WEEK'S C PLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE SUNDAY NORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE News Highlightsof • ** * Clifton i _• __ East Paterson Fair Lawn ..... C arfield Haledon Hawthorne Lodi L'ffle Falls =====================...................... -.": ?:!:!:!:%i•iiiiii?.i•!ii...;:.:.•ii.i!:i•!i:i:..'.-:::::::::..•!:!-'.:: ounfain.View ================================:.-'.::::..'::p.::•;- orfh Haledon P•erson Passaic ....... Pompton Lakes ........... ...................... ..,....... Prospect Park ....... ::.-.:•:::•:::•::!!i!iiii•!i!•!•iii•i•i•;i?:i•i•!•iiii!i•i!!!iiiii•!iiiiii•iii?•i:•ii•... ..........................................:.... ......... ................... Singac ........... Tofowa ........... '"':"??!i?::;i:i'7.COURTESY'OF::.TFIE: G'AœL'ERY::OF,FINEARTS,.'YALE UNIVERS _ Wayne West Paterson ULY 3, 1960 VOL. XXXII, No. 27 Mother's the One on the Left 435 STRAIGHT STREET PA'fEKSON, N.J. M•berry 4-7880 Gift Department Living Roo• Bedrooms- Bedding Dining Rooms . ?•'* C•rpe-ting .appliances THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ßKITCHEN- '., ..Id , •, i••i .• ..... !•. i'::i:i BROILED LOBSTER • -- DAILY fROGS' L,•GS - •rT SHB'•b CRAu•- B.•UErl8H - RAINBOW TROUT - HALIBUT - SAbMON - SHRi•P8- ECAbbOPB- OTST•S - CLAM - COD •I•H - •WORO •lffiM - DAlbT -.•.•..x•.,.:::.::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..•:. ..-%.'.,%.: -:-. "-: •.•.• -.-----::::.:.:...-...::':.:: .-.•.-..-. :::.;-..:: ::•: . ,.-.---.•::::,-- -•: .• :: .... BELMONTAVE. ICor. Barbansi, HALEDON - - - ;.-'.•-.•i•%1•:-.i:.-.•?".:•.......¾• •:'.-- ß:'.i:•' ....•¾.z....J:-•ii::: •.-.;!•:•:i.',i"•...... .• "..""i:;?ii•?•".:'-J..."•."•":.1%• -':........... •...... "::: ....... '.................................. •::i.::.-:•-•'"-"•' ........ '?-.:.', '.... '•:;.. " :.'.c..... '...:. .' ...Y.:•:.:• %..-• -..........¾' ..'.'Z-.:::. :? .. :•......'.......:.•.•...,.;•.•...-.. -...-. ,.. -..-. Sister act? No. It's Betty Furness (left) and her daughter, Barbara ("Babbie") Green, 20. bliss Green will be helping her mother with the live commercials during the July broadcasts of I. PARRILLO the CBS News coverage of the 1960 national political conven- tions in Los Angeles and Chicago on the CBS Television Network. TheMan from Equitable asks- Willyou leave your fam.i.ly a home --or a mortgage? THE ODDSthat you wfil die before.you pay off your mortgageare 16 times greaterthan the chanceyour house will catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn't think of beingwithout fire insurance.Why be without mortgageinsurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage' repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family againstforced sale... lossof savings...cr lossof home. Costsare low for this basicprotection. For full informationcall... I.. PARRILLO 200 EAST KIDG•OOD AVENUE RIDG•VOOD, N. J. GI 5-5•t2 GI 4-9891 ,KEEPING TABS --Joyce Davidson,as "Today" Girl-of-the-Week, keeps count of N BC-TV equipment being shipped 'to Los An. Letthe man from Equitable bring you peace of.mind geles for the network's coverage of the Democratic national con. vention. Miss Davidson will appear daily on "Today" when the Monday-through-Fridayshow originates from the conventioncity. CHRONICLE Page Two Published Weekly by TNE CKBONICLE COMI•ANY 170-172 Butler Street Patcroon, N.J. LAmb• 5-2741 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::v.. VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Publisher ß .. VINCENT N. PARRILIa, Managing Editor ß . Entered as Second Class rnatter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. •ULY 3, 1960-- VOL. XXXII, No. 27 Single Copy 10 Cents $4.00 a Year by MMI CONTENTS FEATURES Where.Does Floyd Patterson Go From Here 5 The Anatomy 9f Heroism 6 ß • • •.x ''•J• ' .- . ß4 .... ' , .' .$< . ß ß,•. .• CrosswordPuZzle 10 SPEED AND ST •,.MINA are essentialin professionalsoccer, recog- nized as the world's most popular spectator sport. Determination is Love and a Sable Scarf written all over these crack soccer players' faces ... and every one of the 12 International Pro teams will be equally determined to be A Complete Short Story 14 the victor of the "International Pro Soccer" games televised exclu- sively over WPIX-11 each Saturday evening through August 6th, from 8:30 to 10:30 PM. SportscastersMonty Hall and Win Ellio'ct are on tap with the play-by-play action. DEPARTMENTS Social World ........................ Editorials ...... 8 Editor Speaks ...................... Complete Television _11-12-13 -.. COVER PICTU 'E- When our forefathers signed the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July many years ago-- they signed with a hope in their hearts and a prayer on their lips that this would. be the most wonderful opportunity of all for a country to grow unsurpassed in freedom and progress.-They were right!Nowhere in thiswide world is thereanother country GENIAl. GENE -- Gene Rayburn, star of. the NBC-TV.Network's "Dough Re Mi," entertains contestantsas well as the TV audi- such as ours where Independence•'Day. me.a.ns. so, much to ence as he plays a tune on an empty jug. Gene frequently takes so many! time out as host of the informal Monday..;through-Fridaymorning musical game show to offer humoroussketches and monologue? . , . THE-CHRONICLE Page Thr•e New Mental Health Book Convention Couture .,,,,,,•...•..,,: .•:•.•:.....•:,..:...•.•:•.•T;•',•- -.•- • -•••••.••• Available In July • -.,..-..•:•...•..•.:.-.-.:.• .. :.:•... • • ß ... < • ---• -.•; ...•; ..• ....•-•:. •'.. •..:•,'•'•..:•.:-,.:.-. A new expected"best seller"•, .......•--- :•:.•...• • -.• •:•/•' x::-•?'-'-•.•.•. ß • By Carol Lane the booklet "How To Deal With .--:. Women'sTravel Authority Mental I-Iealth Problems" will be .:.?.-•....•.... ::• available free to New Jersey re- Pre-Vacation Checkup sidents next month as the featur- ...•.-.: ......•:-.. •. -::• A vacation should be a time when ed item in the Better Mental everything goes right--and that in- Health Promotion of the Nati. onal -. ....-.-:•:•.•.:.:•.•.' ..... • '•.•-: .• ß:.• .... eludes the family car. To make sure you sp.endyour time sightseeing,and .Advertising Council and the Na- tional Association for Mental ' • :..:.>: .:••.: ::<.•.?.> .• not standing around a repair .'shop, '•..;•• .:•.• •,-• ..• -. have these points checked' Health. '-::•..:• •-.:• .• ? Bernard G. Goldstein, presi- .!.'-:.-.. ":••'•:•:•--•'::':'•-.•.• -:: dent of the New Jersey Associa- tion for Mental Health, announc- ed today that the new bo,oklet re- places "How To Deal With Your Tensions", which drew 1,500,000 '•. -• requests nationwide in three , years. The "Tensions" booklet contin- ues to be avail.able free upon re- quest but will not receive nation- wide promutt. on donated through the Advertising Council, he ex- plained. This booklet is sti-ll the ßthe battery-- rechargeif necessary; most popular of the more than the exhaust system--make sure 140 educational publications dis- there are no leaks; - tributed by the New Jersey As.so- the .engine thermostats--assure correct cooling; ciation and its 117 County Chap- all lights and blinker signals; ters. brakes, clutch, steering mecha- "How to Deal With Mental nism; the shock absorbers--replace if Problems" tells how to' handle necessary; the mental problems of the dis- the wheel alignment and balance; turbed, maladjusted, troubled all the tires--cross-s•itch them (including the spar ) if it's time; people one meets in everyday life. the engine--minor tune-up' for The major theme Stresses that Nancy Hansehman, lirst .woman to become a CBS News Cur- economy, good operation, and trouble.d people need sympathetic insurance against trouble en respondent, models one of the trotfits you'll be seeing her in on route. understanding and help. Sugges- lhe political convention broadcasts on the CBS Television Net- All these things can be done ßtions- a series of do's and don'ts work. It's a three-piece Dior copy, gray-on-gray, in cool French promptly by your Shell dealer, who are given on ways in which silk. Miss Hansehman explains that with jacket on, the outfit is can also give the car a thorough right for the convention halls. With jacket off, she is ready to lubrication, washing and waxing. the readers can give helpful un- cover one of the more formal evening parties of political notables. This pre-vacation checkup will derstanding and other .assistance to troubled persons. •Yedividendstrip. Drivein carefullya happy, andtrouble- have fun. This new booklet also includes a list of suggested addi,tional lit- erature and a list .of State Mental JERSEY FACTS Health Associations. The City of T•ent.on was found- Single copies of the bo.oklet ed in 1679 by M•hlon Stacy, a can be requested from any Coun- Yorkshire Quacker, who. erected ty Mental Health Association i'n a grist. mill on the Assunpink the state or by sending a post- Creek. In 1714 .Col. William Trent card reques.t to "Mental Care of purchased 800 ac•es of land from Postmaster" Stacy's son and developed the city that was eventually named Trenton. Temper and careful driving rarely are seen together. Safety officials .say you shouldn't drive Temp'erance Wick, daughter of when'you're angry. They suggest • Colo,nial Cavalry officer, .hid that, if you're emotionall• upset, her horSe.in her bedroom to save you should pull. off the road, it from the British troops during park your car and take a short the American Revolutionary War. walk. Such a walk could be the The Wick I-Iouge, built in 1746, is most healthful you've ever taken. The New Jersey State Tree is the red .oak. Common in our Recreati.0g.al facilities offered w•odland, this stately .tree reach- at Ne•..Jers•,¾'s
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