IHK SAINT PAUL GLOBE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1893. a Mr. Kelly had secured a couple of sacks of Kinky I both kept close to the house today, feed at one of the mills. He placed reading- MINNEAPOLIS T(_E sacks in the carriage and drove back toward JOE JUST the papers, giving some at- HAD PIPES LAID:the tracks on Lis way home. The tcp of ths GALLED tention to his heavy mail and receiv- OPFICE 2» SOUTH FOURTH STREET. carriage was up and he could not see tlie ing a number of callers. Among the Itracks very well, to he depended entirely on latter were Hon. John H. King, a prom- Ithe flagman for guidance. The switch engine inent attorney of South Dakota, SO THE BIDS OF HOSE JIAMFAC- running at random through the yards, FORAKER AND HAXXA. who, TRIED :was ACCORDING being en MINNEAPOLIS GLOBULES. flag- route home from Washing- TIRERS WERE AI.L, THROWN j and its uncart* n movements le.eived the TO THE SENATOR, ten, stopped man, who believed it would delay passing DISCUSSED over to pay his respects young OUT. Mr. Kel y THE' to the president-elect, and Dr A man reported to Officer Parcher of the classing long enough to allow WEATHER. Kinley, A. Mc- MAI^EME the North side station that he had been held to pass. He therefore motioned frantically a business man of Detroit. \t up by two masked men and robbed of two j for tie driver to come on. Mr. Kelly sup- noon there was an informal lunch, at cents. i posed that there was plenty of time, and which a number of relatives Joined the Rev. A. K. llarsha has resigned as pastor : whipped up the horse. He would have got family. Celery Compound of Paine , .lightly s of Highland Park church, HINTS OF A BIG COMBINE safely acros. the track in advance NO The Presbyterian with Was bore down upon -WHATSOEVER. which he had been assoc'.ated since 18S8. Mr. the engine, which suddenly POLITIC Texas Official. Hatsha will preach his farewell sermon to- him, had not the horse slipped and fallen. Kelly had just time and no more to realize AUSTIN, Tex.. Nov. 27.-The morrow. cast t vote of Texas E. O. Curtis, THE REASON WHY THERE WAS j his peril and get out of danger. With the "FIRE ALARM" STATESMAN DOUBTS a the November election for presiden- as assignee of the Colum- engine almost upon him he relinquished his tial candidates was as follows: Succeeded, bia Manufacturing company, Bryan and Only Sash and Door SItil A UNANIMITY IN THE mighty bound IF SHERMAN I.AS BEEN OF- Sewall, 288,323; One gave That has Ihold on the reins and one McKinley and Hobart, 162.306; filed the account Jt Peterson & Kollimer FK-IRES. out of carriage a»d away from the engine. FERED A.VYTHItfG Bryan and Watson, 79,965; Levering for legal services in connection with the the animal, ' Johnson, 5,030. and estate, amounting $765. IThen tie engine struck the prostrate « to ) and horse and buggy rolled oyer and over for Pcarlet Smith, the negro who was arrested could Thursday charged with | several yards before the engineer stop. GEN. COPPINGER REPORTS. being responsible for ; The horce wai and mangled, and died the death of Mary McDonald, was released Cl'T IN" COST OP STREET LIGHTS. torn NOTHING IN ALL THE ROMANCES. custody ycsteiday shortly after the accident. The buggy was Jackson Expedition from afternoon, there being gene beyond recall. Hole Reviewed no complaint sworn out aga'nst him. hy There came very' near being a repltitlon of the Department Commander. Jane If. Looney, fifty-two years of age, the accident shortly afterward when a horse Is suing for a divorce from her husband, Electric Company Puts in a Re- attached to a light buggy and driven by a Joseph B. UnwillingEven to Promise WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.— The report Corydon Looney, who lacks but three yasurs — of Brig. duced Bid General News of man whose name could not be learned caught Mark His Indorsement (or the Gen. Coppinger, commander of of three score and ten. They were nmrriel ! his foot in a frog of the tracks and was held the department of the Platte in St. Paul in 18S7, and he deserted her three Minneapolis, out-going train. Luckily headquarters years ago. fast in front of an Senate. with at Omaha the train was not moving very rapidly and .made public William Moses, shortly before here today, briefly of Butte, Mont., reported to the engineer managed to stop reviews the expe- the police Ed Colliton, this city, had the buggy was reached. Jackson Hole that dition and appends report 6tok-ii a ticket from his grip. The police city Mr. Kelly states that the flagman was clear- CLEVELAND, 0., the full of hunted Colliton up and returned the ticket, The council wrestled with the ly to blame, and threatens to bring FUit Nov. 27.—Sen- Maj. Chaffee, who commanded the ex- although he claimed that he was holding it as hose proposition last night, and after !against the railroad company to reimburse ator-elect Joseph B. Foraker came to pedition. He adds: "The troops of security lor $6 which Moses owed him. turning down the unanimous report of him for his loss. Cleveland today on legal business and j this department are well located in re- The funeral of little Mabel Walker and Mary the committee on fire department and on spect of any service that may be re- Overland, who died from the PEKLETT SMITH FREE. called Chairman Hanna at the lat- I quired them, effects of burns several other propositions voted, They of either within or with- caused by a lamp explosion, took p!a?e yes- with ter's office. were closetod f. r a out the department. terday afternoon from the twenty-five votes none an J All except the Church of Christ. affirmative and Jury Decides That Mary McDonald's little over half hour. Afterward Mr. garrison of Fort Washakie are at posts - The mother is at Asbury hospital, slowly re- in the negative, to reject an covering from her wounds. all bids and Death Was Xatnral. Foraker said to Associated Press I within ready access to one or more readvertise. 'lines railway." Frank Schultz and John Lynch, the two | representative: "Imerely oallil on Mr. j of gen- An official inquiry into the manner in which j Coppinger garrison men who were caught in the a?t of passing a For some time there has been a Mary McDonald, whose body was found Hanna to pay my respects and willtun Gen. recommends \u25a0tolen iheck for $2,HG on the Hub clothing . eral suspicion that there was a com- of 204 Twelfth courts of larger power. Another sug- store, were arraigned the i Thursday morning in the rear down to Canton tomorrow morning to gestion as "A in municipal court among m>.;.. They avenue south, came to her death, was con- is follows: special ser- yesterday morning and held on $2,000 bonds bine the fire hose I call on Maj. McKinley. My vifcit has ! vice as have together ducted yesterday at te county morgus. The corps, separate and distinct each to await examinat'on on Dec. 11. been suspiciously .li.se jury's had been due no political significance whatever." from the force bids, i verdict was that death combatant as the hos- The clerk of courts hat completed his civil on their and all sorts of unpleas- ! to natural causes, the technical language used "During your talk with Mr. Hanna ; pital corps, and chiefly made up of dis- calendar, which is the smallest and least im- accompanied ;in reaching this conclusion being that death ciplined ex-soldiers, perform- years ant talk has the semi- was the senatorial j for the portant for six back, showing a great ihad been induced by granular degeneration ! situation men- lessening in litigation. There are annual letting of contracts for this ne- tioned?" was asked. ance of what is known as "extra duty," about 600 :of the kidneys, accelerated by exposure. j would be a great to the case? to he placed upon the printed calendars, cessity of the fire department. A few Perlett Smith, colored, who was arrested "No, sir," replied Senator boon army. which will be ready for distribution Tuesday 1 Foraker. I Not only would it stop the drain from days ago the committee on fire depart- soon after the discovery of the body on sus- was not, except that we next. The grand jury will meet on that day, ;picion of having been instrumental In effect- "It did speak the fighting units and abolish to a and will dispose of a very small calendar of ment held a meeting and attempted to ing the woman's death, no longer has a of the newspaper stories. But there is great the criminal extent difference between rases from the municipal court. award the contracts. The committee serious charge hanging over him and was nothing in them, nothing at all." their paper and actual strength— in A water main sprung a leak yesterday morn- got together again yesterday afternoon released from custody. war a fruitful source of and ing on Hennepin avenue, opposite the West "Do you think SenaTor Sherman — confusion and after having caucused on mat- disaster but it would open up to the hotel. The water found its way to the sur- the FORGERY IS THE would accept the state portfolio?" was face through the interstices between the ter for some they in open ses- CHARGE.
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