“ “• -i I' * • " “' MM^WQvmm flanritrotor Ettraing S m li AVKRAQB OAILV COUXnLATIOM for the Moath of Waptemhii, I N I W B A T m w Tba Maocbeotor Qlrl Scout Drum General W elfare CTub No. I wui Tbs Cosmopolitan olub members Mrs. Walter Walsh o t 3SS center Sunset Clrcls or post grands Fbneeel •( O. S. Woatkte Bn and Buale Corpo will rooet tonight hold their regular bualnees mevting have tbs privilege of Inviting guests ABOUT TOWN at tbo State armory for a practice street won the permanent wave, Sunset Rebekah lodge win B aettw d tomorrow evening at the usual to attend the meeting tomorrow given as a door prtos by Mrs. Mary 5,967 aaaolon under Ralph Von Deck In Monday evening, October 2S, with ^ WtUtam P. QuMt, Jr., wko to oon- hour at tba Kast Side Kecreauon afternoon at Center church bouse, Seastr^d for the card party o f Sun­ Mtos Bvallne Penttond a t 32 Foster • f th preparation for the Armiatlce Day parlor. It to desired that a good at­ which to to be addressed by Captain V n t M S iBla taalgkt aa« WlMd At th« U «iB ori«l boaptUl w m set Rebekah lodge. Elrst prises in street. ef Cbaidatloaa ponuto. Mtaa Pbyllaa Barrett will tendance will be noted as an an­ Alexander Hunter of SpringSeld, ariayi eoMer Satai^. M fortod hxtoy to bo moUng (ood again ho tbo corpo' major tbia year. setbsck were won by Mrs. Mabel torogrooo toward rocovary. nouncement of a change of meeting Mass., whose subject will be "The MANCHESTER — A O T Y OF VILLAGE CHARM Sver-Cbanglng Scene." Boughton and Alonso Foreman; sso- Mrs. Jane Campbdl Tyler a t 43fi place wlU be acted upon. ond prise, Mrs. fflien Anderson, in Etost Middle Turnpike h u returoad yO L. LVHa NO. 19 (Oaosifled Advarttoiag aa Fags 18) n ia carrier pigeon that waa found progreasive bridge. Mr. and Mrs. home after spending the past MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 There waa no saaslon of tba Town (EIGHTEEN PAGES) m mk dead on the lawn at the homo of The Srst Institute meeting of the Robert M. Alexander of Kensington months at her cottage at Sound PRICE THREE CENTS P * Servle* I Q«aHty court last night. Tbers wera no SHOE REPAIRING SEE Uiaa Nellie Uolllater, Marble atreei. Nutmeg Trail will bo held at the won first honors, and Mtos Dorothy ^View. ____ yoaterday, could not be Idea titled caaea to be tried and for the second Hockanum Methodist cburch tomor­ Russell of Winter street, second. A check waa nukde by local Pigeon Ume alnce night seaslons have been row evening at 6;30 and members Mrs. Sesstrsnd also donated all the Group No. 1 of the Young People's SAM YU LYE S Club membera but the numbera on held by tbe present court official^ of the Hlpworth Leagues are urged Trapped Man Directs Own Rescue aWNB UBPAW SBBVKV ploying prises, which were cos­ society of the Swedish Congrega­ tbo leg banda the pigeon wore were they have bad no call to come to to attend. metics. * tional church, will hold a packa^ ASTURIANS TRAPPED M l Mala Stioot not Hated, court for a regular aesalon. sale at tbs church on Spruce street Rev. W. D. Woodward and Rev. tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Deaplta the storm, committee Tbe Orange Social Club will hold FIERCEST SINGLE FIGHT William T. Wallace returned last heads braved tbe elements last eve* night after attending the annual another setback sitting at tbs club tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Winners IN ‘POCKET’ WEST OF ning to report progress on the vari- preaching conference In Boston, ouB pbaaes of SL Bridget's Husk­ sponsored by the School of Theology will be awarded prises and there Today the Oahlag laduatry to oeatored around Boatun, and will also be a door prise. HlO toigiad and Aaeat oatohea are landed at that point. When ing Bee. The event will bo held on for New England ministers. Dr oUBtooaerm buy Hneburat Hah they, are aaaured of the Haeat Nov. 5 at the HoUlater street audi­ Earl Story of the South Methodist OF THE SHANGHAI WAR torium. The report of ticket sales cburch attended several of the MAXNOWSCH GUON, REBS REPORT traah Hah oo the uarhoti attractively priced, loo. Inotude with your order Blneburat geaulne tartar Hauce l3o and ‘ttlc jarf gave advance assurance pf a wel; meetinga. AND SONS Oyater Ckichtall Sauce $«c, Oyater Crachera, Pilot or Sea Toaat attended alTalr. Orackana A meeting of the Tall Cedans of A gen t For New Floors Laid Gen. Franco Announces GO,* MERCHANTS STAGE A fter devoting more than thre» • Lebanon will be held tomorrow eve­ WHOLE H.\DOOCK, 3 1-2 to ^ lbs. httfore trimming, ning at 7:30 at the Masonic Tem Sanded and Finished CIGAR B AR RAG E NOW IN PROGRESS houro last night to discussion o f ; x~- ■ --- ' . POLLOi'R OK BOSTON BLUE in the piece | O A _ wage Increases for employees of the i pie. It to Important that oil mem Also Old Floors Sanded bers be preeenL OPPERS 000 Troops Snrrendered any w eigh t, lb..................................................... JL m ^ C highway, garbage collection and wa- ■ — ReBnished. , ■ Puff Great Clouds of Smoke in SUced Boston Blue, Ih............................... ........... t.5c tor and sewer departments lUHl to' Store When Owner Refuses Chinese Throw Heafy Ren- consideration of plans for purchas- I Phone 6728 When City Capitdated; In to Close On Thursdays. RUSSIA ALONE H U U SEES HOPE ing J20,U<H> of new equipment for 1 Steak Cod BUTTER KUSH, lb. 19c. OKE 92 East Middle Turnpike Sole KiUets Smoked Fillets of Haddock. the highway department, the high- i Men's - Women's - Children's Full Control Of Seaport (Jonnersvllle, Ind., Oct. 22.— forcements Into Taznng Fresh Halibut Red Perch Fillets, lb, 2.5c. way sub-cummittee of the Board o f ' HAIR CUTS - 25c. a (A P )—When H. W. Ingram re­ MAY DISAGREE LAWFULNESS Selectmen took no flnul action and fused to close his grocery on S Barbers — .No Waiting! Sector And AdTinra Center Slices F.\NCY SWORDFISH, lb.................... 19c arranged to meet again tonight in ' Thursday afternoons, rival the Municipal building. j Hendaye, Fronco-Spantoh Fron­ ..........■.! Opened Chowder, p in t................ .35c C U LO TTA’S $19.50 storekeepers came Into his tier, Oct. 22.— (A P )—Two forces of ON S P ^ DEAL OFMOHWAR B.AHBKB SHOP — s f Uak Street X ^^PER TON place, bought black cigars and Along 5 Different Routes; CLAMS I ^hell Chowder, 2 nb*................. 35c The membership committee of the ! ^ ^ C .A S H insurgents, seeking to wipe out the stood around puffing huge •North Methodist church will meet ' STE.AMl.NG CL.VMS, 2 q ta ........ 35c Delivered. FUNERAL tost government resistance In clouds of smoke. tonight at 7:30 at the parsonage to The other grocery operators I d Recaptured Five Villages. make tlnal plans for church mem­ Spain's northwest, marched today In Britam Accepts Itafian As­ Toronto University Ad­ OYSTERS OYSTERS Fancy had agreed to suspend business bership Sunday, to be observed a vise-like movement against As­ Stewing pint 3.5c Frying Scallops F on Thursday afternoons, but October 31. All members of the com- ' turian troops caught In a "pocket surances, Expects An In­ 1-2 ^nt 19c Pint 18c Pint 39c west of fallen Oljon. Ingram Insisted be was not a dress As He Gets Degree Shanghai, Oct. 22.— (A P )— mittee are urged to attend. j L.T. Wood Co. party to the agreement. 31 BlaaeU SL Insurgent headquarters said one Determined to save Tazang st Detleleua teuder, all-white booetoaa TeL U M Barely able to see through Young People of the Concordia' force waa driving west from Gljon surgent Victory; No War Secretary Asserts Law­ all coats and prevent their . and another norteeaat from Pravia the dense smoke, Ingram stum­ H A D IX K 'K FILLETS, lb. .......... 24c Lutheran church will bowl at the Chapel supply lines being cut. Y .M.C A. alleys tomorrow evening against the disordered Asturians bled over to the telephone and at 8 o'clock. , near Aviles. Aviles lies about 12 asked police aid. ' For Her Says Chamberlain less Always h Minority. the Chinese tonight threw BE.AR WHEEL miles west of Gljon and Pravia 10 Officers who came to In­ AUtl.NMB.NT heavy reinf9rcements Into thst Annual Fall Sale on HEINZ SOUPS miles southwest of Aviles. graham's rescue told the 30 Order from ihto Hat— Safely Lane BLUE SPRUCE sector, where the longest «nd Communications were established members of the delegation to London, Oct. 22.— (A P )—The Toronto, (tonada, Oct. 22—(AP) Equlpwenl. between Insurgent bases at Pravia fiercest single battle of the Oaini at Taiaato Cream of Mnahroom SpeclallnMl GLASS SHOP blow their smoke somewhere Spanish neutrality tub-committee, — Oordell Hull, America's secretary and Gljon and the long beleaguered else. arm^’ taJ2*^helI^ « two-ton pier door. Frank J. Downes, electrician at a Boston Shanghai war waa In prog­ Cream of Calory CWlckea Noodle Brake Servlon m|>4 O n ter SL reassembling to enact plana for rid­ o f state, summoned the "outraged Chlchea Kloo Insurgent garrison at Oviedo, about ress. Cream of Oraen Poa F. E. BRAY 14 miles southwest o f Gljon. The ding warring Spain of foreign consdence o f mankind" today to set Vegotnbio Chapel is the native quarter Oraani of .kaparaguo Mock Turtle GIBSON’S GARAGF ANTIQUES Asturian siege of Oviedo waa re­ troopa, waa confronted today by the In motion forces designed to restore Jeweler I8fi Main SL Pbofie .1012 FAITH E.
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