SPORTINGTRADEMAHKED BY THE SPORTINS LIFE PUB. CO. ENTERED AT PHIIiA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTEB VOLUME 25, NO. 18. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 27, 1895. TLIFE. Julv existed had the star riders kept faith anc them play they will be obliged to go on week days. joined in a movement calculated to bene­ More appears to be at issue in this plan SPORTING LIFE fit them individually even more than th than appears on the surface. It looks de­ sport at large and the backers of the en cidedly as though the Eastern teams of A WEEKLY JOURNAL terprlse. That material, however, is ao the League had become tired of the dead now available, as a glance over the weight of Louisville and St. Louis, and Devoted to even, A SERIOUS BLOW AT ORGANIZED meant to do something that would result professional events shows the competitois in decisive action on the part of those or­ BASEBALL, BICYCLING, SHOOT. t« be, with two or three exceptions, rac­ BASE BALL, ganizations. ING, GENERAL SPORTS ers developed by the lamented N, C. A Furthermore, to date, even with greater AND PASTIMES. attractions, the purely professional meets A Ball Player, Aided by a Magnate DISPUTE OYER A PLAYER, are not drawing paying gates. Published by So far as management is concerned^ there Seeks to Legally Set Aside tbe Young Tebeau, Now With Cleveland, can be no improvement over that shown Claimed by Portland. THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO, by the N. C. A. Its racing code wil Special t9 "Sporting Life:" 34 South Third St., stand as a model for all future profes League Constitution Sporting In- Boston, July 24. The Portland Club has suspended Charles A. Tebeati, of Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. sional experiments; its constitution and and J. F. Mussen, of Williamsport, Pa., by-laws were perfect for all conditions anc telligence From All Points. for failing to report after contracting to SUBSCRIPTION RATES: contingencies; and its management so per play with that club. Tebeau is now play lug feet that even with all the hostile ele­ with Cleveland. OA« Ye»r.............................................. 94.00 ments arrayed against it eagerly watch' THE LEAGUE. It seems that before Tebeau left for Six Months....................... ..................... 2.35 ing for opportunities to open critical bat Cleveland he accepted the terms, offered Throe Months....................................... 1-25 A Magnate Conniving at Setting him by Manager Frank J. Leonard, of teries not one suspicious race was seen Aside Its Constitution. the Portland Club, to play in that city, and Single Copy.../........................................ 10c. throughout the long season of 1883, no PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Special to "Sporting Life." failing to turn up after he had accepted one discreditable or dishonest trick was Cleveland, O., July 26. Catcher O'Connor terms, be was suspended. Papers bear­ Foreign Postage, SI.04 Extra per Annum turned either on the track or on the out at the instigation of President Robison ing on the case had been forwarded to side. Messrs. Byrne and Powers were of the Cleveland Club, has brought suit President Youug, and, at the suggestion of American the latter, a contract has been sent to readers of SPORTING LIFE who not all there was to the N. 0. A.; Indeed against the National League and Tebeau. The latter formerly played with not facilities for reaching news^ Association, with the Cleveland Club as a have the experiment now pending has no ad member, praying for an injunction to pre the Lowell Club of the defunct New Eng­ dealers should by all means subscribe vantage of skill, brains and technfoa vent the collection of the $25 fine imposed land Association. thus assuring themselves regular and knowledge that the N. C. A. did not pos by Umpire Murray during the Washington prompt delivery by mail direct from sess. In fact, it was better equipped in series here two weeks ago. Pbe petition Cleveland, July 25. Newg has been re­ this office. these respects than is the present move­ was filed in the Court of Common Pleab ceived here that Portland claims young yesterday and it charges that Murray is Tebeau. but Cleveland will not lose this ment or than any future organization Is that he desirable young player. When Lowell dis­ And still it couldn't be made not a competent man for umpire, INDEX TO CONTENT^. likely to be. is unfamiliar with the game and that there banded he accepted the terms of Cleve­ to go. was no justice in the imposition of a land, and money enough was sent him to Base Ball News.......... Pages 3 to 18 The "World's" statement that the N. 0, fine. cover his expenses to Cleveland. Through It also protests against the absolute au an unfortunate delay it did not arrive On Shooting News........... Pages 19 to 21 A. lacked capital is on a par with its misleading statements. The writer thority of an umpire to impose fines with time. Cycling News... ........... Pages 2O to 24 other out chance for hearing or review. Mr. Rob Meanwhile Tebeau thought the deal was can attest to the painful fact that the ison said last night that the managers are off and accepted the terms of the Portland, backers of the N. C. A. sank $30,000 in tired of having players fined by iucoinpe Me., team, and was given a little advance cold cash in the venture, which is a grea1 tent umpires and that this method would money. Two or three days afterward the TO DEALERS AND READERS. deal more than the present backers of be taken to put a stop to the practice Cleveland money arrived. As the verbal professional cycling will ever stand to whenever it became necessary. Murray goi contract with Cleveland was a prior one, To dealers in and readers of "Sport- out of town before papers could be served Tebeau immediately returned the money to lose. But, notwithstanding the loss of the on him. or he also would have been sued. Portland and came here. In practice he iug Life" west of Pittsburg, who have above-mentioned amount, the backers oi shows up well and he will be a valuable doubtless wondering why they did to stick into a hole when occasion been the N. C. A. would have goae on anotfiel (It the above dispatch Is correct Mr. man hot receive "Spirting Life" last week season, and even indefinitely, if there fiac Robison has placed himself in a singularly arises. «n Saturday as heretofore, we deem it been any prospect of ultimate Success. inconsistent and unfortunate position, rhat The -suspension of the N. C. A. was a magnate should encourage any player due to state that the date of going to caused by the united conviction of the in an attempt to set aside a law which the CONDENSED DISPATCHES. press has been changed. Saturday is can magnate assisted in making and is there­ backers that professional bicycling fore bound to uphold, or which he at leasl ^""clal to "Sporting Life." still, as heretofore, publication day, but never, for a variety of reasons, be made assented to when he signed the agreement Pitcher Baker, late of Allentown, has signed the date of going to press has been ad­ to pay in proportion to the capital re­ not to pay players' fines, is amazing. with Hagerstown. quired to conduct it, and that conviction O'Connor s act is a blow not against any in­ In the Pennsylvania League, July 25, Harleton vanced from Wednesday noon to Friday is still held by the editor and publishers dividual club, but against the whole League beat Pottsville 12 to 3. afternoon. The old system was due to "Sporting Life." The professional and therefore agminst established base ball; Rochester has signed pitcher Murphy and of it is an act that cannot be forgiven or Donaghue, of Hornellsville. the desire to have "Sporting Life" on riders may, under the best conditions, condoned by the organization which alone The Portland Club has purchased pitcher T<im sale everywhere in the United States manage to eke out a livelihood from fhe stands between honest sport and demoraliz­ Anderson from Wheeling, for $250. ijmultaneously on Saturday. To sue sport, but for the men who provide the ation, dishonesty and anarchy; it is an acl The Nashville Club has declined a $500 offer tracks, the prizes and other innumerable calculated to break down the barriers and from New York for outtieider Butler. Ceed 5n this it was necessary to go to expensive etceteras there is absolutely no safeguards that alone keep base ball clean In the Eastern League, July 25, Providence of the week with a and above suspicion and reproach, for if beat Rochester 9 to 8 and Syracuse beat Spring- press in the middle security, for their investment and still the League cannot exact aiid enforce fines field 6 to 2. publication dated Saturday. Necessar­ less «hancfe for profit. Aa capital is not its power to discipline is destroyed and Harry Vonderhorst, of the Baltimores, has ily much news transpiring between the Invested for fun and men do not work for disloyalty, disseniion, disobedience, demor­ announced himself as in favor of the double alization and disintegration must be the iu- umpire system. the day of publica­ love, It follows that professional cycling flay of printing and must fail, as costly experience will quickly evitable result, tf say nothing of the fu­ The Southern Base Ball League has been cot tion had to be omitted. For a live, tility of the efforts to keep the game down to six clubs, Memphis and Little Rock demonstrate to each new brood of backers honest.
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