation teacher ^groups in Western tor, John Molloy, took place Those teachers, he said,, are knowledge of former City give drivers a $6,590 yearly He started out on the quest yesterday in announcing his Nov. 24,1971. He. said sub- the masters degree-plus-30 workers,who staged a week- Court Judge Stanley Cohen, wage and pickup men $6,000 last night in an appearance candidacy, "I feel that Presi- Monmouth, County, meets long wildcat garbage strike sequent meetings took place; credit category. who represented; the strikers per year. before the Middletown Re- dent Nixon needs support to -here at the American Hotel. Feb. 10 have signed new pay Alvin; Applegate, president Dec. 9, Jan. 5, Jan. 19, Feb. 2 ,The teacher said the other at last Wednesday's dis- publican organization, and is pass revenue sharing and oth- pacts'with the city business ciplinary hearing before Mr.
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